Li Yuan looked at the bell in his hand. No matter how he looked at it, he didn’t think it was a living thing.

But it just so happens that it can captivate the mind, and it doesn’t look like a dead thing that doesn’t move.

It has no weapon spirit and is not a treasure.

Li Yuan picked up the bell and planned to ring it!

When the weasel saw this, his face turned green with fright.

“You can’t do that, great immortal, this will kill people!”

“It’s okay, I’ll try it!”

Li Yuan said, regardless of Weasel’s objections.

He shook the bell in his hand, jingle, and immediately there were inexplicable ripples.

This sound seems to directly affect people’s souls, making them sink.

The entire mountain forest was covered in sound, and all creatures who heard the sound of the bell were immediately lost.

They are ignorant and do not know life or death!

Li Yuan had already protected himself and guarded his mind before taking action.

But even so, he was still affected by the sound of the bell, and he felt lost for a moment.

However, the power of this bell is not terrifying, especially for Yang Shen who has no soul, the threat is even weaker.

If this object is sacrificed, it may have unexpected effects in battle.

Li Yuan looked at the bell in his hand and shook it again.

Jingle, jingle, jingle!

It’s getting crisper and crisper, and weirder and weirder.

At the end, the bell started to move on its own.

It shook vigorously around Li Yuan, up and down, left and right, as if it would not stop until Li Yuan was lost.

However, everything was in vain, Li Yuan even had some immunity.

He grabbed the black bell and began to study it despite its resistance.

This is an ordinary bell, seemingly made of ordinary black iron.

Li Yuan took it apart and flattened it, but still found no other secrets.

The incomplete rules that exist on the bell stick together.

Li Yuan didn’t believe in evil, so he simply wiped out the bells.

However, soon, this seemingly ordinary bell recovered silently.

This surprised him, this thing was really weird.

He felt that unless the rules attached to it were broken up.

Otherwise, this thing will still resurrect.

If the bell is like this, is it also the case for other weird objects in this world?

In his perception, there was a talking chair in the distant castle, and in the quiet mountains, there was a paper man burning paper money to himself.

These extremely strange scenes can only be regarded as the tip of the iceberg of this world.

Li Yuan moved and came directly to a castle a million miles away.

The castle exists on a cliff and is deserted nearby.

The castle seemed to have been abandoned for hundreds of years, with traces of cobwebs everywhere.

Under the bright moonlight, this ancient castle looked particularly strange.

Li Yuan looked at the castle with a strange look in his eyes.

Although he hadn’t entered yet, he discovered that there were other ghosts inside.

These ghosts have transformed into powerful ghosts that ordinary people can deal with.

Li Yuan was fearless, strode forward, and opened the dusty castle door.

There was darkness in the castle, but this had no effect on Li Yuan.

He was like the owner of this castle, avoiding some dangers and directly entering the deepest ancestral hall.

In just a few breaths, the evil ghost in the castle didn’t even have time to act.

They looked at the ancestral hall that Li Yuan had entered, and they all looked horrified.

That is a restricted area that they dare not set foot in.

Li Yuan was not interested in Li Gui either, so he just sat down on the weird chair.

“Cluck, cluck, cluck…”

Soon, there were waves of penetrating laughter.

It sounds a bit unmasculine and unpleasant.

Anyone else would have been scared to death.

Li Yuan crossed his legs and asked calmly: “Who are you?”

“Giggle! Who am I?”

“What am I? Oh, they call me Strange Chair!”

“No one has been here for many years, and finally I see a new face, haha!”

This chair seems to be a chatterbox.

Li Yuan asked, and the conversation started.

He poured out everything he knew from the time he knew he was a chair.

Li Yuan did not interrupt, and quietly acted as a listener.

At the end, the chair said: “Keke! You are still the first person who can listen to what I keep saying. Do you want to stay with me forever?”

“I won’t accompany you, because you can’t survive me!”

“No, it’s impossible. I have lived for hundreds of years?”

“Hundreds of years? That’s a really long time!”

Li Yuan looked weird and wanted to get up.

However, at this moment, an inexplicable power fell on him.

He seemed to be glued to the chair, unable to move.Although he could force his way out, he didn’t.

“Don’t leave me, don’t leave me!”

“You said you would always stay with me!”

The chair opened its mouth and made a permeating and resentful sound.

Li Yuan couldn’t help rolling his eyes. When did my mother-in-law say this?

Those who didn’t know, thought he had deceived some girl from a good family.

With a sneer, Li Yuan had a rusty saw in his hand.

This is just an ordinary saw, which he borrowed from afar.

When the chair saw the saw in Li Yuan’s hand, his tone became more intense, full of resentment and unwillingness.

“No, why, why did you leave me too?”

“Even if I die, I still want to be with you, cluck, cluck, cluck!”

The weird laughter sounded, making people even feel their scalp numb.

Li Yuan raised the saw and started working directly.

Although this chair is weird, it obviously can’t stop the saw.

Soon, he was cut into pieces by Li Yuan.

There were still some that stuck to his clothes and wouldn’t survive.

In this case, Li Yuan will not get used to it.

Divine power evolved, and an astonishing flame rose on his butt.

“Ah… cluck, cluck, cluck!”

The chair seemed to let out a shrill scream.

Eventually, it was reduced to ashes.

Soon, Li Yuan also discovered some abnormalities.

The power of rules gathered on it was actually dissipating.

This is obviously different from the previous situation with the bell.

He was startled, could this chair just die?

“Hey, hey, let’s talk!”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Little chair?”

Li Yuan looked at the remaining residue and called quickly.

But the rules dissipated faster, and Li Yuan discovered that there was something in the dissipated rules that made him feel palpitating.

Although it is very weak, its essence is not simple. It seems to belong to some kind of curse power.

Li Yuan did not touch it rashly and let it dissipate.

After a long time, he left the room.

Li Guimen in the castle was also shocked when he saw this.

Someone actually walked out of that room alive. Who was this person?

Soon after, Li Yuan came to a big river again.

The river was turbulent and the current was fast, but there was a paper boat going upstream.

On the paper boat, there is also a paper man fishing.

Li Yuan looked down at this weird scene with a slightly solemn expression.

Both the paper boat and the paper man are weird.

And it’s not just weird.

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