Li Yuan was a little worried, but unfortunately, he couldn’t escape from here.

He pointed his fingers to deduce, but unfortunately, this world was too vast and he couldn’t deduce any useful information at all.

Until one day, he learned from a visiting demon that there was a demon nearby who was promoted to Da Luo.

Li Yuan was curious and decided to go to watch the ceremony.

The Great Luo Jinxian is already at the ceiling level in the God Realm, and is known as the God Emperor or Demon Emperor.

According to the information obtained by Li Yuande, the Great Thousand Worlds are also divided into strong and weak ones. Some Great Thousand Worlds’ Golden Immortals are the ultimate, and some Great Thousand Worlds can even breed invincible supreme beings that surpass Daluo Golden Immortals.

It is said to be nearby, but in fact it is relatively far away from the God King. For Li Yuan, it is too far away.

With Li Yuan’s speed and all his strength, he flew for eight thousand years.

Fortunately, the celebration of the Daluo Demon God will be ten thousand years later.

Finally, he passed through the distant realm and arrived at the destination of his trip.

It was a sea of ​​stars that stretched for hundreds of thousands of light-years.

Surrounded by countless small thousand, the heavens are suspended, forming this dazzling sea of ​​stars.

But this is not the place where Da Luo lives. He exists in a vast world in the center of the sea of ​​stars.

It is indeed a vast world, but it is far less vast than the Tianluo God Realm.

This can be regarded as the great world within the great world.

Burning Demon Sky.

This is the name of this vast world.

The vast world is surrounded by powerful world rules.

Even an immortal golden immortal would have a narrow escape if he wanted to enter it.

Li Yuan walked into it swaggeringly and found the dojo where the Daluo Demon God was.

In this dojo, there are actually four Da Luo Jinxian level beings.

They all belong to the same force.

Deep in the dojo, a witch spoke, looking a little aggrieved.

“Master, our Burning Demon Heaven is one of the top ten forces in the Tianluo God Realm. Now that you have attained the Daluo Dao Fruit and infinite creation, Feihua Palace only sent a god to watch the ceremony. It is really too much to deceive the devil.”

When the Daluo Demon God heard this, there was a terrifying Tao Yun in his eyes, which made the world seem to be distorted.

He said indifferently: “It is true that some bully demons too much, but they also have the capital to be proud. Although the strong men of Feihua Palace have withered, only an old, a disabled and a weak woman is left to support them, but in this Tianluo God Realm, they are Real day.”

Speaking of this, Da Luo Demon God also had some secret hatred in his eyes. He hated that he fell short of his achievements and was plucked by that woman.

3.8 billion Yuanhui ago, great fortune came. He planned for hundreds of millions of years, but unfortunately he failed to match the destiny.

In the end, not only did he miss a big opportunity, he almost got left there and hurt Douji.

Every time he thought of this, he felt uncontrollable anger in his heart.

If it weren’t for that woman back then, he would have already become the Demon Emperor and unified the entire Tianluo God Realm.

Looking at the witch below, Demon God Da Luo spoke and sneered: “Although it’s just a god king here, we still have to ‘entertain’ him well, but don’t lose etiquette!”

When the witch heard this, she immediately understood what Da Luo Demon God meant, and immediately smiled and said: “Master, don’t worry, the disciple will definitely ‘entertain’ them well!”

Li Yuan became interested and looked forward to the battle between Jinxian and Jinxian.

Following this woman, Li Yuan soon came to a large river covered with stars.

On the big river, there are flower boats drifting with the current, and the mysterious atmosphere is flowing, which is incompatible with this world.

The witch did not hide her aura and stepped forward directly, landing on the flower boat.

She looked weird and said with a smile: “It turned out to be the flower boat from Feihua Palace. I thought it was a girl from some flower house who came out to pick up the guests!”

On the flower boat, the expressions of several Feihua Palace disciples suddenly changed when they saw this.

Some people glared at them, thinking they were fireworks!

In the cabin, light was flowing, and an extraordinary handsome young man stepped out holding a folding fan.

He recognized at a glance that the charming woman in front of him was the disciple of the Great Luo Demon Emperor from Fen Motian.

The young man seemed to be smiling, but shook his head and said calmly: “That girl is really blind. She can’t even see the huge Feihua Palace logo. You should let the Demon Emperor take a look to see if she is suffering from some kind of blindness.”

When the witch heard this, her face suddenly stiffened, and she sneered: “How can a mere mysterious fairy be qualified to talk to me?”

As she spoke, she raised her hand and slapped the handsome young man.

This slap may seem ordinary, but it already contains the mysteries of the great road and cannot be avoided.

Li Yuan sat at the end of the bridge, conjured up a chair, ate melon seeds and watched the show.

When the young man saw this, his eyes narrowed and he did not dare to be careless.

The Divine Lord is the Divine Lord. Even though he has a strong foundation and amazing strength, he is still difficult to resist.

I saw the young man raising his hand and waving the folding fan, and the mysterious Tao Yun was flowing.

He has an extraordinary background.Ran also knows some peerless inheritance.

The power of laws permeates the air, and colorful mysterious marks appear.

Although the confrontation between the two people was not obvious, it was full of dangers everywhere.

However, there is an insurmountable gap between Xuanxian and Jinxian.

Even though this young man is very talented, he still cannot block all the power.

He staggered backwards, but his body seemed to be stuck in the mire.

The terrifying power leaked out and spread to the flower boat, seeming to annihilate it.

However, there are mysterious lines on this flower boat, which turns out to be a treasure.

Of course, the flower boat may be fine, but the other disciples on the flower boat may suffer.

The others were shocked and angry, not expecting this witch to be so unscrupulous.

But at this moment, a figure quietly appeared and blocked the figure of the handsome young man.

The power that was enough to severely damage any Xuanxian was easily resolved.

Li Yuan looked at it and his eyes suddenly froze.

This is an extremely beautiful woman, wearing a lilac fairy dress, with red lips and white teeth, radiant, and eyes like a clear spring.

Her divine temperament makes her look like a white peony, so enchanting and unparalleled in her beauty.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Li Yuan felt that the woman seemed to have glanced at him.

Of course, the fight here also attracted the attention of some powerful people.

There are many divine kings who can come here, and Taiyi Divine Lord is also not a few.

Someone recognized that this woman was Mi Ziling, the goddess of this generation in Feihua Palace.

Looking at the witch, Mi Ziling spoke slowly, her voice was ethereal and penetrated people’s hearts.

“The direct descendant of the ancient Ying Shenjun, the great Luo, actually came to bully a mysterious immortal. Is this the way you, Burning Demon Heaven, treat guests?”

The witch Gu Ying did not give in at all, and mocked: “The following are guilty of being arrogant and arrogant. Is this your upbringing in Feihua Palace?”

The handsome young man waved his fan and said without humility: “Senior did it first, right?”

“I am just teaching you what dignity and inferiority are.”

“Senior insulted me, Feihua Palace, why can’t this junior retort?”

“What a joke, when did I insult you Feihua Palace?”


Several people in the field were tit-for-tat and quarrelsome.

However, it is obvious that it does not make sense for the Witch Gu Ying to be alone.

There were also strong men who were friends with Burning Motian who came forward, but unfortunately, there was no fight after all.

Li Yuan was slightly disappointed, he thought he could witness the battle of Jinxian.

With the witch Gu Ying leaving bitterly, this matter has come to an end for the time being.

Li Yuan shook his head secretly and planned to go see other excitement.

At this moment, an ethereal voice reached his ears.

“This friend, can you come in and have a chat?”

That voice belonged to the goddess Mi Ziling.

Li Yuan’s scalp was numb, and he met another divine king who could find him.

However, this woman seemed to have no ill intentions, and with his strength, escaping from a divine king was no more than a dream.

After a slight hesitation, Li Yuan decided to meet this woman.

He also wanted to know what the world was like.

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