After a long time, Li Yuancai calmed down the shock in his heart.

What he saw today had a huge impact on him.

There are really countless him in this world, so how do they live with those countless him?

Does that mean that everyone is immortal and possesses the seed of immortality?

He asked the little old man: “Senior, can you tell how I am living in other parallel universes?”

When the little old man heard this, his eyes once again looked through time and space, gaining insight into fate and peeking into the truth.

He said quietly: “Some have been dead for countless years, some are similar to you, and some have become immortals!”

“Then did the system appear on them? It was the thing that brought me to this big universe and was later killed by the way of heaven!”

Li Yuan asked slightly anxiously.

The little old man shook his head and said: “You can rest assured that that thing transcends the limitations of heaven and earth and will not appear in other parallel universes. In fact, any person or thing that transcends the limitations of heaven and earth and escapes the control of fate will no longer be affected by fate. arrive.”

Li Yuan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, which made him feel that he was still himself, not a substitute for others.

The system will not be affected by fate, so the immortal species should be the only one, right?

After thanking the little old man, Li Yuan continued to ask: “What is the highest level of cultivation?”

“Well, Immortal Luo Tian, ​​he is lucky, but fate has determined that Immortal Luo Tian is already at his limit.”

When Li Yuan heard this, he felt disappointed. If nothing unexpected happened, wouldn’t he have no choice but to go to Luotian Shangxian?

But that’s not right, he has the seed of immortality!

According to his character, Immortal Luo Tian cannot be the limit.

And destiny is not unchangeable.

Unless, there is a terrible strong man who plays a dirty trick on him.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan quickly asked: “Senior, I wonder what the Immortal Luo Tian of the parallel universe will encounter in the future?”

The little old man smiled and said: “He will be killed by the gods one by one to seize the treasure, and his body and soul will be wiped out!”

Li Yuan was stunned when he heard this. He had a treasure.

What kind of immortal can kill people and steal treasures?

The little old man smiled lightly and said, “Not in every parallel universe you are so powerful!”

Li Yuan nodded secretly. Indeed, his destiny should have been completely changed when he obtained the immortality seed.

He asked tentatively: “Senior, can you live forever if you become the supreme master?”

The little old man took a deep look at Li Yuan and sighed: “That’s right! The Supreme has transcended the limitations of heaven and earth and will not be affected by the number of days! If you can understand the mystery of the cycle of life and death, you will truly be immortal.”

Li Yuan understood, but the old man’s eyes seemed to have some meaning.

He didn’t want to say more, so he changed the subject and said, “Senior, is it difficult for extraterrestrial beings to enter this universe?”

“What do you think? The water in this universe is too deep. You can only have a chance at the beginning or the end of the era. You came in in the middle of the era. It seems that your thing that was suppressed by the law of heaven is very powerful!”

Li Yuan’s face suddenly stiffened when he heard this. He was indeed very powerful. He dared to draw Tiandao’s blood right after he arrived.

He was a little speechless. If the system was more stable, maybe he would be Daluo now.

He even wondered whether the system didn’t know how deep the water in this universe was at all?

He asked: “What happened to the extraterrestrial beings who came in before?”

“Most of them encountered various dangers and died! A few reached the peak, but they were only the peak of that parallel universe.

Some are ruling the roost in a parallel universe, unaware of the depth of the sky and the vastness of the universe.

Some people stand on top of the world and think they are invincible.

There are very few people who can get a glimpse of the true details of this universe.

Some of these people later found opportunities to escape the universe, while others died as the universe restarted. There should be no more than ten powerful people from outside the universe in this universe now! ”

Ten may seem like a lot, but they are distributed in countless parallel universes.

In the universe where Li Yuan is now, there is a high probability that he is the only extraterrestrial being.

He asked curiously: “Isn’t there someone who surpasses the Supreme?”

Although the Supreme is the limit, he feels that the Supreme is not truly transcendent from the universe.

Didn’t he realize that the little old man in front of him had created an independent universe for himself and was hiding from the law of heaven here?

“Beyond the Supreme? You really dare to think!”

The little old man laughed dumbly and sighed: “Being able to cultivate to the Supreme is already the limit! In fact, the more alien the creature, the harder it is to surpass the Supreme. After all, it is not a power that you have cultivated yourself. How can you talk about truly breaking out of the control of fate?”

When Li Yuan heard this, his expression suddenly changed slightly. According to this, it would be more difficult for him to become a supreme being?

The little old man seemed to see Li Yuan’s thoughts, shook his head and said with a smile: “Of courseOf course, you are different. It may not be a good thing that the thing on your body was destroyed by heaven in the first place!

I have seen extraterrestrial beings who have cultivated Daluo in a hundred years, but so what, they are just puppets on strings. How can they escape from the control of fate and control their own destiny? ”

When Li Yuan heard this, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched. Is it so outrageous?

You don’t need to think about it to know that it must be a being like the system that forcefully initiates and transmits the power.

Although this kind of thing is enviable, it is also a trap!

In the end, he felt grateful: “Thank you, senior, for clarifying my doubts. I still don’t know what to call senior?”

The little old man looked in a trance and sighed: “The name, let me think about it. Several chaotic eras ago, many people called me Dijiu, so you should call me Dijiu!”

Emperor Jiu!

Li Yuan felt strange when he heard this.

I don’t know if Teba exists.

But he didn’t dare to think too much for fear of being seen by the old man.

Li Yuan handed over his hand and thanked him: “Thank you, Senior Dijiu, for your guidance. I am very grateful to you!”

Di Jiu waved his hand and said with a slight smile: “It’s not really giving advice, it’s just chatting for a while!”

After thinking about it, he reached out and pinched it, and a mysterious talisman sank into Li Yuan’s body.

“what is this?”

Li Yuan was shocked.

He couldn’t sense the existence of the talisman at all.

“What a fuss, we are destined to meet each other. I will give you a heavenly talisman to prevent the Supreme Being from seeing through your true identity!”

Hearing this, Li Yuan suddenly felt enlightened and quickly thanked Emperor Jiu.

He knew in his heart that Di Jiu should have seen the nature of his immortality.

Otherwise I wouldn’t give him this thing.

Di Jiu just shook his head and said calmly: “Go!”

“Junior, take your leave!”

Li Yuan did not dare to stay for a long time, so he worshiped the falling bell, passed through the barrier of the universe, and escaped from this universe against the devouring black hole.

They say he is the safest person in the world, but once you meet him, he is the top boss.

Fortunately, the boss I met this time didn’t have any bad intentions.

Of course, this kind of existence has escaped the control of fate and is truly immortal.

The core secret that he was proud of did not have much appeal in front of such a big boss.

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