In the battlefield, the sky is dark and the earth is dark, and the visions are endless.

Although one person and one demon are suppressed in the realm of true immortals, their strength far exceeds this level.

The power of their casual attack is enough to destroy hundreds of millions of miles around.

Some powerful demons were alarmed and kept roaring, whether it was fear or rage.

Li Yuan has not yet shown his true strength, but a casual blow has caused Biyun Shuang to retreat one after another, unable to compete at all.

Even though she was suppressed, she was still incredibly powerful because of her tyrannical body.

Coupled with the intertwining of the laws of water and wood in her body, her injuries continued to recover.

If it were any other true immortal, his true immortal body would have been destroyed long ago.

Finally, Bi Yunshuang couldn’t bear it any longer, roared, and directly revealed his prototype.

I saw a prototype of a green fairy grass reaching the sky and the earth.

At the same time, she used her terrifying magical powers, and shadowy projections came one after another.

One after another, extremely terrifying shadows appeared, as if they had descended from ancient time and space.

That was the demonic wild beast that once fell in this area.

They struggled, as if they were trying to return to the world.

In an instant, the momentum of the green fairy grass burst through the sky, approaching the half-step immortal.

Outside, Shark Wu Jing’s eyes narrowed and he said in surprise: “Young Crocodile, you actually passed on this magical power to her.”

The other people’s eyes were also shining, and they were slightly envious.

This is the unique magical power of Crocodile Tongtian, which can summon the projection of ancient creatures that have passed away in nearby time and space to bless itself.

Crocodile Tongtian was like a pearl of wisdom in his hand, and said with a smile: “Otherwise, how can she compete with a core disciple?”

Even so, he was actually surprised. He didn’t expect this boy to be so strong.

In the field, countless vines were waving, stirring up the world and erupting with incomparable terrifying power.

Every wave seemed to turn the world into nothingness.

Every fall of a vine was like thunder exploding in the void.

This kind of power has far surpassed that of Immortal Luo Tian.

Although the gap between Luo Tianxian and Half-step Celestial Immortal is only half a realm, it is actually wider than the gap between Lingxian and Luo Tian.

“Give my senior brother his life!”

A cold voice sounded, with thunderous murderous intent.

Li Yuan also became energetic and understood that this was this woman’s trump card.

If you dare to suppress the realm and fight him, the opponent must be fully prepared.

If you were an ordinary true disciple, even if you cultivated to the extreme of true immortality, it would be absolutely difficult to compete.

In an instant, Li Yuan used the Slate Scripture, and his body’s defense increased dramatically.

The cane that could destroy heaven and earth fell on him, but only left some blood marks.

He sneered and said: “It is indeed very strong, but it is a pity that it is just like this.”

As he spoke, the aura on his body became stronger, and he used the soul-strengthening chapter of the Slate Scripture, as if the ancient gods and demons had awakened.

At the same time, he no longer held back and used the Weakness Chapter, and a strange light shrouded the blue clouds.

For a moment, Bi Yunshuang felt extremely weak, as if her immortal body had been hollowed out.

Before she could suppress this feeling of weakness, Li Yuan had already exploded with thunderous means, slashing down with a sword to cut off the cause and effect.

Bi Yunshuang screamed and was almost split into two, and countless vines turned into powder.

“how so?”

She was shocked and angry that this guy was still hiding something.

Since Li Yuan has unleashed all his strength, he will naturally not hold anything back, and every move he makes is a killing move.

He used the calamity to eliminate disasters to the extreme, destroying the world and cutting off cause and effect.

Every time the sword flashed, Bi Yunshuang’s body would be cut open.

Even though she attracted countless demonic projections to bless her, she still couldn’t stop her.

Half-step immortals are also divided into strong and weak ones. If she barely entered the half-step immortal realm, Li Yuan is the big one among the half-step immortals.

Outside, everyone watching the battle was stunned. As expected of the core disciples, even if Yuan Xian among the inner disciples was suppressed to the True Immortal Realm, he was still no match for him.

And only those core disciples understand that this boy’s strength is not comparable to that of ordinary core disciples.

This is not weaker than the strength of the Eight Heroes when they were true immortals. It is really outrageous.

Could it be that the Demon Sect is going to produce another outstanding core disciple?

Crocodile Tongtian’s eyes narrowed slightly. As far as he knew, this boy had not yet truly cultivated a true immortal body.

Once he truly cultivates a true immortal body, he may become invincible among half-step immortals.

Once such a person grows up, he will be in serious trouble.

Even though the Celestial Body is powerful, it cannot exert much power when its cultivation is suppressed.

And as Li Yuan slashed down with his sword, Bi Yunshuang’s immortal body finally couldn’t hold it anymore and exploded, turning into wreckage.

Her soul was torn apart and almost split into two.

Although she recovered the next moment, it seemed that this was just the beginning.

Even though she attracted the blessing of ancient shadows, it was still difficult to resist.And as time went by, her immortal body was constantly being wiped away, and there was no chance of a comeback at all.

Seeing that there was no hope, Bi Yunshuang made a sharp sound and forced Li Yuan back.

The next moment, she used a terrifying secret technique, which turned the vines all over her body like dead branches and leaves.

A rotten aura filled her body, as if her life span was drying up.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a strange demon resurrecting in the void.

There is an extremely penetrating and strange power that spans time and space and directly envelopes Li Yuan.

This kind of power is unavoidable, and it is directly attacked.

This weird power is like the power of time, but different.

Li Yuan, who had mastered the law of time, instantly understood that the other party had used some secret method to erode his longevity.

And it seems that the other party also paid a similar price.

Good guy, this is simply a matter of which pot is not opened. The old man is eating arsenic and is tired of living.

As soon as his heart moved, Li Yuan immediately pretended that his expression changed drastically, and he was filled with shock and anger.

He was running the Seven Tribulations of Time, and there was a faint flow of time laws. It seemed that he had exerted some kind of magical power to resist the erosion of this strange power.

But vaguely, it can be seen that there are some hair on his temples.

When the old fox saw this, his expression changed. He actually used forbidden magical powers, and he was about to stop him.

However, the Demon King with Horrifying Eyes next to him blocked him and said with a faint smile: “Why are you so anxious, Mr. Fox? As long as you don’t admit defeat and your life is not in danger, no one is allowed to interfere.”

Crocodile Tongtian and others also smiled lightly and said: “Yes, maybe Junior Brother Chonglou has other trump cards.”

While everyone was talking, the situation in the field changed rapidly.

When Biyun Shuang saw that Li Yuan had only a few hairs, he was immediately shocked and angry.

In order to kill him with one strike, she spent 100 million years of life.

Under normal circumstances, with a lifespan of sixteen million years, a true immortal would almost certainly die.

Is it because this person has cultivated special magical powers and resisted the erosion of forbidden magical powers?

She was unwilling to give up, and once again activated her forbidden magical power, directly sacrificing tens of billions of years of life.

And the demonic shadow in the void seemed more real.

The weird smile made everyone present feel numb.

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