Inside and outside the ruins of the Great Thousand Realm, there was an eerie calm, almost shrouded in darkness.

Only the formation exudes wisps of divine light, like an ancient star road in the dark night.

Canghuang’s face was complicated, and he said in a deep voice: “Oh no, Taoist friend Mingyi has probably reached his limit!”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the other Da Luo changed slightly.

Could it be that this ruthless man from the Hongmeng Gold List died here so quietly today?

Tiancai and Li Yuan, on the other hand, were talking about their little Jiujiu, thinking about how to kill everyone present without leaking the news.

Tiancai is worried that there are too many opponents and it will be difficult to keep them all.

Li Yuan, on the other hand, was thinking secretly that this Tiancai was not his true body, and he didn’t know if his true body would come.

He looked at Sword Master Ming Yi. At this time, Sword Master Ming Yi could no longer recognize his human form.

He was enveloped in a colorful ball of light, filled with endless desire.

Even if a creature below Daluo comes close to it, its soul will be eroded immediately.

Li Yuan thought to himself, this demon heart is indeed not comparable to an ordinary semi-holy object, but he wonders how strong the Hongchen Cult Master was in his heyday?

And after experiencing the resurrection of the Aragami, he was also worried about whether the leader of the world would also be resurrected.

In fact, the will of the leader of the mortal world is hidden in the devil’s heart.

Otherwise, the leader of the Six Desire Demon Sect wouldn’t have been swallowed up so easily, right?

After all, he is a half-step supreme, so why can’t he deal with an ownerless semi-sacred object?

Just as Li Yuan was thinking, the immortal body of Sword Master Mingyi exploded, his soul was shattered, and his Taoism gradually collapsed.

The newly born soul is uncertain, like a bubble in a dream, bursting at the first glance.

At the last moment, Sword Master Ming Yi got rid of the influence of the devil’s heart and regained himself.

However, he looked in a daze, his true way was contaminated, and he was unable to recover.

“Did you lose after all?”

Sword Master Mingyi sighed, he could sense that Tian Quan was not dead yet.

He ranks 37th on the Hongmeng Gold List.

As far as he knew, those who were ranked above thirty could escape even if they were defeated by the Half-Step Supreme.

And he himself couldn’t stop it even when faced with a semi-sacred object that no one controlled.

This was only if he was prepared.

There are only seven places, but is the gap so big?

Sword Master Mingyi was helpless, but he understood that after his death this time, he had completely fallen.

Seeing the spirit of the divine sword being also eroded, Sword Master Mingyi was helpless.

As soon as he raised his hand, he put away the divine sword and the sword formation.

At the same time, a black invitation appeared in his hand.

It was the death invitation obtained from the previous auction.

Without any hesitation, Sword Master Mingyi directly opened the death invitation.

The next moment, the death invitation emitted a strange light, directly wrapping the figure of Sword Master Mingyi.

Just before the Tao Zhong collapsed, the figure of Sword Master Mingyi disappeared in a flash.

“Where are the people?”

Tian Cai, who had been staring at Sword Master Ming Yi, suddenly changed his expression.

Li Yuan and Cang Huang looked shocked and immediately understood where Sword Master Ming Yi had gone.

No one expected that Sword Master Mingyi would wake up at the last moment.

At this moment, Sword Master Mingyi disappeared.

And disappearing with him were his divine sword and sword array.

Li Yuan’s expression was complicated, and he was completely gone.

He didn’t know whether to be grateful or helpless.

Fortunately, no one present finally broke through to the Half-Step Supreme.

Unfortunately, Sword Master Ming Yi should not die.

With his strength, even if he enters the netherworld, he will not fall easily.

If he can walk out of it, he will definitely be half-step to the supreme level.

And it is definitely the best among the half-step supremes.

Sword Master Mingyi disappeared, and the eyes of Da Luo present flickered.

Although Sword Master Ming Yi is gone, the four masters of desire are definitely not much better.

This is a good opportunity to get rid of the four great desires.

Moreover, there is also a demonic heart at the level of a semi-holy object. If you get this object, as long as you don’t have any scruples, you will be able to fight even the half-step supreme.

Especially for those substitutes who have regained consciousness at this time, how can they not hate the master of desire who has controlled them for endless years?

However, they also knew their own strength and did not dare to compete with Li Yuan and others.

“What should we do now?”

A strong man from the late Daluo period asked.

Li Yuan did not speak, but looked at Tiancai in the formation.

Tian Cai said without any nonsense, “Although Ming Yi is dead, the power of the devil’s heart has not completely dissipated. Fellow Taoists, don’t be anxious. I will go and check the situation right now.”

As he spoke, Tiancai dodged directly into the ruins of the Great Thousand Realm and quickly rushed towards the location of the demonic heart.

He has been practicing the Six Desires Heart Sutra for many years, and his resistance to desires is naturally not weak.Through induction, he knew that Tianxing and Tianshi had been swallowed up by the devil’s heart, and Tianli was also confused. As for Tianquan, although he still maintained a trace of clarity, he was still at the end of his strength.

If Tianquan dares to stir up the devil’s heart again, he will definitely die faster than Tianli.

The other strong men’s faces turned dark when they heard this, “Don’t worry, what are you going to do by yourself?”

They were not stupid either, so they naturally guessed some situations.

“I’ll go take a look too!”

Some people couldn’t sit still, ran the Six Desires Heart Sutra, and rushed towards the ruins.

If there is one, then there are two. For a time, they no longer maintain their formation, and they all rush towards the ruins of the Great Thousand Realm.

The temptation of the devil’s heart is too great that no one can refuse.

When Cang Huang saw it, he jumped up and down anxiously, but he didn’t dare to go deep for fear of being corroded.

Although he understood the chapter on fame and desire, he did not practice much because it was not in line with his own way.

Cang Huang stared at Gujing, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Li Yuan, on the other hand, looked calm as he accompanied Cang Huang to look at the scene in the ancient well.

When Cang Huang saw this, he immediately frowned and said, “Holy Demon Brother, why are you still here? Hurry and snatch the Demon Heart!”

He knew, however, that the Holy Demon had been practicing the Name and Desire chapter, and had been thinking of ways to integrate the Name and Desire system to obtain the true Heart Sutra of Six Desires, and even the Demonic Heart.

Hearing this, Li Yuan smiled lightly and said, “Don’t worry, Tianquan may not be completely dead!”

“Even if he’s not dead, it’s still the end of the line. Didn’t you see that the money will be lost that day?”

Cang Huang looked worried. Tiancai was originally a powerful person in Daluo Perfection, and even his clones were not weaker than him, not to mention his real body and avatar.

Once you get the devil’s heart, who can compete with it?

You don’t need to think about it to know that these helpers of Sword Master Mingyi will definitely not end well.

“Lets see!”

Li Yuan acted very calmly.

Seeing Li Yuan’s expression, Cang Huang suddenly had some bad guesses as he had never really taken action before.

He was a little unsure and said: “You… aren’t you just an incarnation?”


Li Yuan raised his eyebrows, he was really an incarnation.

His true body has always been hidden in the void.

Seeing Li Yuan’s expression, Cang Huang knew that he had guessed correctly.

For a moment, he didn’t know what to say.

No wonder he had to see some of this guy’s peerless treasures appear.

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