The Holy Land of the West, the Five Yun Zen Sect.

There are hundreds of thousands of Arhats standing there.

These one hundred thousand Arhats are all above the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

And in the middle of the one hundred thousand Arhats, there are one hundred and eight Zen masters, all of whom are Xuanxian.

Zen master Wuyun suddenly stopped teaching, his expression changed uncertainly.

“Zen Master, what happened?”

A Zen master asked.

The Zen master continued to deduce, and said with a painful expression: “Zen Master Fukong, I’m afraid he has died.”


“Isn’t Zen Master Fukong sitting in the land of reincarnation?”

“The secrets of heaven are obscure, and those with great supernatural powers cover up the secrets of heaven. There will be great changes in the land of reincarnation.”

While talking, Master Wuyun Zen offered a five-color rainbow bridge and stepped onto the rainbow bridge.

“What, the Land of Reincarnation is jointly managed by three major forces. Could it be that the Demon Sect attacked in advance?”

Everyone was shocked and angry, these demons were really unscrupulous.

“No matter what, it’s just a walk.”

The Wuyun Zen Master spoke, although he felt uneasy, but he was not too worried.

There is the most precious Wuyun Hongqiao. Even if the devil comes to the world, there is nothing he can do.

Among the many Zen masters, thirty-six Zen masters clasped their hands and followed the master of Wu Yun on the bridge.

This rainbow bridge erupts with rainbow light, as if it has transcended time and space and disappeared into the holy land of the west.

At the same time, the masters of the other two major forces also felt something was wrong.

Although the secret was obscure, they still felt that something was wrong and something had happened in the Land of Reincarnation.

The Lord of the Immortal Court directly sent powerful men down to the lower realm to inquire about the changes in the Land of Reincarnation.

The Lord of Hengtian in the other direction thought of the previous warning from God and felt that a catastrophe was coming.

Without hesitation, she left Xiaoqianjie directly and went to Xianting to discuss countermeasures.

Master Wuyun Zen used the five-color rainbow bridge to cross countless spaces and arrived at the land of reincarnation in less than a moment.

When he saw the mess in the Land of Reincarnation, he was immediately furious.

“The bold demon dares to wreak havoc on the land of reincarnation.”

A Zen master was so angry that he took action and killed a group of demons.

When the female zombie saw this, her expression suddenly changed.

Not only did he attract the Thirty-Six Zen Masters, but he also attracted the Five Aggregates Zen Masters.

This is a powerful man who has surpassed the Mysterious Immortal. If it were not for the limitations of the world, he would have reached the realm of the Immortal Golden Immortal mentioned by the Demon God.

Moreover, he has the most precious Wuyun Hongqiao on his body. Even if the leader comes, I am afraid he will not be a single enemy.

As soon as she raised her hand, the female zombie directly sacrificed the little sparrow, turning it into a golden light and killing the Wuyun Zen Master.

This golden light shattered the space and exploded with all its strength, far surpassing the Xuanxian.

However, the Wuyun Zen Master had been alert for a long time and without any hesitation, the Five-Colored Rainbow Bridge stood directly in front of them.

That blow, which was comparable to a golden fairy, although it knocked Hongqiao back, it did not hurt the opponent.

Wuyun Zen Master’s eyes were full of divine light, and he said in surprise: “What a terrible method, it is comparable to a strike from a treasure.”

No wonder Zen Master Fukong fell. Even he might not be able to stop this method without the protection of the most precious treasure.

When the female zombie saw that she had not killed the Wuyun Zen Master, she retreated violently and shouted: “Back off!”

Their goal is only to reincarnate many true spirits. Since the goal has been achieved, there is no need to fight with each other.

The key is, they can’t beat it.

However, if they wanted to leave, how could the many Zen masters let them escape?

This time, they really hit their bottom line.

A Zen master shouted angrily: “You brave devil, you want to leave after killing Zen Master Fukong?”

He took action directly, and the vase in his hand burst out with billions of green light, like the entrance to a small thousand worlds, swallowing up all the demons.

The terrifying law of devouring permeates the place, and even the female zombie herself can only struggle to contend with it.

The Zen master who took action this time was a powerful man at the peak of Xuanxian, and the treasure vase in his hand was a famous and peerless spiritual treasure.

Countless demons wailed and were pulled into the air uncontrollably, ready to be swallowed by the vase.

The female zombie was frightened and angry, but there was nothing she could do.

After all, the sparrow had already dissipated after it unleashed its most powerful blow.

But at this moment, a figure came from the depths of the Land of Reincarnation and arrived at the scene in an instant.

Many Zen masters didn’t care at all. They were little immortals and were nothing to be afraid of.

However, soon, looks of horror appeared on their faces.

The man raised his hand, and streaks of golden light turned into the sky and instantly enveloped the Land of Reincarnation.

“This is…a treasure?”

Everyone’s expressions changed drastically and they couldn’t believe it.

Master Wuyun Zen’s heart sank. This is not the most precious treasure of the Demon Sect.

He shouted in a deep voice: “You go and slay the evil spirits later, I will deal with this supreme treasure.”

As he spoke, he activated the Five Yun Hong Bridge and struck the sky.

A treasure, with his methods, may not be able to suppress it.

As long as he refines this treasure, he will be able to dominate the other two major forces in the future.

However, the next moment, accompanied byA bell rang, and the two pools burst into brilliant divine light, attacking from above and below.

“Four supreme treasures? How is this possible!”

Even the Five Elements Zen Master was stunned, and his heart was chilled.

Could it be that the demon god really came to the world?

The four supreme treasures burst out with unparalleled divine power, and the suppressed Five Elements Rainbow Bridge could not resist at all.

And the Five Elements Zen Master used all his strength to activate the supreme treasures to protect everyone.

But the divine power of the three supreme treasures could almost destroy the world, and every collision made everyone on the bridge bleed.

The Five Elements Zen Master was very powerful and had already approached the Golden Immortal infinitely.

But he still couldn’t stop the siege of the four supreme treasures.

In the end, the Five Elements Rainbow Bridge was broken, and one Zen master after another exploded.

Zen Master Wuyun was shocked and angry. This attack on the reincarnation land was clearly a conspiracy.

Four supreme treasures, once the masters of the three major forces acted alone, they could not stop them at all.

He wanted to send a message to inform the other two half-step golden immortals, but in this treasure space, the information could not be transmitted at all.

“Is my Zen sect going to be destroyed today?”

A Zen master’s soul collapsed and wailed in despair.

“Devil, even if we die, we will not let you have an easy life.”

A Zen master roared and directly broke away from the protection of the Five Elements Rainbow Bridge, wanting to kill these evil demons before he died.

However, as soon as he left the protection of the Five Elements Rainbow Bridge, he was directly annihilated by the power of the three treasures.

Li Yuan had a blank expression on his face and did not think of showing mercy.

He came to complete the mission and could not show mercy.

At the last moment, he sacrificed a golden sparrow and killed all the strong men.

The peerless treasure should not be exposed, and an ordinary treasure is not enough. This is to prove his means of destroying the Five Elements Zen Sect.

In the end, all the strong men, including the Five Elements Zen Master, were wiped out.

The Five Elements Rainbow Bridge was also severely damaged, and its power was greatly damaged. It was suppressed by the four treasures together.

Li Yuan summoned Di Wende and tampered with some of the memories of the demons present before putting away the treasure.

He looked at the female zombie and said, “You will stay here next. I will go to the other two forces first and kill their leaders.”

The female zombie nodded quickly and said respectfully, “Don’t worry, sir, I will definitely take good care of the reincarnation land.”

Even the Lord of the Five Elements was killed, can the other two escape?

This world is finally going to change, and it is the turn of these so-called demons to call the shots.

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