Seemingly thinking of something, Li Yuan asked: “Then if the spiritual energy ebbs, will the spiritual energy in the spiritual stone still exist?”

Li Yuan asked, still holding on to the last bit of luck in his heart.

If he existed, he would definitely be able to easily survive any great catastrophe of the era.

However, the great elder shook his head and sighed: “It is said that when the spiritual energy recedes, all spiritual energy will dissipate, the spiritual stones will turn into ordinary stones, and the spiritual medicine and spiritual materials will lose their spirituality and become ordinary.”

Hearing this, Li Yuan felt deep in his heart, finally understanding the seriousness of the great catastrophe of the Era.

Fortunately, as far as he knew, there were still many years before the catastrophe of the era, enough for him to be prepared.

Now it seems that he is unable to survive the catastrophe of the era, perhaps because his realm is limited and he cannot see the long term.

Not long after, Li Yuan’s eyes narrowed, and he seemed to have found some information.

On a slightly intact stone tablet, there is a record: In the year 108152 of the Yuanlong Period, the sky collapsed in Shannan, and blood rained from the sky. Countless creatures died as a result. It was rumored that a huge blood shadow fell from the sky and disappeared.

This kind of vision is obviously not a normal natural disaster, it seems like an external disaster is coming.

Below, there are some written records, but some are incomplete.

Li Yuan immediately asked: “Which era is the Yuanlong era?”

The Great Elder looked at the record on the stone tablet and muttered: “The Yuanlong Period is the previous era. Our era is called the Shilong Period. Now it is the year 98396 of the Shilong Period.”

When Li Yuan heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly. In this way, it has been nearly an era since the sky collapsed in the south of the mountain and the blood shadow fell.

Almost an era has passed, is the blood shadow still not dead?

Visitors from outside, terrifying blood shadows, Li Yuan frowned slightly, he hated these uncertain factors the most.

You are obviously standing at the pinnacle of the world, and suddenly a huge threat pops up for you.

Shouldn’t this kind of matter be left to Wang Li, the son of destiny?

On the side, the great elder also noticed that Li Yuan’s expression did not seem to be fake, and hesitantly asked: “Did the blood shadow recorded on it appear?”

Li Yuan shook his head and said in a deep voice: “It’s still unclear. I asked the clone to go, but the clone died.”

When the great elder heard this, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

The clone of a great monk in the transformation stage shouldn’t be too weak.

According to the above statement, when the blood shadow fell from the sky, the area where the Human King Domain was almost turned into a dead zone.

How big is the Human King Realm?

The radius is more than a million miles!

If the blood shadow outside was still alive that day, the entire Tianhuang Realm would probably be overturned.

Knowing the source of the great terror in the Human King Realm, Li Yuan felt helpless. He would definitely not be able to handle this kind of existence.

However, even if such a being is revived, it shouldn’t stay in the wilderness, right?

After all, the entire Tianhuang Realm combined is probably not enough for that thing to fit between the teeth.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan felt a little relieved.

He looked at the great elder and said with a smile: “Now that I have figured out the origin of that thing, I won’t bother you anymore.”

When the great elder heard this, he was immediately overjoyed. Will he finally send this mysterious man away?

He pretended to be reluctant to give up and said: “Senior is compassionate and I admire you. If you are not in a hurry, you might as well stay in the Dragon Palace for a while, so that we, the Dragon Clan, can fulfill our friendship as landlords.”

When Li Yuan heard this, he immediately beamed and said with a smile: “Well, in that case, I heard that there are countless books in the Sutra Pavilion of Dragon Palace. Please take me to the Sutra Pavilion of Dragon Palace to have a look. Maybe I can find something to prevent this disaster from happening. way!”

When the great elder heard this, he was suddenly startled, and immediately wanted to give himself a fight between the two great men.

To keep you talking, have you forgotten that the guy in front of you is not a good person?

He was just polite out of habit.

The great elder wanted to cry but had no tears, so he could only lead Li Yuan to the Sutra Pavilion of the Dragon Palace.

Fortunately, the Dragon Clan had already anticipated this kind of thing, and the real core heritage of the Dragon Clan was not in the Sutra Pavilion.

Soon, Li Yuan followed the great elder to the Dragon Clan Scripture Collection Pavilion.

It has to be said that the accumulation of Dragon Clan is huge, even more amazing than that of Moya Temple.

Xuanjie classics are placed in rows and rows here.

However, he now has too many mysterious-level classics, so he doesn’t care about ordinary classics.

Soon after, Li Yuan selected a few good Xuanji classics and stopped.

This surprised Ao Dahai and other dragons who came after hearing the news. Did they really misunderstand this senior?

But soon, they realized that they had thought too much.

Li Yuan shook his head and sighed: “The Dragon Clan has a long history, which is indeed extraordinary.

It’s a pity that I was affected by the dragon power of Daoist Daoist Daoist Dahai before, and then fought against the dragon formation. I have already been seriously injured. If I want to contain that great terror in the future, I am afraid that I will not be able to do so! ”

Ao Dahai and other dragons looked stiff. Isn’t this just a naked robbery?

youTangtang transforms into a god, are you sorry?

The Great Elder said helplessly: “Senior, for the sake of the safety of the creatures in our wild world, how can we, the Dragon Clan, sit back and ignore it at all costs? Although we are not strong enough, we are still willing to help. Please wait a moment, senior.”

Li Yuan nodded and waited with a kind expression. He also gave some instructions to Ao Dahai and others.

Soon after, an elder sent a storage bag.

Li Yuan’s mental energy swept away, and he shook his head slightly and sighed.

“I have been practicing for many years, and I have finally reached this point, but I am unable to stop the blood shadow. It is really sad. If there are more resources, when my strength is further improved, even if the blood shadow is resurrected, I will still have a chance to fight. “Powerful.”

Ao Dahai and others looked at Li Yuan’s performance, and their faces suddenly turned dark.

There are enough resources of one million spirit stones in that storage bag, isn’t that enough?

The dragons dared not speak out in anger, but the Great Elder could keep his composure and quickly said: “Senior, don’t sigh, there is more!”

He sent a message with his spiritual mind, and not long after, another cultivation resource worth three million spirit stones was sent.

Li Yuan took a look, his expression gradually softened, showing a look of satisfaction.

After thinking for a while, he said: “I heard that your dragon clan has a special spiritual fruit, Dragon Blood Bodhi. I wonder if you can give me a few hundred of them, so as to build a good relationship?”

Many elders were already trembling slightly when they heard this. This thief is really dark.

The Great Elder could hardly hold on any longer. He took several deep breaths before suppressing the frustration in his heart and said in a deep voice: “Senior, please wait a moment!”

This time, he went to make arrangements in person, and it took him half an hour to return.

Reluctantly sending the storage bag to Li Yuan, the Great Elder gritted his teeth and said: “Senior, there are one hundred Dragon Blood Bodhis inside, which is the last reserve of our Dragon Palace. We can’t get any more.”

The great elder spoke with a look of pain on his face. These one hundred Dragon Blood Bodhisattva were almost worth as much as all the previous ones.

Li Yuan’s face became brighter and brighter, and he no longer pressed.

The harvest this time was already astonishing. The Dragon Blood Bodhi alone was enough for him to condense thirty acupoints in a short time.

He said with a smile: “Yes, yes, the dragon clan deserves to have countless treasures. Now that things have happened, I have to go back to retreat. Fellow Taoists, please take care and strive to be promoted to the God Transformation as soon as possible.”

Hearing this, the great elder finally breathed a sigh of relief, and luckily he had to send him away.

He quickly complimented: “Then I wish you, senior, great progress in your cultivation and an early resolution of the hidden dangers in Nanshan.”

A group of Dragon Clan elders watched Li Yuan leave the Dragon Palace until they could no longer feel Li Yuan’s breath, and their expressions suddenly turned from clear to cloudy.

This time, the Dragon Clan suffered more losses than that time on the Demon Cliff.

Who can stand it if you keep doing this?

The Great Elder’s face was gloomy, and he suddenly remembered that one thousand seven hundred years ago, there seemed to be a Fate-Destroying Demon in Tianhuang Continent. Could it be this person?

It shouldn’t be. If it was that person, he would have died long ago. It might just be a coincidence.

And it is said that the Marriage Maniac is not one person, but a group.

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