Above the evil sky.

Rand looked down at Li Yuan and said: “You should be the strong men of the Wuhun Palace. In that case, if I kill you, you will not die unjustly.”

Li Yuan looked at Rand, who was full of confidence, with a long look in his eyes, without denying it.

He also understood that there was no point in denying it.

Looking at Rand, Li Yuan smiled and said: “Yes, we do come from Wuhun Palace, but unfortunately, you may not be able to kill us.”

Before he finished speaking, Li Yuan’s figure suddenly tore open the space and fled outside Jingluo Realm.

Of course, this is not because he is afraid of this person, but because countless martial arts monks have gathered near Evil Tianyuan for countless years.

If these two supreme tribulation-level beings attack with all their strength, this place may turn into disaster for thousands of miles.

Rand was stunned when he saw this, and then became furious. He thought this person had some trump card, but he unexpectedly slipped away.

This being the case, it further proves that this person is indeed unable to stop him, the Tribulation-Transcending Lord.

“You can’t run away!”

He roared angrily, tearing apart the space as well, and headed towards Li Yuan.

The two of them chased each other and quickly left Jingluo Realm.

After a few breaths, they were tens of millions of miles away from Jingluo Realm.

It was only then that Li Yuan slowly slowed down and stopped.

Rand came through the air, blocked Li Yuan’s way, and mocked: “Why don’t you run away?”

Li Yuan didn’t talk nonsense. With a flash of divine light in his hand, he already had a long bow.

When Rand saw this, his eyes suddenly lit up. This was an incomplete fairy weapon.

He wants to come here to kill these mysterious people, so he naturally has his own little thoughts.

It is said that these people have more than one incomplete immortal weapon.

However, Rand did not dare to be too careless when faced with a mysterious man possessing an incomplete immortal weapon.

As soon as he thought about it, a golden lamp was sacrificed to him.

This golden lamp is also a incomplete fairy weapon, blooming with immeasurable light at this time.

When Li Yuan saw this, he was naturally not surprised but happy.

It seems that I can get another incomplete fairy weapon.

At the same time, he was using various secret techniques, and the aura on his body continued to increase, as if an ancient beast had awakened.

He set up his bow and shot an arrow, and a bright divine light immediately gathered and killed Rand.

The power of this arrow has surpassed the ultimate tribulation, and countless great worlds have been destroyed by the divine arrow.

Now that he has started taking action, Li Yuan has no intention of holding back.

Seeing this, Rand quickly activated the golden lamp, and countless golden lights enveloped him.

At the same time, he sacrificed a top-quality magic weapon and shot out blazing white light rain.

However, all spells are like a mantis trying to use a chariot in front of the divine arrow.

The divine arrows, with unparalleled power among the five elements, bombarded the golden lamp, sending it flying thousands of miles away.

Rand was bleeding from all his orifices and his expression changed drastically.

How could it be so powerful?

Could it be that this person is also a peerless Yang God?

But how can the Peerless Yang God be so easy to cultivate? Aren’t there only three Spirit Halls?

With a low roar, Rand used the secret method directly.

A divine light came from the sky and enveloped Rand.

When Li Yuan saw this, his eyes suddenly froze. This person actually knew the secret technique of ancient holy light.

But obviously, his ancient holy light can only be cultivated to a small degree at most.

“The ancient holy light, I can also do it!”

To activate the ancient holy light, every second will consume tens of thousands of years of life.

Even though he was a monk in the tribulation stage, he couldn’t last more than a few seconds.

In an instant, Rand burst out with his strongest strength.

Although the golden lantern is not an offensive magical weapon, its power is also extraordinary and can suppress powerful enemies.

It turned into a size of ten thousand feet and directly enveloped Li Yuan, trying to suppress him.

At the same time, Rand activated his best weapon and cast an amazing spell to kill Li Yuan.

In just a few seconds, he had already struck tens of millions of times.

Every collision is extremely terrifying.

Every spell is earth-shattering.

Unfortunately, although Rand, who had used the secret technique, was a little stronger than Li Yuan’s incarnation, it was only a little bit stronger.

However, Li Yuan held the Cauldron of Desire above his head and sprayed endless divine light. Not only was he not suppressed, but he had the opportunity to take action, so Rand did not dare to be careless.

Three seconds flew by.

Seeing that Li Yuan could not be defeated, Rand suddenly felt panicked.

How could this person be so powerful?

With this kind of strength, there is already a chance to survive the immortal tribulation.

At this time, he looked old, and his lifespan was obviously severely depleted.

Rand wanted to retire, so he stopped entangled, activated his magic, and turned into a palm prison to seal Li Yuan.

As for himself, he retreated violently, intending to finish this place first.

But how could Li Yuan allow him to escape?

He urged the long bow in his hand and penetrated the sealed prison with one arrow.

“Now that you’re here, there’s no need to leave!”

Li Yuan chuckled lightly, activated two incomplete immortal weapons, and killedRand.

Rand had no effect of the secret method, and was no match for Li Yuan.

He looked at the holy light that was constantly flowing on Li Yuan, and suddenly showed an incredible look.

“How can you keep using the ancient holy light?”

Li Yuan had been activating the ancient holy light for several breaths, but there was no sign of his life being consumed.

Li Yuan did not respond to Rand’s doubts.

He activated two broken immortal artifacts and burst out with extremely terrifying power.

Although Rand also had the protection of the golden lamp, it was difficult to resist.

The two chased and fled, and soon escaped billions of miles away.

He was sad and angry, and wanted to draw down the immortal tribulation to fight to the death, but he used all his strength, and the heavenly tribulation did not gather.

This made Rand even more frightened and unwilling. Could it be that he had practiced for so many years, but died so aggrievedly?

There was no accident, and Rand was eventually killed by Li Yuan on the spot, and his body and soul disappeared.

Looking at the broken golden lamp in his hand, Li Yuan nodded secretly.

Another incomplete immortal weapon was obtained.

At the same time, he secretly reminded himself that if Rand was so powerful, Ji San might be even more powerful, so he must not be careless.

Outside the Cambrian Realm.

Kuilong and others were on full alert, waiting for Ji San and others to come to the door.

However, hundreds of years have passed, and no one has been seen.

Ji San and others seemed to have no intention of coming to destroy the Spirit Hall at all.

On the contrary, in other places, there were strong people appearing and suppressing the martial arts of the Spirit Hall.

Some big worlds that practiced the unified martial arts were directly destroyed.

This made everyone in the Spirit Hall angry, but they couldn’t leave at will.

Ah Hua looked at everyone and pondered: “Waiting all the time is not a solution. The other Yangshen elders can leave and don’t need to waste time here!”

If Ji San and others really come, these ordinary Yangshen will not be very effective if they stay here.

Kuilong nodded and said, “You should leave first, otherwise the rats in the dark will not show up.”

Other Yangshen elders had no choice but to leave first after hearing this.

However, only three months after these Yangshen elders left, a mothership came out of nowhere.

There were powerful auras lurking on the motherships, and it was obvious that they were not friendly.

Kuilong’s eyes suddenly condensed when he saw this, and a hint of coldness flashed on his face.

As expected, they came, and it happened to be after the other Yangshen elders left. These guys are well-informed.

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