The leader of the Hengtian Cult had a murderous intent on his body, and his eyes were extremely vicious.

She shouted: “Damn evil devil, suffer death!”

In an instant, she moved the formation and sacrificed her most precious treasure – the Eternal Divine Wheel.

With the blessing of the great formation, the power of this eternal divine wheel was even more terrifying, and it rolled directly towards Li Yuan.

At this moment, the power of this treasure was almost maximized.

When Li Yuan saw this, he didn’t dare to face him directly, so he directly took out the most precious rebirth pool to protect himself.

At the same time, the other three treasures also appeared, bursting with immeasurable divine power.

Especially the Luoshen Bell, every roar caused the immortals in the formation to bleed and the souls to tremble.

This is the great formation of stars across the sky and earth, and there is a treasure to suppress it, otherwise, countless immortals and gods can be killed in one fell swoop.

The immortals and gods who were originally extremely confident turned pale with shock, showing expressions of horror.

The four treasures were twice as many as theirs.

At the same time, the golden light of the Eternal Fragrance Spectrum shone, and a figure slowly condensed into shape, revealing its true body.

As soon as Di Wende had an idea, he directly used his strongest magical power and transformed into three thousand mysterious immortals.

Each of these three thousand incarnations has the strength of the peak of Xuanxian.

At this moment, the hearts of all the gods were cold.

Just these three thousand incarnations seemed to be able to kill them all.

The hearts of the masters of the two major forces also sank, but they also knew that they must not give up.

The evil spirits from outside the world are here to destroy them, and they have no choice but to fight to the death.

The voice of the Lord of the Immortal Court spread throughout the world: “Evils are rampant, but evil cannot defeat good. With God’s blessing, we will definitely be able to kill the evil demons and restore peace to heaven and earth.”

His tone was sonorous, and he seemed to be full of invincible confidence.

As he spoke, he sacrificed his most precious treasure, a divine sword, which directly destroyed a group of dream clones.

At the same time, the leader of Hengtian also activated the Eternal Divine Wheel and pushed back the treasure pool, which also raised infinite hope in everyone’s hearts.

Since ancient times, evil has never prevailed over good. They are led by two powerful men and have two treasures in their formation, so they will definitely be able to block this evil attack.

But at the moment when the divine sword killed the dream clone, a terrifying light bloomed next to the Lord of the Immortal Court.

The halberd in the hand of the God of War Mo Yuan directly tore open the immortal body of the Lord of the Immortal Courtyard, intending to kill his soul.

The Lord of the Immortal Court screamed, filled with shock and anger, and knocked Mo Yuan away with a palm.

“Mo Yuan, are you crazy?”

Xuanxian roared angrily, with disbelief written all over his face.

Mo Yuan is the God of War of the Immortal Court. Apart from the Lord of the Immortal Court and the Four Great Emperors, he is the most powerful.

Mo Yuan laughed ferociously and shouted: “You hypocritical gods, don’t you know that I am the leader of the Demon Cult?”

It’s a pity that his sneak attack didn’t kill the Lord of Immortal Court.

He knew that this body was bound to die, so he directly killed the Xuanxian who spoke.

At the same time, many strong men in the Immortal Court formation turned against them and killed their colleagues wantonly.

Obviously, they were strong men who were instigated by Mo Yuan to rebel, and their disguise had been torn off at this time.

“What, Mo Yuan is actually the leader of the Demon Cult!”

“How can this be?”

All the strong men were stunned and couldn’t believe it.

The God of War in Immortal Court turned out to be the biggest villain in this catastrophe.

There was chaos in the formation for a while.

However, the methods of the Lord of the Immortal Court are also extremely astonishing. Although he suffered heavy losses, he is still extremely powerful.

“Mo Yuan, do you think you will win with the help of evil spirits?”

“The source of immortality, deprive it!”

He shouted angrily and used his unparalleled mythical power. The next moment, a terrifying light filled the air.

A terrifying fairy light appeared on all the rebels.

At this moment, the immortal body below Xuanxian suddenly collapsed, and the immortal soul was shattered.

Only the true spirit escaped and was absorbed by Li Yuan’s eternal fragrance spectrum.

Although the several Xuanxian who rebelled with Mo Yuan did not die on the spot, they were not much better.

Without the Lord of Immortal Court taking action, several of them were killed by the angry powerful men of Immortal Court.

However, the Lord of the Immortal Court seemed to be feeling unwell, and his injuries were even more serious.

All of this was accomplished almost instantly.

Li Yuan’s thoughts were hidden in the eternal fragrance spectrum, and he felt a little solemn in his heart.

The masters of these two major forces are indeed not simple. With the blessing of this great formation, they are already comparable to golden immortals.

And under their urging, the power of the two treasures surged, and the two treasure pools were unable to stop them, and they retreated steadily.

But fortunately, there are also the Eternal Fragrance Book and the Fallen God Bell, whose power far exceeds that of ordinary treasures.

Especially the Falling God’s Bell, which specializes in damaging Yuanshen. Even if the opponent is blocked by a large formation, the True Immortal Yuanshen will continue to explode.

He believed that as more and more immortal gods fell, this great formation would eventually break.

Moreover, the masters of the two major forces are not Jinxian after

At that time, the two half-step golden immortals could not stop the four treasures from coming out at the same time.

Between the sky and the earth, the sky is dim and the earth is dark, the heavens are disillusioned, one after another immortals and gods are being suppressed across the formation, and their bodies and spirits are destroyed.

Immortal blood filled the void, but was quickly wiped out by the remaining power of the treasure.

The remaining strong men were all injured all over their bodies, and their condition was extremely serious.

The atmosphere was depressing, and everyone’s hearts were cast into a shadow.

Are they doomed?

But at this point, they had no choice but to fight to the death.

The repeated collisions between the treasures caused countless people who set up the formation to fall one after another.

Finally, the formation was completely broken.

By this time, almost everyone below the immortals was wiped out.

The Lord of the Immortal Court looked sad. Without the blessing of the formation, their strength dropped sharply.

Moreover, he had been severely injured by the traitor Mo Yuan before, and his soul was already extremely weak.

Could it be that they are all doomed on this day?

“For God’s sake, open your eyes!”

An immortal screamed, desperate to the extreme.

They could only watch helplessly as each of their relatives, friends and subordinates perished, but there was nothing they could do.

Even now, they don’t know where the evil spirit’s true form is.

The Lord of the Immortal Court roared angrily and said: “Run, disperse and run, don’t make any more fearless sacrifices.”

By now, even he no longer had any hope.

While speaking, he reached his highest level and directly joined forces with the leader of Hengtian to block the treasure pool.

The divine sword cuts towards the treasure pool of rebirth.

The Eternal Divine Wheel crashed into the supreme treasure, the Falling Divine Bell.

When Li Yuan saw this, his expression changed slightly, and he was about to activate the Eternal Fragrance Spectrum to keep these immortals.

Suddenly, a creepy feeling appeared, as if a great terror was coming.

I saw an indifferent face appearing above the nine heavens, looking down at all living beings.

He is like the Lord of this heaven and earth, dominating all life and death.

Billions of laws are intertwined, infinite Tao aggregates are permeated, and along with the light of immeasurable tribulations, a phantom appears.

He pointed directly at Li Yuan, who was hiding in the eternal fragrance.

This finger caused time and space to shatter and the avenue to collapse.

This finger is unmatched.

And the moment this indifferent face appeared, the mission list far away in Babel Tower was suddenly refreshed.

There was a change in the content of the mission, and the reward was directly increased tenfold.

Some disciples were stunned when they discovered it. This reward was enough to rank among the top three.

And Shark Wu Jing, who had been deducing the case of the missing treasure, was also shocked.

So what happened in the Candle Demon Realm? The mission reward actually increased tenfold.

Could it be that this is the reason why my treasure was lost?

Why wasn’t even any information sent back?

It’s a pity that there is something wrong with that place. The heavenly will of the universe cannot penetrate into it, and the heavenly secret cannot be calculated at all.

He has been planning for so many years, but it’s all in vain?

He was resentful in his heart because he borrowed the most precious Pond of Rebirth from Mr. Crocodile.

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