Shi Ganwei refined the identity token and soon understood the situation of the Spirit Hall.

Now that the Spirit Hall was just established, there was a lot of work to be done.

From top to bottom, the Spirit Hall had one hall master, three deputy hall masters, twelve spirit elders, and thirty-six spirit protectors.

In addition, there were many halls such as the Martial Arts Hall, the Law Enforcement Hall, the Foreign Affairs Hall, and the Alchemy Hall.

These halls would naturally have other deacons and elders.

As the first warrior to join the Spirit Hall, he could naturally choose various positions at will.

Of course, the prerequisite was to have a corresponding realm.

For example, to become a protector, one must at least have the realm of unity of martial arts.

As for other elders, hall masters, etc., it was obvious that they had nothing to do with him for the time being.

He was only in the realm of unity, and at most could only become a spirit protector.

The spirit protectors sat in the Spirit Hall and generally did not go out.

With the identity token, Shi Ganwei quickly entered the Heavenly Palace and became a spirit protector.

In the deepest part of the Heavenly Palace, he was nervous and looked at the figure carefully.

Even if he was just sitting there, he seemed to be facing the whole world.

“Disciple Shi Ganwei pays homage to His Majesty. May His Majesty live forever, be immortal, suppress the heavens, and have boundless magic power!”

Shi Ganwei was shocked and bowed quickly.

As soon as Li Yuan thought about it, he could no longer bow.

He only heard him say lightly: “No need to be polite. Since you have joined my Wuhun Hall, you must take on the important task of spreading the unified martial arts. I will give you a hundred years to prepare. After a hundred years, I will officially go to the heavens to spread the martial arts.”

Shi Ganwei nodded quickly after hearing this: “Disciple understands, but the heavens are vast, and I am afraid that I am not strong enough alone.”

The heavens are vast. Even if he is a martial arts master, it will take more than a hundred years to fly to another world.

Even if he drives a mothership, it will not be a short time to cross.

Moreover, he didn’t have a mothership, so it was impossible for him to spread the Guiyi Martial Arts throughout the heavens.

As for riding on a mothership, there were no motherships in the ordinary big world.

Li Yuan had already considered this, and said leisurely: “The purpose of the Spirit Hall is to spread the Guiyi Martial Arts and make it the orthodoxy of the heavens. As an elder of the Spirit Hall, you can recruit subordinate forces on your own.

However, these subordinate forces are not considered subordinates of the Spirit Hall and are not allowed to enter the Spirit Hall.”

In this way, not only can the expenses of the Spirit Hall be saved, but there can also be free labor.

Shi Ganwei was naturally overjoyed when he heard this, so that he would not be a commander without troops.

However, it is not a simple matter to recruit a force.

And he also has to hurry up to comprehend the heavenly level skills.

For a hundred years, he has to plan well.

After thinking for a while, Shi Ganwei asked: “Your Majesty, if you want to spread the Guiyi Martial Arts, I am afraid it will cause dissatisfaction among some powerful people.”

Li Yuan smiled lightly and said: “Who dares to be dissatisfied? Then suppress them!”

Shi Ganwei was shocked when he heard this, and immediately remembered the function of the token.

Wake up the token to summon an incarnation of Your Majesty.

He didn’t know how strong one of Your Majesty’s incarnations was, but since you said so, I am afraid that even powerful people would find it difficult to match.

Shi Ganwei was excited, and Your Majesty’s strength was probably far beyond his imagination.

I must seize this opportunity and become stronger quickly.

After sending Shi Ganwei away, Li Yuan sat on his throne and meditated secretly.

This incarnation of his was specially sent to sit in the Wuhun Hall.

However, a big force must have various resources in addition to strong people sitting in the hall.

Otherwise, people’s hearts will be scattered over time.

Who would be willing to work for you without benefits?

He is not short of skills. Over millions of years, he has accumulated countless skills intentionally or unintentionally.

As for treasures, he still has immortal medicine, but immortal medicine will eventually run out.

If it is really not enough, then he can only go to the dead to look for it.

On the contrary, he still has a lot of epochal medicine, and he can find opportunities to cultivate it in the future.

In addition, there are various reward and punishment rules and regulations.

There is no order without rules.

As soon as the thought came, screens appeared in front of him.

Li Yuan began to list the treasures to be exchanged.

There are immortal medicines, epochal medicines, and various heavenly skills.

These things can be exchanged as long as there is a contribution.

Of course, if you contribute, you have to complete the task of the Spirit Hall.

Later, he will order people to collect information from the heavens and the worlds, and list the contribution values ​​of martial arts in various worlds.

These things are not achieved overnight, and require years of accumulation.

But what Li Yuan lacks the least is time.

As time went by, more and more people achieved unity and joined the Spirit Hall.

Jingluo Realm, Evil Abyss.

A terrifying tall figure came from the air.

Li Yuan’s incarnation saw this and his eyes suddenly fixed.After sitting here for nearly ten epochs, this is the first time I have seen such a powerful figure.

He even felt some familiar aura on this person. He was a warrior who had cultivated three martial arts into one.

However, this person’s aura is stronger, and he has vaguely surpassed the ordinary and reached another level.

With a thought in his mind, he remembered some rumors over the years.

“God of Heavenly Martial Arts—Jin Wuque.”

This person is not a human race, but a clan of golden giants.

Rumor has it that he is powerful and has single-handedly killed three Dujie statues with half-immortal weapons and one Dujie statue with an immortal weapon.

Some people say that this person is the son of the era of this era, and no one can compete with him.

And he is not afraid of the natural disaster, obviously he has not reached the level of overcoming the disaster.

Upon hearing this, Jin Wuque glanced at Li Yuan and others, took out a jade talisman, and said in a deep voice: “This is the way to break through the Zhiyang God, but in addition to the fairy medicine, I also want to see you. The existence behind it!”

When Li Yuan’s incarnation heard the words, his eyes suddenly condensed. This person had indeed broken through Guiyi and entered a new realm.

This is not surprising, after all, he has been waiting here for millions of years.

On the contrary, this person had become the Yang God tens of thousands of years ago, and he only came to see him now.

This person came to him just now. It is obvious that his life is about to end, but he has not found a new way and wants to live another life.

Li Yuan’s eyes narrowed slightly. He must obtain the method to break through Yang Shen, but this person’s strength is probably comparable to those who are extremely capable of transcending tribulations, and it is rumored that he has more than one immortal weapon.

If he comes in disguise, I’m afraid he won’t be able to suppress this person.

But if this person really wants to come here for the elixir, there won’t be any problem.

After pondering for a moment, Li Yun said: “The existence behind us is not in this world. If my fellow Taoist is willing, you can follow me to get the elixir now.”

“Not in this world?”

“Yes, not in the heavens and worlds, but above!”

When Jin Wuque heard this, he frowned slightly.

But in this case, it makes sense, otherwise who could wait for so many years?

“forget about it!”

After a moment of silence, Jin Wuque shook his head, looking a little pity.

Li Yuan’s eyes were filled with destiny talismans, secretly deducing this person’s intention and strength.

However, it is difficult to deduce that such a character is probably a son of the era, and he has more than one immortal weapon.

In the end, Li Yuan could only barely deduce a little bit of information, and there was no danger.

If this is the case, then he has confidence in his heart.

Looking at this person, Li Yuan said calmly: “Please come with me!”

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