Finally, Yang Dianfeng came out to smooth things over, saying with a smile: “It’s just a few fish, isn’t it? We are Yang Gods, even if we don’t eat or drink for a thousand years, we won’t starve to death.”

Li Yuan also smiled and said: “That’s right, why should we get upset over a few fish! If we really want to eat, we can go fishing.”

They saw earlier that the giant was fishing on the ice.

Xinling’s eyes flickered, and she suddenly exclaimed: “Oh no, could it be those two giants?”

As she said, she rushed out of the room and looked at where the giant was lying.

The others seemed to have reacted, and hurriedly ran out of the huge wooden house.

Fortunately, the giant had not recovered, and was still a mess.

Seeing several people taking action, the giant roared in anger, with hatred in his eyes.

Since it wasn’t the giant who did it, who stole it?

Xinghui Saint Lord looked gloomy, it couldn’t be the Immortal God who did it, right?

For a while, several people returned to the wooden house with their own thoughts.

The Holy Lord of Xinghui was indignant and drank up the fish soup in one breath.

But unfortunately, the fish soup seemed to have no effect.

Originally, they planned to wait until the fish was cooked and eat it before setting off.

Now it’s good, no need to wait.

Not long after, Yang Dianfeng called a few people and said helplessly: “In this case, let’s continue on the road?”

Li Yuan and his friends naturally had no objection, anyway, there was nothing to linger here.

Not long after, they came to the place where the giant had fished earlier.

But after fishing for three consecutive days, they didn’t see any hair.

Several people had to leave here again.

They wandered aimlessly on the endless ice field.

The two giants roared from time to time, not only did not make several people angry, but they were a little happy.

The giants were obviously intelligent creatures with their own unique way of communication.

Several people even deliberately angered them and made them curse.

Although they could not use divine power, with their wisdom, I believe it won’t take long for them to understand what the giants meant.

Half a month later, snowflakes suddenly fell from the sky.

At first, the few people didn’t care.

But as the snowflakes continued to fall, they were about to freeze everyone’s bones.

There was a strange energy in the snowflakes.

Even with their physiques, they couldn’t bear it.

Li Yuan had eaten the crystal fish earlier, and he had comprehended the origin of matter. In addition, he was already extremely powerful, so the impact was not great.

Xin Ling and Xinghui Saint Lord also secretly ate the crystal fish, and their bodies seemed to have some resistance.

In addition, Yang Dianfeng was about the same, only Wan Yao Saint Mother was shivering with cold and almost didn’t survive.

At the last moment, the giant’s huge body shielded them from the attack of wind and snow.

The ice field was endless, but it didn’t mean there was no danger.

There were huge snow monsters, biting cold winds, and terrifying snowflakes.

These seemingly ordinary disasters, even Yang Shen couldn’t stand it at this time.

During this period, they encountered a strange fruit.

The eyes of the Holy Lord Xinghui shone, and he took the initiative to try the effect, but his body was corroded and he almost lost his life.

At the last moment, he ruthlessly removed all his internal organs.

Obviously this is another manifestation of the origin of water.

Li Yuan was also afraid. Although the things here are extraordinary, they are not so delicious.

It was indeed a conscious choice to team up with these people.

However, this fruit is extraordinary. He collected some, took it with him, and studied it slowly.

Another two months passed, and they encountered the ice blue giant again.

However, since they were encountered, it was also bad luck for these giants.

Not long after, they climbed up the high ice cliff and saw some tall buildings from afar.

Those were tall houses, and their owners were self-evident.

“How many giants are there here?”

Yang Dianfeng jumped on a giant and asked.

This giant was a giant they had captured before.

In the past few months, they have barely heard some of the giants’ language.

The old giant roared, making strange sounds.

“You evil demons, you won’t have a good end!”

“Evil demons?”

Yang Dianfeng sneered and signaled with his eyes.

The next moment, Xinghui Saint Lord walked to the head of the female giant and was about to kill her.

But at this moment, the giant who was captured earlier suddenly spoke.

“Stop, there are 3,000 people in Qifu Town.”

“Hey, you actually knew!”

Several people were a little strange. This place is at least tens of millions of miles away from the residence of the two giants.

The giant did not respond, but there was a look of sadness in his eyes.

He understood that even if there were 3,000 giants here, they might not be able to stop these evil demons.

They were obviously weak and pitiful, but they contained amazing power in their bodies.

Yang Dianfeng looked atThe old giant looked at him with a sharp mouth. He directly raised his foot and penetrated the old giant’s eyebrows with his kick.

“Since you don’t want to answer, I’ll send you on your way.”

Looking at the giant couple captured earlier, Yang Dingfeng said calmly: “Tell me about the situation in this town. Maybe I will let you two go.”

The giant couple roared, wishing to kill these demons, but in the end they chose to cooperate.

He growled: “Qifu Town is an important border town. There are elemental masters in charge who can hunt down powerful evil spirits.”

“What is an elementalist?”

Our Lady of Wanyue’s eyes narrowed, this was the first time they had heard of it.

“Elemental masters are giants who can use the power of elements and can explode with powerful power.”

Ordinary giants like them can barely use a little elemental power.

Their son was extremely talented and might become an elemental master in the future, but he was killed by these evil spirits.

Every time they thought of this, the two giants were filled with grief and resentment.

Li Yuan asked: “Earlier we encountered a giant holding a big bow and condensing arrows out of thin air. Is that an elementalist?”

“Yes, that’s an elementalist. You can borrow the power of the gods.”

“God? It’s interesting.”

After saying that, Holy Lord Xinghui looked at Yang Dingfeng and said, “Fellow Daoist Yang, what should I do?”

His intention was obvious, he wanted to enter the town.

You don’t need to think about it to know that there must be amazing food in this small town.

His injuries are far from serious and he may be able to recover here.

Yang Dingfeng’s eyes flickered, and he looked at the tall buildings in the distance with his hands behind his back.

Three thousand giants, this is not a small number.

Even if they were discovered, life or death would be uncertain, let alone an elementalist.

Finally, he pondered: “What Pindao means is to go in and take a look, but you have to wait until night falls and go in quietly.”

Our Lady of Wanyue also nodded and said: “This is exactly the reason. There is no need to break in openly.”

Li Yuan naturally had no objection to this, and he was naturally eager to give it a try.

Although this place is dangerous, it is also an opportunity.

Wandering outside all the time, I can never find the secrets of this world.

Looking at the giant, Li Yuan asked: “Among you giants, is there anyone more powerful than the elemental master?”

“Yes, above the elemental masters, there are also elemental masters.”

“tell me the story?”

“It is said that the master of elements can call the wind and rain, and freeze the land thousands of miles away.”

Frozen for thousands of miles?

When several people heard this, they suddenly looked surprised.

If it were in all the worlds, such a being would not even be worthy of carrying their shoes.

But the ice here is thousands of miles away, and the ice and snow in the sky can freeze the sun god to death. How can it be simple?

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