Li Yuan left quietly and came to a mountain peak not far from the modern city.

He looked down at the stone object in his hand.

This stone thing is exactly the layer of stone sculpture on his body before.

But this was no ordinary stone, nor any material he knew.

It is more like an impurity that is excreted by itself.

Li Yuan pinched his fingers to deduce, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

He closed his eyes slightly and began to sense himself carefully.

It could be vaguely seen that there seemed to be an imperceptible change in the nature of his soul.

This change is very strange, as if all the traces of life have been washed away, and the whole person has reached an incredible level.

For a moment, Li Yuan suddenly understood.

During these five thousand years of sleeping, his soul began to transform. This was the effect of the Three Phases Sutra.

Although there is only a trace now, it also shows that he has entered the door.

Since he has already started, as long as he is given enough time, he will definitely be able to complete it.

What he lacks most is time.

Soon after, Li Yuan came to a modern city with many tall buildings.

He was dressed in ancient costume, which made him look a bit eye-catching.

But Li Yuan didn’t care.

There was also a fortune teller who held a stall and pulled him, pretending to be an expert from outside the world, and said with a smile: “Young man, do you know why there are always all kinds of supernatural events recently?”

Li Yuan looked at this person. He was just an ordinary person without any cultivation.

He smiled and said: “Because the spiritual energy has revived!”


The old man was stunned when he heard this. Isn’t this what I want to say?

However, he quickly realized what he was doing, stroked his long beard, and said with a smile: “Yes, the spiritual energy has revived, which has led to so many supernatural events. I am amazed by your bones. You are a rare genius who cultivates immortality. Would you like to worship me?” I am a teacher?”

Li Yuan didn’t expose it and said with a smile: “Cultivation as an immortal is not interesting. I just like to practice martial arts.”

“Young people don’t know how high the sky is. Practicing martial arts is just for strengthening the body, but practicing immortality can prolong your life and move mountains and seas with the wave of your hand.”

“Haha, I don’t believe it, unless you show me one!”

“I…that’s all. Heaven’s secrets cannot be leaked, and magical powers cannot be spread to outsiders. Since you are not sincere, even though you have peerless qualifications, you have no chance of becoming an immortal. Let’s go!”

As he spoke, he waved his sleeves, and a strong air flow hit his face, as if it was about to lift the person away.

Of course, this is not because he has any extraordinary means, but because he has high-tech products in his sleeves.

The old man had an inscrutable look on his face, and he had tried this trick repeatedly.

However, this time, he was destined to be disappointed.

Li Yuan remained motionless as a mountain and said with a smile: “I’m counting on my fingers. Old Taoist Master, you will definitely suffer a bloody disaster today!”

With that said, he turned and left without waiting for the old man to speak.

The old Taoist stared blankly at Li Yuanyuan as he left, suddenly looking confused. Could it be that this kid had seen through his tactics?

As for Li Yuan’s last warning, Lao Dao didn’t take it to heart. He was not scared.

However, at dusk, a middle-aged man came.

He heard that there was an old Taoist priest here with profound magical power, and he came to ask for advice.

The old Taoist priest naturally tried his best to deceive, and in the end he couldn’t help but show off his skills.

His method was just to fool ordinary people. In front of this middle-aged man, he was undoubtedly seeking death.

The middle-aged man immediately saw through the old Taoist’s tactics and became angry. He beat him up on the spot and then walked away.

The old Taoist was shocked and angry, and couldn’t help but think of Li Yuan’s words.

But he quickly threw these words out of his mind, it must be a coincidence.

You must believe in science!

Li Yuan did not stay in this land for long and left soon after. He thought that this might be a good time.

The powerful monk is still dormant, far from returning to his peak state.

This is the best time to go out and look for food. You may be able to find great powers that you didn’t survive in the previous era, or you may be able to find the miracle medicine that you survived in the previous era.

Either way, it was an amazing gain for him.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan’s heart moved and he left the country directly.

His mental power dispersed and he began to search for the great medicine he had buried in the last era.

Although the earth has been shaken and the world has changed, the general position will not change.

Before the catastrophe came, he planted tens of thousands of elixirs in the Tianhuang Realm, but he didn’t harvest them afterwards, and he didn’t know how many would survive.

With his current strength, it won’t take him long to conquer the world.

Half a month later, on the cliff, Li Yuan looked at a sick and dead tree in front of him, looking overjoyed.

Although this dead tree is about to die, it is a great medicine that has survived the catastrophe of the era and has special potential.

heHe quickly took action and set up a large formation around the dead tree. While absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, he also prevented other creatures from intruding and destroying the great medicine of the era.

At the same time, he took out his half of the Era Medicine, pinched it a little, and spread it into the rhizome of the dead tree.

After doing all this, Li Yuan began to make arrangements again, planting various spiritual elixirs in some spiritual mountains.

However, the aura of heaven and earth in Tianhuang was limited. After he planted 10,000 plants, he stopped.

In a new era, a new beginning, the resources of the Tianhuang Realm are obviously not enough for him to practice, so he has to layout all the worlds.

Soon after, the androids repaired the mothership, and Li Yuan directly tore apart the world barrier and left.

As the ancient underworld is a seventh-level world, he will naturally not let it go and constantly deduce places where the great medicine of the era may exist.

Unfortunately, after hundreds of years, Li Yuan only found three great medicines of the era.

This powerful medicine actually becomes more effective the longer it lives.

However, there were many people and forces in the ancient underworld. Just in case, Li Yuan took him away and found a place to relocate him.

There were quite a few strong men who had not survived the Great Tribulation of the Era, but it was a pity that these people could not leave anything good behind.

For three thousand years, Li Yuan searched for the Great Medicine of the Era.

Unfortunately, it gets harder and harder to find as you go to the back.

Strong men who can survive the great catastrophe of the era will naturally have this kind of mentality.

Now three thousand years have passed, and the aura of all heavens and worlds is enough for monks to practice to the cave void stage.

The world of fog ghosts.

In a dilapidated cave paradise.

Li Yuan carefully put away an Era Medicine and planned to return.

There are more and more powerful people resurrecting, so we can no longer run around.

However, the next moment, the general situation of the world changed, and a layer of chains emerged, sealing this world.

A nine-headed lion with fluttering beard and hair slowly walked over, with a hint of humanized banter in his eyes.

“Another fish has taken the bait, but unfortunately the cultivation is a bit too shallow.”

The nine-headed lion looked a little disappointed when he spoke.

When Li Yuan heard this, his heart suddenly sank. Is this a trap?

A powerful aura suddenly appeared on his body, as if a strong man at the peak of Mahayana had revived.

When the nine lions saw this, a strange color suddenly flashed in their eyes.

Li Yuan’s heart was frightened and he was extremely vigilant, but he still said calmly: “What do you mean, fellow Taoist?”

The nine-headed lion looked at Li Yuan with an incomprehensible expression, as if he wanted to see through him.

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