Li Yuan ignored the confused Yun Meerkat and signaled Hua Wushang to take action.

Hua Wushang didn’t waste any time, directly took out the peerless sword and slowly walked towards the gate of the Heavenly Temple.

In front of the temple gate, countless creatures have gathered, all of them descendants of Tianquan.

When they saw Hua Wushang approaching, their expressions changed drastically.

“You evil beast, do you still want to defy nature?”

“Who are you? You dare to attack the Divine Court. Aren’t you afraid of the wrath of His Majesty the God Emperor when he returns?”

“God Emperor? This old devil Tianquan really knows how to play!”

Hua Wushang spoke sarcastically, raised his hand and struck the door of the temple directly with his sword.

Naturally, the creatures in front of the Heavenly Temple will not be spared.

This is an attack from a peerless treasure. Even if it has residual power, it is enough to kill them countless times.

Although the gate of the Heavenly Temple is strong and there are powerful restrictions, how can it block the full blow of the top-grade peerless treasure?

Without any surprise, the door of the Temple of Heaven was directly destroyed by a sword.

This scene made the Yunmeerka and the Stone Man stunned.

The power of this divine sword is simply unbelievable. Even the treasure that took more than ten epochs to be conceived is far inferior to it.

Li Yuan walked towards the Tianshen Temple calmly.

This is the palace where Tianquan lives.

Unexpectedly, the creatures in the Celestial Temple still retain their sanity.

They are men and women, humans and beasts, and so on.

And five of them are actually Taiyi Golden Immortals.

A dragon girl at the peak of Taiyi looked at Li Yuan and immediately asked vigilantly: “Who are you? Are you not afraid of the wrath of the God Emperor if you dare to trespass into the Temple of Heaven?”

Li Yuan looked at these creatures and said calmly: “This will be my territory from now on.”

“Bold, do you know who we are?”

An unruly girl shouted angrily, her eyes flashing with murderous intent and coldness.

However, she did not take action because she also knew that something big had changed.

Hua Wushang’s eyes were cold and he said, “Of course I know they are all Tianquan’s direct relatives or Taoist companions.”

“You, you dare to call my father God by his real name!”


Li Yuan was too lazy to talk nonsense and said calmly: “Then kill them all!”

Hua Wushang naturally doesn’t talk nonsense. The divine sword bursts out with divine light, leaving no one alive wherever it goes.

As soon as the girl standing at the front sacrificed the treasure, she was completely destroyed physically and mentally.

With Hua Wushang’s strength combined with the peerless divine sword, even Da Luo can be killed, let alone a little golden immortal like him?


A beautiful female fairy exclaimed, her expression full of sorrow.

The other creatures were also furious.

However, they also recognized the divine sword in Hua Wushang’s hand, and their faces turned pale with fear.

A peerless treasure, how could this person have a peerless treasure?

What happened outside?

Why can’t I feel God’s will?

They didn’t know the situation outside. God’s will had suddenly cut off the connection between the Temple of Heaven and the outside world.

“You are seeking death!”

The beautiful woman at the head was frightened and angry, and immediately pulled out a ribbon, transformed into a silver dragon, and tied it towards Hua Wushang.

This turned out to be a peerless treasure, and it was also of the highest quality.

At the same time, another female fairy sacrificed a bronze tripod, which was a low-grade and unparalleled treasure.

Li Yuan raised his eyebrows when he saw this, and it seemed that he had harvested two more unique treasures.

He waved his hand, and the long black and white flags transformed into the shadows of countless desolate beasts, roaring and rushing towards the ribbon that turned into a silver dragon.

When the weapon spirit of this ribbon saw this, he was immediately shocked and couldn’t stop it.

In less than a moment, the entire weapon spirit was torn to pieces.

The bronze tripod was even more defeated by Hua Wushang’s divine sword.

“Run away!”

The beautiful woman was shocked.

This time it is an unimaginably powerful enemy that only the God-Emperor can suppress.

She immediately wanted to kill Li Yuan and escape from Shengtian.

Although I don’t want to believe it in my heart, the Lord God-Emperor has not shown up for a long time, and the will of God has collapsed, and I am afraid that the situation is already in danger.

However, Ribbon has been suppressed by countless phantoms of wild beasts. How can Hua Wushang let them escape?

The order he received was to kill without mercy, so naturally there would be no mercy.

With just a few sword blows, the entire Heavenly Temple was killed in pieces, with heavy casualties.

“Devil, my father will never let you go!”

There was a beautiful little fairy who screamed miserably, and her Tao seed was wiped out.

Hua Wushang said with a sneer: “Unfortunately, Tianquan has been killed a long time ago! Moreover, don’t you know that Tianquan is the biggest demon?”

“No, absolutely impossible!”

Everyone did not want to believe that their father was the creator of the world. Even in the outer void, he was the top existence.

Unfortunately, Hua Wushang didn’t explain much and eventually killed everyone.

Even himTheir true spirits were not spared and were completely wiped out.

Li Yuan had no expression on his face. It was a routine operation to exterminate the sects and eradicate the roots.

Not long after, he successfully cleaned up the accumulation of the Heavenly God Palace for countless years.

In fact, there were not many peerless treasures, probably used by Tianquan himself.

There were quite a few legendary materials, which could be used to practice the Immaculate Immortal Body, a miraculous skill to improve qualifications.

There was also a divine spring, which could cleanse the celestial spirits and improve qualifications and understanding.

As for those ordinary materials, they were not used for the time being, so he planned to send them into the inner world of the original body.

After leaving this heavenly palace, the Falling God Bell vibrated and directly destroyed the entire heavenly palace.

He didn’t like Tianquan’s residence very much.

Yun Mongoose had understood Li Yuan’s origins through communication with the stone monster.

Tianquan, the creator god who had lived for endless years, actually fell.

Even the will of the universe was wiped out by this terrible existence.

No wonder he easily broke free from his restraints and broke through to a new realm.

Seeing Li Yuan coming out, Yun Mongoose hurried forward and bowed respectfully: “Master Wu Tian, ​​I wonder if you have any instructions?”

Li Yuan looked at the pig demon who defied the heavens, shook his head and said: “Since you have escaped, you are naturally free. Of course, if you are really bored, you can go and hunt down those remnants of the Divine Court.”

Although the Divine Court was destroyed, for countless years, who knows how many descendants of Tianquan there are.

Without the help of God’s will, it would be difficult for him to find them all.

Upon hearing this, Yun Mongoose immediately said respectfully: “Don’t worry, Master, I will definitely eradicate all the remnants of the Divine Court.”

He was naturally full of hatred for the Divine Court.

Not only did they keep these creatures in captivity, but they also enslaved him for endless years.

And his former relatives and friends have also become their food.

This is an irreconcilable hatred that cannot be resolved.

As for the stone man, although he did not experience the same thing as Yun Mongoose, he also had no feelings for the Divine Court.

In the eyes of the people in the Divine Court, they were demons from the lower world.

If he had not been low-key enough and had a tough skin, he would have been wiped out.

He also immediately said that he would not let go of the remnants of the Divine Court.

Li Yuan nodded, and then left with Hua Wushang and came to a quiet valley.

The valley was full of immortal medicines and the fragrance of flowers.

Li Yuan waved his hand, conjured up an ordinary courtyard, and moved in.

This is where he will live in the future.

But before that, he still needs to meet the original body.

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