Han Muyang looked a little tangled. He felt that the price was a bit too high, but he was reluctant to give up.

This is just a fragment of two incomplete supreme techniques. To be precise, these two techniques have the same origin and originate from the same supreme technique, so they can only be regarded as one.

Li Yuan smiled and said: “Thirty million, no two prices, do you think it’s feasible?”

Han Muyang frowned: “Thirty million is too much. After all, this is just a fragment among the fragments. It is not enough to protect the real supreme technique. Moreover, these two supreme techniques are too difficult to practice and are not worth so much! ”

Li Yuan looked at the auction outside and saw that no one was bidding, so he quoted a price of 1.8 million.

At this time, the auction of the Judao Strange Stone has come to an end, and there are only five companies competing for it. Except for the supreme seat, the other four are all royal seats.

After each quotation, there is an hour of consideration time before the final transaction is confirmed.

Li Yuan was not anxious, he shook his head and said: “If it doesn’t work, forget it. I think there should be many fellow Taoists who will come out with 30 million Saint Yuanbao!”

When Han Muyang heard this, his expression suddenly changed slightly. Here, they would not prohibit others from trading privately.

After all, even some of the top powerful forces cannot afford to offend them!

Gritting his teeth, Han Muyang finally agreed, 30 million is 30 million.

The two of them did not sign any contract. This kind of contract is not very binding on Daluo Jinxian.

Moreover, materials that can carry supreme skills are hard to find, and their value is astonishing!

After the transaction was completed, Han Muyang was actually happy.

It is so rare to see a supreme skill, and it is simply unbelievable that someone would spread it.

Thirty million Saint Yuanbao bought a supreme skill. Although it was only a fragment among the fragments, it was worth it.

If you thoroughly study this technique, you will not only be able to practice it yourself, but you will also be able to minimize the threat to the powerful Seven Emotions and Six Desires Sect who have practiced this technique in the future.

And Li Yuan was also happy.

Sure enough, selling exercises is the real profit.

The fragments of a fragment can be worth 30 million, and the complete supreme technique may not be worth a few small goals!

However, except for the “Netherworld Ruins Tian Jue”, he has not yet fully comprehended the supreme skills in his body, not even a scale and a half, and there is no way to pass it on to others.

Li Yuan secretly thought to himself that when things were over, it would be time to comprehend these supreme skills first.

At the same time, there are only three parties left in the auction of the Judao Strange Stone.

In addition to Li Yuan, there is also one party from the imperial seat and one party from the supreme seat.

Looking at the current quotation, Li Yuancai was generous and directly quoted the highest price, 2.1 million.

Compared with the previous 1.98 million, this is an increase of 120,000 Saint Yuanbao.

Many people looked shocked. The first auction item was sold for more than two million.

They really can’t imagine that although this thing is a unique treasure, its uses are relatively useless. Is it worth it?

Two million and one hundred thousand Saint Yuanbao can be used to buy a good top-grade legendary treasure.

Many powerful people are a little jealous, but they only dare to look at it and don’t dare to actually take action.

After all, those who can occupy the imperial seat are either Daluo Jinxian or the inheritors of top powers.

Even if this kind of person is not strong enough, he definitely does not lack powerful treasures.

In another world where the Imperial Seat is located, the young turtle grandson who was bidding wanted to continue bidding, but was slapped on the back of the head by his ancestor.

“Okay, you loser, you’re just a piece of stone. Why fight!”

The old turtle had a look on his face that he hated the fact that iron could not become steel. Their clan already had a long life span, so what was the use of those strange stones?

“But my qualifications are also…”

“No buts!”

Lao Gui blew his beard and glared, directly interrupting Gui Sun’s words.

Two million is already his upper limit. Do you really think that his old man’s money came from the strong wind?

To put it bluntly, this gathering of rare stones was prepared for those second-generation ancestors who had poor qualifications and insufficient longevity but were not short of money.

The young turtle grandson had a look of resentment on his face. My Temeow’s qualifications are really not good. If I really want to reach the peak of Golden Immortal, I’m afraid it will cost hundreds of millions of Yuanhui.

In another big world in the supreme seat, there were two naked goblins lying on a young man.

“Young Master, my younger brother has been at the peak of Taiyi for endless years. If I can have the help of the Judao Qishi Stone, I may not be able to break through Da Luo in the future. Only in this way can I serve you better!”

A twelve-tailed vixen with charming eyes and silky eyes made a cooing sound that made the bones of anyone who listened to it go soft.

Her appearance is extremely charming, and her smile is touching.

And her cultivation level is not low, she has reached the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

The dignified Immortal King was actually being played with like this at this time. If word spread, many people would be in disbelief.

But ifKnowing the origin of this young man, they were probably even more unbelievable.

The young man’s big hands continued to explore the bodies of the two goblins, but his eyes were looking at the auction venue outside.

The corner of his mouth curled up and he said to himself: “The Judao Strange Stone is a rare thing in the world. Now that you have encountered it, you can indeed put it in your pocket!”

The young man’s cultivation level is not very advanced, only half-step Daluo.

But being able to occupy the supreme seat of a party means that one’s identity is not simple and one’s background is astonishing.

He directly increased the price again, and his voice slowly came out: 2.2 million!

When Fairy Miaoyin heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up, her smile was as bright as a flower, and her mysterious words filled the venue.

“The Taoist friend of No. 7 Supreme Seat bids 2.2 million. Is there any higher price? This is the legendary Dao Gathering Stone. It is rare to find. You may only see it once in your life!”

However, for everyone present, 2.2 million is already a sky-high price for them.

Li Yuan frowned, but he didn’t expect that the first auction item would be targeted by someone from the Supreme Seat.

He had no choice but to continue bidding, increasing the price by 100,000 each time.

The other party showed no sign of weakness, as if the Holy Yuanbao was just a bunch of numbers.

In just a moment, the two raised the price to three million.

This price actually far exceeds the price of Judao Strange Stone.

But the other party didn’t give up, and Li Yuan had no choice.

If he didn’t have a little money now, he really wouldn’t be able to compete.

At this moment, a cold voice slowly came out from the No. 7 Supreme Seat.

“Fellow Taoist, this is exactly what I need. How about I ask you to give me some face?”

His voice was a little cold, and it almost spread throughout the entire auction venue.

But invisibly, there is another kind of superiority.

This can be considered as a direct and naked threat to pressure people based on their status.

However, as the host, Shengbao Pavilion did not say a word and pretended not to hear.

Li Yuan frowned, not knowing the origin of the No. 7 supreme seat.

If the other party was the Supreme, he would really consider it.

You still have to be cowardly when you should, otherwise you may die miserably!

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