The fairy world is very big, but to Li Yuan, it seems very small.

He took Shi Feipeng with him, and in just a few breaths, he had already arrived at the Wuliang Immortal Sect.

However, at this time, the Wuliang Immortal Sect did not have a grand and prosperous scene.

Even their cave world was forcibly torn apart.

There was a terrifying sword light that almost split the entire Wuliang Immortal Sect into two.

A large group of monks are fighting here, including even the giants of the ‘Immortal King’.

And deep in the space, there are three figures joining forces to besiege a strong man shrouded in black mist.

But even if the three of them join forces, they are still no match for the mysterious powerhouse.

Rivers of blood flowed in the field, and corpses lay everywhere.

Shi Feipeng was extremely shocked, “What… happened?”

The Wuliang Immortal Sect is the largest force in the immortal world, how come there are demons and monsters coming to kill them?

And there are too many, almost every immortal has to deal with several demons.

This is still under the condition that other powerful people from the immortal world come to participate in the Yuanling Festival held by Wuliang Immortal Sect.

Li Yuan said calmly: “Just ask someone and you will know!”

Before he finished speaking, a big hand grabbed a bull demon directly.

The bull demon was shocked, looking at the two humans in front of him, and his scalp suddenly went numb.

At that moment, he had no power to resist at all. ,

He is at the level of a god.

Neither of these two people seem to be simple characters.

Li Yuan looked at the bull demon and asked lightly: “Isn’t this the largest force in the immortal world? Why is it so chaotic?”

The bull demon was trembling in his heart, but he still had the courage to speak: “The most powerful force in the immortal world, the Demon King has arrived, and will lead us to unify the immortal world and turn this place into a demon world.”

“The Demon King refers to the guy shrouded in black mist deep in space?”

“Yes, you should leave quickly, otherwise when the Demon King frees his hands, you will not escape death!”

Niu Yao sounded good for Li Yuan, trying to make him feel afraid.

Li Yuan looked at the bull demon and suddenly said: “You are not a creature of this world, are you?”

As soon as these words came out, Niu Yao was obviously stunned and asked doubtfully: “How do you know!”

Li Yuan finally determined that these guys were not creatures of this big world, but came from other worlds.

There are also many big worlds in this universe.

However, because the situation in this piece of heaven is too special, there is no communication between the many big worlds.

Even this big world is beginning to collapse, let alone other worlds?

Shi Feipeng obviously thought of something and said angrily: “Are you evil demons from outside the world?”

The bull demon groaned: “What kind of demons are there from the outside? We are demons!”

Shi Feipeng: “…”

“Your Majesty, what should we do now?”

He was a little worried, this was his home after all.

Although Li Yuan is powerful, that demon king seems to be even more terrifying.

Li Yuan looked into the depths of the space. Those three powerful men should be the so-called three immortal emperors in this world.

The strength is indeed very strong, but it is only a little stronger than Jueding Tribulation.

You must know that the monks in this world can only cultivate the soul, and their strength is weaker than the normal tribulation.

As for that demon king, his physical body has reached the peak of the combined level, and he also has a broken immortal weapon. His magical powers are so powerful that he barely has the strength to survive the catastrophe of becoming an immortal.

When you reach the level of overcoming the tribulation, you can no longer take action easily.

But the powerful men in this world seem to have special methods that will not cause disaster.

He ran the Yin Talisman Treasure Book and could faintly see that the demon king’s true form turned out to be a skeleton monster.

His body seemed to have been enveloped by majestic luck, but it had almost dissipated at this time. He was the son of luck who had lost the blessing of the world’s luck.

In the field, a monk’s golden body was obliterated by the Demon King, and his soul was almost torn apart.

The other two tribulation-level powerhouses were not much better, with serious injuries.

They were shocked and angry, how could this evil spirit from outside the world be so powerful.

This kind of strength is probably not weaker than those in myths and legends.

The monk hurriedly spoke, “Fellow Taoist, why do you have to press so hard? Isn’t it enough that we agree to rule this world with you?”

The demon king in the black mist laughed loudly and mocked: “I don’t trust you, so you should just die!”

Before he finished speaking, the oil lamp above the Demon King’s head shone brightly, causing the three people’s souls to suffer severe pain, as if their souls were about to be burned to ashes.

“Aren’t you afraid that we will cause a great disaster and die together with you?”

The ancestor of the Wuliang Immortal Sect spoke, with a vast aura on his body.

“Then you can try it!”

The demon king was not worried at all about the threat from the three men.

He was already confident of surviving the great catastrophe, but at the last moment, he had to helpOthers claim the larger world.

This is his mission, otherwise he wouldn’t be here.

At this moment, a figure came through the air and approached here.

When several people saw this, they suddenly looked surprised.

In the battle between them, not even the Immortal King dared to get close.

This young man was not affected at all.

The Demon King looked at Li Yuan and frowned slightly: “You are the hidden master in this world?”

He is filled with murderous intent, and any hidden dangers must be eliminated.

Li Yuan smiled lightly and said, “No, I’m just a passerby, coming here to see the fun!”

When the three Immortal Emperors in the Immortal Realm heard this, their newly raised hopes were instantly shattered.

The monk hurriedly said: “Fellow Taoist, wait a minute. This demon is fierce and has killed countless people. Please join hands with us to kill this demon!”

The ancestor of the Wuliang Immortal Sect and another tribulation-level expert also quickly spoke to persuade.

Li Yuan shrugged and said leisurely: “I’m just a passerby. Of course, if you can pay some price, it doesn’t mean you can’t take action!”

Shi Feipeng still knew too little, but he could start with these guys.

Whether it was the secret method that could avoid the catastrophe of immortality or the method that could integrate weird things, he was very curious.

In order to avoid the catastrophe of becoming an immortal, he is still the Yang God now!

“I wonder what you need?”

The ancestor of the Wuliang Immortal Sect felt happy and asked quickly.

Li Yuan smiled lightly and said: “I heard that the three of you have practiced special ancient skills to have such strength.”

When the three heard the words, they immediately understood.

This is the foundation for their livelihood.

However, at this moment, they had to agree.

Four against one, maybe there is a glimmer of hope.

The monk said nothing and threw a piece of white jade directly to Li Yuan.

When the Demon King saw this, he wanted to cut off Hu, but Li Yuan was faster, and in a flash, the white jade ancient book was already in his hand.

Several people present were shocked. They didn’t even realize how this person took action.

With a sweep of his mind, Li Yuan knew that this was indeed a mythical skill that could separate a ray of soul from reincarnation and reincarnation, and finally merge with the main body to achieve the pinnacle.

Although he has no soul, he has countless thoughts and can be reincarnated.

However, this approach seems somewhat incomplete.

He said directly: “This technique seems incomplete!”

The monk nodded and said solemnly: “There are still some left, but the poor monk cannot fully understand them, so they are kept in the sect’s forbidden area.”

Li Yuan nodded and looked at the other two people.

The two of them were not ambiguous and directly sent out their respective skills.

Of course, it is also incomplete.

Although they speculated that Li Yuan was very powerful, they obviously would not reveal the truth directly.

Li Yuan didn’t care either. Anyone who dared to lie to him would not survive tomorrow.

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