The black sky canopy came down, crushing everything in the world.

Even with Aoki’s sword, it is still difficult to completely tear open the sky.

Just when this ray of blue light was about to be extinguished, a vast giant finger suddenly pierced all the darkness.


The terrifying Tianluo shield was pierced by a finger and quickly disintegrated.

The vast giant finger pierced the Tianluo shield, and then still pressed towards the ant Luo Heitian in the distance.

This finger seemed to pierce the sky and crush everything.

Before it got close, black cracks spread, and where the ant Luo Heitian was, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed.

Ant Luo Heitian quickly activated his spells to condense a black defensive shield.

However, the shield was easily broken and crushed by the giant fingers. Even with his amazing defense, his body was still crushed.

His physical strength is comparable to the best spiritual weapons.

With a flash of black light, Yuluo Heitian’s soul escaped, with a look of horror still in his eyes.

What kind of magical power is this that is so powerful?

Is this really a warrior from the Cambrian realm?

In the audience seat, a monk named Dongxu suddenly stood up, showing an expression of disbelief.

“Qiankun Jingtianzhi, how can this person know my Qingyun Cave Heaven’s martial arts?”

Qiankun Jingtian pointed out that this was the heaven-level martial arts of their Qingyun Cave Heaven, and the level was so high that even she was not qualified to understand it.

“Junior sister He, you can’t get it wrong, right?”

“Impossible, you can’t be wrong. Besides, how can ordinary martial arts be so powerful?”

“Could this person be a remnant of the Formless Holy Land?”

“I don’t know!”

“Then wait until the game is over to find this person and ask. He can’t run away.”


Of course, there were other knowledgeable monks who recognized the origin of this martial art and suddenly looked surprised.

This was originally a martial art inherited from the Formless Holy Land in the Holy Spirit Realm, but it was uprooted because it offended Patriarch Qingyun.

Qingyun Cave Sky is now unparalleled in power and can be said to be the best in all the heavens and worlds.

I just don’t know how this person learned this martial art.

If they are really remnants of the Formless Holy Land, they may not be able to leave Shenwu City.

In the arena.

Yuluo Heitian was lucky enough to escape, so how could he dare to continue fighting?

He hurriedly said: “Stop, I admit defeat.”

This person’s strength is simply terrifying, and this may not be his strongest state.

This is definitely a peerless talent that cannot be competed with by oneself.

Li Yuan saw this and did not continue to take action.

After all, it is just a martial arts event, there is no need to kill people and silence them.

In the white light, Ant Luo Heitian left the scene with helplessness and unwillingness.

He was originally preparing to compete for the top ten, but unexpectedly he didn’t even make it into the top 100.

Returning to the competition table, Elder Liu looked at Li Yuan in disbelief for a long time.

He opened his mouth, but for a moment he didn’t know what to say.

Although he didn’t know the origin of the Qiankun Jingtian Finger, he could tell that it was definitely a heaven-level martial art.

Of course, other people in the Aoki Sect also had similar expressions.

If I had known this, I would have suppressed Elder Niu no matter what.

At the same time, those monks who couldn’t make it into the top ten were completely panicked.

This Niu Youde is obviously an alchemy elder from the Qingmu Sect, how could he have such terrifying strength?

Emperor Wu felt that this was a rare opportunity and he would definitely not lose money, so he directly put all his wealth on it. At this time, he regretted that his intestines were blue.

He gave himself several loudmouths one after another. Why didn’t he listen to the news released by the banker in the first place?

There were no surprises in the next two games.

Although there is also a Tianjiao-level Martial King, his strength is far less powerful than that of Yi Luo Heitian.

Returning to Shenwu City, monks soon came to visit the Qingmu Sect’s residence.

In the past, the Qingmu Sect was just an ordinary big force.

But now because of Li Yuan’s existence, the Qingmu Sect’s reputation has almost surpassed that of several major superpowers.

Some strong people speculated that this Niu Youde had practiced at least two heaven-level techniques.

For these people, Li Yuan only sent one incarnation to deal with them casually.

In the courtyard.

A woman with long fiery red hair looked at Li Yuan with a majestic expression and gleaming phoenix eyes that captured the soul.

She spoke calmly and looked at Li Yuan: “I am He Yinghong, a disciple of Qingyun Cave Tianzhen.”

People from Qingyun Cave Sky?

Li Yuan’s eyes narrowed and he guessed the purpose of this woman’s visit.

He cupped his hands and said with a smile: “It turns out he is the descendant of Qingyun Dongtian, disrespectful!”

The expressions of Jian Yin and others around him also changed slightly when they heard this.

Qingyun Cave Heaven, this is the first sect in the world.

It wasn’t until now that they realized that Elder Niu might have more secrets than usual.

He Yinghong looked at Li Yuan and asked directly: “If I haven’t seen it, the one used by fellow Taoist before should be the Qiankun Jingtian Finger, right?”

When Li Yuan heard this, he didn’tHe retorted and said with a smile: “It is indeed the Heaven-shaking Finger of the Universe.”

“Really are?”

“So you are a remnant of the Formless Holy Land?”

Next to He Yinghong, an elegant young man couldn’t help but speak, his body full of aura.

Although the use of force is prohibited in Shenwu City, there is no doubt that the elegant young man at this time will not care about this and will take action when it is time to take action.

Li Yuan shook his head and said with a smile: “Are you guys too nervous? What is the Formless Holy Land? I have never heard of it?”

“No? Then how did you learn the Qiankun Jingtian Finger?”

He Yinghong pressed forward step by step. Although Li Yuan had previously defeated Yan Luo Heitian, she was confident that she could suppress him within three moves.

A peerless prodigy who has learned the world-shattering finger will definitely be a serious problem for Qingyun Dongtian once he grows up.

Li Yuan looked at He Yinghong who was pressing closer and said calmly: “Now I have to ask Elder Turtle of Qingyun Cave. You can go back and ask him!”

“Joke, do you think we will believe your sophistry?”

Another arrogant young man in brocade clothes spoke and mocked: “You are a little martial king, how can you be chosen by Elder Gui to teach heaven-level martial arts?”

“Yes, you must know that even Junior Sister He and the true disciples are not qualified to understand the Heaven-shaking Finger of the Universe.”

Several people blocked all of Li Yuan’s routes, obviously intending to suppress him on the spot.

On the side, Jian Yin frowned and immediately explained: “Several fellow Taoists, Elder Niu does know a young master who carries a turtle shell on his back. That master once came to our Qingmu Sect.”

The young man in gilded clothes who spoke before laughed loudly: “A powerful young man? Who doesn’t know that Elder Turtle has lived for 80,000 years? I’m afraid you have never seen the image of Elder Turtle, right?”

He could be sure that these people were just quibbling and trying to delay time.

Another elegant young man also looked at He Yinghong and said in a deep voice: “Junior sister He, if you don’t suppress this person and search for his soul, you will naturally know everything.”

With that said, he sacrificed a treasure, sealed the void, and was about to suppress Li Yuan and others.

However, He Yinghong quickly spoke and stopped: “Wait a minute!”

“What’s wrong? People’s hearts are sinister, Junior Sister He, don’t be fooled by these people!”

“You don’t understand, that mighty young man might actually be Elder Turtle!”

She once heard her master mention that Elder Turtle had found the elixir and could rejuvenate his youth, live a new life, and hopefully become an immortal in the future.

But this matter is the secret of Qingyun Cave, so naturally it cannot be told to outsiders.

These two young men are not actually disciples of Qingyun Dongtian, but are the true successors of the other two major forces.

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