Li Yuan slowly walked through the murals and learned more about the secrets of ancient times.

At that time, there were many immortal sects, and there were countless powerful ones who could transform themselves into gods.

Even the Bodhi Temple was not founded at that time.

At that time, the Buddhism and Taoism sect was headed by a force called Tianyin Temple, which was also one of the leaders in the destruction of martial arts.

He sighed in his heart, whether it was martial arts or immortality, they became a dream as time went by.

This is only the history of the contemporary era, and many inheritances have been buried.

The long-gone ancient era may have given birth to a more splendid civilization, but it also cannot escape the crushing wheels of history.

The demonic aura deep in the tomb became even stronger, and wisps of cold and deathly aura appeared on Li Yuan’s body.

This demonic energy was not only corroding his body, but also his soul.

In this situation, he couldn’t last long.

Fortunately, this is just an incarnation of Li Yuan, and its essence is just a hair.

Li Yuan searched while resisting the erosion of the demonic energy.

At the end of the passage is a huge stone door.

There is no restricted formation.

However, when he approached the stone gate, the unrefined spiritual energy in his body began to escape.

In order to resist the energy of demons, he was always refining the aura of spiritual stones to replenish himself.

At this time, under the influence of Shimen, the spiritual energy began to escape.

This situation is somewhat similar to the forbidden spirit ring.

Li Yuan was wary, this stone gate seemed a little weird.

Fortunately, he is not a monk, and he does not have spiritual energy in his body.

Combining the previous murals, Li Yuan couldn’t help but come up with some guesses.

Before the martial arts master fell into the corpse demon, he might have expected that martial arts practitioners would come here to look for martial arts inheritance.

This stone gate is clearly meant to stop people from the Immortal Path.

When the immortals come here, their spiritual energy escapes and they are unable to use their magic power at all.

Even the cultivator who transformed himself into a god could not push open the stone door.

Li Yuan circulated his true energy, and powerful power burst out from his hands.


With a low shout!

The seemingly unshakable stone door was actually pushed open slowly.

He didn’t even use all his strength, he only used the strength of the peak martial arts golden elixir.

But at this moment, a roar came from outside the tomb.

The terrifying aura, even from a long distance, makes people’s hair stand on end.


The zombie demon has returned!

How long has it been?

Li Yuan walked directly into the secret room without any hesitation and closed the stone door.

Then he restrained his vitality and did not dare to let out a breath.

And the eroded aura on his body seemed to make him more like a corpse demon.

“I hope Wang Li and others can hold back the corpse demon!”

Li Yuan muttered to himself and quickly looked into the secret room.

The faint fluorescence dispersed, allowing him to faintly see that there was a special plant in the secret room, which made it no longer dark.

There were not many things in the secret room, and Li Yuan’s eyes fell directly on a jade slip on a stone platform.

Seeing that there was no danger, he quickly put his spiritual power into a jade slip.

The jade slips actually record some secrets from tens of thousands of years ago, as well as the development path of martial arts.

Li Yuan had seen part of it in the mural before, but the records in this jade slip were more detailed, and even included some legends about the most powerful martial artists.

However, perhaps it was too long ago, and the spiritual imprint behind it has been blurred, and many of the contents are incomplete.

This is only a product of the same era. If it was from the previous era, even if it is found, it is probably just an abandoned jade slip.

The martial arts masters have all fallen, how long can the spiritual brand last?

The second jade slip contained various martial arts secrets and martial arts techniques, which surprised Li Yuan.

But now is not the time for enlightenment, and many of the secret techniques here are also incomplete.

Li Yuan picked up the third jade slip with some frustration.

But it is a pity that the third jade slip records the refining method of martial arts magic weapons.

Martial arts magic weapons are the most suitable weapons for warriors.

It shouldn’t be!

Li Yuan frowned slightly and couldn’t help but look at the black bead on the stone table.

He tried to penetrate mentally.

Just one glance showed a look of surprise.

This bead actually records the cultivation methods of various realms of martial arts.

From acquired physical training to the immortal golden body, they all exist.

Not only is the path of the Immortal Golden Body, there is also the method of Yuan Fei Pregnancy God, and there is more than one method.

The Strongest is truly the Strongest, and the collection here is simply astonishing.

Moreover, the spiritual imprint in this bead is complete, so it is obviously a rare treasure.

At the same time, he also learned the identity of the owner of the tomb.

The owner of this big tomb is one of the most powerful martial artists who escaped with serious injuries.Because his martial arts powers recovered quickly, he managed to escape.

But even if he escaped, there was nothing he could do to save himself.

The trend of immortality has been established, and many powerful immortals are looking for his whereabouts everywhere.

He could only travel far away to the endless sea, came to this demon abyss, and became a corpse demon.

Li Yuan looked at the spiritual imprint in the beads and could imagine the sorrow and despair of this martial arts master.

The entire martial arts world has completely declined in the world of cultivation. Immortal Dao has risen, and martial arts has been swept into the dust of history.

In the corner of the secret room, there are some decayed furs and bamboo slips, which may have recorded something, but unfortunately only the remains are left now.

Seeing that there was nothing left to miss, Li Yuan decided to leave.

Outside, the war has been going on for some time.

Li Yuan restrained his vitality and left the tomb like a living dead.

There may be other inherited treasures in the tomb, but he has no intention of continuing to take risks.

He got what he wanted this time and there was no need to stay here.

If the inheritance beads are lost, it will be a huge loss.

Moreover, after staying in the tomb for a long time, most of his body had been eroded.

If he were pretending to be a corpse demon at this time, probably not many would be able to recognize him.

At the entrance of the tomb, powerful mana fluctuates continuously.

Wang Li teamed up with Bai Emperor and Phoenix Master, but at this time they could only barely suppress the corpse demon.

All three were seriously injured.

Seeing Li Yuan come out, Wang Li’s expression changed.

“Does it matter?”

Wang Li asked and looked at Li Yuan.

Obviously, he saw that Li Yuan’s current situation was not optimistic.

Bai Emperor and Phoenix Master were also shocked. In this situation, they might not be able to survive for long.

I don’t know what Li Yuan is thinking. He is simply desperate for his life. He just doesn’t know if he has found the martial arts inheritance?

Wang Like promised that if he found the inheritance, he would give them a copy.

Otherwise, they would not try their best to hold back the corpse demon.

Li Yuan nodded slightly and said through a message: “I can still hold on for a while, but if I die early, please take back the hair I left behind.”

Wang Li was a little confused, but still nodded.

“Let’s go!”

Bai Di said, I am afraid that the strength of this corpse demon has reached the perfection of becoming a god, and it is really impossible to withstand it.

Wang Li and Phoenix Master naturally had no objections and nodded quickly.

“Then run away separately!”

As the Phoenix Master spoke, he turned into a red light and disappeared into the sky.

Without the Phoenix Master’s suppression, the corpse demon roared and instantly opened the seals on the two of them.

Bai Di ran away in another direction without saying a word.

Wang Li grabbed Li Yuan and fled in the opposite direction to Bai Di.

As for who the zombie demon will chase, it all depends on luck.

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