After leaving Qingmu Sect, Li Yuan headed to the nearest martial arts city.

Although the Cambrian Realm is not as vast as the Ancient Underworld, it is still very vast, stretching as far as the eye can see and stretching for trillions of miles.

The place where the Qingmu Sect is located is at least 300 billion miles away from the First Mountain of the Cambrian Mountains. If we really want to fly there, we may have to fly for hundreds of years.

Taking the teleportation array was faster. In less than half an hour, he had arrived at the giant martial arts city closest to the First Mountain of Cambrian.

After walking out of the teleportation array, Li Yuan looked at the bustling scene in the city and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

It is really a big world where martial arts flourishes, which makes people yearn for it.

Compared to Cambrian, Tianhuang looks like a small village in the countryside.

The Cambrian realm is mainly composed of humans, with prosperous martial arts and technological products.

There were people coming and going on the street, including many strong men at the Martial King level.

Of course, we occasionally see some foreign races.

The great catastrophe of the era has not yet affected the Cambrian world, and the world is still in order now.

Once the Great Tribulation of the Era spreads to the Cambrian Realm, spiritual energy will ebb, resources will wither, and countless warriors will wither.

But none of this has anything to do with him. No matter whether you are a peerless Martial Lord or a peerless Martial Emperor, you will inevitably die if you cannot live forever.

And according to what the evil god said in his heart, even a true immortal can only live for tens of millions of years, so there is no real immortality.

The so-called longevity is just a relative term.

Compared to mortals, immortals are immortals; gods are immortals compared to immortals.

There was still plenty of time, so Li Yuan traveled around this giant city, looking for opportunities.

However, opportunities are not so easy to come across, especially at his level, where he is almost at the upper level of the Cambrian realm.

Leaving the giant martial arts city, Li Yuan followed the map he got and headed to the location of the First Mountain.

There are still tens of billions of miles away from the First Mountain. On the way, there is a human country and an orc paradise.

In some areas where the level of martial arts is low, the creatures there will never know the vastness of the Cambrian World, and they are like ants looking at the sky.

He once saw a country in a swamp, led by frogmen, which had multiplied hundreds of millions of people.

However, they are surrounded by dangerous mountains and ferocious beasts, making them think that the outside world is a wilderness and only they are the pure land.

I have also seen a group of barbarians living in an abyss tens of thousands of miles away. They don’t know the heights of the sky and the earth, and they don’t know the path to martial arts.

He sighed in his heart that the world is too big, and the outside world is still the world. Unless you reach a certain level, you will never know how vast the world you are in is.

Half a month later, Li Yuan passed by an endless group of volcanoes.

This is a bad land that is difficult for ordinary warriors to set foot in.

A group of barbarians also survive here.

They are not weak in strength and have mysterious ways of running runes. They can engrave runes and master powerful powers.

When Li Yuan passed by, they were hunting a half-step Martial King level fire phoenix.

Fire Phoenix is ​​very strong, but after all, he is not a true King of Martial Arts.

But those barbarians used strange methods to drain the power of its soul, leaving it with no strength at all.

Li Yuan watched for a moment and decided to intervene in the battle.

After all, the road to the first mountain is relatively long, so it is a good mount now.

He emerged and looked down at the many barbarians below.

When the barbarians saw this, they immediately howled and screamed, waving their spears one by one with evil expressions.

Li Yuan snorted coldly, and the terrifying sound blasted directly in their ears.

All the barbarians were shaken to the point of bleeding and staggering around.

But he didn’t kill anyone, otherwise no one would survive.

The leader of the barbarians was horrified when he saw this, and immediately made a big fuss.

Thinking that Li Yuan might not understand, his mental energy suddenly fluctuated.

“Dear strong man, what do you mean?”

One sound hit them hard. This mysterious existence was obviously very scary.

This is definitely a strong person from the outside world and should not be provoked.

It is rumored that there is a vaster world outside the Endless Fire Domain.

But this is a rumor from thousands of years ago, and I don’t know whether it is true or not.

Li Yuan’s expression gradually softened, and his mental power fluctuated as he said: “I was passing by here and sensed that I was destined to meet you, so I came here to meet you.”


Some barbarians looked at each other. Is this the result of fate?

“Yes, you don’t know how to practice. You only have great power, but you are still like ordinary people and don’t know your destiny.”

In a short period of time, he could see that even if these barbarians had power comparable to Nascent Soul, it would be difficult for them to live beyond two hundred years.

The leader reacted quickly, understood immediately, and quickly worshiped: “Please give me the law!”

Seeing this, the other barbarians also knelt down and worshiped one after another, looking horrified.

Only the fire phoenix remained silent and pretended to be dead.

It felt sad in its heart, could it be that it could not escape this disaster?

It took a lot of effort to cultivate to where you are now.Realm, it is really unwilling.

It is the spirit of heaven and earth, but unfortunately it is hunted by a group of barbarians.

Li Yuan looked kind and said with a smile: “The so-called martial arts means entering the Tao through martial arts, sensing the heaven and earth, changing fate against the heavens, and moving mountains and seas. Those who practice to a small degree can live for thousands of years, and those who practice to a great level can live for tens of thousands of years.”

When some barbarians heard this, they were immediately shocked and kowtowed repeatedly.

In ancient times, it was said that there were warriors who could travel across mountains and seas and remain immortal for thousands of years.

Even the fire beast in front of him has lived for eight hundred years.

But the strongest person in the clan did not live to be two hundred years old, which was really pitiful.

Li Yuan looked at the respectful barbarian and seemed very satisfied. He nodded and said, “Yes, I will teach you Yuan Shen Martial Arts and Golden Body Martial Arts today…”

As he spoke, he spoke leisurely, and his voice seemed to have come from ancient times and scattered throughout the world.

As the aura material dispersed, some barbarians’ eyes shone.

The Cambrian World is a good world with a high level and strong martial arts style. It is just the right place to promote his cultivation method.

These barbarians are isolated from the world and do not understand other martial arts, so they are the best seedlings.

In the future, his martial arts may sweep this world.

Even Fire Phoenix, who had already been severely injured, pricked up his ears and listened, feeling greatly shocked in his heart.

Is this the powerful martial arts inherited from the outside world?

After a long time, the barbarians understood what martial arts was.

To the end of his cultivation, he can actually tear apart space and remain immortal for ten thousand years.

In their eyes, this is already a god.

They looked in reverence, and each of them felt as if they were blessed by God and had become enlightened.

Li Yuan passed down two martial arts training methods, and then took out two jade talismans and imprinted the specific training process into them.

The tribal leader took it respectfully, filled with joy and excitement.

“I’d like to thank Wu Sheng for passing on the law!”

Many barbarians seemed to have lights rising in their eyes, and they kowtowed one after another.

Li Yuan nodded slightly, these barbaric humans are not bad and know how to be grateful.

He opened his mouth and said: “I am here to watch you engrave runes on your skin. What kind of inheritance is this?”

The barbarian leader did not dare to hide it and quickly said respectfully: “This is something passed down from our ancestors. By using the blood of ferocious beasts to imprint some runes on the skin, you can gain powerful power. However, if you are not careful, you will be Being eaten back by the runes, there is no body left intact.”

“It’s quite strange. Please bring it to me for a look!”

“Yes, please wait!”

Soon, an old barbarian quickly fetched a stone tablet to read scriptures.

This is the most powerful stone scripture in the clan, ancient and mysterious.

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