Something’s wrong!

Li Yuan’s expression was solemn.

At his level, it was impossible for him to suddenly suffer from heart palpitations.

He immediately stopped and felt carefully.

The soul sensed the heaven and earth, and there seemed to be an indescribable terror that was about to swallow him up.

Somehow, he seemed to be stared at by something.

Li Yuan’s expression changed and he looked extremely solemn.

It shouldn’t be!

When he reaches this state, he can already walk sideways in Tianhuang.

Even if the god-turned-corpse-demon was in person, it would be impossible for him to feel this way.

What kind of horror could make his heart palpitate?

Is the owner of this bone not dead yet?

But as far as he knew, this jade bone had been stored in Moya Temple for at least tens of thousands of years.

Soon, Li Yuan discovered the direction of the induction.

If his induction was correct, the great terror should come from the Human King Realm.

Li Yuan felt cold in his heart, and an incarnation quietly left Qingxiu Mountain.

The incarnation headed east, and soon came to a valley wrapped in mist.

The closer he got here, the stronger the feeling of palpitations in his body became.

Li Yuan’s expression changed completely. This was actually the Black Cloud Forbidden Land he broke into when he was still a heavenly being.

He also checked it back then, but found nothing unusual at all.

It seems now that I didn’t notice it because I was just too weak at that time.

It’s just that now that I have stood at the pinnacle of the world, can anything else threaten me?

Li Yuan’s incarnation gritted his teeth and simply stepped into the black cloud forbidden area.

The Black Cloud Forbidden Land excludes immortal cultivators from entering, but it cannot stop Li Yuan, a martial arts cultivator.

As soon as he stepped into the Black Cloud Forbidden Land, Li Yuan sensed something was wrong. Whether it was the ferocious beasts or monks who fell here, their energy and blood seemed to be pulled by a mysterious force and submerged underground.

Li Yuan’s eyes narrowed, and relying on his skill and courage, he simply followed him and sank into the ground.

He wanted to see what was hidden underground.

One thousand meters…two thousand meters…ten thousand meters…twenty thousand meters…

As he continued to sink, Li Yuan became more and more shocked.

In three days, he sank almost 700,000 miles.

This is 700,000 miles, not 700,000 meters, which is equivalent to the distance from the earth to the moon in the previous life.

Li Yuan was wary, and finally understood why it was a great terror.

But he had no intention of giving up. After all, this was just an incarnation, and there was nothing to lose if he died.

And completely ignoring the danger is the most unwise choice.

Not long after, he finally felt something and showed a shocked expression.

Hundreds of miles away from him, deep underground, a huge heart was beating slowly.

It is tens of thousands of miles across, almost like a planet.

On the heart, there is a silver arrow, which almost pierces the entire heart.

The moment he saw this heart, Li Yuan felt that his whole body was shrouded in fear. The feeling was so depressing that it was indescribable.

The owner of this heart had definitely surpassed the state of becoming a god during his lifetime.

Without any hesitation, Li Yuan’s incarnation planned to escape.

But the next moment, he discovered that the energy and blood in his body was uncontrollable and flowed to his heart.

Although this is just an incarnation, it still has what it should have.

Li Yuan’s incarnation was shocked and angry. With the strength of his incarnation, he was unable to prevent his own energy and blood from escaping, let alone escape from this place.

Without any hesitation, he directly self-destructed this incarnation, and he must not let this heart swallow him up.

The self-destruction of a god-level incarnation is extremely powerful.

But deep within these 700,000 miles underground, not a single ripple was made.

On Qingxiu Mountain.

Li Yuan sensed the death of his avatar, and his expression suddenly changed.

Even if it encounters the corpse demon in the Great Perfection of Divine Incarnation, the incarnation cannot be completely powerless to resist.

Without any hesitation, he left an avatar to deal with the matter in Qingxiu Mountain, and then quickly fled into the distance.

The Human King Territory and even the Nanshan District are no longer safe.

Li Yuan almost went all out and traveled thousands of miles in an instant. In less than half a day, he had escaped back to the Eastern World.

On Ziyang Mountain, when he could no longer feel the palpitating feeling, he reluctantly relaxed.

He was surprised and doubtful. After so many years, he had never heard of any big terror in the Human King Realm.

What danger did the avatar encounter?

He didn’t even have a chance to come back for questioning.

After thinking about it, he felt that Ziyang Mountain might not be safe enough.

Without alerting anyone, Li Yuan left Ziyang Mountain directly and headed for Demon Abyss.

The Devil’s Abyss is hundreds of millions of miles away from the Tianhuang Continent. Even if the horror is 10,000 times stronger, it is impossible to sense it.

After half a year, Li Yuan entered the Demon Abyss again.

He activated the Zen technique of Nirvana, and his true body sank under a mountain peak, letting his incarnation take theYu Gu, came to a space crack deep in the Demonic Abyss.

The space crack was pitch black, and no one knew where it led.

The incarnation showed a malicious smile, no matter what your origin, throw you into the space crack first.

The space crack was extremely dangerous, even if the incarnation entered, it would be a life or death.

If you encounter a space storm, it is even more dead.

After dealing with Yu Gu, Li Yuan barely breathed a sigh of relief.

He will not return to Tianhuang Continent in a short time.

Qingxiu Mountain.

The incarnation left by Li Yuan waited and watched for several years, and did not see any abnormality in the Black Cloud Forbidden Land, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps the danger there will not erupt as long as it is not touched.

In the past few years, he has read various classics and commissioned the Heaven and Earth Alliance to inquire, but he has not found any information.

It is certain that the danger left in the Black Cloud Forbidden Land is at least a legacy of ancient times.

Li Yuan pondered in his heart. The dragon and phoenix clans of the West Sea have a long history, and even have a legacy from the last era. They may know some secrets.

Coincidentally, he will also go to the West Sea to find some dragon blood to baptize Li Junzhu’s body recently.

“Junzhu, how confident do you feel about condensing the golden elixir now?”

Calling Li Junzhu, Li Yuan asked kindly.

Li Junzhu quickly responded: “Reporting to the ancestor, I am at least 70% confident that I can condense the martial arts golden elixir now.”

Li Yuan shook his head: “It’s still a little short. Your foundation is not strong. Wait for me to go to the West Sea and get some dragon blood back.”

Upon hearing this, Li Junzhu’s eyes suddenly sparkled, and he bowed to thank him.

Not long after, Li Yuan’s incarnation quietly left Qingxiu Mountain.

The journey to the West Sea is long, but for a cultivator of the God Transformation level, it only takes a few days.

Three days later, Li Yuan put on a veil and a black robe to cover his figure.

This trip not only needs to go to the Dragon Palace, but also needs to cause trouble, so he can’t use his real body.

He transformed into a young cultivator in the Jindan stage, driving a spiritual weapon, and constantly approaching the Dragon Palace in the West Sea.

This look simply had “Rob me quickly” written on his face.

The West Sea is vast, and there are countless sea creatures.

Those who dare to rob Li Yuan are naturally not simple characters.

In just half a day, more than a dozen Jindan and two Yuanying-level sea creatures targeted him.

The fate of these sea creatures will naturally not be too good. If they are lucky, they can still get a complete corpse, but if they are unlucky, they can only become seafood.

But surprisingly, no dragons came out to rob.

This made Li Yuan speechless. Isn’t it said that the dragons are tyrannical and domineering, and they will go after treasures when they see them?

Could it be that spiritual weapons cannot attract strong dragons?

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