Li Yuan looked at the shocked Master of Feihua Palace, and suddenly his heart moved.

Because he saw a string of jasper beads on the wrist of the master of Feihua Palace, which he seemed to have seen somewhere.

Suddenly, he remembered what happened in the Martial Illusion Realm of the Cambrian Realm.

There, mysterious jade hands descended from the sky, picking up the destroyed ruins and turning them into fertile soil.

Li Yuan was shocked. So, this woman is the owner of the mysterious jade hand?

Vaguely, a guess emerged in his mind.

Could it be that the world they were in was the ruins of the Tianluo God Realm that fell into the human world?

Mi Ziling spoke eloquently, telling everything she knew.

The Master of Feihua Palace was an extremely powerful person. He had even glimpsed the secret of the Supreme, and instantly realized that Mi Ziling was not talking nonsense.

But she didn’t give up and didn’t feel that everything was a done deal.

She was still struggling and did not stay to preach to Li Yuan.

When Li Yuan saw this, he felt a little regretful.

Mi Ziling was also a little helpless, this was the result of being in the game.

Even if I know the ending, I still won’t completely believe it.

She told Li Yuan that she had told her master the truth, but the master went crazy.

In the end, Mi Ziling found an elder in the Taiyi realm and asked him to explain in detail the mystery of controlling the nerves.

This elder has lived for endless years, and his understanding of controlling the nerves is naturally extraordinary.

Millions of years have passed, and Li Yuan has finally completed the cultivation of Yu Ning, and at the same time, he has also reached the third step of the Seven Steps to Heaven.

Now, his escape ability and strength have improved a lot, and it’s time to set off.

Mainly, after giving sermons and performing Taoist teachings for millions of years, Elder Taiyi also wanted to hit people.

He couldn’t see Li Yuan and really doubted how Mi Ziling became a goddess.

Li Yuan bowed his hands and thanked the elder, looked at Mi Ziling and said, “Thank you for your kindness, Miss. Mo Ya can’t thank you enough.”

Mi Ziling took Li Yuan away and said with a smile: “Destiny is unpredictable. You have not yet become an immortal, but you can live for tens of millions of years. You may not have the opportunity to ascend to the Golden Immortal in the future.”

Li Yuan grinned and said: “That’s necessary. If I can become the supreme master, I will definitely destroy that demon king for you!”

Mi Ziling was speechless, feeling that this man’s heart was really unusually big.

Over the countless years in the Tianluo God Realm, countless peerless monsters have been born, but none of them have become supreme.

Those existences have transcended the great road and cannot be manipulated by fate.

She shook her head and said: “Let’s go, there is not much time left, I hope everything goes well for you.”

Mi Ziling took out the flower boat, bound it with special means, and sank it into the ground.

The flower boat seemed to ignore all obstacles and traveled countless light years at an incredible speed.

The Tianluo God Realm is too big, and it is impossible to reach the Divine Ruins at ordinary speeds.

It was not until several years later that the flower boat arrived at the outer area of ​​Tianluo God Realm.

There was a fierce wind blowing across it, and even Da Luo did not dare to look down upon it.

Mi Ziling said: “This is already the edge of the Tianluo God Realm. I can’t pass it. As a foreign spirit, you will not be affected!”

Li Yuan nodded, but there was one last question.

“Actually, I’m very curious, why was the Tianluo God Realm destroyed by the Demon Lord?”

Mi Ziling shook his head and sighed: “I don’t know about this kind of thing. In front of those existences, I am just an ant. I only know that it was civil strife in the God Realm at the beginning. Later, the palace master suppressed the heroes, but it attracted the demon king. .

The palace owner was defeated and was eventually destroyed by the Demon Lord. Then the Demon Lord seemed to be murderous and destroyed the entire Tianluo God Realm. ”

Li Yuan felt a little regretful. If he continued to search, he might be able to find the answer, but there was no need.

Sometimes the more you know, the quicker you die.

Saying goodbye to Mi Ziling, Li Yuan rushed directly towards the terrifying Gangfeng.

Just as Mi Ziling said, this strong wind cannot hurt him.

He completed the third step of the seven steps to reach the sky. With one step, it was a hundred light years away.

But even so, it took more than half a year to walk before falling into the Divine Ruins.

The decaying aura shocked Li Yuan’s expression. He looked up into the sky and saw that the divine world was still vast.

But at this time, I felt a little out of place with this world.

The Divine Ruins is huge, even far beyond the Sea of ​​Chaos.

But for Li Yuan now, it is nothing.

He did not immediately look for the peerless treasure.

With his current strength, he could only stare blankly.

According to Mi Ziling, he should look for fragments of the treasure while improving his cultivation.

But don’t think about improving your cultivation, that’s not realistic.

He wandered around this sacred ruins, looking for ruins that might contain treasures.

In the void, some ancient ruins have experienced countless years.

Can these ruins still remain after the Tianluo God Realm is destroyed?It is obviously extraordinary that it survives to this day.

Soon, Li Yuan found a dry well.

In this dry well, a small world is reflected.

Li Yuan spent some time before breaking into it.

However, this world has been reduced to ruins, without any living beings. Instead, endless resentment has turned into resentful spirits.

Although these resentful spirits are not as powerful as they were in life, they are not something ordinary people can deal with.

Li Yuan also cultivated his nerves and was able to retreat calmly.

He avoided the dry well and continued to explore.

But unfortunately, the ruins here seem to have been explored.

Li Yuan searched for a long time but failed to find a valuable treasure.

For countless years, countless elemental giants have had their bodies taken away, and some of them must have come here.

He simply stepped out, completely away from this area, and entered deeper.

A few days later, he finally came to an abandoned medicine garden.

Avoiding the remaining rules of the avenue, Li Yuan carefully stepped into it.

But before he could check the situation, a terrifying red light shot out.

It was a spear surrounded by a wisp of divine flames, filled with terrifying rules.

Li Yuan’s expression changed slightly, and without saying a word, he instantly activated the fairy clothes on his body and placed the dragon ball on his head.

The power of the two immortal weapons was now stimulated to its limit.

At the same time, he held a trident and struck directly at the terrifying spear.


During the astonishing collision, countless great worlds fell.

The spear was incredibly powerful, but it couldn’t stop Li Yuan’s full blow.

Although he is holding a trident, he uses it to eliminate disasters.

This is a peerless mythical sword technique. Although it is only a small success, its power is still earth-shattering.

The spear was directly sent flying.

It was only then that Li Yuan discovered the identity of the attacker.

It was a fiery red elemental giant.

But it’s a thousand meters high.

When the giant saw Li Yuan’s appearance, his eyes were obviously fixed.

“The body of the Yang God?”


Obviously, this giant knew about the existence of people like Li Yuan.

But Li Yuan didn’t waste any time and went straight to kill him.

Since he dares to launch a sneak attack and his strength is not as good as his own, he can only kill him first.

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