Without waiting for Shi Feipeng to stop him, Zhu Ming forcibly broke the seal.

Before the paper man could recover, he lit up the fire and burned the paper man completely.

Zhu Ming looked disdainful and mocked: “That’s it?”

He approached Shi Feipeng and said in a cold voice: “Shi Feipeng, you returned to the immortal world without permission. The master of this hall thought you had evil intentions, so he first sealed your cultivation and then demoted you to the human world!”

Li Yuan shook his head. This boy was obviously looking for an opportunity to kill Shi Feipeng.

Shi Feipeng, an old boy, didn’t even know who his enemy was.

After all, the fist is not big enough and is controlled by others.

He silently looked at the resurrected paper man behind Zhu Ming with a look of pity.

Shi Feipeng also saw it, and originally planned to remind him kindly, but after hearing this, he also had evil thoughts in his heart.

The seal cultivation level is demoted to the human world. Doesn’t this mean that he will die?

As soon as Zhu Ming raised his hand, there was a golden divine seal in his hand.

The light of rules flowing on the divine seal is like a spiritual treasure that is about to awaken.

When Li Yuan saw this, his eyes suddenly froze.

This turned out to be a strange thing, but it seemed to be controlled by someone and surrounded by incomplete laws.

This kind of thing, although the material is mediocre, is probably enough to kill Yang Shen.

Shi Feipeng was obviously panicked, but he was not desperate.

He has confidence in both Li Yuan and the resurrected paper man.

With a sarcastic look on his face, Zhu Ming was about to activate the divine seal to suppress Shi Feipeng and seal his cultivation.

At this moment, a terrifying murderous intention emerged.

Zhu Ming is also considered to have a powerful spirit and quick reactions.

But the distance between him and the paper man was too close, and he realized it later.

When he tried to block this fatal blow, it was already too late.

The attack power of the paper man, who is close to the heaven level, is completely beyond what his level of cultivation can withstand.

The terrifying space crack directly shattered his soul.

As for the physical body, it has long since become a piece of cake.

Almost instantly, the law enforcement leader of the Huaxian Sect, who was in charge of the most precious treasure, received the lunch box.

Until his death, he never thought that he would die so simply when he came with the sect’s treasure in hand.

When Shi Feipeng saw this, he felt a little regretful, but he also felt a sense of gloating.

His expression was complicated. He actually had a chance to save Zhu Ming just now.

Li Yuan took a picture of a rune from the traces of Zhu Ming’s death.

This rune is like a miniature version of the divine seal.

He held the divine seal in one hand and the runes in the other, observing them carefully.

This method can control weirdness, but it is not easy.

On the mountain road, the little Taoist boy finally arrived. Seeing this situation, he was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed drastically.

He looked horrified. The hall master was actually killed by this mysterious young man?

The little Taoist boy was frightened, rolled and crawled, and fled towards the mountain.

“Help! The hall master has been killed!”

“The treasure was also taken away!”


Li Yuan glanced at him, are you blind?

That was done by the paper man!

The paper man did not escape, but directly killed Shi Feipeng.

It obviously still remembers that it was this old thing who sealed it.

When Shi Feipeng saw the paper man coming to kill him, how dare he be careless?

He quickly fought back, but he was only at a disadvantage and lost to the paper man.

However, Li Yuan only reached out and grabbed it, sealing the space and holding the paper man firmly in his hand.

He sealed the paper man again and planned to go back and study it slowly.

Soon, monks from Huaxian Sect continued to pour out.

The little Taoist boy said: “It was the weird paper man attracted by the big devil Shi Feipeng who killed the hall master!”

After everyone heard this, they looked at Shi Feipeng again, and they were suddenly shocked and angry!

They also saw the divine seal and paper man in Li Yuan’s hand.

This further confirms Xiao Daotong’s statement.

Seeing this, Shi Feipeng quickly explained: “Misunderstanding, this is completely a misunderstanding!”

“What’s the misunderstanding? Could it be that Hall Master Zhu can still stand still and let Weiyi kill him?”

“You must have taken advantage of him and attacked him secretly.”

“Let’s join forces and kill this beast!”

An old woman with a wrinkled face spoke, with a murderous look on her face.

Zhu Ming, a child she had watched grow up with her own eyes, unexpectedly died on her doorstep. How unfortunate was it?

There were also strong people who questioned it and immediately asked: “Dharma protector, are you really causing the weirdness?”

Shi Feipeng quickly explained: “This weird thing was already sealed by me. Hall Master Zhu insisted on breaking the seal and burning it to death, but he didn’t expect that this weird thing could be resurrected, and he was accidentally killed.”

“Sophistry, do you really think we don’t know who you are? No matter how eloquent you are, you will not escape death today!”

A cold and charming woman spoke, she also had the same combined cultivation level as Shi Feipeng.

She has a close relationship with Zhu Ming. Zhu Ming may be promoted to elder in the future. Now that he has died, hasn’t her hard work over the years been in vain?

Although the real senior leaders of the sect all went to attend the Yuanling Feast, theyThere are dozens of Xuanxian here.

Even with the help of the mysterious young man and Wei Shi, there is only one way to die.

Of course, there were also people who had a good relationship with Shi Feipeng who interceded, thinking that there might be some misunderstanding.

After all, Shi Feipeng had never been a bad person before.

But they were few and few words, and could not stop the angry crowd at all.

“Devil, suffer death!”

One by one, the powerful monks sacrificed treasures and were about to kill the big devil Shi Feipeng.

Shi Feipeng felt aggrieved, but he had done nothing.

Why doesn’t anyone believe him?

The menace of the crowd, especially the dozens of fusion monks at the head, made Shi Feipeng despair.

There is no doubt that with just one move, he will be beaten to pieces.

Li Yuan looked at everyone, just raised his eyelids, and then there seemed to be a terrifying look in his eyes.

The monks who rushed towards them were shocked and severely injured in an instant.

They seemed to see a terrifying sword light coming, shattering the heavens and shattering the void.

Each monk fell down like a dumpling.

When Shi Feipeng saw this, he was not surprised. After all, he knew that Great Immortal Yuan Zun was an existence comparable to the Immortal Emperor.

Even the extremely terrifying Tianji weirdness can be easily suppressed, let alone these people?

But the others didn’t know this, and they suddenly looked horrified.

Just one look directly hit all of them. Even the Immortal Lord is not so scary, right?

Could this person be the giant Immortal King?

There are not many such existences in the entire fairy world.

How virtuous and capable is Shi Feipeng, that he can actually know such a big shot?

“Senior, my ancestor is also a giant of the Immortal King!”

Some protectors had the courage to speak, fearing that Li Yuan would destroy them.

Li Yuan looked at Shi Feipeng and said with a smile: “Do you want me to help you kill these people?”


Shi Feipeng was frightened. These were his relatives and friends.

Li Yuan was not surprised, but said quietly: “Look at these fools, they don’t know right from wrong, they frame you falsely, your reputation is ruined, your life is difficult to survive, and you still want to protect them?”

Shi Feipeng sighed and said helplessly: “They are just deceived and think that I am a big devil.”

As he said that, he looked at his fellow disciples and said in a deep voice, “I wonder if Ma Yanrong is in the sect?”

Ma Yanrong was the fairy who framed him.

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