How could Emperor Cang know that Li Yuan at this time was an incarnation?

Of course, Li Yuan was also testing Cang Huang.

If Emperor Cang really takes action against him, then he will directly kill this old guy.

If he doesn’t do anything, he can be dragged into the Demon Sect.

He needs a lot of peerless materials, and it would be nice to have these guys help collect them.

Looking at Tiancai who was still sinking, Cang Huang frowned and said: “What should they do? Once Tiancai recovers, they will definitely suspect that we have obtained the treasure and will destroy us first!”

Hearing this, Li Yuan shook his head and said, “Don’t worry about it for now, just pretend that nothing happened.”

He decided to reorganize the Demon Sect for his own use. If Tiancai was willing to serve, he would naturally not refuse.

Cang Huang frowned slightly, knowing that Li Yuan must be aware of Tiancai’s threat.

But since he said this, it shows that he is confident in his heart.

Thinking that this person was also a disciple of the Demon Sect, he suppressed the worry in his heart and continued to pretend to be dead.

Tiancai went through two stimulations, and finally after half a day, he gradually cleared the fog and gradually woke up.

However, when he sensed his own situation, he was immediately shocked.

If it had stayed a few more days, I’m afraid he would have completely perished.

At the same time, he felt that his connection with the devil’s heart was completely severed.

How can this be?

He left a mark on the heart.

Who can break through the seal outside the heart and erase his mark?

Tiancai felt something was wrong and quickly looked around.

Tianquan really fell and disappeared into ashes.

But why is there nothing left?

What made him even more furious was that both clones died.

Nothing remains of their relics.

And his two flawless and peerless treasures are gone.

“who is it?”

“Who the hell stole my treasure?”

Tiancai roared, and a terrifying power swept through the area.

But soon, he came to his senses and hurriedly took back all his power.

If you accidentally burst the nearby bubble and let desire sweep away, you are really asking for trouble.

Tiancai held his breath and looked at everyone present.

The three big losers can be ignored.


Not awake yet!

Cang Bai seems to have fallen into the illusion of the devil’s heart.

In other words, everyone else is sinking?

Tiancai’s face turned dark. Since everyone was sinking, who took away his treasure?

It can’t be the missing ones, right?

Tian Quan must be dead, otherwise he wouldn’t be alive now.

As for the five losers, they are most likely dead, but there is another possibility, that is, after waking up first, they directly snatch their treasures and run away.

Tiancai immediately used his magical powers to deduce, but he could not deduce any useful information.

On the contrary, he sensed some traces of a great battle. A powerful enemy had fought against his flawless treasure.

And the only ones present who could deal with his flawless treasure were Cang Bai and Wu Tian.

Tiancai couldn’t help but look at Cang Huang with a slightly fierce expression.

Grandma, how dare you snatch his treasure?

Tian Cai roared angrily: “Cang Bai, you are an old man and you still dare to pretend to be dead!”

He exploded with all his strength and spit out a terrifying red light.

This is a full-strength strike from Daluo Perfection, and its power is naturally shocking.

Cang Huang’s incarnation was instantly shattered, and his true body could no longer be hidden.

However, he reacted very quickly and instantly activated the peerless treasure to block this terrible blow.

Cang Huang pretended to be furious and said: “Tiancai, you cunning fat dragon, you actually want to kill me while I’m old and in ruins, how unreasonable!”

Canghuang’s instant awakening also made Tiancai more and more certain that it was this old immortal who did it.

This old guy has been awake for a long time, but he is still pretending not to be awake.

He roared angrily: “Old Immortal, do you think you are Lord Long and am I blind? Give Lord Long’s treasure back!”

Tiancai was furious, and this time he was really angry.

He has always been the only one who robbed others, but this was the first time he was robbed by others.

He raised his hand and saw another top-grade and unparalleled treasure.

Cang Huang looked shocked and angry, and naturally he would not admit it. Instead, he pretended to be shocked and cursed angrily: “You fat dragon, I just woke up and found that you were going to kill me, but you were able to bite me back.” .

You cunning fat dragon went so far as to cross the river and destroy the bridge. Is it because you don’t want to repay the several peerless treasures you owe? ”

Tiancai was stunned when he heard this, and then became furious: “When will I still owe you a few peerless treasures?”

Although Cang Huang wanted to laugh in his heart, he still pretended to be sad and angry on the surface, and said in a cold voice: “I am not a fool, how could I get involved in the fight between you and Tian Quan so easily?

If it hadn’t been for the Demonic Ox’s promise that you would give Lao Chan three top-quality and unique treasures, do you think Lao Chan would have helped you? ”

When Tiancai heard this, he immediately stopped in Bengbu., how could the Demonic Bull agree to such outrageous conditions?

The previous situation was urgent, and the Demonic Cow didn’t mention it, nor did he ask. He really didn’t know how the Demonic Cow persuaded Cang Huang and others to help him.

Having already lost a treasure and thrown away the relics of Tianquan and others, how could Tiancai repay the treasure?

He feels extremely distressed now, feeling that this war has depleted all his countless years of accumulation, and even the Unified Demon Sect cannot make up for it.

“That’s what the Bull Demon Hunshi promised you. You go to the Bull Demon Hunshi. Why are you looking for my Tiancai? And don’t think I can’t see it. Hand over all the relics of Tian Quan and others, otherwise you won’t be able to leave. here!”

Tian Cai locked eyes on Cang Huang, thinking in his mind how to kill this old guy.

His body was hollowed out by desire in the devil’s heart illusion, and coupled with his desperate fight with Tian Quan, his current strength is not much stronger than Cang Huang.

It is not difficult to defeat this old guy, but it is a bit troublesome to kill him completely and regain the treasure.

Looking at the three Da Luo and Li Yuan who were still sinking, Tiancai suddenly had an idea.

These fellow demon sects might be able to take advantage of them first.

However, although Na Wutian is said to be a disciple of the Demon Sect, it is obviously not safe to attract Ming Yi, and he is acquainted with this old monster.

Thinking of this, Tiancai wanted to quietly wake up the three Da Luo while fighting Cang Huang.

However, after all, Canghuang is just entering the peak of Da Luo for the first time, and he is not as perfect as Tian Cai, a veteran Da Luo. Even if he has the top peerless treasure, he still can’t stop Tian Cai.

He couldn’t help but look at Li Yuan, who was still pretending to be dead, and suddenly felt uneasy. What on earth was this guy thinking?

Could it be that he wanted to wait for both himself and Tiancai to suffer, and then kill them all at once?

But he also has a share of Tiancai’s treasure. As long as he doesn’t expose it, he shouldn’t take action, right?

He didn’t dare to expose Wu Tian directly for fear of being surrounded by the two men.

Thinking of this, he decided to quit and didn’t want to stay here any longer.

After getting so many treasures, even if I didn’t get the Heart Sutra of Six Desires, the trip would be worthwhile.

However, he wanted to leave right away, but Tiancai refused.

Even under Tiancai’s call, the other three great Luo showed signs of awakening.

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