Jing Lao’s strength obviously exceeded the expectations of the Black Dragon Bracelet.

But he is not an ordinary semi-sacred object.

And isn’t there a broken Huatianmen?

Inside the Huatian Gate, the void was constantly vibrating and roaring.

Fang Xiong also sensed that the situation was not good, so he activated Hua Tianmen and cooperated with the black dragon bracelet to attack Jing Lao.

With two semi-holy objects joining forces, even Mr. Jing did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

What’s more, he also wanted to ensure that Li Yuan would not be killed by Yu Wei.

The real Holy Demon Emperor looked at Fang Xiong who was motionless, and then looked at the incarnation of Li Yuan who was suppressed and unable to move, and his scalp was numb.

Apparently a terrible battle broke out outside, beyond the realms of gods and humans.

He also heard the previous conversation between the two, and he couldn’t help but feel fear in his heart, fearing that he would be silenced.

How did he get involved in this existential struggle?

Even though he was a peak Daluo, neither Fang Xiong nor Taihuang Supreme could be provoked by him.

Especially this Supreme Being, even if there is only a trace of regret left, he is still the Supreme Being.

He is extremely resentful, why can’t someone else pretend to be him?

He was actually shot while lying down.

The Holy Demon Emperor silently moved away from the two of them, just wanting to see who would have the last laugh.

Fang Xiong, on the other hand, was focused on the battle outside and had no time to take care of him.

However, at this moment, Li Yuan’s incarnation body was in the void space of the main mind.

A ray of green light suddenly broke through the void, instantly piercing the black dragon’s seal and flooding the sedan chair where Fang Xiong was sitting.

This attack was extremely terrifying, far beyond that of heavenly beings, without any hesitation.

Li Yuan knew that Fang Xiong was a descendant of the Supreme, and he didn’t know what means he had to save his life, so naturally he didn’t dare to hold back.

Fang Xiong never expected that the incarnation that had been suppressed by the black dragon could burst out with such terrifying power.

He had no time to react, let alone use the power of Huatianmen to resist.

Both the sedan and the bearers have the power of Da Luo.

And on Fang Xiong’s chest, there was a powerful life-saving jade talisman.

But even so, they still couldn’t stop the Shanhaiyin that exploded with all its strength.

The terrifying green light directly penetrated the sedan’s defense and shattered the life-saving jade talisman.

Green light flooded the area, almost tearing the void apart.

Without any surprise, all three of them, including the nine-tailed fox and the cold girl, were wiped out in ashes.

Even their Tao seeds were shattered in an instant, and none of the three were Da Luo. They had not yet become true to the Tao, so there was no chance of resurrection.

Although the bearer was revived instantly, he fell into a sluggish state for a while because his masters were all dead.

As the Tao seed was destroyed, two true spirits appeared, and they were in a trance, and they didn’t know what happened for a while.

As for the young man Fang Xiong, he was not his real body, and it seemed that he was just a clone who died.

He could still have so many life-saving means if he wasn’t his true form. He was worthy of being a direct descendant of the supreme power.

He still didn’t know that Fang Xiong had sold the strongest life-saving method passed down from his ancestors in order to obtain the eight-sided crystal.

Otherwise, even if Mr. Jing comes forward, life or death may be uncertain.

And with Fang Xiong’s death, a bunch of broken treasures were scattered around him.

The worst of these things are of the peerless level, otherwise they will be directly destroyed by the green light of the Mountain and Sea Seal.

Li Yuan’s avatar moved and directly packed up the debris.

Among them, there are half a picture scroll, an even more broken pipa, the eight-sided crystal that is the finale of the auction, and some broken things with no origin.

As for the broken sedan chair and the four bearers, they were naturally not spared either.

Next to them, the real spirits of the vixen and the cold girl were so stunned that they even forgot to escape.

They couldn’t believe it. In just the blink of an eye, they were completely cold.

“You, you, you…you still have a semi-sacred object?”

The shadow of the cold girl was full of fear and despair. She didn’t expect to fall so easily.

“Hmph! As a supreme being, is it strange that I have a semi-holy object?”

Li Yuan spoke calmly and decided to put this huge blame on Huang Shen.

He didn’t bother to talk nonsense with these two women and directly took away their true spirits with the eternal fragrance.

Some information about Fang Xiong still needs to be learned from the mouths of these two women.

After doing all this, he looked at the stunned Holy Demon in the distance.

The Holy Demon Emperor was originally a lawless lord, but at this time, he was frightened to the point of despair by Li Yuan’s look.

Because he could see that the eyes of Taihuang Supreme seemed to be full of indifference.

In front of such an existence, even though he has stood at the pinnacle of heaven and humanity, he is still just an ant.

The Holy Demon did not beg for mercy because he felt that this time he was really doomed.

CanSigh, he once had great ambitions, wanting to create a world on the Origin Continent and achieve the supreme Tao and Fruition.

However, in the end, even though he was extremely careful, he could not survive the first Era.

Destiny is really unpredictable.

He obviously did nothing, but disaster came from heaven.

However, after waiting for a long time, the Holy Demon Emperor discovered that he had not died.

Li Yuan didn’t kill him. He was a little embarrassed for always borrowing the identity of the Holy Demon Emperor.

Secondly, he also wanted to confirm his identity as the God of Desolation.

He didn’t know whether Fang Xiong’s real body knew what was going on here.

The Holy Demon Emperor is a good witness.

Another reason is that after this incident, the Holy Demon Emperor will probably not stay in the Origin Continent again.

If he returns to the Wanhua Realm, he may be able to lead the Nine Pans Supreme to the Wanhua Realm.

There is a crow hiding in that parallel universe. I wonder if it will take action if it sees the Nine Pan Supreme!

Actuating the Mountain and Sea Seal, streaks of green light cut through the void, trying to forcefully penetrate the inner void of the Huatian Gate.

At the same time, Li Yuan used the method taught by Wang Li to condense special marks and sent them to the Huatianmen body that was forced out by the Shanhai Seal.

In the outside world, with Fang Xiong’s death, Black Dragon also felt that something was wrong.

He was confused and confused, what happened in Huatianmen?

Huatianmen kept shaking, and something terrible had obviously happened inside.

However, Jing Lao now had no interference from the Huatian Clan and took action with all his strength, leaving the Black Dragon Bracelet with no time to clone itself.

The ripples of terror are endless, as if the darkness is swallowing everything, and the black dragon cannot resist it for a while.

Finally, a door of light suddenly opened, and a terrifying blue light spread out from it, penetrating the black dragon’s spirit body.

“Semi-holy object!”

When Black Dragon Bracelet saw this, he was immediately shocked and looked horrified.

How come this Supreme Desolation still has a semi-sacred object?

Although he has no weapon spirit, he will definitely lose if he joins forces with this powerful broken holy object.

Isn’t it said that Taihuang Supreme can at most compete with Daluo Jinxian?

Moreover, the other party did not forcefully break through the void in Huatianmen’s body, but directly opened the door and came out.

This means that this semi-holy object has completely fallen into the hands of the other party.

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