Three days later, Li Yuan’s injuries had mostly recovered.

However, he did not go to the competition. Instead, he asked Jian Yin to go with a ray of soul projection and tell everyone that he was temporarily unable to participate.

This result immediately shocked everyone, especially the monks who had detained Li Yuan.

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible. Hei Yunxian can insist on coming, why can’t Niu Youde insist?”

“Everything is possible. The last sword of Jian Sanshi was so terrifying that it even tore apart the space. It was a fluke that Niu Youde didn’t die on the spot. He was obviously pretending before.”

“Damn it, I bet all my fortune on this Niu Youde!”

“It’s over, it’s completely over. If I had known better, I wouldn’t have gambled.”

“Betting on dogs will lead to a bad death!”


Hei Yunxian on the field breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Niu Youde didn’t come, otherwise he would probably have had a hard battle.

In the end, Hei Yunxian, Li Yuan and Dao Mo won the top three.

On the podium, Hei Yunxian took the lead in choosing a heaven-level technique.

Next is Li Yuan’s soul projection, choosing a heaven-level secret method that compresses the mana in the body – the Same Immortal Source Technique.

It is said that if you practice this method to the extreme, your magic power can transform and become infinitely close to immortal energy.

This is somewhat similar to the training process of the Tribulation Monk.

However, since ancient times, before the Tribulation Period, recorded monks have only compressed using this method five times, because the further to the back, the more difficult it is to compress.

This requires not only unimaginable resources and perseverance, but also tens of thousands of years.

Anyone who can live that long has already been promoted to the Tribulation Stage.

As for the sword demon, he had no choice. He excitedly picked up the last heaven-level technique, his body trembling.

Speaking of which, if Jian Sanshi had not died, it would not have been his turn to go on stage to receive the award.

Back at the Qingmu Sect’s headquarters, the martial arts competition of the King of Martial Arts Group has finally come to an end.

Li Yuan looked at the mysterious token in his hand with an incomprehensible expression.

It is said to be a token, but it is actually a mark of condensed spiritual energy.

As long as you refine this thing and enter Wuxu Illusion, you can sense the location of the inheritance.

He had some expectations in his heart, wondering what opportunities there were in Wu Xu’s illusion.

What is the difference between the so-called sacred inheritance?

And it is said that if you enter it, you will have the opportunity to condense the Dharma.

Faxiang, it must have been tens of thousands of years since he cultivated the martial arts soul.

Time flies by like a flash, which really makes people feel a little dazed.

Soon after, the old man came quietly and handed Li Yuan a storage ring.

“Of this, 2.5 million is the previous gambling capital, and the remaining 130 billion is your share!”

“so much?”

Li Yuan was shocked when he heard this.

Counting the previous gambling money, he already has 350 billion spiritual stones on his body.

With such a large amount of spiritual stones, it would be difficult for even the Tribulation Transcendence monks to obtain them.

The old man touched his beard and said with a smile: “Hehehe! My friend, you cooperate well! But I have to remind you, old man, that many people are already eyeing you, and some of them may be powerful.”

“Mighty? Who is it?”

“One is Shu Taisui from Tiangu Temple, and the other is Gu Minghun from Yimu Realm. Of course, there may be other powerful ones, but I don’t know about it.”

When Li Yuan heard this, his expression suddenly changed slightly. It seemed that he was still too high-profile.

The Rat Tai Sui of Tiangu Temple probably didn’t want to return the gambling money, so he directly killed him to avoid future troubles.

As for the ancient soul of Yimu Realm, why did he target him as a Martial King?

The rewards of the martial arts event include a heaven-level technique, a low-grade treasure, and the inheritance token of the Martial Illusion Realm.

Anything among them may attract the attention of the powerful.

What’s more, the number of spiritual stones on his body is too staggering.

He cupped his hands and thanked him: “Thank you, senior, for reminding me. I will keep this in mind, junior.”

The old man nodded slightly, came forward, and said with a smile: “Xiao Niu, do you want to ask me to protect you for a while?”

Li Yuan was startled when he heard this, and suddenly became wary. What does this old guy want to do?

“What do you mean, senior?”

“I will be your bodyguard for only one billion spirit stones a year.”

When Li Yuan heard this, he couldn’t help but said: “Why don’t you go grab it, old man!”

One billion a year, ten billion spiritual stones in ten years.

There are still seventy years left before the Wuxu Illusion Realm opens.

The old man shook his head calmly and said with a smile: “That’s wrong. I have to fight at least two powerful men at any time. Is one billion a year really too much?”

“More than one billion a year, I can’t bear it! How about this, if the senior is willing to block a powerful person every time, the junior is willing to pay one billion?”


“Let’s do this, one price, three billion!”

“Impossible, at mostOne billion! ”

“Oh, young man, don’t take your money too seriously. If you don’t take it with you in life, you won’t take it with you in death!”

“Then I don’t care, it’s just this price, if it doesn’t work, forget it.”

Seeing that Li Yuan refused to give in, the old man was speechless. This boy is really not afraid of death!

In the end, the old man agreed, one billion is one billion.

As long as he comes here a few more times, his net worth will continue to rise.

Thinking of this, he was looking forward to it.

The old man left quietly, but Li Yuan never let go of his heart.

After all, he is now being targeted by more than one powerful person.

Also, we can’t completely rely on this old man. If he joins forces with other powerful people to put on a show, wouldn’t he become the one being taken advantage of?

With the temperament of this old man, this possibility is not impossible.

He activated his destiny talisman and began to deduce.

It soon became apparent that there were dangers all around.

As long as you dare to leave here, you will definitely be attacked and killed by powerful people.

Although his methods are amazing, he is not afraid of ten thousand, but he is afraid of the worst. After all, there are no absolutes in this world.

Li Yuan continued to deduce and found that even using the Sky Breaking Talisman was extremely dangerous.

In other words, it was basically impossible for him to leave Shenwu City without anyone noticing.

The martial arts event has not yet come to an end, but Li Yuan is already planning to leave.

There are still seventy years before the Wuxu Illusion Realm opens. If he is really targeted by the powerful, he is afraid that it will not be safe to stay in Shenwu City.

It can even be said that there is no safe place in the Cambrian world at all.

He decided to leave the Cambrian Realm and go to other worlds, and then come back after the Wuxu Illusion Realm opens.

A few days later, the martial arts grand meeting of the Martial King Group began.

Li Yuan created an incarnation and quietly accompanied everyone from the Qingmu Sect to watch the game.

And his true body, after leaving behind three incarnations, directly took out the mothership, broke through the world barrier and left the Cambrian Realm.

The space was rippling, and someone was aware of it, but he didn’t take it to heart.

They also stared at the incarnation of Li Yuan who went to the cave to watch the competition.

But until the competition of the Martial Master Group was over and everyone in the Qingmu Sect went back, Li Yuan was still wandering around Shenwu City.

Finally, there was a powerful man who couldn’t sit still and wanted to take action directly to eliminate future troubles.

Li Yuan’s incarnation had already deduced a hint of threat, and decided to lure the snake out of the hole to see who was watching him.

One of the avatars went directly to the teleportation array in Shenwu City.

Sure enough, he was targeted by the enemy.

With powerful people following him, Li Yuan directly destroyed his incarnation while still in the process of teleportation.

At the same time, he immediately sent out another incarnation, Yi Xing changed his appearance, and wanted to quietly leave Shenwu City through the city gate, and then directly used the Sky Breaking Talisman.

However, this incarnation was still discovered by an enemy with malicious intentions, but this time it didn’t seem to be a powerful one.

He knew in his heart that the station where the Qingmu Sect was located was probably being watched at all times.

Moreover, the enemy may have unknown means to monitor themselves.

Without any hesitation, after Li Yuan left one incarnation to sit in charge, the remaining two incarnations directly divided into two directions and left in disguise.

However, at this moment, the power of space rippled, and finally a figure came, and spiritual thoughts invaded the station.

This is also a powerful person, hidden in the darkness, and his identity cannot be seen clearly.

When he saw the avatar left by Li Yuan, he frowned slightly. Who were those people who left before?

Thinking of this, he took action directly to arrest the incarnation of Xiang Li Yuan.

The use of force is prohibited in Shenwu City, but only for monks in the Cambrian realm.

Li Yuan had already expected it, and when he saw this person actually taking action, he destroyed himself on the spot.

The mysterious power saw this, but he didn’t know that he had been tricked.

With a gloomy look on his face, he immediately went to chase down some of the figures who had left before, but unfortunately, his work was destined to be in vain.

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