Li Yuan looked down at the expectant old man and shook his head.

He said leisurely: “I can’t help you either.”

It seems that he is speaking to the old man in front of him, but in fact he is speaking to the will of this world.

After thinking for a while, he imprinted some technology-related information into the old man’s mind.

If technology develops to a certain level, there may be a chance to break out of the constraints of this world and go to all the worlds.

After doing this, he stepped out directly and left this small world with a radius of only a million miles.

Meeting up with the avatar, Li Yuan deduced for a moment before deciding to go to Tianyuan Realm.

Tianyuan World is also the headquarters of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

This is a ninth-level world, the pinnacle of all heavens and worlds.

It is rumored that Tianyuan World was only a sixth-level world countless years ago, but later unexpectedly left Tianyuan, traded in all realms, and eventually grew into a ninth-level world step by step.

Time was limited, and Li Yuan had to use the mechanical clan’s fixed wormhole again.

A few years later, he finally set foot in the ninth-level world for the first time.

The rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth made him feel as if his body was full of vitality.

Living in such an environment, even without spiritual roots, it is enough to easily become a martial arts master.

This place is full of spiritual energy, classical and elegant, and is indeed a good place for spiritual practice.

But in the Tianyuan world, even breathing requires money.

As soon as he entered the Tianyuan world, Li Yuan was stopped by someone. A fat old man said with a smile: “Welcome to the Tianyuan world, senior. Please apply for an identity token first.”

“Okay, I’m sorry to bother you fellow Taoist!”

This old man is clearly a Dongxu monk.

But at this time, Li Yuan exuded the aura of the peak of Mahayana.

He looked kind and asked: “Excuse me, friend, where is the headquarters of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce?”

Hearing this, the old man looked at Li Yuan calmly and said with a smile: “The headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce is in the center of Tianyuan World, Shenyuan Tian. I have the power distribution map of Tianyuan World. I wonder if you, senior, need it?”

“So, thank you very much!”

Li Yuan nodded. This was a ninth-level world after all. Naturally, he had to be more careful to avoid provoking powerful enemies.

Although Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce is in good order, it is not without fights.

The old man stretched out his hand and took out a jade slip, and said with a smile: “Sincerity benefits ten thousand low-grade spiritual stones.”

“Ten thousand?”

“Yes, although this thing is very important, fortunately it can be copied, so the price is still very cheap!”

Li Yuan: “…”

Is it too cheap for me?

But for him, an outsider, this thing is indeed a necessity.

Soon, Li Yuan’s identity token was processed.

The service fee is one hundred spirit stones.

The old man reminded Li Yuan: “The identity token must be kept well. All activities in the Tianyuan world must have an identity token.”

Li Yuan nodded, thanked the old man, and planned to leave.

However, the old man stopped him and said with some embarrassment: “The Tianyuan world excludes all outside monks, so before entering, you need to pay a temporary entry fee according to your cultivation level.”

When Li Yuan heard this, his face suddenly darkened. Did he get into Qian’s eyes one by one?

“Pay one month’s payment first!”

“Okay, ten thousand spirit stones a month.”

This fee is definitely not low.

In addition, there are social security taxes, safe transaction taxes, world health taxes, etc., which can be regarded as something Li Yuanchang has seen.

The order is indeed in order, but the cost is too much.

Before Li Yuan entered Shenyuantian, he had already paid tens of thousands of spiritual stones in various taxes and fees.

Fortunately, Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce is a joint industry of all the major forces in the Tianyuan world, otherwise he doubted whether he would be taken over by that force.

Soon after, he finally entered Shenyuantian after paying the maintenance fee for Dongtian World.

When I arrived at the headquarters of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, I showed my black card and was immediately greeted by a beautiful maid.

In the exquisite and luxurious VIP room.

The waitress served the spiritual tea and asked respectfully: “Hello, senior, I wonder what you need to trade?”

Li Yuan was already prepared and said directly: “Let’s estimate the price of these things first!”

As he spoke, he took out a storage ring, which contained the treasures that the incarnation had brought back from the dead, including those from the golden giant and other powerful men.

Soon, the estimate came out and it was a full 23 billion.

But compared to Li Yuan’s current net worth, it can only be regarded as barely enough.

“Is there any treasure that can completely cover one’s aura and prevent it from being detected by powerful powers?”

Self-centeredness only allows him to imitate other people’s aura, but cannot change his own aura.

He stole the show in the Cambrian world, and his appearance and aura had long been memorized by those strong men. Momentum alone was not enough.

Hearing this, the waitress immediately spoke: “Yes, there are special treasures that can conceal one’s body shape and breath, and there are also special techniques that can change one’s self.”appearance and atmosphere. ”

When Li Yuan heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

“Tell me what the technique is and what is its specific effect?”

When the waitress heard this, she naturally answered immediately.

In the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, there is a low-level heaven-level secret method called “Liu Sheng Shape Transformation”. After mastering it, you can change your appearance and breath at will, and even your soul will change accordingly.

“How many spirit stones?”

“Twenty-five billion low-grade spiritual stones.”


Li Yuan was confused. Although he expected that the price would not be low, was it too outrageous?

In the end, Li Yuan purchased this secret method with great distress.

After all, he has had too many incarnations, and a treasure weapon alone is not enough.

The only thing that gave him some comfort was that for such an amazing deal, the other party also presented a piece of Mingxin wood worth 100,000 years.

This Mingxin Wood is worth several hundred million, and it can help people understand heaven-level skills.

Later, Li Yuan changed another thousand spiritual crystals, plus three copies of the black devil poison.

Spiritual crystals are energy stones that are more pure than top-grade spiritual stones. One stone is equivalent to 100 million low-grade spiritual stones.

As for the black devil poison, it can poison Mahayana to death, but it is too dangerous and does not distinguish between friend and foe, so he had to buy another era medicine that can detoxify the black devil poison.

Although the Era Medicine is far less precious than the Immortal Medicine, it is still extremely valuable. One medicine costs fifty billion spiritual stones.

At this point, out of 380 billion spirit stones, only 150 billion are left.

This made Li Yuan lament that it is easy to make money and even easier to spend money.

After leaving Tianyuan World, Li Yuan had no intention of wandering around and returned directly.

With the Mingxinmu that is one hundred thousand years old, he is confident that he will be able to complete the Liu Sheng Yi Shao in the remaining decades.

Decades flew by.

Cambrian realm.

Countless strong men stand around a blue ocean that exists in mid-air.

Here is the Wuxu illusion that opens once every ten thousand years.

“I wonder if this time, one lucky person will be chosen by the gods and enter the heaven.”

Someone spoke, looking at the blue ocean above, full of expectation.

Next to him, someone immediately struck him with words: “Wake up, stop dreaming. If you are chosen by the divine, and you can understand an incomplete skill from it, you are already lucky.”

“Yes, even those peerless geniuses may not be chosen by the Holy Spirit after receiving the inheritance token.”

“It’s a pity that Jian Sanshi, if he comes to Wuxu Illusion Realm, he might be chosen by the Holy Spirit.”

“I heard that Niu Youde disappeared, saying that he was surrounded and killed by Tianshui Sect and other strong men. I don’t know whether it is true or not?”

“Be careful what you say! Don’t say this nonsense!”

“Hmph! It’s a pity that a peerless genius still hasn’t grown up after all.”


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