After leaving Sang Nianmeng’s shop, Li Yuan went to other places and finally gathered the five-yuan divine energy items.

But unfortunately, this place does not have the high-grade spiritual roots he needs.

Not even its condensed fruits are there.

He simply returned to Moyuan Mountain without any accidents along the way.

This made Li Yuan a little regretful. He even brought the treasure with him just in case.

The black bear spirit returned to Moyuan Mountain and immediately didn’t want to leave. The thigh in front of him was so thick that even a little water would be enough for him to struggle for many years.

He smiled and said: “Brother Chonglou, do you think I can be a mount or something?”

Li Yuan glanced at him, shook his head and said, “No need! Your speed is too slow, don’t you think?”

The black bear spirit’s face froze, and his expression suddenly became extremely depressed.

On the way back, he tried his best to keep up with Li Yuan.

He didn’t give up and said quickly: “Then you can be a guard. Brother, your cultivation is too shallow. If a demon is targeting this place, wouldn’t you be in danger?”

Li Yuan tilted his head to look at him and said with a smile: “I remember that a certain bear couldn’t even hold a finger of mine, right?”

Black bear spirit: “…”

He was confused for a moment. Is he really a waste?

But Li Yuan finally said: “It doesn’t matter, this is your home. Since you don’t want to leave it, then stay here and be the guardian of the mountain!”

When the black bear spirit heard this, he was immediately overjoyed and quickly thanked him: “Thank you so much, brother Chonglou. I will definitely work hard to protect the sacred mountain, little bear!”

Li Yuan nodded and said: “I have renamed this place Moyuan Mountain. By the way, what is your name?”

“My name is Xiong Ba, you can just call me Xiao Ba!”

Li Yuan’s face darkened. He took advantage of me. Don’t you want to hang out anymore?

He said angrily: “Xiong Ba, there are indeed some bears who look like bears and have even more bearish personalities. They might as well be called Xiong Ba!”

“Xiongba? Uh… yes, I will be called Xiongba from now on!”

The black bear spirit can naturally tell that Li Yuan’s Xiongba has the same pronunciation as his own name but different characters.

However, he changed his last name on the spot without any discomfort.

Li Yuan was speechless. With your bad behavior, didn’t you ruin this name?

After thinking about it, he directly passed the defense chapter in the slate scriptures to the black bear spirit.

Now that it has been leaked, it doesn’t matter if it happens again.

This move directly shocked the black bear spirit.

Did he get a top-grade legendary mythological scripture just like that?

He was in a daze, always feeling a little unreal.

He understands that purchasing this mythical technique alone requires 180,000 spiritual crystals.

Not to mention him, even if the demons around here are packed up and sold, it’s not worth it!

Xiong Ba burst into tears of gratitude and swore to the sky on the spot that from now on Li Yuan would never say anything unless he gave his orders.

Li Yuan didn’t care. People’s hearts are fickle, and no one can guarantee what will happen in the future.

What’s more, in this world where the strong are respected?

In the cave world, there is a fairy atmosphere that has been transformed by Li Yuan.

The mountains are towering, the river is roaring, and the area is full of life.

He opened the seal of the cave and was able to actively absorb the source of the outside world.

There are all kinds of fairy herbs and elixirs that bloom with fairy light.

At the same time, he also planted the three spiritual roots he obtained in the lower world.

However, the two fruits from back then were wilted, and I don’t know if this spiritual root can still survive after so many years.

There was also a rotten tree that exuded a faint golden light, which he planted on the high mountain in the center.

This was the incomplete and decayed Dao seed. Li Yuan was looking forward to it, hoping that it would come back to life.

If this thing could really come to life, its absolute value would be astonishing, and even Guren would be jealous.

Uh…it seems like her eyes are originally red.

Li Yuan stopped thinking about it and started refining the Immortal Disk, intending to follow the instructions to connect to the Skynet.

The power of heaven scanned and quickly condensed a unique identification for Li Yuan.

The nickname can be arbitrary.

Li Yuan directly changed his online name to ‘Wutian’.

In this way, no one can guess his true identity.

There are some attached URLs in the Youxian Disk, which need to be touched with spiritual thoughts to simulate the relevant frequencies.

These are some commonly used URLs, such as forums, search engines, etc.

Li Yuan was no stranger to this kind of thing, and soon entered a forum called ‘Zhiba’.

This is a forum that ordinary immortals can log into, but some powerful immortals will also hang out.

In fact, except for some special dense networks, ordinary URLs do not limit the level of users.

He flipped through it for a long time, and what he saw and heard was indeed an eye-opener for him.

Why is it that the daughter-in-law of a certain bull demon gave birth to a cub, but it was a wolf cub?

What novel world is open for testing? It only costs 100Fairy Stone can go in and find opportunities;

There are also those who show off the elixir garden they planted. There is a spiritual root in it, but I can’t tell where it is!

But there are too many posts, and countless posts are posted every moment.

The post you just posted may disappear in an instant.

Li Yuan discovered that the posters here seemed to be power-hungry monks.

He was confused and immediately searched online.

After searching for a long time, he found the reason.

This day, Tianwang can only connect to Quan Yutian.

As for those outside Quan Yu Tian, ​​it is said that they are restricted by the powerful men of the Six Desire Demon Sect.

Only those who are truly senior can communicate with the outside world through Skynet.

Some strong people don’t even know that there is a sky outside the sky.

But this is normal. If he were a senior member of Quan Xutian, he would naturally do the same thing.

This can be seen from the fact that the Six Desire Demon Sect’s lair is so secretive.

He checked online and found that the price of high-grade spiritual roots is generally more than 100 million immortal crystals.

And something like the Spiritual Root of Enlightenment is of astonishing value, hard to come by.

However, if it is a fruit from a high-grade spiritual root, the price may be much cheaper.

These things usually range from ten thousand to one million fairy crystals.

Li Yuan’s eyes looked thoughtful. If he calculated this way, he might not have enough fairy crystals.

He found from the Internet that the price of Dragon Phoenix Blood Bodhi is generally more than 500,000 fairy crystals, and he can only buy three.

After thinking about it, he made a post in the exercise area and decided to sell the stone scriptures.

The top-grade legendary scriptures among the top-grades, this is absolutely explosive news if you put it in Zhiba.

In an instant, someone saw Li Yuan’s post and clicked on it.

A legendary mythological technique, and it is also a top-grade among the top-grade. Will someone sell this kind of technique?

Two hundred thousand immortal crystals, this price is not too expensive compared to this kind of scripture!

But ordinary immortals can’t get it.

“Really or not? The host is still a newbie, right?”

“There are some jokes you shouldn’t make, or you might get struck by lightning!”

Someone left a message, somewhat unconvinced.

Because Li Yuan’s number can clearly tell that he is a newcomer.

“Most of them were posted by some random guy who appeared out of nowhere.”

“Everything is possible, what if it’s true?”

“Why don’t you go back to the trading network to sell your skills?”

“Don’t forget, someone posted a post selling high-grade spiritual roots some time ago. Some people went and almost didn’t come back!”

“There are demons and monsters raging on the Skynet. Who knows if there is a giant crocodile on the other side.”


In a short period of time, Li Yuan’s post received replies from many people.

But it soon fell silent. Needless to say, it was obvious that it had been brushed off.

There are so many living beings in the entire Great Thousand World, including countless small Thousand Worlds and countless heavens and realms. Even those who have become immortals cannot count them.

There are so many posts going out at the same time that it’s almost hard to top them all.

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