Qinghai Dragon’s expression was complicated, and he still had the previous momentum.

He bowed and said: “Master!”

Li Yuan looked at Qinghai Long and nodded secretly.

From now on, he will have an extremely powerful fighter.

However, as a puppet manifested by the Eternal Fragrance Book, he cannot escape from the place shrouded in the glory of the Eternal Fragrance Book.

After a long time, Li Yuan put away the eternal fragrance book.

He had gotten all the information he wanted to know from the Qinghai Dragon.

As he said, behind him stood one of the Eight Heroes, Young Crocodile.

However, this action was not directed by the Crocodile Master, but his own idea.

He wanted to collect the skills from Li Yuan and sell them himself.

Of course, in the end, the crocodile master will benefit.

Originally, with his identity and strength, as long as he didn’t run into the Golden Immortal, there would basically be no accidents.

But I never expected that although Jinxian did not encounter it, he encountered the treasure.

And the person he met happened to be a core disciple of the Demon Sect.

In addition, Li Yuan obtained three legendary skills, two legendary spiritual treasures, and one peerless spiritual treasure.

In the heavenly realm, mythical skills are divided into ordinary skills, legendary skills, and peerless skills, and each level is divided into upper, middle, and lower levels.

On top of the mythological techniques, there are supreme scriptures and supreme scriptures.

As for fairy weapons, spiritual treasures, and treasures, each is divided into three levels: ordinary, legendary, and peerless. .

And above the peerless treasure is the holy object.

For example, the Fallen God Bell and the Eternal Fragrance Book in his hand are peerless treasures, while the pond is an ordinary treasure.

The three spiritual treasures were somewhat broken, so Li Yuan directly asked Qinghai Long to take charge of them.

Among the three legendary skills, one was acquired accidentally by Qinghai Long, and the other two were inherited from the Six Desire Demon Sect.

The three inheritances are not as good as the stone scriptures, but he still plans to practice first.

After all, since he cultivated the Law of Time, time is the least valuable thing to him.

And every legendary magical power actually explains the mystery of the laws of heaven and earth.

This will be very useful for understanding other laws of heaven and earth in the future.

But unfortunately, the unexpected skill cannot be sold for the time being.

After all, there are many people who know that Qinghai Long has practiced this skill.

Once it is sold to the public, it is equivalent to directly confirming his killing of Qinghai Dragon.

Li Yuan looked thoughtful. He killed an inner disciple this time. Although there was a reason, he was afraid that he would not be able to escape the blame.

He called out to Master Hong Lian in his heart, but Hong Lian did not respond and was obviously still in retreat.

Breaking through the Taiyi Golden Immortal can take as short as a thousand years or as long as tens of millions of years.

He didn’t know when Honglian would come out of seclusion.

Fortunately, he has a treasure on his body that has erased all traces, so he probably won’t be traced easily.

If he was really going to be traced, he would be justified. After all, he was acting in self-defense.

However, Qinghai Long is only an inner disciple, so he will bear the blame upon himself.

Moreover, Honglian is now breaking through Taiyi. Without Honglian’s permission, who would dare to touch him except the Demon Emperor?

Li Yuan was immersed in it and began to understand the techniques.

However, in the dark sky, the strong man in charge of the sect’s personnel had already discovered the death of Qinghai Long.

Every disciple who joins the Six Desire Demon Sect will be included in the Dark Sky.

As long as death occurs, it will inevitably be noticed.

The death of an inner disciple is naturally not a trivial matter.

Moreover, there was also an outer disciple who died together with this inner disciple.

Law enforcers soon began to investigate and found that the two men had not left the world of the Demon Sect.

However, the special nature of Skynet prevented them from knowing that Qinghai Long went to trade with Li Yuan.

Xuan Xian comes and goes without a trace, making it difficult for ordinary law enforcement officers to investigate clearly.

For a while, they could only report the matter.

When the time comes, there will naturally be demon kings who follow the path of cause and effect and fate to trace back to the source.

Li Yuan didn’t know this and was still studying the techniques with peace of mind.

At the same time, he separated an incarnation and began to condense low-grade Luo Shengshui.

For him, he can have as much of this thing as he wants.

Twenty years flew by.

On this day, Li Yuan went out to trade martial arts, and was targeted by a powerful person again.

The leader of the powerful men has reached the peak of Xuanxian.

The formation rose up and filled with black light, directly blocking all of Li Yuan’s paths.

The leader is a black-robed monster with long tentacles on its head. It should be some kind of insect monster.

Li Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly and said quietly: “Fellow Taoists, what do you mean?”

He looked alert, ready to sacrifice the treasure and release the Qinghai Dragon at any time.

This time, he carried the everlasting fragrance spectrum.

The black-robed monster’s compound eyes flashed and he frowned: “True Immortal? Are you the owner of this shop?”

Li Yuan smiled lightly and said, “Is there something else?”What’s the difference? If these people are here to trade, I will naturally welcome them, but if they have evil intentions, then I am not someone to be bullied! ”

“Take it!”

The black-robed monster looked sarcastic, and with a wave of his hand, two powerful demons attacked Li Yuan.

These two monsters are both heavenly beings, but they are not careless at this time.

When Li Yuan saw this, he immediately retreated.

At the same time, he waved his hand, and the Eternal Fragrance Spectrum was suspended in the air, directly releasing immeasurable light.

A powerful figure walked out of it, with an extremely powerful aura.

“Qinghai Dragon?”

However, when all the demons saw this, they were immediately frightened.

“No, he is not Qinghai Dragon!”

The leader of the black-robed monster spoke with sharp eyes.

At the same time, he stared at the golden page in the air, which turned out to be a powerful treasure.

Qinghai Long looked at the many demons surrounding Li Yuan and frowned slightly.

“Master, it’s a disaster!”

In fact, when Li Yuan saw that Qinghai Long knew these people, he knew he was going to suffer.

Sure enough, the leader of the black-clothed monster said solemnly: “As expected, Qinghai Dragon died in your hands. You dare to kill my disciples of the Six Desire Demon Sect, why don’t you just capture him without mercy?”

Li Yuan had a headache, he was careless.

He didn’t expect that he could still be traced after erasing all traces.

The Eternal Fragrance Book has swallowed up all the fate and cause of the Qinghai Dragon. How did these guys find out about themselves?

The murderous intention emerged in his heart, should he keep all these guys?

However, he killed this idea as soon as it came up.

It was justifiable to kill Qinghai Long. If even these law enforcement teams were killed, Honglian might not be able to save him.

Waving his hand to put away the golden paper, Li Yuan looked at the surprised and uncertain people.

He didn’t panic. As soon as he thought about it, a red talisman rose up on his body, which was heart-stopping.

Although it is just a projection and not real enough, it cannot be faked.

When the demons surrounding Li Yuan saw this, they were obviously stunned, and their expressions changed slightly.

“Core disciple mark!”

“Who are you, and why do you have the core disciple mark?”

Several demons were shocked and confused. Could it be that the suspect in front of them was one of their own family members?

Li Yuan looked at them and smiled lightly: “I am Chonglou, the core disciple of the Six Desires Demon Sect, and my master is the Red Lotus Demon Lord. If you don’t believe me, you can go to the Dark Sky to inquire.”

When several demons heard this, they immediately looked at each other and quickly bowed their hands: “Greetings to Senior Brother Chonglou!”

The leader of the black-robed monster also saluted respectfully, but frowned and said, “I wonder why senior brother wanted to kill the Qinghai Dragon?”

Li Yuan sighed: “He wanted to seize my inheritance and suppress me to search for my soul. I didn’t know his identity at the time, so I beat him to death in one fell swoop. This turned out to be a big mistake!”

The black-robed monster naturally didn’t believe it when he heard this.

The Qinghai Dragon’s strength is not inferior to his own, so even if he faces the treasure, there is no way he won’t have the chance to reveal his identity.

However, if Qinghai Long really commits the following offenses, he deserves to be beaten to death.

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