After destroying Di Wende, Li Yuan also obtained two peerless skills from Di Wende.

One is the magical power of transformation performed by the figures in the scroll that he saw when he started.

By practicing this skill, one can transform into countless things and transform into all things.

If you can cultivate to the highest level, you can even hide it from Daluo Jinxian.

This magical power of change is not an illusion, but changes oneself essentially and from the root.

When you practice to a high level, you can even simulate the characteristics of changing things.

For example, Devender has the ability to control thunder and lightning after turning into a thunder beast.

Li Yuan has been coveting this technique for a long time, but unfortunately he has no contribution.

Well now, there are free exercises delivered directly to your door.

He suddenly felt that it was not a bad thing that there were core disciples in the sect who were specifically targeting him.

Otherwise, he would have no excuse to kill the opponent, thus recording his name in the eternal book of fame.

For a moment, Li Yuan was looking forward to encountering Shark Whale.

The only regret is that Di Wende only changed to the seventh level of practice.

The second skill is a residual skill.

This sutra is the Great Dream Sutra, of which there is only a very small part.

However, this Great Dream Sutra is very extraordinary. It can cultivate three thousand dream clones, with a maximum strength of 10% of the original body.

The dream clone is invisible and good at hiding, so it can be said to be extremely useful.

However, Li Yuan has the magical power to incarnate millions of people, and his thoughts are even more elusive, so this dream clone is of no use to him.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that this sutra records a kind of supreme magical power, which is the dream without trace.

If one cultivates this magical power, even if his soul is destroyed and his true spirit is shattered after being beaten, as long as there are traces of himself in the world, there is still the possibility of his return.

This is a bit scary, almost equivalent to true immortality.

However, the Dameng Sutra is incomplete, and there is no cultivation method like Dameng Wuhen at all.

According to Devender, this skill was brought back from an ancient ruins by his master, but unfortunately it was extremely incomplete.

Li Yuan was filled with regret and asked Black Lens if he had ever heard of this skill.

Black Lens thought for a long time before responding: “I probably haven’t heard of it, but if it can disperse the true spirit and then come back again, it must be a supreme scripture, or even the legendary supreme scripture.”

When Li Yuan heard this, he suddenly became thoughtful.

However, looking at him through the black lenses, he couldn’t help but strike: “Don’t think about it, this Great Dream Sutra is not a fragment of a supreme technique at all, it should just be a fragment of a peerless technique derived from it.

It is rare to see the supreme technique, let alone the legendary supreme scripture? ”

Li Yuan looked regretful and sighed: “It’s a pity, but as long as it exists, there may not be a chance to get it in the future!”

The black lens sneered directly: “Young people don’t know the heights of the world. Even if you really find me, with your qualifications and understanding, you can only stare.”

What is the Supreme Scripture?

That is the law created by beings that have transcended this universe.

It can be said that this is the transcendent Dharma.

Even if he is the Supreme, there is no guarantee that he will be able to cultivate the supreme scriptures.

Li Yuan didn’t say much. Although he had achieved the non-ordinary phase of the Three Phases Sutra, it was indeed a coincidence.

Besides, so many years have passed, and he still has no clue about the appearance of Wutian and human beings.

Instead, Di Wende reminded: “Master, when Di Wende escaped for his life, he had already sent a message to Crocodile Tongtian through Skynet, telling him that the situation here had changed.”

Li Yuan frowned slightly when he heard this. This was actually a troublesome matter.

However, without conclusive evidence, the other party would not be able to attack him openly.

As for those who are playing dirty tricks, he is not afraid, but is looking forward to it.

Li Yuan’s true body is still being ‘punished’ in Mine No. 72, while his thoughts go to other places to mine.

But the outside world is already in turmoil.

Miners gathered in groups to demonstrate.

Because in recent years, the ore in the mines has dropped sharply, and 90% of the miners have not been able to dig enough.

If you don’t dig enough shares, you need to post them yourself.

They worked hard and risked their lives for 180 years, but instead of making any money, they had to pay for their work.

What’s the point of paying to go to work?

Since the death of the new person in charge of the mining area, there has been no new person in charge.

This mining area was filled with chaos for a while.

After Li Yuan knew these things, he felt a little ashamed.

Over the years, almost all of his 480 million thoughts have been used, and this mining area has almost been hollowed out.

Not even the violent original power traveling in the void was spared.

The heavens in his body are filled with mountains of various source ores, about fifteen trillion in total.

Converted into source stones, that’s ten thousand.Five hundred billion, equivalent to 150 million immortal crystals.

Such an astonishing wealth is even enough to purchase a peerless skill.

Even for ordinary Xuanxian, this is an unimaginable wealth.

And this is only the source ore from mining area 10086.

Li Yuan’s goal is to drain all the mining areas under Crocodile Tongtian’s command.

Since he is determined to fight to the death, there is no reason to show mercy.

But not long after, three powerful figures descended on the mining area.

There were two men and one woman, and one of them was the Shark Whale that Li Yuan had seen before.

His eyes were cold and he came with murderous intent.

Shark Wu Jing is a core disciple, and those who can walk with him will naturally not be simple characters.

The cold and charming woman looked indifferent and said with some confusion: “Young Master Crocodile, a newly promoted core disciple, are you paying too much attention to him?”

The crocodile-headed young man with eyes like copper bells, a long mouth, and a height of only 1.5 meters heard this and said calmly:

“Being a core disciple of the Demon Sect is naturally something special. What’s more, Di Wende once sent me a message that his clone died in the mine for no reason, and then he also died quietly.”

This crocodile-headed young man is naturally one of the Eight Heroes, Young Crocodile. The crocodile can reach the sky.

He was still in seclusion practicing his peerless magical powers, but his close confidants told him that Di Wende, his subordinate, had fallen again.

Although Di Wende is an inner disciple, he is very powerful and has few opponents below the Golden Immortal level.

But he died silently, which was obviously not normal.

It’s a pity that Devender used special means to hide the secret when he went here.

Therefore, even the sect law enforcement team could not investigate how he died or where he died specifically.

Shark Wu Jing walked into the mining area and asked a guard: “Where is your person in charge?”

The guard didn’t know the identity of Shark Wu Jing, but the invisible aura of the three people alone made him dare not hide it.

“Sir, the person in charge of our mining area has died for many years, and there are no new ones coming.”

“Dead? How did you die?”

When several people heard this, they couldn’t help but look at each other.

However, the guard shook his head and said: “I heard that he went crazy and died directly…”

“Then where is the punished person named Chonglou in your mining area?”

“Chonglou? I don’t know!”

When the three of them heard this, their expressions suddenly became a little ugly.

They entered the mining area and found several mining area leaders, but they all failed to answer questions.

What they didn’t know was that Devender had killed everyone who knew Chonglou’s identity as a precaution.

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