Six Desire Demon Sect, in the Tongtian Tower.

Li Yuan came to submit the task and was shocked when he saw the task reward.

Did he see it wrong?

[Task name: Destroy the Demonic World of Yehaizhu

Mission Difficulty: Unparalleled

Mission description: In a thousand world located deep in the endless sea of ​​karma, there are three half-step golden immortals sitting there, and there are special beings that surpass the golden immortals…

Mission reward: 30 trillion contribution, ten peerless tokens]

Li Yuan was dumbfounded. It took him a long time to confirm that the mission description had indeed been changed and the reward had been increased tenfold.

But it’s right to think about it, the situation in the Candle Demon Realm is extremely terrible, even if the Golden Immortal goes there, he will not escape death.

He has several treasures, but they are unable to resist the mutated providence.

After submitting the task, the sect mark in Li Yuan’s body flashed, and some images were quickly uploaded.

Soon, the identity was confirmed successfully, and he directly received 30 trillion contributions, plus ten peerless tokens.

This task directly gathered all the contributions and tokens he needed.

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Yuan directly opened the technique redemption page and first redeemed the eighth and ninth levels of the Ten Thousand Categories Fantasy Code.

Then he found several legendary skills, all of which were scriptures about the law of time.

His law of time has not improved for many years. I hope these scriptures on the law of time will have some effect.

In fact, he has no shortage of ordinary skills. After all, the skills of the strong men killed by Eternal Fangpu have become his skills.

As for the peerless martial arts, there is a “Tian Quan Jing”, which is said to have been adapted by a senior from the Demon Sect based on the supreme martial arts of the Demon Sect.

Li Yuan thought for a moment and decided to exchange it first.

After two or three yuan meetings, he was going to participate in some competition. If he could fight to the end, he would naturally have a chance to comprehend the supreme scripture.

As the supreme skill of the Six Desire Demon Sect, it is naturally obscure and difficult to understand.

If he could meditate on the Heavenly Power Sutra in advance, it might be of great use to his understanding of the supreme technique in the future.

Finally, Li Yuan changed some materials for refining the treasure before turning around and leaving.

He is not refining the treasure, but intends to feed the Falling God Bell.

Moyuan Mountain, everything is business as usual.

Li Yuan returned to the cave and began to meditate on the techniques.

There are a lot of skills obtained this time, especially several peerless skills. Even if everything goes well, it will take a long time to master them.

But two thousand years later, he went to Quan Motian again and got three thousand drops of Tianxin Milk from Honglian.

Relying on these heavenly heart emulsions, his true immortal body finally reached perfection and reached true immortal perfection.

Now, as long as he is willing, he can surpass the Immortal Spirit and be promoted to Luotian at any time.

However, he still remembered Guren’s instructions and did not advance.

After all, the lower the realm, the lower the chance that disciples from other disciplines can master peerless skills.

It is still necessary to have a safe hand in everything.

Time passes slowly, like flowing water.

One yuan after another will pass away quietly.

The little demons on Moyuan Mountain also changed one after another.

On this day, Li Yuan received a message from Honglian, asking him to gather at Mozong Square.

He immediately understood that the Six Series Competition was about to begin.

Around the central square of the Six Desire Demon Sect.

Countless sect disciples were talking and looking at the disciples in the square with envy.

“I didn’t expect that in the sect competition, these winners would have other opportunities.”

Some disciples spoke, their eyes full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

“Opportunity? The young devil doesn’t know how high the sky is, and great opportunities are often accompanied by great disasters.”

“Hey, brother, what do you mean?”

“Although the top ten sects in each realm have the opportunity to leave the Great Thousand Realm, they are going to participate in a bloody battle. If they are not careful, their souls will be scattered, and none of them may be able to come back.”

“Hiss! What kind of bloody battle, is it so scary?”

“I also heard what my great-grandfather’s ancestor said. You should know that the third heaven where we are is only the territory of the Demon Sect’s power-lust system, and the other five systems are not here.

I heard that the geniuses above are going to fight with the other five disciples to determine the final winner. ”

“The other five series are actually involved in the other five series, no wonder!”

In the Three Thousand Realms, they say it is the Six Desire Demon Sect, but in fact it can only be regarded as a lineage of the Six Desire Demon Sect.

As for fellow students from other departments, let alone seeing them, I have never heard of them.

The outer disciples and inner disciples of the sect, if it were not for this competition, they would never have the chance to leave the three thousand realms in their lifetime.

“Then why do the same sect have to fight to the death?”

Some disciples are confused and puzzled. Isn’t it good to live?

The old disciple was speechless. If you ask me, who should I ask?

He said casually: “We are the Demon Sect. The Demon Sect respects the strong and acts arbitrarily. Isn’t this normal?”

“Well…it’s really not surprising.Strange. ”

While the two were talking, they saw a young male demon with an unruly expression slowly walking onto the square.

He was dressed in a coquettish red robe, and his head was gleaming with phosphorescent light, which was extremely dazzling.

Especially that pair of eyes, there is something evil and makes people sink.

Many true immortals were immediately excited. This was the first place in the true immortal group in this sect competition.

Moreover, he is also the new true immortal of this Yuanhui, with unlimited potential.

If such a character can become the final winner, he will definitely soar to the sky after coming back, and there will be unimaginable rewards.

There are even banshees who have begun to become nymphomaniacs, with little stars in their eyes.

Li Yuan looked incomprehensible, there was actually a new true core disciple.

However, it has been three epochs since the Master mentioned the Six Elements War. For such an important matter, it is not difficult for the sect to find a few core disciples.

He remained silent and calmly climbed onto the square and stood in the True Immortal area.

“Hey, who is that kid?”

“How did he get up there?”

When someone saw this, they suddenly looked confused.

There seems to be no such boy among the top ten in the True Immortal Battle, right?

Not only them, but also several disciples in the True Immortal area have never seen Li Yuan.

Upon seeing this, the flirtatious red-robed male demon immediately walked over and said casually: “This junior brother, only the top ten in the True Immortal Competition are eligible to go on stage. Why don’t you get off quickly?”

When several other true immortals heard this, they also looked at Li Yuan and frowned.

Although they seem to have the cultivation of the True Immortal Dzogchen, which one of them is not the genius who will fight against Luo Tian?

The red-robed male demon who won the first place was even more invincible than Luo Tian.

It is somewhat ignorant for such a small character to stand with them.

Li Yuan looked at the pretentious male demon and said quietly: “You must have just started in this Yuanhui, right?”

The red-robed male demon said proudly: “Yes, although I, Arhat Wende, have only been a disciple for eighty thousand years, if I am the first among the true immortals, who dares to claim the second place?”

Li Yuan was stunned when he heard this, Arhat Wende?

He looked strange and said, “Your name is Luohan Wende?”

“Yes, junior brother, although you are a true immortal, you are not allowed to come here. You should just go down.”

Luohan Wende said proudly, looking like you are not qualified to be with me.

Li Yuan’s eyes were gloomy, he was really a young man who didn’t know the heights of the world.

He smiled and said: “Then do you know that three Yuanhui ago, the sect also had a disciple named Wende, who died miserably, and the murderer has not been caught yet.”

Luohan Wende frowned slightly when he heard this. What does this mean?

He started late, and what happened that year was related to the battle between demon kings, so he was suppressed. He had never heard of a core disciple with the same name as him.

At this time, a short demon, only half a meter tall, changed his face and quickly reminded Luohan Wende in a low voice.

“Senior Brother Luohan, it is true that an inner disciple named Di Wende was killed. It is said that it was related to another core disciple Chonglou, but because there was a demon king behind him, the matter was left alone.”

When Luohan Wende heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

Is there really an inner disciple named Wen De who died tragically?

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