Li Yuan put his hand in the air on the top of the mountain.

Soon there were ripples rippling out.

These ripples spread throughout the space and shocked countless creatures.

“That is?”

Outside, some low-ranking experts were shocked when they saw this.

“Why are there outsiders on the sacred mountain?”

“Stop him quickly!”

These talented people are all from the Shensai tribe, but they are just ordinary talented people. The strongest ones are just practicing Qi.

Soon, some powerful people arrived near the sacred mountain in strange aircraft, but they were frightened by the terrifying pressure and did not dare to move forward.

They were shocked, what kind of existence is this?

Legend has it that there is an entrance to the holy land on the sacred mountain. Is this creature opening the holy land?

Li Yuan ignored these ordinary experts and continued to shake the space gate.

Finally, there was a sound in the space, and a huge shadow of an awesome man appeared, seeming a little angry.

“Human, what do you want to do?”

Li Yuan chuckled and said, “Fellow Taoist, please notify Noble Sixth Elder or Taoist Niu Daben, so that Niu Youde comes to visit!”

“Cows are virtuous?”

The awesome man scratched his head. Could it be that he was a strong man of the same race?

Being able to vibrate the gate of space, he is a monk in the Dongxu stage at least, so he is not considered a minor player.

After thinking for a while, the great man phantom sent a message: “Just wait, I’ll go ask!”

After waiting for a long time, an awesome person finally arrived.

An old man with a slightly vicissitude of life appeared, and Li Yuan quickly recognized that this was Niu Daben.

“Fellow Daoist Niu? Do you still remember me?”

Niu Daben recognized Niu Youde at a glance, and suddenly showed a shocked expression. As expected, Niu Youde was still alive.

Thousands of years have passed, but this guy is still the same as before.

Could it be that he has been promoted to a powerful person?

Although this possibility is slim, it is not impossible.

Li Yuan smiled and said: “I haven’t seen you for ten thousand years. I didn’t expect that my Taoist friend is still alive. I guess he has been promoted to a unified body a long time ago, right?”

Niu Daben was speechless and sighed: “At the end of the world, it was only with the help of my ancestor that I was lucky enough to enter the realm of integration.”

After hesitating for a moment, he finally opened the door to the cave.

When Li Yuan saw this, he also flashed and stepped directly into it.

Niu Daben immediately closed the door to the cave, and then looked at him carefully, with some doubts in his heart, and asked: “By the way, I wonder why my friend came here?”

Li Yuan smiled and said: “I wonder if the third elder is still alive?”

“Nature is still alive, but the laws of heaven and earth are at an end. The three elders have been sleeping deep in the cave.”

“That’s perfect. I came to visit you this time to ask the third elder about something.”

When Niu Daben heard this, his heart suddenly moved, and he muttered: “Fellow Taoist Niu wants to know who was targeting you back then, right?”

Li Yuan nodded, not surprised that Niu Daben knew about this.

Niu Daben said in a deep voice: “I have also heard the third elder mention this. There were three powerful men who were eyeing you back then.

One is Rat Tai Sui from Tiangu Temple in Senmo Realm. This demon was in the middle stage of Mahayana back then. It’s not clear now. However, since the law of heaven and earth is at an end, it would be good if his cultivation level does not deteriorate.

One is the ancient soul of Yimu Realm. This is a devil in the late Mahayana period, extremely vicious, insidious and cunning.

As for the last one, she is the Yuanyin Girl from the Green Luo Realm. In the early days of the Mahayana, this girl was proficient in the art of harvesting tonic. It is said that she wanted to harvest you back then. ”

When Li Yuan heard this, his eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, and his eyes were filled with cold light.

Niu Daben looked strange and said hesitantly: “Brother Niu, do you really want to attack these Mahayana people?”

Li Yuan shook his head and said with regret: “How is that possible? I just want to know who my enemy is, so that I don’t know if I meet him in the future.”

“That’s right! There was more than one Mahayana statue in the Drum Temple that day, and the Yuanyin Girl was also in a league of girls. Only the Ancient Soul Soul came and went alone, but she was the most powerful.”

Niu Daben nodded in agreement and didn’t think much about it.

After all, even if Niu Youde is promoted to Mahayana, he may not be able to deal with those guys.

As for the challenge being leveled up as before, how is that possible?

He can compete with the ordinary Dongxu Dzogchen at the stage of becoming a god, but after reaching the peak of Dongxu, he can only compete with the early stage of integration.

It is already in the realm of fusion now, but it is already at its limit when it comes to the later stages of fusion.

The further you go, the more difficult it becomes to challenge higher levels. Who can cultivate to the Mahayana stage, who was not a proud man of heaven back then?

Looking at Li Yuan, Niu Daben asked in a low voice: “Brother Niu, tell me honestly, what state are you in now.”

Li Yuan glanced at Niu Daben with an inexplicable expression, and naturally he would not tell him honestly.

I saw a vague aura flickering on his body.

After Niu Daben sensed it, although he had some guesses, he still looked incredulous.

Almighty, how is this possible?

In the Age of Dharma Ending, can everyone keep cultivatingIt’s pretty good, this Niu Youde keeps making progress, is this fucking reasonable?

Next, Li Yuan learned from Niu Daben the information about the bankers who still owed him spiritual stones.

Two of them are guarded by powerful men who have overcome tribulations, and they are entities that cannot be provoked.

Although the other one has not overcome the tribulation, there is more than one powerful level in the force, so it cannot be done for the time being.

But that’s fine, he can calculate interest for these guys at any time.

Leaving the Shensai tribe’s cave, Li Yuan deduced for a long time and finally determined the next two goals.

One is the ancient soul of Yimu Realm, and the other is the Yuanyin Girl of Luluo Realm.

Although Gu Minghun is powerful, he still works alone. If he is caught by surprise, he still has a chance to kill him.

As for Yuanyin Girl, even though she belongs to some kind of girl league, she still has a chance to take advantage of her.

Having determined the target, Li Yuan no longer lingered.

Leave Tianluo Realm and go straight to Yimu Realm.

This time, in just ten years, he came to Yimu Realm.

It’s a pity that the whereabouts of Gu Minghun are uncertain. He has captured several big demons that are still alive, but there is no information about them.

Fortunately, he has the skill of deduction. Although the ancient soul has a treasure that conceals the secret of heaven, it is a pity that the Yin Fu Baojian has a deduction method specifically for this situation, which consumes more life span. Li Yuan quickly determined that the ancient soul The hiding place of the soul of life.

It was a deserted ancient battlefield, filled with space cracks everywhere, making it impossible for ordinary monks to get close to it.

But now is the Dharma Ending Period, which is the end of life.

Li Yuan let an incarnation carry the black magic poison and a secret treasure, and slowly approached the area.

Half a year later, he came to the sky above an endless abyss.

When he arrived here, he had a vague feeling when he was deducing, it was a kind of creepy feeling.

It seems that under this abyss, there are unimaginable terrifying existences dormant.

Li Yuan’s expression was cold, and he was almost certain that there was an ancient soul hiding under the abyss.

He suppressed his aura and fell directly into the abyss like a lifeless corpse.

Kilometers, ten thousand meters, thousands of miles, thousands of miles.

Li Yuan fell a full 300,000 miles before landing at the bottom of this abyss.

The place is deserted and filled with strange evil spirits.

Li Yuan sensed carefully and finally sensed a palpitating feeling coming from the ground.

His expression remained unchanged, and he controlled his body to continue sinking into the ground.

After falling for three days and three nights, nearly tens of millions of miles, Li Yuan finally sensed something was wrong.

There are some abnormalities in the surrounding space. If you don’t break this space, you won’t find anything if you continue to sink.

He was speechless. Why did this ancient soul feel more afraid of death than himself?

Not only is it hidden under the endless abyss of Jedi, but it has also dived thousands of miles underground and entered a different space.

If he hadn’t obtained the Yin Talisman Treasure Book and had unlimited longevity, he would have been able to deduce it at any cost, and he would have been unable to find his whereabouts.

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