After all, the incarnation is not as good as the real god-incarnation monk. Facing the powerful god-incarnation corpse demon, it cannot last long.

Incarnation No. 2 had just picked a rebirth fruit, and the figure that transformed into a corpse demon had returned from afar.

The powerful aura can already make people’s scalp numb even if they are thousands of miles away.

“So fast!”

Incarnation No. 2’s expression changed, and he immediately restrained his aura and hibernated.

Not long after, the god-turned-corpse-demon returned to the tomb.

At this time, Incarnation No. 2 appeared again, intending to continue working.

Only this time, I wonder if the god-turned-corpse-demon hasn’t completely fallen asleep yet. He was sensed as soon as he started working.

Watching Avatar No. 2 take the corpse demon away with his eyes, Avatar No. 3 looked thoughtful.

This corpse demon is so powerful that one incarnation can last for up to half an hour.

The three incarnations are totally not enough.

Instead of continuing to pick the fruit of the past life, Incarnation No. 3 took the opportunity to leave quietly.

Three months later, the nine incarnations came together.

Basically, within half an hour, an incarnation was killed.

Fortunately, the corpse demon is not a living creature and has no intelligence.

It fell for the same trick one after another.

And Li Yuan was not slow either. After three hours, all the fruits of rebirth were in his bag.

Looking at the tree of rebirth in front of him, Li Yuan thought that maybe he could harvest it once every thousand years.

Incarnation No. 9 returned to the entrance of Demon Abyss with the Fruit of Rebirth, while the remaining three incarnations continued to stay in Demon Abyss, looking for suitable targets.

Although Demon Abyss is surrounded by dangers, countless monks have come here over the years, burying themselves and waiting for rebirth.

Some special treasures can even survive the catastrophe of the era and remain until the next era.

Li Yuan once saw a coffin made of unknown materials. The corpse demon inside had rotted, but the coffin was still intact.

This is definitely a treasure from several epochs ago, but it’s a pity that he probably has no use for it.

More than half a year later, Li Yuan returned to Ziyang Mountain.

On Tianxiu Peak, he was thinking about how to help Donkey Changsheng break through to become a god.

Arriving in front of Donkey Changsheng’s cave, Li Yuan looked at the lonely cave and couldn’t help but feel something bad in his heart.

Could it be that Donkey Changsheng has already begun to attack the gods?

With his qualifications, a direct attack would inevitably result in failure.


Li Yuan spoke, and his voice spread into the cave.

But after a long time, there was no response from the cave.

I don’t know if he is busy breaking through to become a god, or if he is not in the cave at all.

Unconsciously, Li Yuan felt more and more uneasy.

After waiting in place for three days, Li Yuan finally couldn’t wait any longer.

A sword suddenly appeared on his fingertips, slowly tearing open the formation of the cave.

Of course, he cautiously walked into the cave, and what he saw was a body that had long since lost its voice.

Donkey Changsheng’s remains.

After three years of not seeing each other, it has completely faded away.

At this moment, Li Yuan’s figure trembled, and he felt not only sad.

We have been together through thick and thin, and shared joys and sorrows for so many years.

Scenes of walking with the donkey Changsheng kept emerging. He watched it transform from that ignorant little donkey to become mature and stable.

For nearly two thousand years, one person and one donkey have been dependent on each other, but they don’t expect to be separated by life and death in the end.

“Changsheng! Why don’t you wait for me to come back?”

“Even if your qualifications are mediocre, I can definitely help you become a god!”

“Why did you give up first?”

“I named you Changsheng because I hope you can live forever one day.”

“But you have just cultivated Nascent Soul, why do you want to give up right now?”


Li Yuan looked sad, his eyes full of loneliness and confusion.

Donkey Changsheng is not only his partner, but also his companion on the road to immortality.

But now, his only companion is far away from him.

Loneliness eroded his soul.

Slowly photographing the jade slip in front of Donkey Changsheng, Li Yuan’s spiritual energy penetrated into it.

In the jade slip, it was Donkey Changsheng’s last words to Li Yuan.

“Boss, I’m leaving first, don’t be sad.

I understand my own situation. Even if I have a thousand years of life, it will be difficult to break through the transformation of gods.

How can it be so easy to break through to become a god?

I don’t have the qualifications, understanding, or opportunity.

Moreover, a deity transformation material costs at least two to three million, so there is no need to waste it.

I have no regrets about getting to where I am now.

I put the fruit of rebirth in the storage bag, you can eat it yourself.

Your martial arts qualifications are extraordinary, and with the help of this Rebirth Fruit, you will be able to go further in the future.

I won’t burden you anymore, boss, I hope you take care of yourself! ”

In the jade slips, the voice of the donkey’s immortal voice seems to be echoing in my ears.

Li Yuan was stunned in place, unable to calm down for a long time.

What is the use of this fruit of rebirth?

I am immortal, I am immortal!Li Yuan cried and laughed, feeling complicated in his heart and looking sad.

His emotions infected heaven and earth, filling Ziyang Mountain with a sense of sadness.

At some unknown time, Xiang Mingde and other sect Yuanying also arrived.

The donkey ancestor also passed away.

I don’t know how long they can hold on.

A few days later, Li Yuan put Donkey Changsheng’s body into the coffin he had obtained in Demon Abyss.

Putting away this coffin, it is indeed unknown.

He looked at Xiang Mingde and others not far away, shook his head lonely and said: “Let’s all disperse!”

With that said, he directly picked up Donkey Changsheng’s coffin and walked away.

He wants to bury the donkey forever in the depths of the abyss of demons.

It is said that those buried deep in the Devil’s Abyss will have a chance to live again.

The Devil’s Valley is a great place.

Li Yuan buried Donkey Changsheng deep in the Fallen Demon Valley, not far from the corpse demon that transformed into a god, and no one disturbed him.

However, in order to prevent it from running around after becoming a corpse demon, Li Yuan completely sealed the coffin of Donkey Changsheng, and even carried a thousand-meter mountain to suppress it.

During this period, the god-turned-corpse-demon appeared many times, but he was easily lured away by his incarnation.

After standing quietly in front of the mountain for a long time, Li Yuan’s state of mind slowly returned to calm.

After many years, he sent away another close friend.

Now, although he stands at the pinnacle of the Tianhuang Realm, he feels like a loner.

Everyone in the world will grow old, but I am immortal, sitting back and watching the ups and downs of the world.

After leaving Guimoyuan, Li Yuan was like a lonely soul, wandering around.

Time is a good medicine that heals everything. What has been difficult to pass will be passed.

More than ten years later, Li Yuan came to an abandoned ruins.

It is said that this place was once the residence of a large force. Unfortunately, it was destroyed many years ago and the spiritual veins were cut off.

However, even if the spiritual veins are dug out, the spiritual energy of this mountain is still good.

Li Yuan stayed here and used the power of his soul to mobilize the general trend of the world and set up a heavy formation.

Although he didn’t do much research on formations, at his current level, the formations he set up casually were not something ordinary people could break into.

As for those who can break in, as long as they are not stupid, they also know what kind of formation this is.

After doing all this, he began to open up medicine fields and plant elixirs.

He has plenty of time and can wait for these elixirs to grow for ten thousand years.

At this stage of his life, ordinary elixirs no longer have much effect on him.

Even to open up acupoints, it would take at least three thousand years of elixirs, and the results would be minimal.

As for the ten thousand year elixir, it is something that can only be encountered but cannot be sought.

Li Yuan worked hard for three months and planted a hundred elixir plants here.

One hundred elixirs can almost completely absorb the spiritual energy in this mountain.

After thinking about it, he left another incarnation behind, hiding here to study the formation and take care of the elixir.

Time passed year by year, and three hundred years flew by. Li Yuan was busy opening up medicinal fields in various unowned spiritual mountains in the Eastern world.

And in each medicinal field, there is an incarnation sitting in charge, either studying formations, studying talismans, seals, etc.

Although the efficiency is somewhat low, the efficiency is not enough to make up for the time.

As an immortal, cultivating a hundred arts is something that must be mastered.

Although I am not a cultivator of immortality, my skills are not overwhelming!

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