Overthrowing the Wuhun Palace somewhat frightened the elders present.

An elder hurriedly said: “Holy Lord, no, the Wuhun Palace dominates the heavens, and no one but us can compete with it.”

“That’s right, you can’t say this nonsense. It is rumored that the Shengshengshen Cult has been destroyed. It is not easy for our Yuanyang Holy Land to continue to this day!”

Each of the elders was terrified. They had never been in contact with it personally and would never know how terrifying the Spirit Hall was.

However, the Holy Lord hated it and said: “Hmph! Are you just going to watch my Yuanyang Holy Land decline bit by bit?”

“Here, with these seedlings in the cave, our Yuanyang Holy Land will not decline.”

“Then I’ll just keep hiding in the cave?”

“This…this is something that can’t be helped!”

One by one the elders spoke, really not wanting to create any complications.

However, how could Holy Lord Yuanyang be willing to be the Lord of the Cave Heaven?

His goal is all heavens and realms.

He said solemnly: “Without peerless opportunities and peerless talents, Yuanyang Holy Land will decline sooner or later, and the founder’s foundation will be completely destroyed. How can Yuanyang Holy Land support the disciples’ practice in a cave in the sky?

If we don’t make a difference today, we will have no chance in the future.

Cultivation is to compete with heaven for destiny. Now we are huddled in a cave world, shrinking and shrinking. How can we cultivate the great road?

Now in our Yuanyang Holy Land, there are only three people who have cultivated the Mahayana in this era. With such a number, I am afraid that it will be difficult for even one of them to master the tribulation in the future.

It’s okay if the time is short, but if the time is long and the older generation is dead, who can carry the banner? ”

Holy Lord Yuanyang’s speech was impassioned and resounding.

But an elder quickly raised the most realistic question: “Then what can we do? With our strength, if we want to destroy Wuhun Palace, we will only bring about our own destruction.”

Holy Master Yuanyang seemed to have been prepared for this, and said in a deep voice: “Since he has a true immortal in his Spirit Hall, why can’t we invite the true immortal to come down to the lower realm?”

An elder shook his head: “How can it be so easy to go down to the real immortal realm? The last time a true immortal went down to the realm was millions of years ago!”

“That’s right. It’s said that he was beaten to death by a Mahayana man. It feels like it’s useless even after he comes down!”

“Being beaten to death by Mahayana… Could it be that a true immortal would be horribly suppressed?”

“No matter what, you have to try, right?”

“Has the Holy Master ever thought that it would be best if we succeeded? What if we fail? Then my Yuanyang Holy Land will really be doomed.”


In the main hall, most of the elders refused.

Holy Lord Yuanyang naturally understood this truth and had a headache for a while.

In the end, everyone present could only leave unhappy.

Holy Master Yuanyang looked gloomy and finally decided to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

The forces that can communicate with the immortal world include Yuanyang Holy Realm and Liuli Holy Realm.

However, those bald donkeys of Liuli Zen Sect have always been hypocritical, greedy for life and afraid of death, so they have to plan carefully.

In the next few thousand years, the monks of Liuli Zen Sect suffered disaster.

Most of the disciples who went out died miserably in foreign lands.

According to the analysis of some remaining clues, it seems to be the mastermind of His Highness Wuhun.

Wuhun Palace seems to be quietly exterminating their inheritance step by step.

And somehow he provoked a Yang God, who was watching them secretly.

This kind of existence cannot be beaten to death, and it cannot be caught. It is really impossible to do anything.

The Liuli Zen Sect persisted for three thousand years, and finally waited for the recovery of the upper world, and an Arhat would come to the world to subjugate demons.

They didn’t know how strong that Arhat was, but it was definitely not comparable to ordinary true immortals.

This excited the senior officials of the Liuli Zen Sect. This time, they could not only solve the immediate disaster, but also possibly eradicate the cancer of Wuhun Palace.

At that time, they will let the Buddha’s light of Liuli Zen Sect shine on all the heavens and all the worlds.

On this day, the Holy Land of Glazed Glass.

Magnificent Buddhist sounds resounded throughout the world.

At the very center of the Glazed Holy Realm, a fairy gate was forcibly opened, and a golden bowl appeared in the world.

The golden light of the big bowl circulated, and a strong figure walked out of it, threatening all living beings.

“Amitabha, the nine poor monks.”

The monk spoke with a loud voice that radiated directly from the Glazed Holy Land, shocking the world.

Upon seeing this, the Zen masters of the Liuli Zen Sect were overjoyed and quickly knelt down and worshiped.

“Disciple pays homage to the Nine Arhats. I wish the Arhats good health.”

Jiu Zhi nodded slightly, held up everyone, and looked at the square cave world curiously.

Is this the human world?

It is rumored that the human world is transformed by fallen fragments of the fairy world.

With such thin vitality of heaven and earth, if you want to cultivate into an immortal Buddha, it is tantamount to ascending to heaven.

He was born in the Buddhist world and had wisdom from birth. Within eight hundred years, he had already cultivated to the level of a true immortal, and now he has already surpassed the true immortal.

But look at these Buddhist disciples, I’m afraid they are already thousands of years old, and they are still a long way from becoming true immortals.

Thinking of the purpose of this trip, Jiu Zhi asked: “Tell me, how cruel is that devil?”

Upon hearing this, the host of Liuli Holy Realm immediately added fuel to the fire and told the evil deeds of Wuhun Palace.

He lamented: “That Wuhun Palace is unscrupulous and does whatever it wants. It not only spreads the evil path of Guiyi, but also suppresses other cultivation paths everywhere and prohibits us from spreading Buddhism.”

“Return to the evil path?”

“Yes, it is a kind of martial arts, but this martial arts harms the harmony of heaven and earth. It absorbs a large amount of the origin of heaven and earth, swallows the world, and traps all living beings. It can only be practiced to the Mahayana level, and there is no way forward.”

“Huh? There is such an evil method?”

“Yes, this evil way can be cultivated by a living being. It does not require spiritual roots at all. It does not distinguish between good and evil cause and effect. After it is cultivated, it is almost immortal. It is completely a cancer to the heavens.”


When the Ninth Arhat heard this, he was also shocked and a little unbelievable.

“Well…it can’t be regarded as completely immortal. You will die as if your lifespan is exhausted.”

With that said, an old Mahayana monk carefully handed a jade slip to the Arhat.

Within this jade slip is the cultivation method of Guiyi Martial Arts.

The more the Ninth Arhat watched, the more frightened he became. Even he couldn’t do it even if he shed his blood and was reborn without dying.

Once his golden body is destroyed and his true spirit is shattered, he will also die.

Who created this cultivation method? If one can cultivate it into an immortal Buddha, it will be the top and highest scripture.

Seeing Jiu Zhi’s silence, many monks quickly asked: “Master Arhat, is it possible for such a demon to be surrendered?”

When Jiu Zhi heard this, his expression immediately returned to calmness, and he said calmly: “There is no real immortality. I have a method that allows him to shed blood and be reborn. Even if his thoughts are not dead, he will not be able to escape his fate.”

He is not an ordinary true immortal, he has mastered more than one peerless magical power.

When many monks heard this, they were overjoyed.

A monk reminded: “The mastermind behind Wuhun Palace is said to be a true immortal.”

The Ninth Arhat said proudly: “What about true immortals? Even higher-level immortals will bow their heads when they see a poor monk.”

True immortals can condense true spirits, and if true spirits are immortal, they will be reincarnated and reborn.

Immortals can create the world and understand the origin of heaven and earth, and their divine power is even more unfathomable.

And his realm has already surpassed that of the Spiritual Immortal and reached the level of the Luotian Supreme Immortal. If he were in the Immortal Realm, it would not be difficult to open up the heavens and interpret all living beings.

Even with the restrictions of the rules of this world, with his methods, he can still suppress the true immortal.

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