Eight hundred years flew by.

Li Yuan left an incarnation behind and quietly left the Candle Demon Realm.

The situation in the Candle Demon World has become clear.

The strong men of Yuan Mo Sect established new forces one after another.

The three major forces in the past have become the remnants of ancient times, causing harm to the common people.

With the help of Quan Yu Tian’s will, all traces left by the three major forces were erased one by one.

But this place is an endless sea of ​​karma after all. If you don’t leave here, sooner or later your karma will burn you into nothingness.

Li Yuan activated the Heavenly Talisman and decided to use the treasure to go deeper into the endless sea of ​​karma.

He still remembered the half-step Taiyi inheritance mentioned by the old immortal in Kangshi.

There are probably other treasures in that place.

Just hiding the inheritance in the endless sea of ​​karma is probably a big problem.

Maybe he is another one who is hostile to the Demon Sect.

This time, Li Yuan decided to become a casual cultivator.

He used his spiritual thoughts to explore the way, and his true body was hidden in the void space transformed by his spiritual thoughts.

The world where Banbu Taiyi Heritage is located is not far from the Candle Demon Realm.

With the speed of Li Yuanzhu’s spiritual thoughts, he had found the entrance to that world in less than half a month.

It was an extremely huge body, like a giant beast lying in the sea of ​​karma.

Li Yuan estimated that the remains of this giant beast were one hundred thousand light years away.

Even after endless years, it still has a strong breath.

According to the old immortal Kangshi, this beast had already half-stepped into the Taiyi realm that year.

However, he was not promoted to Taiyi in the end, probably because of the Demon Sect.

This time, he plans to transform into a casual cultivator in the sea of ​​karma.

He turned into a spiritual light and carefully submerged into the giant beast’s mouth.

Unlike other Zhongqian worlds, entering from the mouth of the giant beast, one did not encounter chaotic Gangfeng.

I don’t know if it’s because of the giant beast or other reasons.

Li Yuan walked along the special passage and finally came to a mysterious sea.

The boundary sea cannot be crossed, and it can only continue to cross a large boundary.

Li Yuan resolutely tore open the boundary wall of a large world.

As soon as he entered, a terrible calamity light came, destroying everything.

However, the old immortal Kang Shi was able to break in at the beginning, and he was naturally no exception.

He pretended to be curious and kept going deeper.

Soon, strange beasts attacked.

That is not a real creature, but an illusion.

According to the description of the old immortal Kang Shi, this is the first test.

There will be a powerful alien beast in every great world.

And as it goes deeper, the strange beasts lurking in the world become more and more powerful.

What Li Yuan encountered now was a strange beast at the peak of a true immortal.

Same as his own state.

However, with the strength of Li Yuanzhu’s spiritual thoughts, facing such strange beasts, he can easily kill a large area.

Before the alien beast could come over, the light of the sword killed it directly.

Soon, he found the passage to the next world.

From the early stage of True Immortal to the later stage of Luo Tian’s Perfection, almost no strange beast could make him stay for a second.

At the same time, Li Yuan could sense someone peeping from somewhere through the Heavenly Talisman.

He was alert in his heart, it was probably the half-step Taiyi strange beast.

I just don’t know if it is still alive. Does it really just want to find a successor?

Finally, a terrifying alien beast appeared, and its aura reached the astonishing Half-Step Heavenly Realm.

At the peak stage of the True Immortal, even if the Eight Heroes come, they will probably be able to barely compete.

Li Yuan did not use any peerless magical powers, but fought with this strange beast with pure strength.

His main mind is about the same strength as his incarnation, and he can completely suppress this strange beast at this time.

After fighting fiercely for three hours, he finally killed the strange beast.

Looking at the place where the strange beasts disappeared, Li Yuan frowned slightly.

According to Old Immortal Kang Shi, he encountered a strange beast from the Yuan Immortal Realm at that time, and accidentally entered the second testing place while escaping.

How come when we get to him, even half-step immortals are killed, but the second test doesn’t appear?

Could it be that the feeling of existence in the dark has not seen its own limit?

Or is it that Kang Shi’s memory has been tampered with?

Thinking of this, Li Yuan had a broken knife in his hand.

This is a top-quality fairy weapon that was destroyed earlier.

He pretended to hesitate for a long time before finally carrying the long knife and going deep into the next realm.

Sure enough, he was soon targeted by a terrifying alien beast.

This is a strange beast in the realm of immortals.

With the strength of his main mind, without his true body coming out, and without using his peerless magical powers, there is no way he can fight against this beast.

In just one move, Li Yuanzhu’s body split open and was almost split into two.

He pretended to be frightened and angry, and retreated violently, wanting to escape from this place.

But this strange beast is heavenIn Wonderland, the speed is countless times faster than him.

In this void, he had nowhere to hide and no way to escape.

Even though the body of the main mind is extremely tough, it cannot stop this strange beast.

Soon, Li Yuan’s main mind was severely damaged, and less than half of his body was obliterated.

Facing the immortal, he had no chance to escape.

He secretly cursed in his heart, could it be that Kang Shi’s opportunity was just an accident? It shouldn’t be.

His current injury is worse than that of Kang Shi Laoxian at the beginning.

Forget it, the worst possible outcome is destroying one of the main thoughts.

At this moment, there was a look of determination on Lord Shen Nian’s face.

He seemed to have given up on escaping, and used the Nine Tribulations Golden Body and the Slate Scripture to rush towards the immortal-level beast, as if he wanted to fight to the death with him.

However, at the moment when one person and one beast collided, Li Yuan’s main mind felt that the world was spinning and time and space were changing.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had arrived in a magical palace.

Countless horrific visions arose, and murals like mountains of corpses and seas of blood were everywhere.

The astonishing Tao Yun permeates the air, making it difficult for people to distinguish between fantasy and reality.

Li Yuan looked wary. His current situation was something that Kang Shi had never encountered before.

Either he had his memory cut off, or it was because he was strong enough.

Li Yuan looked at one of the murals, and a strange force suddenly pulled him into it.

The next moment, he seemed to be a figure in the painting.

An inexplicable power came and seemed to seal his memory.

However, Li Yuan’s heart moved and he immediately activated the Heavenly Talisman to stay awake.

As time passes, the world in the picture continues to change.

Li Yuan’s identity is that of a little monster who has just been transformed into a spirit.

In front of him, a demon in the stage of becoming a god said: “Niu Er, from now on you will be my patrolman at Luolang Mountain.”


Li Yuan tilted his head and looked at the jackal demon.

In his perception, this seemed to be the territory of a true fairyland demon.

Although he could break away from this illusion at any time, he did not do so.

His purpose, after all, is to gain inheritance.

And this is the boundary between the painting, true and false, fantasy and reality.

Although his memory was sealed, it did not suppress his character and will.

So he started pretending to be dumbfounded.

He yelled: “Moo! Niu Er is one of the kings.”

When the real immortal jackal heard this, his face turned green.

If the king knew about this, he would be in trouble.

He shouted: “Why are you yelling so loudly? And I’m not the king, I’m just the patrol captain.”

“Uh…Okay, Your Majesty!”

With that said, Li Yuan walked away carrying the bone stick given by Jackal.

They even walked and danced and sang folk songs.

“The king asked me to patrol the mountains. I visited the southern mountains and the northern mountains. Hey, hey, hey…”

For a moment, only the Jackal Sutra was left messy in the wind.

As expected, it is not appropriate to encourage the growth of a young person.

The IQs of these enlightened little monsters are indeed not online.

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