The kobold looked around and breathed a sigh of relief when no one paid attention.

He lowered his voice and said: “Boy, there are some things you shouldn’t say nonsense. Qingyun Dongtian is now the most powerful force in the world. If it is heard, your nine lives will not be enough!”

Li Yuan was speechless. It seemed that Wang Li’s reputation was still very famous.

He shook his head and smiled: “Senior said, let’s not talk about this anymore. Is there anyone powerful in the Sky City now?”

“This…should not be possible, but there must be some means left by the powerful.”

Before the kobold finished speaking, Li Yuan saw golden light pillars rising from the city in the sky, converging on the humans and horses.

The next moment, the man and horse burst out with unparalleled power.

His momentum continued to soar, and finally broke through the limitations of the combined realm.

I saw him stabbing out with a spear, destroying the space and shaking the sky.

Visions filled the air one after another, as if a god was coming to tear the sky apart.

Seeing this, the strong man from the demon race quickly transformed into his true form, which was a huge demon beast that looked like a raccoon.

The huge body covered the sky and the sun, like the arrival of an ancient ferocious beast.

His body was filled with rich precious light.

It is actually another middle-grade defensive treasure.

The fierce power permeated the air, making Li Yuan’s scalp numb even though he was dozens of miles away.

However, the next moment, he was pierced by the divine spear, and his entire body almost exploded.

“You see! This is the foundation of Sky City.”

The kobold is shocked, this is the power of great power.

Li Yuan nodded, secretly guessing in his heart that if he wanted to get married with the Sky City, he must at least have great strength.

Suppressing the unrealistic thoughts in his heart, Li Yuan looked at the place of battle.

“You stupid thing, just wait!”

The demon clan roared angrily, cast a spell directly, turned into a black light and tore apart the space before escaping.

If he was careless, he was so injured that he was almost unable to fight anymore.

The centaur warrior broke through the space with one shot, and then disappeared.

When the kobold in the Dongxu stage heard this, his face suddenly turned black. This demon clan is really hateful, why did he have to bring the dog with him?

If it weren’t for his lack of strength, he would definitely let this beast know what cruelty is.

At this time, many monks gathered around.

Everyone was talking, and some weak monks expressed strong condemnation.

“The catastrophe is coming, and chaos is emerging.”

“This has just begun, and such a disaster has befallen us.”

“The catastrophe has not yet affected Gu Ming, but strong men from the outside have already come to cause trouble.”

“Especially recently, the marriage crazies have been so unscrupulous. I’ve been robbed three times. It’s disgusting.”

“Uh… Then brother, you are really miserable!”

An orc asked: “Senior Dog, when are we going to hunt that crazy demon?”

Li Yuan: “???”

These guys want to hunt themselves?

He immediately pricked up his ears and listened.

“Yes, we also ask Senior Dog to come forward and deduce the information about the crazy demon.”

When Li Yuan heard this, he suddenly felt bad!

I really can’t stay in the ancient underworld anymore.

Fortunately, it is forbidden to do anything in this city in the sky.

Even if these people knew that they were marriage madmen, they could only watch.

Of course, he has also learned about deduction over the years.

Under normal circumstances, you must at least know the real name or have relevant items to deduce the result.

Deducing it out of thin air, even if it is a few higher realms, is like fishing for the moon in the water.

When the kobold heard this, his expression suddenly froze, he shook his head and sighed: “The strength of the madman must be very strong. I deduced it before, but unfortunately I didn’t get any useful information.”

“Ah? What should we do?”

“This madman is so unscrupulous that not only many fellow Taoists have suffered.”

“Oh, and there must be more than one. It is said that a senior pretended to be a junior Nascent Soul two days ago, but was targeted by the Marriage Maniac and was beaten to death on the spot. However, someone else was soon befriended.”

The monks were talking a lot and felt uneasy in their hearts.

At this time, a rat man came over and said in a deep voice: “According to the information I got, there are at least a dozen crazy demons all over the ancient world.”

“so much?”

“This is just a conservative estimate, damn it!”

Everyone’s expressions changed when they heard this, especially those low-level monks.

The rat man hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice: “Fellow Taoists, I have heard that there was also a madman who appeared thousands of years ago. It is said that he was a monk from Dragon Island. It seems to be called Dharma Fate!”

“Dharma Fate? Is that dragon still alive? The guy who became my fate calls himself Dharma Fate!”

“No way, it’s been tens of thousands of years. Even if it’s a fusion cultivator, I’m afraid his lifespan has almost been exhausted.”

“Could it be that the dragon clan’s dharma has been promoted to the Mahayana stage?”

Someone spoke, and everyone suddenly looked horrified.

If there is a Mahayana madman, and their group still wants to hunt each other, wouldn’t they be asking for their own death?Fortunately, the rat man spoke in time, shook his head and said: “Back when the Dragon Clan’s Dharma Fate was still in Dongxu Dzogchen, it seemed that it had provoked a fusion and was killed.”

“I see, that’s a good kill!”

“By the way, do you think the Martyrious Demon is another dragon from Dragon Island?”

“This is very likely!”

“Dragon Island is too strong. With our power, we can only hit a rock with an egg. Is there any fellow Taoist who can contact the other major forces?”

“What do you think, Senior Dog?”

“Uh… I might be able to contact some old friends and try to calculate together. As for Dragon Island, there is no need to go to Dragon Island. We need to find the Familiar Maniac first.”


Everyone was talking and discussing countermeasures.

To put it bluntly, they are just a group of powerless cultivators with no big background.

Others don’t know, but Li Yuan basically doesn’t have any big backers.

He didn’t want to offend the younger ones and bring out the older ones.

Legend has it that the Son of Destiny provoked a mortal servant, and then beat up the younger ones, the older ones, the older ones, and the older ones, fighting monsters and leveling up along the way, and finally pulled the Immortal Emperor off his throne.

Just standing next to the kobold and joining in the fun, Li Yuan misled him again.

He sighed in his heart that the dragon clan’s dharma connection tens of thousands of years ago should be Ao Dahai.

This guy actually walked out of the underworld.

But it’s a pity that if you mess with the body, you still have to kneel down.

Even if he is a lucky child of Tianhuang, he may die miserably if he leaves Tianhuang!

This also reminded Li Yuan that he must find the right target for future relationships.

In the field, everyone was talking a lot, discussing how to draw out the Fate Crazy Demon.

Li Yuan made an excuse and said goodbye to the kobold.

He has to run away.

Whether it is these people or the previous strong monsters, it is clear that the ancient underworld is no longer safe.

At the end of the era, many strong men may go crazy.

His incarnation is not Dongxu yet, but it is really going to be affected, which is very dangerous.

Soon after, Li Yuan came to the other side of the Sky City.

Here, there are huge motherships flying across the sky.

There are dozens of large worlds separated between the Cambrian World and the Ancient Underworld.

If you want to go to the Cambrian Realm, the teleportation array can no longer carry such a long distance.

Nothing unexpected happened.

Soon, he boarded the mothership and quietly left the ancient underworld.

A month later, Li Yuan appeared in the Cambrian Realm hundreds of light years away.

Although the vastness of this world is far less than that of the ancient underworld, there are no fewer practitioners than the ancient underworld.

They practiced martial arts intensively, but they were not the kinds of martial arts that Li Yuan knew before.

Li Yuan walked out of the mothership with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

His true body has been trapped in the Great Perfection of the Martial Arts Yuanshen for a long time.

Although the follow-up path has been deduced, it is not yet mature.

I hope that in this great world of martial arts, I can get the answers I want.

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