One sunny morning, Wang Aotian joined forces with several friends to build the No. 1 Palace in the World in Qiling Realm.

With such an arrogant title, if nothing happened, Li Yuan would dare to eat Yuanci Mountain.

He shook his head and sighed, this kid is really asking for his own death.

This is not a wild world!

Sure enough, someone soon started to make trouble. It was a young girl in the early stage of Emperor Wu who stepped on the mountain gate and taunted him.

“It’s true that there are no tigers in the mountains and the monkey is the king. I want to see how capable you are as the number one king in the world.”

This girl is extremely beautiful, but her personality is not very good and she is a bit unruly.

She looked sarcastically and looked at Wang Aotian and his dozen confidantes with disdain.

Wang Aotian’s strength increased greatly at this time, and he felt invincible in the world. He really didn’t take this young girl in the early stage of the Martial Emperor seriously.

He licked his tongue and said with a smile: “Where does this little girl come from? She dares to come to my No. 1 Palace in the World and act wildly. Could it be that she wants to be the wife of the Palace Mistress of my No. 1 Palace in the World?”

“Insolent! Shameless person!”

The girl’s face turned cold, and she suddenly became murderous.

In an instant, the girl raised a top-quality spiritual weapon and spear, and killed Wang Aotian.

The powerful power immediately made Wang Aotian’s eyes narrow.

This girl’s strength is actually extraordinary.

If it were an ordinary Martial Emperor in the early stage, facing this shot, he would be severely injured even if he was not dead.

Unfortunately, he is not an ordinary Martial Emperor.

There were too many people and it was difficult for Wang Aotian to use the treasure, so he raised a spiritual sword and slashed at the spear.

Both of them were Martial King-level experts. At this time, they attacked with all their strength, causing the space in the field to distort immediately, and terrifying auras scattered in all directions.

When the onlookers saw it, they immediately retreated for fear of being affected.

Even the Martial Emperor-level monks looked solemn.


The astonishing sword light actually shook the spear away.

A terrifying sword light swept across, knocking the girl hundreds of miles away.

Wang Aotian laughed loudly and took one step across hundreds of miles, with a powerful spiritual weapon in his hand suppressing it.

“Beauty, you are quite capable. Why don’t you join me in the No. 1 Palace in the World and cultivate the great path with my Lord!”

When the girl heard this, her face turned livid with anger, and she immediately raised her spear to attack again.

However, although her strength is not weak, it is still inferior to Wang Aotian, who has already cultivated Dharma.

It only took a few breaths before Wang Aotian suppressed him and held him in his arms frivolously.

“Let go of my niece!”

Suddenly, there was a roar from the crowd.

She was a beautiful woman with an outstanding appearance. Her skin was like fat, her brows were like smoke, and her appearance was still above that of a girl.

She was holding two swords, and she was also frightened and angry at this time.

“Oh, there’s another beauty!”

When Wang Aotian saw this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

“Is this the master of the Xuehan Sect?”

When someone saw this, they suddenly showed surprise.

When Wang Aotian heard this, he also raised his eyebrows.

As far as he knew, the Supreme Elder of the Xuehan Clan was only at the peak of the Martial Emperor.

Even if that person comes in person, he is not afraid at all.

Thinking of this, Wang Aotian laughed and said: “If you want me to let your niece go, it depends on your sincerity.”

“It was my niece who was rude before. How about this ten thousand-year elixir as an apology to fellow Taoist?”

“Not enough, at least ten!”


The beautiful woman was frightened and trembling with anger.

A thousand-year elixir is worth millions of spiritual stones. This person is simply greedy and shameless.

Thinking of this, the beautiful woman’s eyes flashed with murderous intent.

She said in a deep voice: “Okay, let go of my niece first, I will definitely send you the elixir.”

Wang Aotian laughed, “Do you think I’m stupid?”

As he spoke, he suddenly took action and grabbed the beautiful woman directly.

This beautiful woman is not weak, she has reached the middle stage of the Martial Emperor, but how can she stop Wang Aotian?

Wang Aotian suppressed this beautiful woman on the spot, his eyes full of frivolity.

He has his own way of persuading these two women.

Wang Aotian still has some experience in dealing with women, especially beautiful women.

Half of his dozen confidantes were cooked by his husband, but in the end they were impressed by his temperament.

Secretly, Li Yuan sighed slightly, no matter whether you can convince this woman or not, you will be finished.

Wang Aotian didn’t know this. He was busy training his aunt and niece.

I have to say that these two women are really strong-willed and will never obey.

He even threatened him, saying that if he didn’t let them go, they would be killed.

In this regard, it is naturally even more impossible for Wang Aotian to let him go.

Now that half of the work is done, if we can’t subdue these two women, wouldn’t it be worse to just let them go?

What’s more, as far as he knew, the powerful enemy mentioned by the two women was only the peak of the Martial Emperor.

Moreover, this person was once chased and killed by a powerful Martial Lord, and all of them have disappeared.It has been missing for hundreds of years and is suspected to have perished.

He wants to do what he did before, the husband cooks the rice and conquers the two women.

The will of heaven and earth in the Qiling Realm wants to stop Wang Aotian, but unfortunately Wang Aotian is not an easy person.

The underground palace was filled with all kinds of sounds of despair and joy.

However, within just three days, a tyrannical figure tore through the space.

This is a middle-aged man, but the aura on his body is terrifying.

The monks around him were shocked when they saw this.

Wu Zun!

This turned out to be a martial arts master.

Some people also recognized that this person was Shi Zun who had disappeared for hundreds of years.

Shi Zun was only the peak Martial Emperor back then, but he once killed a Martial Emperor, so he was called Shi Zun.

It was rumored that this person had died. Unexpectedly, he was not only alive, but also became a martial master.

Li Yuan also looked at this person with interest. This person should be the son of luck in this world.

Although it looks like he is in the early stage of Wu Zun, this person is probably just a clone.

The clones all have martial arts cultivation, so one can imagine the strength of their real bodies.

He shook his head and had no intention of taking action.

The Son of Destiny is still a bit unsatisfactory after all.

Shi Zun was furious. After a moment of sensing, he didn’t sense the aura of the two women before, and he became furious.

With one slap of his hand, he directly razed the first palace in the world to the ground, and countless creatures died miserably.

After one move, Shi Zun’s eyes were sharp and he quickly discovered something unusual.

There is an underground palace with a powerful barrier that can isolate all sensations.

Shi Zun looked furious and stepped directly into it. His terrifying momentum shattered everything around him.

Deep in the underground palace, Wang Aotian hurriedly put on his clothes and sacrificed his treasure.

There was a big earthquake in the underground palace, and he felt that there was a terrible invasion by a powerful enemy.

However, before he could leave the underground palace, he was already broken into by Shi Zun.

After sensing the situation of the two women, Shi Zun almost collapsed.

“you wanna die!”

Shi Zun roared angrily, his eyes red.

He directly grabbed Wang Aotian and wanted to crush him into pieces.

Wang Aotian’s scalp was numb and his expression was horrified.

Hasn’t this person disappeared?

And isn’t it the peak of the Martial Emperor? How did he become the Martial Lord?

At the critical moment of life and death, his treasure protects his body on its own.

But even so, how can he stop an angry Martial Lord?

What’s more, this person is the son of destiny in this world?

Even though Wang Aotian had a treasure to protect him, his body was still destroyed by a palm strike.

Of course, although the soul was not destroyed, that was because Shi Zun had retained his hand and wanted to keep him tormented slowly.

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