The central area of ​​the sacred mountain.

The dark giant looked at everyone present and asked, “Do you still want to enter the divine realm now?”

“Where else can we go if we don’t enter the divine realm?”

Xinling curled her lips. They were already trapped here.

They all left a backup plan. No matter how dangerous the divine realm was, they had to break in.

Seeing this, the dark giant stopped blocking them.

Over the years, he had seen too many intruders.

Knowing that there were tigers in the mountains, they went to the tiger mountains.

Another group of ghosts seeking death!

He directly moved away from the central area, revealing the huge stone platform under him.

As Xinling waved her hand, countless streams washed over the stone platform.

Soon, countless mysterious patterns emerged.

Li Yuan looked at the countless mysterious patterns on the stone platform, and his eyes were suddenly amazed. He felt that it contained infinite mysteries.

He seemed to see a long river of destiny flowing, running through the past and the future.

Others had similar feelings, and felt that this pattern was the most mysterious thing in the world.

As they watched, a mysterious feeling emerged in their hearts.

This feeling was very strange, making them feel like they were out of this world and ascending.

Soon, Li Yuan discovered some magical places.

Some textures were similar to the nine origin mysteries.

He had a feeling that as long as he communicated with these powers with the powerful power of the origin, he could open the door to the divine world.

On the side, Xin Ling also spoke and expressed her feelings.

The two wooden saints obviously also felt something, but not as obvious as some others.

Only Gou Yinci looked around with a confused look on his face.

What are you looking at?

As the rich wood origin poured into the stone platform, the surroundings of the stone platform immediately showed magical things.

Hundreds of flowers bloomed and strange phenomena occurred frequently.

All kinds of incredible wonders were everywhere.

It seemed that at this moment, someone was about to ascend to heaven.

Soon, a strange vision enveloped the entire stone platform, and a series of light curtains rose into the sky.

There was a special light curtain that completely enveloped them.

The sky was dark, and countless stars appeared vaguely, forming a mysterious star road.

At the end of the star road, a blazing white sky gate appeared, which was the gate to the divine world.

The young wooden saint master was excited. The gate to the divine world, as long as you pass through this gate, you can enter the divine world.

Li Yuan’s body involuntarily soared into the air and headed towards the divine gate.

And just when he approached the divine gate, he suddenly felt that the divine gate was rejecting him.

However, this repulsive force can still be resisted.

He immediately asked others: “Do you feel the repulsion of this divine gate?”

Gou Yinci nodded immediately, and he thought it was just him who felt this way.

Yang Dianfeng and Xin Ling also nodded immediately after hearing this.

Only two wooden giants looked puzzled and asked, “What’s the rejection?”

“No, there is no feeling of rejection at all!”

The old wooden saint master also spoke.

“Is it because we are evil demons from outer space?”

Yang Dianfeng put forward his own guess.

At this moment, the young wooden saint master could not help but knock on the door of the divine world.

He hoped that as long as he entered the divine world, he would be immortal.

The other wooden saint master looked solemn and was somewhat reluctant to enter the so-called divine world.

The words of the dark giant kept echoing in his heart.

And at the moment when the wooden saint master knocked on the door of the divine world, a decayed and sacred breath spread.

Li Yuan sensed that the mysterious power that suppressed his divine power was rapidly dissipating.

He was surprised in his heart. Could it be that after entering the divine world, his divine power would be fully restored?

He even had a vague sense of the heavens and the worlds.

Others were also surprised and happy, and obviously discovered this.

Yang Dianfeng thought and crossed this world in an instant.

Soon, he found something unusual.

He quickly said, “It seems that we can leave this world directly?”

At this moment, he unexpectedly found the passage they came from.

Then, he told a few people about his discovery.

Hearing this, Li Yuan’s eyes condensed.

Between his eyebrows, a mysterious existence awakened, which was a suppressed main divine thought.

Knowing that this place was dangerous, he was naturally prepared.

This main divine thought turned into divine light, and instantly crossed countless distances and came to the Kingdom of Water.

Sure enough, he found something unusual in the valley where he first landed.

There was a vague feeling coming from a vague passage.

This passage was the passage they came from.

“I really found it!”

Xin Ling was excited, and obviously there was also a thought that shot out, and found that passage.

Only Gou Yinci was confused. Although he landed in the Kingdom of Wooden People when he came, it was only tens of millions of miles away.However, he did not come in his true form, but was transformed by a main spiritual thought. His own divine thought can radiate up to a million miles away.

Gou Yinci quickly asked, are they planning to leave this world directly?

After finally finding the door to the divine world, how could we give up so easily?

As soon as these words came out, Yang Dingfeng and others suddenly looked suffocated.

They looked at the door to the God Realm in front of them, and sensed the looming passage in the distance, and they were suddenly confused.

Finally, Yang Dingfeng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: “I have decided that the real body should leave here and let the main mind enter it to find out.”

Although they were high-spirited when they arrived, their experiences over the years have made them understand that this is not a good place.

As soon as these words came out, Xin Ling suddenly became even more moved.

Although entering the God Realm may restore divine power, that place is obviously more dangerous.

However, the strength of their main mind is limited, and their strength is at best equivalent to Guiyi.

In other words, their main spiritual thoughts may not be as good as those of the elemental gods who have just ascended to the divine realm.

She looked at Li Yuan and asked, “Brother Moya, what do you think?”

Li Yuan looked calm and said: “Of course I will go directly into it and find out what’s going on.”

Xin Ling dissuaded: “There may be unknown dangers in the God Realm, and even the two masters of the Wuhun Palace are trapped in it.”

Li Yuan was unmoved and said with a faint smile: “I have my own sense of discretion. If you want to go in, it’s best to enter with the mind of the Lord.”

Seeing this, Xin Ling didn’t know what to say for a moment.

Although she felt that Li Yuan should also be a peerless Yang God, the two palace masters of the Wuhun Palace had stepped into the realm of heaven. Even if they were not their true bodies, they were no weaker than a peerless Yang God.

In the end, both Yang Dingfeng and Xinling decided to enter it only with the main mind.

Li Yuan, on the other hand, let this main mind integrate his insights over the years, and continued to comprehend the nine original mysteries in this world.

Xin Ling originally planned to stay and comprehend the original meaning, but Li Yuan told him that the more original meanings to comprehend, the better.

The more original mysteries you comprehend, the more difficult it will be to comprehend later on, and the longer it will take.

Maybe it feels very strong now, but after entering the heaven, it will be difficult to break through again.

As for him, hasn’t he spent time getting through these years?

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