Lord Harland

Chapter 107 Collapse

Because he sensed an unknown threat, Richard did not intend to continue releasing magic. He pulled out his two-handed heavy sword, ran a few steps quickly, and coordinated with Soros to attack the enemy.

When warriors fight against each other, they mainly rely on their strength attribute to win.

Whoever is stronger and faster will be the first to knock down the enemy in a life-and-death battle.

Of course, fighting skills and enchanted equipment can also play an immediate role in combat.

The enemy Soros is fighting is named Howard Lean.

The two of them even had similar origins. They were both the second sons of barons and had no territory to inherit.

Soros is the child of the palace lady, and Howard's status is even worse, as he is the illegitimate son of the Lean family.

Both of them were favored by their father, but when they became adults, they were also ostracized by their elder brothers who inherited the title. They established mercenary groups one after another, hoping to rely on the power of mercenaries to establish meritorious deeds and obtain the status of hereditary nobles.

It's a pity that Soros's choice was to rely on the mercenary group to kill the orcs to achieve meritorious service.

And Howard took refuge with Lady Holland, King Charles' favorite concubine.

If Prince Felix can inherit the throne and has the support of the king, there will be no shortage of opportunities to make meritorious deeds. It will be easy to become a hereditary noble.

If you have strong ability, seize the opportunity well, and have a deep family background, with the support of the king, you can even become a hereditary earl, and become an important member of this country like Earl Martins.

Although a big man's success depends on his own efforts, it also depends on opportunities and fate.

What status were you born into? Where were you born and raised? Who are you in contact with? It determines the fate of most people.

If he really becomes a hereditary earl, the Lean family will be proud of Howard.

From the battle just now, Howard already knew that Richard was a magician and a martial artist. He also guessed somewhat about Simon Wimble's secret plan.

Although Simon Wimble is their commander and both of them are illegitimate children, Howard despises this man very much.

Howard has a rough and cheerful personality, while Simon is cruel and gloomy.

Besides, Simon deliberately letting Howard's brother consume Richard's mental energy would be too shady.

If the hope of becoming a hereditary noble hadn't hung on him, Howard might have turned against him and joined forces with Richard to besiege Simon.

Now the mercenaries under Howard are still under the command of Simon, and he is willing to consume Richard's mental power for the sake of the overall situation.

According to his estimate, Richard used two powerful magics and consumed seven points of mental power.

Judging from Richard's age, he is at best a three-ring magician.

The average three-ring magician only has fourteen points of mental strength. If Richard uses another magic, Simon will probably kill someone.

Once Richard dies, the soldiers' will to fight will weaken a lot.

Once the military morale fails and collapses, it will immediately be slaughtered.

Howard has participated in many battles and knows very well that the casualties of the army are usually the highest when they retreat. Both armies wear iron armor in front of the formation, so it is difficult to kill people.

Richard came over with a two-handed heavy sword and struck a fierce blow with Howard.

The weapons on both sides were enchanted weapons, weighing dozens of kilograms. The weapons in the hands of ordinary soldiers will not exceed ten kilograms.

The weapon is too heavy and cannot be used on the battlefield.

The two weapons hit each other like thunder. He couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Howard fought against Richard, but he didn't gain the upper hand.

Normally, the strength of a fifth-level warrior is about 14 points. Howard's talent is better than that of ordinary people. After being promoted to the fifth level, Richard estimates that his strength is already 16 points. Even if such a person does not practice breathing techniques, he is still a person with great natural strength. .

But Richard and William's father and son were more talented. They were both born strong men, with four times the strength of ordinary people.

Although Richard is only at level 4, he has surpassed his uncle Thoros in terms of strength. Although he is slightly worse than Howard, the gap is already very small.

Howard, like Soros, both practice family breathing techniques.

The family breathing methods of baron nobles basically come from the founder of the family.

If you want to be promoted to baron, you must have military merit. It is standard to be a captain in the army. Most of the professional levels of the first-generation barons were above level five.

Even though Richard is a lower-level warrior, he is also a master of both magic and martial arts. Because of his outstanding talent, the physical attributes of a fourth-level warrior are enough to compete with fifth- and sixth-level warriors.

Richard also used a trick to become a hereditary baron. He used the heavy trebuchet blueprint to obtain three major merits. His father William and his wife Sophia also combined their own merits for him.

Before the first baron died, he often handed over the breathing techniques he practiced to his descendants.

This kind of breathing method can be practiced to a high level. The breathing method treasured by Howard's Lean family can be practiced to the seventh level.

The breathing method of the Dak family where Soros belongs can even be practiced to the eighth level.

The Silver Wolf Breathing Technique that Richard collected from the Stoppa family is considered a relatively poor one and can only be practiced to the fifth level.

The reason is also very simple. The first Baron Stoppa was only a sixth-level warrior. He only accumulated enough merits to become a hereditary noble when he was seventy-eight years old.

The silently written copies of the Breathing Technique were all damaged, and future generations could only be promoted to the fifth level.

Richard and Soros joined forces, and Howard's pressure suddenly increased.

The two sides fought for several minutes, with the two armies getting closer and closer.

The sound of military drums and horns sounded, the soldiers raised their spears, and the distance got closer and closer.

Because the five Richards used long-distance enchanted bows and killed more than fifty mercenaries, the morale of the mercenaries was even lower.

After the two sides got closer, they fired a lot of arrows and both lost some people.

Before the battle, Norman had asked the civilians to drive the carriage and hide in the rear. A dozen iron horned horses had been trained by humans for many years and could already serve as mounts.

Norman selected a dozen veterans from the Sixth Squadron and prepared them to ride iron horned horses as cavalry.

Ordinary people in northern Xinjiang can ride horses.

Although it was the first time to ride a Warcraft mount and it was not possible to exert the full power of the Warcraft horse, the impact of the Warcraft horse was still far greater than that of the infantry.

The person commanding this cavalry was none other than his uncle Thoros' son Kent.

Although there were more than 260 mercenaries, they could not break the 130-person military formation of the Sixth Squadron.

Once the two sides are in a stalemate.

The mercenaries of the royal capital had never fought hard and could not stop the private army of northern Xinjiang nobles.

Seeing that the mercenaries' position had become loose, Kent sensed that the fighter plane had arrived, and immediately led the cavalry around to rush into the formation.

Seeing the Warcraft horses rushing over, they all used the horns on their heads to launch energy missiles.

More than a dozen missiles were fired at them, killing and wounding more than thirty mercenaries in one fell swoop.

Such a cruel scene instantly defeated the mercenaries' will to fight, and they immediately dispersed like driven ducks.

The mercenaries were defeated and dispersed, and the rest was very simple. The veterans cooperated with the professionals to deal with the top mercenaries.

The new soldiers and civilian husbands chased the defeated soldiers, captured prisoners, and collected trophies.

Kent, with his knights, was responsible for holding down the formation and defeating the enemies who dared to resist.

Simon Wimble, who was hiding in the dark, never showed up.

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