The three of them confronted each other until half a day later, Jin Yuan suddenly broke out again.

This time, he did not choose to fight head-on, but used powerful magic.

“The secret of fire – Transformation!”

Before he finished speaking, he saw the fairy light flowing, and a magical power fell on Li Yuan who was holding the trident.

The next moment, Li Yuan felt that his body was out of control and was about to turn into a ball of flames.

However, he is very strong and can barely struggle at this time.

The other two incarnations also immediately displayed their strength, and ripples burst out from their eyes.

These ripples fell on Jiuzhi, immediately making him feel weak all over, and he was even more suppressed by the rules of the heavens.

At the same time, each artifact burst out with bright divine light, killing Xiang Jiuzhi.

“What a weird magical power.”

Jiuzhi didn’t dare to take a hard hit, so he could only rely on the golden bowl to resist.

That golden bowl was no ordinary fairy weapon, it couldn’t even be broken by a trident.

In the void, flames continued to rise, and various strange fires emerged, shocking the world.

One after another, terrifying figures awakened, like spirits of fire.

This place seems to have become a world of flames, with all kinds of strange fires intertwined.

The terrifying fire phoenix hovered in the void with an astonishing momentum.

Li Yuan is like three flaming men, competing with Jiu Zhi in the world of flames.

This scene is so terrifying that a cultivator who has overcome the tribulation may not be able to survive in the world of flames for more than a few seconds.

“The secret of fire – refining!”

“The secret of gold – broken!”

“The door to reincarnation – open!”

And as Jiu Zhi casts spells, golden light appears from time to time in this world of flames, penetrating everything; the gate of hell swallows everything.

There are divine apes that reach for the stars and the moon, and there are celestial dragons that tear apart the sky.

The mountains and rivers change color, the sun and the moon lose their light, and all the heavens are shaken.

The various visions are really shocking, and they are no longer comparable to human power.

A terrifying flame manifested itself, like a powerful god.

In the void, there was even a divine chain of order falling down, trying to knock down the Jiu Zhi who had cast his peerless magic.

His power has been exerted to the extreme.

However, even so, Jiuzhi could only barely suppress Li Yuan’s three incarnations.

He couldn’t believe it, he had used every means at his disposal.

But even so, it seems that he cannot suppress the other party.

Damn it, the oppression in this world is too great.

Many powerful methods cannot be used at all.

As time passed by, the battle between the three of them entered a fierce stage.

Suddenly, from the depths of the void, another mothership attacked.

The ship door opened, and a figure walked out.

This figure is Li Yuan’s true body.

After testing out the reality of the Nine Arhats, he set out secretly.

Looking at the endless fire field in front of him, Li Yuan raised his hand, and a silver fishing rod appeared directly.

Since he advanced to Yangshen, he can barely move the fishing rod.

Of course, it was not refined, it just left its own mark.

The crystalline fishing line cuts through the void, and its target is Jiuzhi, who is fighting with the three incarnations in the depths of the fire domain.

Jiuzhi felt something was wrong and immediately activated the golden bowl above his head.

But the next moment, the golden bowl shattered and a sharp fishhook pierced into his body.

He let out a shrill scream and was hit.

“What is this?”

With the terrible pulling force, he actually felt that his immortal soul was being fished up.

No, it’s not a feeling, it’s actually being pulled out.


“No, it’s a treasure!”

Jiuzhi’s scalp was numb and he was terrified. How could a treasure appear in the human world?

The most precious treasure is something that at least only the Golden Immortal deserves to possess.

Li Yuan took back the fishing line and was a little surprised when he saw the immortal soul being hooked out.

This fishing rod is such a good treasure.

Li Yuan looked strange as he grabbed the still struggling Jiuzhi Immortal Soul.

Jiuzhi was shocked and angry: “Who are you?”

Li Yuan said leisurely: “I am Yang Jian, the god of justice. If you fall into my hands, you can rest in peace.”


“Are you an immortal?”

“No, how can you go down to the lower world?”

Jiu Zhi’s scalp is numb, how can the Immortal Lord descend to the next world?

Even the Immortal King or the Immortal Emperor cannot come down to the lower world.

Before Li Yuan spoke, Jiuzhi had already found the answer for himself: “Yes, you are just a Taoist body.”

His face was full of reluctance. Who would have thought that the Taoist body of an Immortal Lord was hidden here.

The so-called Tao body is similar to the incarnation, but it is created out of nothing.

This kind of Taoist body is generally not very strong, but its methods are amazing.

It is rumored that some immortal kings with powerful means can make people grow their own Taoist bodies in the world.

But under normal circumstances, no one would do such a thankless thing.

After all, for such an existence, oneselfIt can create a small world of thousands of immortals, let alone such a world of heavens?

Li Yuan didn’t know what Tao Shen was, so he said calmly: “Do you have any last words?”

“The young monk is a newly-confessed Arhat in the Buddhist world.”

Jiuzhi spoke cautiously, hoping that Li Yuan would spare his life.

Although his true spirit still remains in the Buddhist world, if he dies here, he may not be able to be resurrected, and he will have to be reincarnated and cultivate again.

And this kind of existence, the devil knows what means, maybe it can completely annihilate itself.

“Arhat? Even immortals, Buddhas, and gods cannot escape the shackles of fate, so why bother being a little Arhat like you?”

Li Yuan didn’t know what the newly-named Arhat in the Buddhist world represented, but this did not affect his pretentiousness.

Now that he has taken action, he will naturally not keep the other party back to report the news.

With a gentle squeeze, strands of terrifying divine power fell on Jiu Zhi’s immortal soul, crushing it into pieces.


Jiu Zhi was in great pain, but there was nothing he could do.

I think he worked hard and passed the competition to get a place in the lower realm this time.

Who knew that this was just asking for death.

The immortal soul collapsed, and Li Yuan quickly stabilized its immortal soul and began to refine it, hoping to peek into all the secrets.

But the immortal soul is not so easy to be spied on.

Except for some basic information about the Buddhist world, Li Yuan did not find any precious skills.

Those kinds of things are very mysterious and can only be peeked into by ordinary people.

But even so, for Li Yuan, who has never been to heaven, this is very precious.

Soon, the incarnation captured Jiuzhi’s true body.

The immortal soul collapsed, Jiu Zhi naturally also fell, and his true body became ten thousand feet in size.

Looking at such a big turtle, Li Yuan’s mouth watered. This was the body of a true immortal, oh no, the body of a supreme immortal.

He didn’t know how the fairy beast tasted, but it was definitely not comparable to ordinary fairy medicine.

There are also immortal blood and immortal bones, which are absolutely unimaginable supplements for monks in the world.

However, although the immortal soul collapsed, there should still be a remnant of will in the immortal body.

At that time, the evil god had just become an immortal and had not completely died, let alone this kind of Luotian Immortal?

Li Yuan’s divine power circulated, and he carefully checked to confirm that there was no trace of Jiu Zhi’s will left on the body, and then he put it away.

Looking towards the distant void, an incarnation immediately stepped into the air and left.

This time, he won’t leave any more trouble.

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