Entering the palace, naturally a palace maid lit the sacred incense, and Li Yuan felt that his mind was clear and clear, as if he had gained enlightenment.

Obviously, this is also the sacred fragrance bred by extremely precious spiritual roots, which has the effect of enlightenment.

There are also reliefs around the palace. The scenes inside seem to come alive, talking about classics and explaining the avenue.

He felt that if he stayed here to practice, he would get twice the result with half the effort.

Li Yuan couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, it was indeed a place where the top demon king lived.

Hong Lian lay on her side on the cloud bed, the red light in her eyes gradually dispersed, the lotus flower bloomed between her eyebrows, her red makeup was flowing, and she looked extraordinarily heroic.

At this time, she was full of fairy spirit, bright and charming, and no longer as attractive as a witch.

It’s endowed with unrivaled elegance, but also somewhat diffuse and cold.

She asked casually: “Chonglou, how has your practice of the Five Yuan Chaotian Technique been going over the years?”

Li Yuan smiled and said: “It’s not bad, I have completed my cultivation, and now I am condensing the true immortal body.”

Honglian was obviously stunned when he heard this, and was surprised: “Is it complete?”

She couldn’t believe it. According to her estimation, even with the assistance of the Five Yuan Divine Energy, it would take at least tens of thousands of years to perfect the Five Yuan Chaotian Kung Fu.

Because of this, she did not directly give Li Yuan the resources to condense the True Immortal Body.

This time I called Li Yuan here with the intention of giving him a sermon so that he could master the Five Yuan Chaotian Kung Fu as soon as possible.

Li Yuan smiled and said: “Yes, the disciple is already condensing the True Immortal Body, but due to the lack of Tianxin Milk, the True Immortal Body has not been successfully condensed.”

He did not tell Honglian that he had mastered the law of time and could speed up time. He was still a true immortal, but he only lived for tens of millions of years. If he really wanted to tell him, some things would not make sense.

Honglian nodded and said with great satisfaction: “That’s right, but you still can’t be proud. You need to polish the foundation solidly so that you can go further in the future.

As for the Tianxin Milk, it is relatively rare and needs to be exchanged through the sect’s contribution. It is also limited to a certain amount. The master will send it to you after a while, so you don’t have to worry too much. ”

Hearing this, Li Yuan quickly nodded his thanks and said with some embarrassment: “Master, I may need a little more Tianxin Milk.”

On the cloud bed, Honglian suppressed her surprise.

“Oh, I’ll find you a thousand drops first. We’ll wait until you can refine them!”

Although I know that Li Yuan’s foundation is very strong, A Thousand Drops of Heavenly Heart Milk should be about the same.

After all, the Eight Heroes only spent less than a thousand drops of Tianxin Milk.

Of course, this data may not be true, and someone may have concealed the data.

After all, she had consumed nearly 1,200 drops of Tianxin Milk that year.

The Eight Masters were much more powerful than the other core disciples, and they probably consumed more than a thousand drops of Tianxin Milk.

Li Yuan shook his head and said with a sneer: “Master, my martial arts are all unified. The true immortal body is the body, and it requires more Tianxin Milk than others.

To be honest, I have refined almost three thousand drops, but I have only condensed the True Immortal Body to a small level. ”

Tianxinru is a rare thing, and you have to rely on Honglian. Naturally, he didn’t hide it.

And Honglian also knows that he has practiced Guiyi Martial Arts, so he should be able to figure it out.

Honglian was obviously stunned when he heard this.

She couldn’t believe it, and directly scanned Li Yuan with her spiritual mind, checking Li Yuan’s body.

Soon, she showed a startled look, she really had condensed herself into a small child.

Guiyi Martial Arts is really amazing.

It seems that it is not just as simple as unifying the mana of the physical soul.

As far as she knew, in the history of the Demon Sect, the most amount of Tianxin Milk consumed was less than 3,000 drops.

Honglian felt that she had to study the Guiyi Martial Arts carefully.

As for Tianxin Milk, the quantity required is too much.

She checked and found that the sect only had 7,000 drops left in stock.

Honglian frowned and said, “How did you obtain the three thousand drops of Tianxin Milk before?”

Li Yuandao: “Basically, it was a secret deal with Senior Brother Miexin, and no one else should know about it.”

Honglian said in a deep voice: “Don’t trade with others in the future. Once exposed, it may arouse the suspicion of some people, and they may not do anything against you.”

Being able to refine three thousand drops of Heavenly Heart Milk must be a monster on the same level as the Second Saint.

The so-called two saints are the saint son and saint girl who are in the power-desiring system.

They are also core disciples, but their qualifications and strength are far above those of the Eight Elites.

Li Yuan nodded, naturally understanding what Honglian meant.

He hesitated and said: “Then I need too much Tianxin Milk, how can I get it?”

Honglian took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: “You don’t have to worry about this. My master will help you condense it through this world, but it may take thousands of years.”

It just so happens that she wants to promote this world to the Zhongqian World, so she can condense it during the promotion.

Li Yuan finally felt relieved after hearing this.

Soon after, he left Quan Motian and returned to Moyuan Mountain.

Outside Moyuan Mountain.

There is someoneAttacking the formation.

However, they were far enough away that they did not attack directly, but wanted to consume the power of the formation bit by bit.

Inside the formation, Xiong Ba led a group of little demons in a rage.

“You bastards, don’t you know that this is the dojo of Chonglou, the core disciple of the Demon Sect!”

Outside the formation, a powerful demon laughed and taunted: “Core disciple? According to the information I received, he had been sentenced to life imprisonment for killing an inner disciple as early as a thousand years ago.

Moreover, he killed another inner disciple half a year ago. Do you think he can still stand up? ”

This was the news he accidentally got through his master’s concubine, who was sworn to his eldest brother’s grandfather, and it couldn’t be wrong.

It is said that if this core disciple offends a real big shot, he will be sent to the dark hell.

He had to occupy this mountain quickly while few people knew about it.

There are not only the treasures of that core disciple, but also a cave world.

“Impossible, our mountain master’s master is the Demon Lord.”

Xiong Ba didn’t believe it, that was the backer he had just found.

“What about the Demon Lord? Even the Demon Lord can’t protect his disciple.”

The big demon mocked and didn’t take Xiong Ba’s threat seriously at all.

Around him, other demons were also shouting, telling Xiong Ba to quickly open the formation, otherwise he would be reduced to a meal.

Li Yuan looked cold, but within a thousand years, demons would dare to come and rob his cave.

However, this is also related to what happened to the Demon Sect this time. His incident had such a huge impact that some senior leaders of the Demon Sect suppressed it and banned external reports.

These monsters obviously just heard some rumors and thought that he really couldn’t stand up.

Li Yuan appeared and looked at the three-meter-tall monster.

“Does this fellow Taoist want to enter Moyuan Mountain?”

“Yes, get out of here quickly.”

The big demon was stunned and spoke subconsciously.

He was still wondering how a little true fairy suddenly appeared.

Then he heard that Xiong Ba in the formation looked overjoyed and said in surprise: “Mountain Master, I knew you would definitely come back.”

The big demon reacted instantly when he heard this, showing a look of horror. Is this the core disciple?

Wasn’t he going to be sent to hell? Why did he come back?

Without any hesitation, he ran away. How could he dare to stay here?

However, Li Yuan looked indifferent and directly took out an iron tree and caught a sparrow from it.


When the sparrow heard the words, it chirped and turned into a golden light.

The next moment, with a scream, this big demon in the late stage of Xuanxian was pierced between the eyebrows, and both body and soul were destroyed.

When the other demons saw this, they were immediately frightened out of their wits.

This little sparrow actually directly destroyed the big demon in the late stage of Xuanxian.

In despair, they quickly begged for mercy and were willing to surrender.

In this regard, Li Yuan had no nonsense and commanded the sparrow to directly kill all these demons.

Then, he picked up a beheaded snow deer and planned to kill it first.

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