Seeing that Sha Wu Jing was hesitant, Li Yuan secretly thought about whether he should lower the price.

He was still somewhat confident about defeating the Shark Warrior Whale.

On the side, Crocodile Tongtian said calmly: “If Junior Brother Zhonglou is interested, you may wish to let me accompany you to discuss.”

Hearing this, Shark Wu Jing seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw and immediately looked at Li Yuan fiercely.

As long as Young Crocodile comes forward, no matter how powerful this kid is, he still won’t be able to make a difference.

A core disciple who can compete with the Demon Lord is suppressed to the realm of true immortals, enough to compete with the heavenly immortals.

Li Yuan looked at Crocodile Tongtian and said leisurely: “Senior Brother Crocodile is an Eight Elite, and his worth cannot be compared with ordinary core disciples. He will get a thousand Dragon and Phoenix Blood Bodhisattva, and regardless of success or failure, he will pay half in advance.”

If you really want to fight Crocodile Tongtian, you have to use your true body.

As a result, the risk will be even greater.

After all, this guy has understood the supreme scriptures of the Demon Sect.

Hearing this, Crocodile Tongtian narrowed his huge crocodile eyes and frowned slightly.

One thousand Dragon Phoenix Blood Bodhisattva is equivalent to 500 million Immortal Crystals, which is enough to exchange for an ordinary treasure.

With his wealth, he can certainly spend it, but he also has to sell some things.

Although he was confident that he could easily kill this kid, due to his status, he couldn’t really kill him here.

If he took out five hundred dragon and phoenix blood bodhis just to teach this boy a lesson, he is not sick.

After taking a deep look at Li Yuan, Crocodile Tongtian said calmly: “Junior brother’s appetite is too big.”

Li Yuan smiled and said: “Brother Crocodile, what you said is wrong. Junior brother, I am gambling with my life. Isn’t the life of a true disciple worth a thousand Dragon and Phoenix Blood Bodhisattva?”

It’s worth it, but I can’t really kill you here and offend a demon king.

Glancing at Li Yuan, Crocodile Tongtian said calmly: “Since junior brother doesn’t intend to compete, forget it. There is no need for the lion to open his mouth.”

With that said, he turned around and left, no longer giving Li Yuan a chance to talk nonsense.

Li Yuan watched Crocodile Tongtian leave without too much regret. After all, if he wanted to win Crocodile Tongtian surely, he had to use his true body.

No one can guarantee that they are invincible, and he is no exception.

For example, this time’s forbidden magical power, if he didn’t have infinite longevity, even if his true body had a treasure, he might not be able to block it.

At this time, the old fox who had been silent until now spoke, with a smile on his face.

He sighed leisurely: “As expected of a disciple who can be favored by the Red Lotus Demon King, the young man is very powerful!”

Just now he was unable to discern the origin, but now he had a vague sense that the lifespan lost by this boy was not as serious as it seemed.

And since he dared to provoke Shark Wujing to his fate, he must have absolute confidence in himself.

Li Yuan quickly raised his hand and said: “The elder is overly praised, and the junior is just lucky.”

The old fox was speechless. How lucky was he to almost kill a Yuanxian?

True immortals only live 16 million years, while Yuan immortals live for 180 billion years.

The gap between this has reached an astonishing ten thousand times.

He did not point out anything, and deduced a three-color lotus flower out of thin air, floating directly in front of Li Yuan.

“This is a three-color reincarnation lotus, which is enough to completely restore your lost lifespan!”

When Li Yuan saw this, he couldn’t refuse, so he could only accept the lotus flower and said with some gratitude: “Thank you, elder, for giving me the medicine. I am very grateful.”

The old fox nodded with satisfaction, then turned around and disappeared directly into the Demon Refining Tower.

At this time, among the crowd of onlookers, some core disciples came forward to make friends and give him the elixir.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this person will definitely be no weaker than the Eight Heroes in the future.

Someone directly gave him a healing spiritual root, and asked Li Yuan to accept it.

In response, Li Yuan smiled and said: “Senior brother is too polite. The three-color reincarnation lotus is enough to compensate for the loss of life. As for the injury, hitting an inner disciple will not hurt him.”

He refused the elixir offered by these core disciples, not wanting to involve more cause and effect.

The key is that these things are of little use to him.

After leaving the Demon Refining Tower, Li Yuan’s clone returned to Moyuan Mountain smoothly without any accidents.

But soon, disciples from the sect came to visit one after another.

This time, even if it is a real biography, there are many.

A true successor who will be as good as the Eight Heroes in the future, and with the Demon King behind him, naturally there are many people who want to fawn over him.

The net worth of these sect disciples is indeed astonishing, and some of them even directly gave them the spiritual root.

Li Yuan was also shocked. Although he was moved, he still declined.

If you receive a gift from someone else today and someone asks for it tomorrow, you can’t refuse it, right?

He pushed back this fairy bamboo that could reveal one’s nature and help people refine their spirits. He looked at the fox demon girl in front of him, shook his head and said with a smile: “This thing is too precious, junior sister, you should take it back.”

The fox demon girl has bright eyes and white teeth, and trembling animal ears. There are twelve people behind her.A big colorful tail.

She showed an aggrieved expression and immediately said: “It’s not precious, it’s just a high-grade spiritual root. Senior brother, just accept it.”

Li Yuan refused, without any intention of giving in, and said, “Thank you for your kindness, junior sister, but it’s really not necessary.”

This little fox is Hu Shanshan, a descendant of Hu Yan and an inner disciple.

However, her cultivation is not weak, and she has reached Yuanxian Dzogchen.

Hu Shanshan was somewhat frustrated when she saw that Li Yuan refused to accept him. This was somewhat inconsistent with the style of the Demon Sect.

She sat on the stone bench, wagging her big tail, holding her chin and asking carefully: “Senior Brother Chonglou, I heard that you scared Shark Wu Jing so much that he didn’t dare to fight. Is it true or false?”

Li Yuan narrowed his eyes and smiled: “Who did you hear this from?”

Hu Shanshan said: “Many people are talking on the sect’s Tianwang forum. Some people think that Shark Martial Whale is afraid of you!”

Li Yuan shook his head and said: “That’s not true. In fact, I deliberately raised the stakes just to make him feel bad and not dare to end easily.”

Li Yuan spoke, but did not tell the real situation so as not to reveal some of his strength.

Hu Shanshan tilted her head and asked doubtfully, “Really? My great-great-grandfather also said that once Shark Wu Jing comes to an end, he has a high chance of losing.”

Her great-grandfather is naturally the old fox Hu Yan from the Law Enforcement Hall.

Li Yuan smiled and said: “The other party is a core disciple after all. I haven’t even reached the level of True Immortal Physique. How can it be that easy?”

Hearing this, Hu Shanshan nodded thoughtfully, which seemed right.

She said with some pity: “Senior Brother, you started too late. If you have already cultivated to the extreme of True Immortal, you might really be able to fight with Senior Brother Crocodile Tongtian.”

“It’s a pity that Senior Brother Crocodile Tongtian didn’t end up that day, and we don’t know what his true strength is?”

When Hu Shanshan heard this, her eyes immediately rolled, and she secretly said: “He is one of the Eight Heroes, he is basically powerful and can compete with half-step immortals in the True Immortal Realm.

Now that the true immortal is suppressed, he will definitely be able to fight against the heavenly immortal.

However, with his various methods, ordinary immortals are probably no match for him. ”

Li Yuan nodded, which was similar to his guess.

If he really wants to face Crocodile Tongtian, he is not 100% sure of his true form.


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