Lord Harland

Chapter 103 Trade

Richard's journey to the Dukedom of Jonathan went smoothly.

From the Harland Territory to the Jonathan Territory, the straight-line distance is about 200 kilometers.

However, there is no direct road connecting the two territories, and many areas in between are barren mountains.

Fortunately, we can take the water route, go south through the Powell River and enter the Black River. We can sail down the Black River for 220 kilometers and disembark at the ferry at the border of Lahe Province.

Although it takes a lot of detours, it can be transported by river, saving 70% of the distance.

Richard and others took the boat for four days and walked more than 300 kilometers. After disembarking from the ferry at the border of Lach Province, they arrived at the border of the Dukedom of Jonathan.

After entering the border of Duke Jonathan, Richard took his noble seal and passed the inspection at the border post. After paying the tax to the Duke, he could pass through the customs clearance documents freely in Jonathan's territory.

Entering the Dukedom of Jonathan, there is still a hundred kilometers away from the capital, East Castle.

After more than a hundred years of operation, successive generations of Jonathan family members fought bravely, and the territory has become very prosperous.

The entire Dukedom of Jonathan covers an area of ​​120,000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to a relatively small province in Richard's previous life.

The population of the territory is also relatively large, probably more than 2 million people.

The Jonathan family has three legions under its command, with more than 80,000 soldiers and very well-equipped equipment, as well as a group of mages to help out.

In the entire Grant Kingdom, apart from the royal family, the Jonathan family is the most powerful.

Eastburg is the capital of Jonathan's territory. There are 100,000 people living in the city, and the population for dozens of kilometers nearby is very prosperous, adding up to more than 600,000 people.

It looks more prosperous than densely populated big cities like Black River Fort and Wright Fort.

Richard's caravan carried more than twenty tons of goods, especially three hundred jars of liquor, each jar weighed sixty kilograms, which added up to eighteen tons.

In addition, there are two tons of iron arrowheads, hundreds of kilograms of brown sugar, thousands of kilograms of honey, and more than ten kilograms of royal jelly.

With more than 150 soldiers, more than 100 civilians, and heavy packages, each person's average load is close to 150 kilograms.

Fortunately, there are many strong men in Dawn Continent, such as Richard and his uncle Soros, who can carry items weighing one ton.

Even on a long march, it is very easy to carry a thousand kilograms of cargo.

Five or six professionals can carry two tons of iron arrows.

Moreover, for this transportation, Richard also used the iron wilde horse to be responsible for the transportation.

A magical beast like the Iron Wild Horse can easily carry a thousand kilograms of supplies.

Although it carried heavy cargo and traveled a hundred kilometers, the caravan only traveled two and a half days. By the afternoon, it arrived near East Castle.

Richard handed the customs clearance documents to the city defense army. After checking the goods, everyone found a large hotel outside the castle and stayed in the hotel.

Through the hotel owner, Richard found out about the largest chamber of commerce in East Castle called the Serra Chamber of Commerce.

This chamber of commerce has a very strong background and can communicate with the upper echelons of Duke Jonathan.

Richard brought the caravan to Jonathan for trade, not for retail, so he decided to wholesale the goods to the Serra Chamber of Commerce and purchase salt from the Serra Chamber of Commerce to bring back to the family territory.

Because they carried a large quantity and high value of goods, they arrived at the Serra Chamber of Commerce not long ago and alerted the owner of the Chamber of Commerce, Serena Serra.

Serena Serra is the sister of Lady Serra and the wife of Baron de Rossi. However, according to public rumors in East Castle, he was also the lover of Duke Jonathan and even gave birth to an illegitimate son for the Duke.

Duke Jonathan already has two wives, the first of which was a consanguineous marriage. The Duke married his aunt and gave birth to four children in succession. Unfortunately, they were all fools and disabled people.

The continuous blows drove the duchess crazy.

Eventually the first duchess was sent to a royal church convent.

Mrs. Sera is the second wife of Duke Jonathan. The Sera family is also a hereditary vassal of the Jonathan family. There are also some dragon knights in the family.

After Mrs. Sera got married, she gave birth to six children. The eldest son is thirty-two years old and has been designated as the heir by the Duke.

The Serra Chamber of Commerce has been established for more than ten years. It not only has business in the Duke of Jonathan, but has also extended its tentacles to other parts of the Grant Kingdom. Even the royal capital of Nolan is also represented by the Serra Chamber of Commerce.

The shopping mall is like a battlefield. To do big business for a long time, you must be honest.

Only when the benefits are very great can a behemoth like the Sierra Chamber of Commerce abandon integrity.

Although the goods that Richard brought were valuable, it was impossible for the Serra Chamber of Commerce to commit murder and swindle goods.

The people at the Sierra Chamber of Commerce were very smart and capable, and they quickly counted the goods.

Although they had never seen some of the goods that Richard brought, such as white wine and brown sugar, they immediately informed Serena after tasting them and decided to eat the goods.

Because the freight is not small, the price of liquor reaches five copper coins per kilogram.

Jonathan's territory also produces red wine, and the price of local red wine is one silver coin per kilogram.

Such a price is very unfriendly to the people, and almost only high-ranking military officers, nobles, and wealthy businessmen drink it regularly.

Even if the Serra Chamber of Commerce raises the retail price to seven copper coins per kilogram, it is still several times cheaper than red wine.

In the Dawn Plane, red wine is a luxury product, while high-quality white wine is a necessity to a certain extent.

Liquor is the largest in size and heaviest in weight, and its selling price adds up to about 250 gold coins.

A two-ton iron arrowhead can be transported by a carriage, but it can be sold for a high price of three hundred gold coins.

The price of brown sugar is also good, the same as honey, one silver coin per kilogram.

Two hundred pounds of brown sugar were sold for eight gold coins and four silver coins.

The quantity of honey was much greater than that of brown sugar, totaling 1,600 kilograms. The total sold was sixty-six gold coins and eight silver coins.

The two items combined were sold for a total of seventy-five gold coins.

The last royal jelly was the most expensive, it was already considered a magic item. It cost ten gold coins per kilogram, so the total was less than twenty kilograms, and I exchanged it for ninety-two gold coins.

In the end, this batch of goods was sold for a high price of 717 gold coins, and Richard planned to use part of this money to buy salt. The remaining gold coins are intended to be used to buy some goods that are in short supply in the Principality of Jonathan.

Duke Jonathan owns a salt mine with a very large output.

Local salt is also cheap, with one copper coin buying half a kilogram. Converted into gold coins, one hundred and eighty kilograms can be purchased.

In Geda Province, in recent years, one kilogram of salt can be purchased for twelve copper coins.

The price of salt is six times that of the Dukedom of Jonathan.

This year, the price will increase by 60%. One kilogram of salt will cost 19 copper coins, which is nine times higher than that of Duke Jonathan.

From this we can see how ruthlessly the Holland family exploited table salt?

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