After a lot of effort, Li Yuan finally opened the golden giant’s storage ring.

He carefully took out a half-foot-sized piece of silver grass.

It was truly an elixir, and just the residual power it exuded made him feel like an immortal, as if he was about to live a new life.

After looking at it for a moment, Li Yuan threw it to the already eager old turtle.

Old Turtle quickly took it, his expression full of excitement and gratitude.

Although he was stabbed by someone, fortunately, he got the elixir in the end.

“Thank you, fellow Taoist!”

The old turtle thanked him repeatedly and couldn’t help himself.

“No need to be polite, it’s just a transaction. Has Bai Yunxuan ascended?”

At the end, Li Yuan seemed to ask casually.

Bai Yunxuan is Wang Li’s Taoist companion.

He asked this just to let Lao Gui know that he did have friendship with Wang Li.

Lao Gui didn’t think much about it and said quickly: “No, the Lord of the White House is still in the Mahayana stage and has not yet been promoted to transcend the tribulation.”

“That’s it. Please ask fellow Taoist to say hello to her on my behalf when you get back.”

“I’m sure, do you have anything else to say, fellow Taoist?”

Li Yuan shook his head, “No, let’s just say goodbye. See you later.”

When the old turtle heard this, he quickly cupped his hands and said, “Okay, fellow Taoist, take care, I don’t have much left to live, so I’ll take the first step!”


Li Yuan watched Lao Gui go away, and finally breathed a sigh of relief until he could no longer feel his breath.

I finally cheated and left.

With the friendship between Wang Li and Bai Yunxuan, this old turtle should not deceive him.

Of course, it doesn’t matter even if he deceived himself. The worst thing he can do is go to Qingyun Cave and get double the money back later.

As he went deep into the dead land, he began to count the storage rings of the golden giant.

With just one glance, Li Yuan’s whole body trembled with excitement.

It is worthy of being a storage ring for powerful people in the Mahayana period, it is simply amazingly rich.

He didn’t recognize many of the treasures, but just the hundreds of huge crystal clear crystals moved him.

These crystals are the same as the crystals displayed by Lord Canghong back then. They are all top-grade spiritual stones.

These top-grade spiritual stones alone, converted into hundreds of millions of low-grade spiritual stones.

In addition to this, there are many high-grade spiritual stones and countless middle-grade spiritual stones, piled up into mountains.

Li Yuan made a rough estimate and found that it was almost equivalent to seven or eight billion.

This is just the value of the spiritual stones. There are also various spiritual elixirs, spiritual materials, treasures and treasures in the storage ring.

He had never seen many treasures and could not estimate their value.

Li Yuandu had an urge to return to the wild world now.

But when he thought that Lord Canghong might still be outside, his heart froze.

Not even talking about Lord Canghong, even other strong men would not let him go easily if they saw him coming out of the dead place.

Li Yuan was thinking while looking through the golden giant’s storage ring.

Soon after, he took out an ancient stone slab.

I don’t know what kind of material it is made of, and it exudes a sense of grandeur.

Li Yuan carefully spread his spiritual power in and saw a huge sacred mountain with tall gods performing magic.

He spits lotus flowers from his mouth, and the heavenly voice is powerful. This is a powerful secret technique.

Li Yuan watched for a long time and finally understood what the secret method was.

This is a secret method of simulating “I am the only one”, which can simulate other people’s momentum and pretend to be powerful.

Although it is only an earth-level secret method, it is very impressive.

Especially for a weakling like him, it was extremely valuable.

If he simulates the aura of the Mahayana stage, what would an ordinary monk do to him?

However, even if it is an earth-level technique, it is not easy for him to master it in one incarnation.

Li Yuan decided that after he has completely mastered this method and then mastered the Yinxu Falling to Mortal Technique, he can consider leaving.

The golden giant’s storage ring contains not only this secret method, but also a magical power, the Nine Tribulations Golden Body.

When Li Yuan saw this, he was completely shocked. This was actually a magical power, not a magic spell.

As the saying goes, magic is not as good as magical power. Magic is the use of a monk’s own ability, while magical power is an ability produced by understanding the way of heaven. It is more mysterious and unpredictable than magic.

It’s like he has thousands of incarnations, completely unreasonable.

Every time this magical power is cultivated, the physical body can be doubled in size, and the strength can also be doubled.

The golden giant had cultivated this magical power into the third calamity, and he looked extremely huge and powerful.

His actual cultivation level is far inferior to that of Old Turtle.

However, compared to spells, magical powers are more difficult to understand and practice.

Moreover, to successfully cultivate this magical power, you need to go through the baptism of nine heavenly tribulations, and it will turn into ashes if you are not careful.

Li Yuan does have plenty of time, but he just doesn’t know if he can complete it.

There are so many precious things that cannot be lost.

After pondering for a long time, Li Yuan decided to move forward another three thousand miles.

Come to think of it, even if a strong person penetratesYou won’t have to go too deep to find the elixir here.

A month later, Li Yuan began to comprehend alone in the depths of the dead land.

He sighed in his heart, this is really a good place.

It would be better if the mysterious power of the dead land did not affect other treasures.

If that really happened, he would just let his real body come and go deep into the dead place. Who could get close to him?

Ancient underworld.

Incarnation No. 3 sensed the message from Incarnation No. 1 and suddenly had a headache.

Is it really okay to go to the Cambrian Realm and make a deal with a Mahayana old monster five hundred years later?

If the old guy regrets it, he’s afraid it will be in vain.

But it would definitely be impossible for him to give up trading in the Cambrian Realm.

There is no way, there are too many, and I really can’t bear to part with them.

Incarnation No. 3 pondered, glanced at the wealth on his body, and felt a little headache.

Over the years, he has made friends in various places in the ancient underworld, and it can be said that he has accumulated billions of wealth.

However, it is difficult to send this wealth back to the Tianhuang Realm.

After all, both the underworld and the space passage are obstacles.

And in the ancient underworld, if you encounter any danger and fall, your work will be in vain.

Incarnation Three thought, and decided to go to the nearest city to exchange these wealth for what he needed first.

He has no use for some spiritual weapons, magic weapons and the like, so he might as well replace them with spiritual stones.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan stopped delaying.

He started towards the nearest monk city.

He is now suppressed at the peak of Nascent Soul, so he is not running very fast.

A few months later, Li Yuan was about to enter the city, and then he felt two more figures in front of him.

To be precise, they were two bears, one male and one female, with malicious looks on their faces.

“Jie Jie Jie! Fellow Taoist, please stay!”

Li Yuan’s face turned dark, he might have been robbed again.

Fortunately, these two people are not too strong and can barely handle it.

His face was alert, pretending to be scared.

“Two fellow Taoists, why are you blocking the way down?”

The bear man showed his sharp white teeth and said with a smile: “I think we are destined, so I want to form a good relationship with fellow Taoist!”

Li Yuan was stunned when he heard this. Isn’t this special line my line?

The great calamity is coming, and all kinds of monsters and ghosts appear.

He said quietly: “What if I don’t want this good fortune?”

“I don’t want it, are you sure?”

While speaking, the bear girl also revealed a powerful aura, in the late stage of divine transformation.

The fierce smell coming from all over the place can frighten children.

However, Li Yuan sensed that this bear girl had hidden her strength, and her true strength had reached the perfection of becoming a god.

As for the male bear man, it is true that he is in the middle stage of becoming a god.

Li Yuan pretended to be frightened and said quickly: “Knot, it must be knotted!”

After hearing this, the bear girl calmed down her momentum with satisfaction and showed an expression like your kid is very aware of current affairs.

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