Without much hesitation, Li Yuan plunged directly into the blazing white halo.

Under the protection of the power of reception, he felt like he was falling into his mother’s arms, with the rich Tao Yun wrapping him up and washing his body.

He can feel that his foundation is constantly increasing and his background is getting thicker.

This is a gift from the Origin Continent to those who ascend in the human world.

The power of guidance enveloped him, passing through the world barrier of the Origin Continent, and kept falling.

He was like a stream of light, cutting through the heavens and passing through the void.

At the same time, some powerful beings were alarmed and looked at the stream of light.

Their figures flickered and disappeared instantly, chasing the stream of light.

Li Yuan’s body was wrapped in the guiding light, falling rapidly, and finally landed in a mountain forest.

He was a little dizzy from being hit, but the impact was not great.

Is this the continent of origin?

Li Yuan felt excited, finally landing safely.

From today on, he will survive.

He looked around. It seemed to be a mountain forest, with ancient trees tens of millions of feet everywhere.

He raised his feet, and a weed under his feet turned out to be a top-notch elixir.

And weeds like this are really everywhere.

Although these things are no longer useful to him, they still feel like a waste in his eyes.

Not far from him, there was a strong source of power, which was a surging waterfall.

Below the waterfall, surrounded by fairy light, there is a small golden flower standing still.

The rich immortal energy turned into wisps of strange phenomena.

Wonderful medicine!

When Li Yuan saw this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

As expected of the continent of origin, you can encounter the elixir when you first arrive.

However, when Li Yuangang approached the golden flower, he realized that it was getting dark before he could take action.

A terrifying pressure emerged, giving him a feeling that the sky was falling.

His expression changed slightly and he immediately looked up.

I saw a huge head staring at me, and its bloody mouth was like a big world.

This is a ferocious beast that looks like a wild bull, with scarlet eyes and two horns.

When Li Yuan saw this, his eyes suddenly froze. This turned out to be a ferocious beast with one and a half feet in the heavenly realm.

Where did the Light of Reception send him?

If this was an ordinary ascendant, wouldn’t he have received a lunch box on the spot?

Barbarian cows also want to eat meat, they are not just passing by.

Seeing Man Niu open his mouth, Li Yuan raised his hand, and there was a magic sword in his hand.


Li Yuan exploded with all his strength, and the magic sword seemed to cut through the void, directly tearing open the sky.

Of course, it wasn’t really tearing open the sky, but tearing open the bull’s head.


The bull roared, but was not killed.

Li Yuan discovered that this barbarian cow had no soul.

It is somewhat similar to the Yang God, and the soul seems to be integrated into the physical body.

Because of this, this makes its physical body extremely powerful.

Its huge body suddenly collapsed, but a terrifying red light shot out from its horns.

This blow was extremely terrifying, enough to kill Immortal Luo Tian.

Li Yuanzheng was about to kill the cow completely and have a meal of cooked beef.

Suddenly, a loud shout resounded throughout the world, and a terrifying figure descended.

“How dare you hurt someone, you evil beast?”

A big hand fell out of thin air and smashed the bull into powder on the spot, leaving no residue behind.

Li Yuan was furious when he saw this. Who dares to snatch his head?

His cooked beef was just gone?

He looked at the approaching figure and his pupils suddenly shrank.

It was an old man with gray hair, his hands behind his back, and his eyes filled with divine light.

Around him, there was a faint Tao Yun flowing.

He is not one of those ordinary ascendants, and naturally has extraordinary knowledge.

Jinxian, grandma, did you meet Jinxian when you first came here?

Li Yuan felt a little panicked.

But this person did save him just now, so he can’t blame him.

Li Yuan quickly raised his hand and said with a grateful expression: “Junior Li Hua, thank you for saving your life, senior.”

“Li Hua?”

Li Yuan was stunned when he heard this, and asked weakly: “Is there any problem?”

The old man ignored him, frowned slightly, and kept counting with his fingers.

Li Yuan was speechless. Is it really okay for you to recount my past in front of me?

Li Yuan immediately used the power of the talisman to conceal his information.

Of course, he wasn’t completely covered up.

The real thing is the real thing.

The old man calculated for a long time, sometimes frowning, sometimes surprised.

He was shocked. Could this person really be Li Hua from another parallel universe?

According to the information he calculated, this person was indeed from a Li family of immortal cultivators in the human world.

Both their identity and appearance are similar, but the time doesn’t match up.

Do you just think too much?

Looking at it sometimes frowning, sometimesThe surprised old man, Li Yuan, was speechless, seeing that Li Hua’s name could not be used indiscriminately in the future.

He even picked a name that was least likely to cause problems, but something happened anyway.

Could it be that there really is a parallel world where Li Hua ascended to the Origin Continent?

Maybe his name will be borrowed by someone.

At this moment, another shock appeared, and figures descended here.

A charming and beautiful woman looked at Li Yuan, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she immediately said: “Are you the ascended one?”

Li Yuan nodded and did not hide anything.

These people are all powerful Golden Immortals.

Seeing Li Yuan admit it, the expressions on their faces became kinder.

The woman looked at Li Yuan and said directly: “I come from the Demon Spirit Sect, worship the Demon Ancestor, and practice orthodox demon methods. I wonder if you are interested in joining our Demon Spirit Sect!”

As soon as these words came out, the old man from earlier looked displeased and immediately sneered: “This little friend is obviously my human monk. How can I be worthy of joining your demon spirit sect?”

“Hmph, this is not your decision. If this little brother joins our Demon Spirit Sect, he will naturally be given the Heavenly Demon’s true blood, and he will be able to transform into a Nine-Heaven Kunpeng.”

The demon woman spoke and looked at Li Yuan, her eyes full of charm and charm.

She has fiery red hair and a hot figure. She wears very cool clothes. Her slender waist and long snow-white legs are really eye-catching.

It must be said that this is a very enchanting female seductress, and it is difficult for ordinary people to resist the temptation.

But Li Yuan is naturally not an ordinary person, and he doesn’t want to become a monster.

He cupped his hands and said: “This junior is born as a human being and has no intention of changing. Please forgive me, senior.”

When the demon woman heard this, she was immediately disappointed and felt regretful.

There are very few ascendants who can ascend to the Origin Continent. If they are carefully cultivated, their future achievements will be limitless.

She was about to continue persuading, but was directly interrupted by others.

A woman with a slightly ordinary appearance spoke with a mean look on her face: “Red Eyebrow, put away your charming face. Not everyone will be deceived by your charm.”

As she said that, she looked at Li Yuan, squeezed out a smile and said: “My little friend, our Guyun Sect is all-encompassing and collects all kinds of methods. There are Supreme Elders who are also great people from the human race. You can consider joining my Guyun Sect. ”

The demon girl’s red eyebrows immediately taunted: “It’s all-encompassing. Isn’t it harboring evil?”

The woman was furious when she heard this: “Chimei, don’t talk nonsense. Are you trying to start a war between the two factions?”

Red Eyebrow chuckled and said: “Don’t dare, don’t dare to talk nonsense!”

Her frightened and weak expression looked more like she was being intimidated, which was pitiful.

At this scene, the angry woman suddenly turned pale and called the witch shameless.

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