Li Yuan is quite satisfied with the main hall of the sect.

This place is almost isolated from the outside world, and it is difficult for ordinary creatures to reach here.

And in those worlds hanging in the void, although there are countless living beings, they are unable to practice.

There is a special shackle on them that cannot be broken.

And those small worlds don’t have the aura of heaven and earth.

They don’t know the way of heaven, they indulge in lust, life and death, endless reincarnation.

Even if he is reincarnated, he cannot escape from this hall.

Perhaps they were just casual creations by the previous sect leader, just to embellish the surrounding world.

Li Yuan looked at one of the Da Luo, shook his head and said: “Take all those creatures out, there is no need to stay here!”

When the great Luo heard this, he immediately said respectfully: “I understand.”

After saying that, an incarnation came out of his body to collect all the living creatures into the space in his palm.

At the same time, he reversed the rules of those worlds so that they could no longer breed life.

Li Yuanduan sat on the throne and continued: “From now on, the name Liuyu Demon Sect will no longer be used and will be renamed Yuan Demon Sect.

As for you, there is no need to call yourself the Master of Desire or the elder of the Yuan Demon Sect.

In addition, no one except you are allowed to leave the Demon Sect without my permission! ”

The Demon Sect is a remnant of the Hongchen Sect, but he does not want to be involved with the Hongchen Sect, so naturally he wants to erase this information.

When several desire masters heard this, they naturally did not dare to refute.

Except for Tiancai, the others don’t have much affection for the Six Desire Demon Sect.

As for Tiancai, for him, even if the Demon Sect is disbanded, he will not say a word “no”.

He even showed a look of great joy and said: “Master Shengming, my subordinates have long since ceased to be wishful masters. It’s a pity that Tianquan and others do not agree, so they continue to use it to this day.”

He who knows the current affairs is a hero. This is the reason why he is still alive and well even though other desire masters are gone.

Li Yuan looked at Tiancai, nodded and said: “As long as you have no objection! The Six Desire Demon Sect has passed, Tiancai, you should also change your name!”

Tiancai had no objection to this, and immediately said respectfully: “Sir, the little dragon will use his previous name, Tom Odiski. You just need to call me Tom.”


Then Li Yuan looked at Canghuang and Wutian with deep eyes and said: “Although you two are not real bodies, since you have joined our Yuanmo Sect, you must abide by the rules of Yuanmo Sect and must not reveal any information about Yuanmo Sect. information.”

Cang Huang was shocked when he heard this. This mysterious new sect leader had indeed seen through their true nature.

He quickly said: “Don’t worry, Lord Leader, my subordinates will never leak any information.”

Wutian on the side naturally also hurriedly agreed with fear.

On the other hand, several other Da Luo looked surprised. These two guys were not the real ones.

Tiancai, oh no, Tom is also a little scared, he is really the sixth child.

At the same time, Li Yuan formulated some sect rules before letting several elders leave.

Looking at the empty hall, Li Yuan raised his hand, and the demon heart flew out directly, hanging in the void in front of him.

The demon’s heart shook slightly, and some rules of the hall were activated, instantly following an inexplicable trajectory throughout the entire demon sect.

For a moment, the main hall seemed to have found its core, and pictures appeared out of thin air.

These pictures are all-encompassing and reflect all areas of the Demon Sect.

Except for the dojo of the Six Great Desire Lords, there is nothing else to hide from.

Through the demon heart, Li Yuan even felt that he could appear in any area instantly.

The entire Demon Sect had almost no secrets for him.

This was all the arrangement of the previous leader, and Li Yuan just put the demon heart back in its original position.

In the Demon Sect’s residence, there are also six great worlds.

This world of six great thousand worlds is the dojo of the six great desire masters.

Outside the main hall.

Tom said with a smile: “Elders, now that you have joined the Demon Sect, you can naturally inherit the dojo of Tian Quan and others. I don’t know how you choose.”

Cang Huang said with some disgust: “I’d better open one myself!”

He doesn’t really like living in other people’s places.

Tom smiled and said: “That’s different. The dojos of several major desire masters have been specially blessed. They are different from other places and are relatively secretive places.

If you open it yourself, you will need to ask the leader to re-bless it. ”

When Wutian heard this, his heart suddenly moved, and he said directly: “Then I will choose Tianquan’s dojo!”

Several other Da Luo also reacted quickly and directly selected a suitable dojo.

The dojos of several major desire masters are naturally not simple, and their legacies may still be left behind.

When Canghuang wanted to speak, only Tianxing’s dojo was left.

He was a little numb. Couldn’t the witch’s dojo be full of big men who were overwhelmed by sexual desire?

Tiancai saw that several people had made a decision, so heSaid: “But you should be careful. The gods of those worlds may not approve of you. If not, just try to figure it out slowly.”

After everyone heard this, they naturally understood this truth. After all, it was a world opened up by several great desire masters.

Power desires heaven.

This is Tianquan’s dojo in the Demon Sect.

Similar to the Quan Xutian of Origin Continent, Jinxian does not allow breakthroughs at all.

I have to say that Tianquan’s desire for control is really ruthless.

Li Yuan’s incarnation, Wu Tian, ​​came here and immediately attracted the rejection of God’s will.

The thick cloud of calamity filled the air, seeming to completely destroy him.

Li Yuan raised his head and looked towards Jiutian.

“Even Tian Quan was killed by me, do you still want to resist?”

However, upon hearing this, the gods in this world immediately became even crazier, bringing along the gods in other heavens and worlds.

The providence of countless worlds seems to have woven a big net to cover the world.

Storms and clouds gathered, calamities arose everywhere, and horrific catastrophes tore apart pieces of time and space.

Billions of thunders descended like nine heavenly dragons, countless sword shadows reflected endless time and space, and the mysterious chain of the avenue was like a bar of heaven, blocking all Li Yuan’s escape routes.

Even the shadow of Tianquan condensed, like the supreme master of the world.

The entire world, all sentient beings, and all God’s will seem to have become Li Yuan’s enemy.

Seeing this situation, Li Yuan’s face became even colder.

“It’s so reckless!”

This power-hungry God obviously has no intention of surrendering.

Since you don’t want to surrender, there is no need to keep it.

As he raised his hand, long black and white flags appeared, and countless phantoms of desolate beasts howled and rushed directly to the nine heavens.

And the incomplete flawless treasure was also activated by Li Yuan, directly shattering the terrible calamity cloud, and killing the power of heaven.

At the same time, the bell of the Fallen God’s Bell rang, blocking countless disasters from coming.

The vast bells sound endlessly, spreading throughout every time and space.

After all, the will of heaven in the world is too weak to stop the remaining power of the Falling God Bell.

The providences of other small thousand worlds and middle thousand worlds are also constantly collapsing.

Except for the providential will of the entire Quan Yutian, no other providential will can stop the power of the three peerless treasures.

The sky and the earth were filled with splendor, as if the sky was falling apart and the earth was splitting apart, and the aurora illuminated the sky and the earth.

This is an extremely shocking picture, extremely gorgeous.

However, in less than a moment, except for Quan Yutian’s providence, all the providences in other worlds were shattered.

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