"Learn "Qianlong Dazai" and inherit Ye Cangsheng's legacy?"

Guan Ao looked at Master Hualong in astonishment, but his heart was spinning rapidly.

"Qianlong Dazai" is a Void Refining inheritance, and countless people are competing for it, but why does the True Spirit of Hualongchi insist on letting him learn it?

Why must he agree to this matter before Master Hualong takes action?

Is this a trap or a trap?

Wang Yian, the son of the deputy sect master, should he be saved or not?

At this moment, Guan Ao was in a rare dilemma.

The mung bean-like eyes of Master Hualong on the side swept over Guan Ao, then pointed at the scene happening in the water mirror and reminded:

"I'm not forcing you, the rules are like this. What's more, this is also a huge benefit to you. With your talent in body refining, if you go to transform into a dragon and ascend the Tiandao level, it is also very likely to attract the "Qianlong" "Great" inherited..."

"You can consider whether you want to learn it, but you have to do it quickly. If it's later, I won't be able to help you."

Guan Ao glanced at Wang Yian in the water mirror.

But opposite Wang Yian, he saw not only the master of the Eight Treasures Palace, Mei Shan, but also a group of people surrounding him, staring at Wang Yian eagerly.

He moved his eyes slightly and saw Zhao Feng flying rapidly in mid-air. It was obvious that he had no idea about the situation on Wang Yian's side.

And while he was distracted by Zhao Feng's whereabouts, Wang Yian's water mirror appeared.

Mei Shan, the master of Babao Palace, has landed in front of Wang Yian, with a sneer on his face, and raised his hand to grab Wang Yian!

In front of Mei Shan, Jindan monks like Wang Yian were almost indistinguishable from ordinary people.

However, even so, the son of the deputy sect leader still showed the pride that a descendant of a high-ranking sect should have. Under tremendous pressure, he actually took the initiative to slash Meishan with a sword!

The sword light rippled and was dazzling.

Although it is only the power of the golden elixir level, it is amazing.

There is something familiar to Guan Ao in it.

"Wanfa? Swordsmanship?"

Guan Ao was shocked.

It's a pity that although this sword is extremely stunning, the gap between the two sides is too big. This sword light cannot even shake the magic barrier outside Mei Shan's palm.

But seeing Wang Yian drawing his sword in anger, Guan Ao's heart turned rapidly, he gritted his teeth, and finally made a decision:

"I answer..."

But just as he was about to say this.

In the water mirror, Meishan suddenly stopped his palms and looked up into the distance.

As if he saw something, an expression of deep fear and solemnity suddenly appeared on his face:

"Yang Que!!"

What reacted faster than his emotions was his body.

Almost for an instant, Meishan didn't even have any nostalgia for Wang Yi'an, who was about to get it. The much illusory shadow of the Eight Treasures reappeared, quickly enveloping him and retreating at a high speed into the distance.

The five monks who had just gathered around seemed to have seen something terrifying at this moment.

Their expressions changed wildly, and they scrambled to retreat back!

"Yang Que? Is he Yang Que, one of the three main forces of Daqian, the defender of the imperial capital?"

Guan Ao looked surprised.

Before coming to Daqian, the deputy sect leader had already given him a lot of information, so he also had an understanding of the current situation in Daqian.

What was not mentioned in the intelligence was that Mei Shan, the master of Babao Palace, one of the five sects, was so afraid of Yang Que.

Master Hualong looked at Shui Jing with a hint of secret annoyance in his eyes.

Just a little bit closer!

Damn these people!

Soon, a middle-aged figure stepped into the water mirror like a leisurely stroll.

There is nothing surprising about his appearance, neither ugly nor very good-looking, but he has a unique charm that makes people unable to help but be attracted to him the first time they see him.

He glanced at Meishan and the five sects who had already retreated far away, and shook his head slightly:

"Such courage...but the Five Sects are getting closer and closer."

Having said that, he didn't care and looked slightly sideways at Wang Yian.

Feeling Wang Yian's sword strike just now, there was a trace of curiosity and thinking in his eyes:

"Overseas sword cultivator..."

And Wang Yian was extremely nervous at the moment.

He was not an idiot, and he knew very well that the reason why the Nascent Soul cultivator with a broken eyebrow just retreated was entirely because he was afraid of the middle-aged man in front of him.

He didn't know how strong the other party was, but he had just attacked the Broken Eyebrow cultivator, but he knew very well that even if the master was here, he was no match for the Broken Eyebrow cultivator.

Calculating it this way, the middle-aged man in front of me is probably incredibly strong!

In the palm of his hand, he subconsciously took out the Zhuniao Token.

The middle-aged monk suddenly said:

"What is your relationship with that overseas swordsman who has obtained the inheritance of refining the void?"

Wang Yian was slightly startled.

Refining the Void inheritance?

Overseas sword cultivator?

A figure immediately jumped out of his mind.

"Is it Master?"

"Did he get the Void Refining inheritance?"

I saw Wang Yian looking confused and confused.

The middle-aged monk reacted, shook his head and said with a smile:

"Yes, you probably entered the Dragon Transformation Heavenly Path with him, so I don't know... Let's ask another question. Have you and him agreed on how to meet?"

Wang Yian heard this, but did not answer the other party's question, and held the Zhuniao Token slightly tightly in his hand.

There was a slight hesitation in my heart:

"Dad said that in critical situations, he would inject mana into this token...can he deal with this person?"

"Is it a hidden magical power, or some top-notch magic?"

"Wait a minute, after injecting the token, it won't summon dad here, right?"

Many distracting thoughts were surging in my heart, but my face was quite calm and I asked:

"Who are you?"

Wang Yian's reaction surprised the middle-aged monk, but he was not angry and replied calmly:

"Me? My name is Yang Que, Mu Yi Yang, and the Que of Chaotian Que is regarded as a worshiper here in the imperial capital... I have answered your question, so you should answer me, right? The place where Hualong Pond comes out is not fixed. You should have a means of contacting and meeting each other.”

Hearing this name, Wang Yi'an's heart suddenly sank.

"Yang Que, according to the information that Dad showed us before, is one of the top monks in Daqian... It's over! Even if I can really summon Dad, I'm afraid it will be in vain... But he didn't do anything to me, look. There is still room for maneuver."

Thinking of this, he quickly put away the Zhuniao Token in his hand.

However, Yang Que, who was opposite him, raised his eyebrows and showed a smile:

"Is this the magic weapon you use to communicate with each other?"

Without seeing any movement, Wang Yian felt as if his whole body froze as if he was out of control.

Then the Zhuniao token in his hand flew straight out of his hand, turned into a stream of light, and fell into Yang Que's hand.

Even though Wang Yian tried his best to hold it back, the anxiety in his heart still showed a trace of flaws on his face.

Sensing the change in Wang Yi'an's expression, Yang Que smiled faintly, with a hint of amusement and imperceptible ridicule:

"Heh, it seems I guessed it right...how to stimulate it?"

Gently weighing the heavy token in his hand, which was engraved with a red bird pattern, Yang Que pondered slightly under Wang Yian's anxious, nervous, and worried eyes, and then slowly poured mana into the token...

Wanxiang Sutra Library.

"Is this the two qi of yin and yang?"

Wang Hao's eyes were amazed as he watched the constant rotation and changes in front of him. There is me in you, and you are in me, just like the two qi of black and white in the Tai Chi diagram.

Although he had seen Pang Xiu perform it, but at this moment he had really refined the two qi of yin and yang. Even if it was only in the most primitive and weakest state, he still felt a different cultivation experience that was different from the essence of the five elements, wind and thunder before.

It is extremely pure and simple, but it also contains infinite creation, just like the '0' and '1' that were able to build a novel world in the previous life.

He had a feeling that as long as he wanted to, he could use this yin and yang energy to condense countless kinds of creatures.

This feeling made him couldn't help but try to control the two qi of yin and yang, and tried to derive the source of life with the method of 'harmony' he understood from the "Return of the Universe".

The two qi of black and white, under his control, quickly merged together. However, in just the next moment, the fused two qi of black and white began to vibrate violently!

Wang Ba's expression changed slightly!

At this moment, he actually felt like the yin and yang were about to collapse!

He quickly separated the two qi.

The black and white energy suddenly returned to its previous state of constant rotation and change.

Jiang Yi's voice came immediately at this time, with a hint of blame:

"You are too impatient. The two qi of yin and yang have just begun to condense now. It is the critical moment of accumulation. Normal magic power cannot be used arbitrarily, so as not to disturb the purity of the two qi of yin and yang. You actually mixed them together, and you are not afraid. This collapse of Yin and Yang is really..."

I really don’t know how hard it is to cherish the yin and yang.

However, she still did not say these words after all, because she suddenly thought that for this young junior, it might not be easy to come by.

Wang Yan frowned slightly:

"Can't we use these two yin and yang energies right now?"

This time it was Pang Xiu who spoke, and he explained:

"The two qi of yin and yang can be used, but it is best not to use magic power. This is just because the two qi of yin and yang have just been refined and are being cultivated. Once the magic power is used a little too much, it will interfere with the balance and purity between the two qi of yin and yang, thus It causes the two qi of yin and yang to collapse."

"As for the cultivation of yin and yang qi, it can be done through dual cultivation or drawing from the spiritual things of heaven and earth. I can teach you some methods later so that you can cultivate it faster."

Wang Ba was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then quickly thanked Jiang Yi and Pang Xiu.

Jiang Yi accepted it calmly and then said:

"The way of Yin and Yang is too grand. When the two qi of yin and yang are not yet profound, they may not be much stronger than others when used alone. Only when combined with other methods can they have miraculous effects. However, it is not easy to obtain and cultivate the two qi of yin and yang. If there is no It’s necessary, don’t abuse it.”

"Combined with other means...taught!"

Wang Ba was thoughtful and then thanked him again.

Pang Xiu, on the other hand, directly recited a method of cultivating the two qi of yin and yang, and Wang Hao also quickly memorized it in his heart.

"Remember, before the two qi of yin and yang are stabilized, the magic power must not be touched lightly."

Pang Xiu warned again and again.

Wang Ba was about to nod.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt something in his heart.

His expression suddenly changed:

"Senior brother, there is danger over there!"

Hearing this, Jiang Yi couldn't help but said in a deep voice:

"Wang Yan, don't move even lightly."

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Wang Yan took a deep breath, looked solemn, and spoke quickly:

"Senior, don't worry, I'll go take a look and come back."


Jiang Yi couldn't help but frown, but he didn't have time to say anything.

Wang Ba's figure actually disappeared from the place in an instant.

"Supernatural powers?"

Jiang Yi narrowed his eyes as he felt the ripples caused by Wang Ba's departure.

Pang Xiu also frowned and said:

"I'll go ask the sect master right now."

After saying that, the figure quickly faded.

at the same time.

Wang Ba's figure appeared almost instantly in the middle of Fenglinzhou, in the east of Fenglinzhou, and on the islands in the East China Sea...

"Huh? It's strange, why is there no response?"

Yang Que opened his palm with confusion and looked at the token in his palm.

On the token, after he input the mana, the vermilion bird pattern emitted a unique wave, showing that it was extraordinary.

However, what disappointed him was that other than that, the token remained unchanged.

There are no monks transmitting messages, and there are no hidden means of attack or defense.

Wang Yian also looked stunned.

"How come there is nothing?!"

"It seems that you have been abandoned by your fellow disciples."

Noticing Wang Yi'an's shocked expression, Yang Que seemed to understand something.

He threw up the token in his hand casually and let it float in mid-air. His eyes fell on Wang Yian, with a hint of pity in his tone:

"You are still unwilling to betray your fellow sect, but what you get is this result. It is sad and lamentable. I have always pitied talents, and I admire your Taoist heart and pride even more. Why don't you follow me into the imperial capital? You are very talented. Yes, he is indeed a good young man who can practice swordsmanship. I happen to have the most suitable teacher for you here who can teach you how to practice swordsmanship."

Wang Yian no longer had the time to think about why there was no response after activating the token. There was only one thing in his mind:

"How to survive?"

He doesn't want to die!

But at this moment, several figures emerged out of thin air one after another in the mid-air not far away.

Seeing these people, Wang Yi'an was overjoyed:

"It's Uncle Ji and Uncle Xi!"

There were also two unknown monks, obviously local monks from Huangjizhou.

Yang Que's perception was extremely sharp and he immediately caught Wang Yian's emotional fluctuations and said softly:

"It seems that these two people are your classmates."

Ji Yuan and Xi Wushang also noticed the existence of Yang Que and Wang Yi'an. When they felt Yang Que's unpredictable aura and unabashed targeting, their expressions changed!

"Yi An! Let's go!"

Xi Wushang's face turned gloomy. He only hesitated for a moment and then made a decision immediately.

On his exposed face, identical divine patterns quickly appeared. Vast magic power burst out from his body instantly. Under his urging, it turned into a huge pure white fist, smashing through the air. To Yang Que!

Ji Principle drew his sword without hesitation and used his magic power. An extremely thick sword light floated from the fourth-level sword, making a deafening whistling sound and slashing towards Yang Que!

Both of them were early Yuanying monks, and they used their strongest trump cards as soon as they made a move. With the combined punch and sword, they were no longer much different from the middle stage Yuanying monks.

However, facing this punch and knife, Yang Que only had a hint of appreciation on his face:

"The Taoism is profound, orderly and elegant."

He said this, but when the sword light and fist power fell in front of him, they disappeared like a breeze blowing across his face.

Even Yang Que's clothes remained unchanged.

Beside him, a sword beam from Wang Yian disappeared like a cloud of smoke after hitting his protective barrier.

Looking at the shock and panic on the faces of the three overseas monks in front of me.

Yang Que couldn't help but feel boredom on his face:

"Well, since you are unwilling to cooperate, then I have no choice but..."

The words are not finished yet.

Yang Que suddenly changed his expression slightly and turned around suddenly.

He looked at the token he had just dropped casually.

Beside the token, a young monk with an ordinary appearance but a calm temperament appeared at some point, hanging in mid-air.

However, the young monk did not look at him. Instead, his eyes fell on the three overseas monks behind him.

"Who are you?"

Yang Que narrowed his eyes slightly, and the previous relaxed look on his face became serious for the first time.

He felt a somewhat unfamiliar sense of threat from this person.

His face immediately hardened.

The young monk had no intention of talking to him. In a flash, he appeared beside the young man carrying the sword.

Asked in a low voice:

"Are you okay?"

"Dad! I actually summoned you here! If I had known, I wouldn't have taken it out in the first place!"

Seeing the figure of the young monk, Wang Yian was surprised at first, and then looked annoyed and regretful.

He also didn't expect that Yang Que's spiritual sense would be so keen that he would snatch the token away.

When Ji Yuan and Xi Wushang saw the young monk, they quickly flew over.

"King...Deputy Sect Master!"

"Deputy Sect Master! Be careful! This person's cultivation level is extremely high! I'm afraid the Nascent Soul has reached perfection, or even comprehended the secret of the Tao!"

The young monk was Wang Ba, and he nodded slightly when he heard this:

"You don't have to worry about this. How are you? You're not hurt?"

And Yang Que finally couldn't hold it any longer, stared at Wang Yan, and said in a deep voice:

"Are you the main messenger behind them? I don't care what your purpose is in coming here. Hand over the sword cultivator who took away the inheritance of refining the void..."

However, what made him frown slightly was that the other party ignored him completely, and instead continued to ask other monks:

"Where is the Master Guan?"

"Did anyone else see it?"

Yang Que's expression suddenly darkened.

"It's too much!"

After saying that, he could no longer hold back and raised his palm.

A golden dragon shadow quickly flew out from his arm and rushed towards Wang Ba.

And right now.

He noticed Yang Que's move.

Wang Ba's face was slightly cold, and he suddenly turned around and looked at Yang Que.

In his eyes, a bright red color intertwined with black and white flashed!

And at this moment when she saw these pair of red eyes.

The shadow of the golden dragon wailed and disappeared, and Yang Que froze in place as if falling into a nightmare!

The boundless illusion descends silently at this moment! (End of chapter)

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