Lord Harland

Chapter 116 Starlight Meditation Method

Including the more than 3,000 slaves purchased this time, the population of Harland Territory has reached nearly 25,000.

There is enough food, and the territory has not been destroyed by orcs.

The fertility rate has been very good in recent years, at a little over 5% every year.

But there are still many projects that Richard needs to build, and a population of 25,000 is still far from Richard's goal.

After arriving at Fort Sophia, Richard let the slaves rest for three days.

Then they got a haircut, took a shower, and changed into new clothes, then arranged these slaves to build a castle near the iron mine.

Sophia Castle is now basically completed.

The castle was a smaller undertaking than Fort William.

Including the 3,000 new slaves, the construction army in the territory has exceeded 5,000 people, accounting for almost one-half of the strong labor force building castles and roads.

After Tieshan Fort is completed, the construction tasks of the territory will gradually become easier.

The scale of Iron Mountain Castle is smaller, and the construction volume is less than half of Sophia Castle.

The repairs should be completed before winter this year.

After arranging the labor, Richard returned to Fort Sophia. He waited until night to close the curtains in the bedroom, then quietly recited the opening spell in standard Mandarin, and at the same time input his mental power into the bottle of starlight.

As the spell was finished, blue light bloomed on the bottle of starlight. Richard's mental power touched the bottle of starlight, like a blind man touching an elephant. He continued to input his mental power and wrapped the entire bottle of starlight.

Suddenly he felt a suction force coming from the bottle of starlight, trying to suck his spiritual power into a special space.

This suction is not particularly strong and Richard can cut it off at any time.

Although Richard did not understand the situation, at this critical moment, he did not hesitate and immediately let go of the control, allowing his mental power to be sucked into the bottle of starlight.

In an instant, Richard seemed to have arrived in a unique space.

The volume of the space is not particularly small. It is fifteen meters long, six meters wide and five meters high. It is a very regular rectangular parallelepiped. Volume: four hundred and fifty cubic meters.

Such large space equipment is relatively rare in the entire Chenxi Continent.

At least in the Grant Kingdom, Richard had never heard of such space equipment.

The 450 cubic meters of space is enough to carry 400 tons of grain.

Four hundred tons of food can feed a complete legion for ten days. With a little saving, it can last for half a month.

Such space equipment is of great help to an army.

A legion can be allowed to fight on the outside for more than ten days.

Ten days are enough to change the situation and determine the outcome of a battle.

Even for leading powers such as the Holy Radiance Empire and the Church of the Dawn Goddess, space equipment of this size can be considered a heavyweight treasure.

In the entire Dawn Continent, there are probably no more than ten pieces of magic equipment in such a large space.

There are very few things in the space, only a letter, a few books, and a necklace.

The letter was written in Chinese characters. Richard picked it up and read it.

The owner who discovered the bottle of starlight was named Shao Gongyuan. This man was born in 1920 and suddenly traveled to this world when he was eighteen years old.

When Shao Gongyuan came to Dawn Continent, it was still the era of wizard rule, and he didn't know how many years ago it was.

It is already the age of kingship, and it is May of the year 3257 in the Dawn Calendar.

Before the Age of Kings, there was the Age of Seven Gods, and before the Age of Seven Gods, there was the Age of Wizards.

Richard has also read some books that record anecdotes from the wizarding era. It is said that wizards are indigenous to this world, and the seven gods are foreign gods.

The Seven Gods are all gods of the multiverse. After coming to this world, they fought dimensional wars with the wizards for many years.

This battle lasted for thousands of years, and this period was the Age of the Seven Gods.

As for the age of wizards before the Age of Seven Gods, we don’t know how many years there were.

Of course, these rumors are all recorded in some cult Bibles.

The Harland family happened to have a Bible that killed the church, and Richard knew something about it.

After Shao Gongyuan came to this world, he carefully hid himself. His magic talent was very good, and he advanced to become a legendary wizard in less than fifty years.

It was only after he advanced to Legend that he discovered that his time travel was not an accident.

It turns out that the cosmic walls of the two universes collided, causing an energy channel to appear between the two universes at a special time point.

This energy channel cannot pass through material power, but the power of the soul can pass through it.

Shao Gongyuan carefully looked for companions from the earth and established a wizard organization, the Star Alliance.

This secret organization will only accept companions from Earth.

Although the Star Alliance is very secretive and does not develop any power, there are also strong people in the wizard organization in the Dawn Plane who are good at prophecy.

In particular, Molto, the wizard of destiny, who is as powerful as gods from many dimensions, discovered clues from the river of destiny, and began to capture Xinghui members, hoping to use the souls of Xinghui members to conduct experiments and enter different universes.

According to what Shao Gongyuan wrote in his letter, after Xinghui was exposed, there were only seventeen members in total.

Among them, there were only three from China. Most of them died at the hands of ancient wizards, and only two or three escaped from the Dawn Plane.

Shao Gongyuan speculated that there may not be less than tens of thousands of people from Earth who traveled through time.

Some of these people had ordinary experiences and eventually died of old age and illness, while some showed abnormal behavior and were experimented on by wizards.

After only ten years of investigation in an area, Shao Gongyuan discovered a traveler from China and saw the words carved by this person in Chinese characters.

Calculating the probability, there may be many earth travelers entering the Dawn Continent.

However, there are only seventeen people who have truly learned witchcraft and joined Xinghui, and less than half have entered legend.

The bottle of starlight is a legendary magic equipment made by Shao Gongyuan himself. He also pioneered the opening spell in this magic equipment.

After Xinghui was exposed, a powerful wizard personally took action to capture Shao Gongyuan.

Although Shao Gongyuan was very powerful, unfortunately he was unlucky and eventually died in the hands of this powerful wizard, and the bottle of starlight became a collection of the wizard.

It's a pity that the wizard doesn't understand Chinese and can't open the bottle of starlight, and he is reluctant to violently destroy this precious legendary equipment.

Just like this, I don't know how many years passed, and this thing happened to be in the hands of the old mage.

After decades of research, the old mage still found nothing, and was finally bought by Richard.

By chance, the bottle of starlight fell into the hands of a foreigner.

Among the several books left by Shao Gongyuan, one records the complete Starlight Meditation Method.

This Star Meditation Method has a total of seventeen levels, three levels at the apprentice level, nine levels at the professional level, and four levels at the legendary level. The last level was even deduced by Shao Gongyuan to the level of gods. After completing this step, it can bring about the perfection of life. Metamorphosis.

Master the power of rules and gain eternal life, just like a god.

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