"The Tao of Yin and Yang is the acquired Tao, and all living beings are born from it. Therefore, the Tao of Yin and Yang is the supreme Tao in terms of living beings... Before they are condensed into the Nascent Soul, the monks are still mortal bodies and cannot penetrate If you try to see the existence of Yin and Yang through superficial appearances, but you cannot understand the changes of Yin and Yang, you will naturally get twice the result with half the effort."

"And within this yin and yang, there are infinite changes, which is the principle that combines to create two, two to create three, and three to create all things."

"Some are good at killing, some are good at mending the weak, some are nurturing spirits, some are boundless in creation..."

In the quiet library, the candle wick made a crackling sound.

The rows of bookshelves around the top are filled with gold papers, ancient books, jade slips, and many inherited treasures.

The bald female nun Jiang Yi was hanging cross-legged above the futon, her voice was empty and silent, like the shaking of a Dharma bell and the echo of a hand chime.

Opposite him, Wang Ba and Pang Xiu sat in a triangle with their legs crossed, also suspended in the air.

Regarding Jiang Yi's words, Pang Xiu remained silent.

Wang Yan was thoughtful and said:

"I dare to ask Senior Jiang, if I want to cultivate the part of the Yin and Yang Tao that involves creation, is there any way?"

Jiang Yi looked calm, holding a string of beads in his hand, and replied:

"There is no bias in Taoism. Cultivation is all up to the individual. What you can achieve depends entirely on yourself. 'Creation' is the most profound and profound purpose among yin and yang. It is difficult to learn and even harder to achieve, and it also requires some external skills. To be honest, I don’t know what you want to do, but I have the same idea as Pang Xiu, and I don’t recommend you to practice this way..."

"Of course, if you still want to insist, that's up to you."

"I just want to remind you that what I practice is not the way of Yin and Yang. I have only seen seniors in the sect practice it, and I only know a little bit about the path of creation in Yin and Yang, so I can't understand the truth behind it. , I can only give you some small external help."

"Foreign object?"

Wang Haowei was a little surprised.

As for the other party not practicing Yin and Yang, he already knew this from Elder Pang.

But the impact is not big. After all, the other party was once a monk at the level of refining the void, and he was exposed to more advanced principles of cultivation in the Yuntian Realm. Under the high roof, even if he has not practiced the way of yin and yang, he can still give him extraordinary s help.

To put it mildly, except for this senior Jiang, looking at the entire Ogura world, I am afraid there is no more powerful person who can guide him.

"External objects are the initial introduction to the Tao of Yin and Yang. Just like a spark can ignite firewood. This object is easy to solve at the moment. Now, it depends on whether you can bring this firewood."

Jiang Yi didn't hesitate to give advice.


Wang Yan couldn't help but frown slightly.

If he could find these 'firewood', he wouldn't need to come here to ask for advice.

At this time, Pang Xiu, who knew Wang Yan's situation better, suddenly said:

"In the sutra library, there are practice notes left by the ancestors who practiced Hehuan Peak Taoism in the past generations. You can look at these notes, compare them with your experience in practice, and then combine them with your own wishes, understand them carefully, and maybe you can understand them. What's going on?"


Wang Hao was moved when he heard this.

Jiang Yi paused for a moment, then nodded:

"It's a solution, Pang Xiu. You can give him everything related to the changes in yin and yang."

Pang Xiu was stunned.


He hesitated to speak, but after looking at the other party, he waved slightly.

In the scripture library, countless pages of books were suddenly turned and jade slips were flowing.

Then pieces of gold paper, jade slips, ancient books, and inherited treasures flew in from all directions, landed around Pang Xiu, and revolved around him.

With a slight sweep of his spiritual thoughts, he nodded slightly, and then with a slight movement of his thoughts, these inherited objects spinning around him fell into Wang Hao's arms like a swallow in the forest.

Wang Hao glanced lightly.

"The Two Methods of Gold and Liquid", "The Sutra of the Creation of Heaven and Earth", "The Practice Notes of the Return of the Universe - Written by Shui Gu, the Fourth Peak Master of Hehuan Peak", "The Notes of the Universe - The Sixth Generation...", "The Yin and Yang Table" "True Interpretation", "A Brief Discussion on the Positive and Negative Changes of Yin and Yang by Observing the Sun and the Moon", "The Wonderful Purpose of the Combination of Yin and Yang", "Yin and Yang and People", "Yin and Yang and Spiritual Plants and Spiritual Beasts", "The Arrangement of the Yin and Yang Rebellion Formation", "Pure Yang Taoism"...

Kung Fu, spells, practice notes, formations, beast control...

All the books related to Yin and Yang that had been accumulated in the sect for tens of thousands of years were now placed in front of Wang Ba.

"With your current state of mind, it won't take long to read through them. Take the essence of them and understand them more. If you can understand the principles and become self-aware, you can come to me again."

"I still want to remind you, if you have been studying for ten years and still get nothing, then there is no need to think about it anymore, you are probably not suitable for this path."

Jiang Yi said calmly.

After saying that, her body quietly disappeared from Wang Hao's sight.

"ten years?"

Wang Hao frowned slightly and then looked at Pang Xiu.

Seeing Wang Hao looking at him, Pang Xiu explained:

"Senior Jiang is busy reading through all the Taoist canons in the scripture library... You can take these books back home, or you can read them here. After reading them, just send them back to their original places."

Wang Ba thought for a moment, nodded and said:

"I'll just watch it from here."

He has already screened the spirit beasts in the Pearl Secret Realm and arranged their pairings individually. No more changes can be seen in a short period of time, and Qu Shentong has not arranged anything for him. As the deputy sect master, he has not arranged anything for him. He has more time than the ministers under the Five Elements Department.

Rather than going out, it is better to calm down in this sutra library, practice and study seriously.

Pang Xiu nodded and disappeared immediately.

"The way of the Earth Immortal practiced by Elder Pang is also wonderful. He can appear in the outside world at will without being restricted by heaven and earth. It's a pity that he can't leave this place."

Wang Ba felt a little regretful.

Due to the limitations of heaven and earth, even the fifth-level magic weapon is also restricted. The only advantage is that as long as you don't take action, it will not attract the attack of heaven and earth.

So if Pang Xiu could go out and walk around at will, the entire Xiaocang world would probably have to change their surname to Wanxiang.

"But Senior Jiang, she was reincarnated here to help Xiaocangjie's lineage move to Yuntianjie. Now that the migration can no longer continue, why does it seem that she is not in a hurry at all? Or maybe she has another way. Can you leave this world?"

Wang Hao had doubts in his heart.

But the identity of the other party is too special. If the other party doesn't take the initiative to mention it, it seems like they don't believe the other party when they ask, but it will easily lead to discord.

He and Qu Shentong also discussed the matter secretly. Qu Shentong also made subtle insinuations and tried to find out what the other party was talking about, but in the end it was settled.

We can only wait for the other party to want to say something, and then take the opportunity to ask further questions.

Aware of the turmoil in his mind, Wang Yan restrained himself one by one, and then focused his attention on the books related to yin and yang in front of him. While reading, he compared it with the "The Return of the Universe" that he had learned before. Compare each other.

Because of the ability to consume longevity, he almost understood half of it every time he read a book.

He can also understand some of the things that cannot consume his lifespan by relying on his experience brought by practicing various techniques for many years.

Time passes away little by little...

at the same time.

In the intricate scripture library, in front of a black bookshelf.

The bald female cultivator Jiang Yi floated her body, holding a mottled ancient book made of special material in her hands, turning the pages gently.

On the ancient books, the words are ancient and clumsy, with a hint of ancient and vast atmosphere. Every word seems to have infinite meaning.

Therefore, she read it very carefully and seriously, and seemed to consider and savor every word for a long time.

A figure of a young monk, half black and half white, quietly gathered in front of her.

It was Jingku who guarded Pangxiu.

He looked at Jiang Yi, frowned slightly, and said with some confusion:

"Senior can clearly enlighten Senior Nephew Wang on the key points of the "Return of the Universe", so why do you have to let him read those complicated things by himself?"

Jiang Yi paused while turning the book, then looked up at Pang Xiu and replied calmly:

"Otherwise, how can he break the illusion?"

"With his talent of being able to practice the Way of Ten Thousand Dharmas to the Nascent Soul in less than two hundred years, he is extremely talented. Why should he spend the rest of his time on the endless, difficult and obscure road like the Yin-Yang Avenue?"

"Even if he is lucky enough to understand the way of yin and yang, it will be a long journey. Even the Tribulation Monk would not dare to say that he can exhaust the principles of yin and yang. If he wastes his efforts on it, his talent will be wasted in vain."

"It is better to concentrate on the way of all laws, concentrate on cultivating spiritual beasts, and pass on this lineage. Maybe the Wanxiang Sect in this world can wait for the day when Patriarch Chongyuan can take part in creation and travel in the third world sea. day."

Pang Xiu couldn't help but look surprised when he heard this, but then his brows furrowed deeper:

"How long will it take to wait for the Patriarch to come? Why not tell him directly? Save him from wasting ten years."

Jiang Yi was silent for a moment, then said:

"As little as ten thousand years, as much as twenty or thirty thousand years, or..."

Or maybe that day will never come.

Who can say for sure about these things?

"As for telling him, such a handsome and outstanding talent can be regarded as a first-class figure in the Yuntian world. How many years have he come out? His Taoist heart is even more determined than gold and stone. How can he give up on himself just because of a few words from you and me? His thoughts? Ten years have passed with the Yuanying cultivator. If it takes ten years to make him give up his unrealistic ideas, it will be worth it, isn’t it? "

Jiang Yi's words were objective and reasonable, so much so that Pang Xiu was speechless for a moment.

Seeing that Pang Xiu was persuaded by him, Jiang Yi was not at all happy, and only had a trace of regret in his heart:

"It's a pity. If such people were born in the Yun Tian Realm, even if they can't understand the way of Yin and Yang, if they change the direction, they will have a bright future. Refinement and integration are within reach, and they may not be able to overcome the calamity. There is no hope, it’s a pity.”

It's just that time is destiny, and this is how people encounter each other.

Just like Han Xiangzi and Ye Cangtian, the ancestor of Huangjizhou, who is not the most talented person, the best among people, and the choice of the moment?

However, being trapped in the environment will ultimately lead to detachment.

Although this sect's deputy sect leader is extremely talented, compared with these people, he is still far behind.

Pang Xiu couldn't help but be silent, thinking the same thing.

There was silence for a while, then in a low voice, he changed the topic:

"Then when will senior plan to sleep?"

Jiang Yi glanced at the rows of bookshelves in the scripture library and pondered for a while:

"At this rate, if I want to memorize and understand everything in the entire sutra library, I'm afraid it will take another seven to eight hundred years, or even longer... But I will try my best to do it before my life ends. Some sleep.”

As she said that, she glanced at Pang Xiu:

"At that time, I'm afraid it will probably be thousands or even tens of thousands of years before you and I meet again... But apart from you, I'm afraid there will be no acquaintances here."

This is also the reason why she talks so much to Pang Xiu alone.

The different scales of longevity determine the necessity of mutual communication.

Pang Xiu said nothing.

After practicing the way of the Earth Immortal, although he cannot leave this place, and although the improvement of his cultivation is extremely difficult and slow, his longevity is like that of Patriarch Yuyang and Patriarch Qingming, and he can survive in this world for a long time.

But that's not what he wants.

He just wanted to do something for the sect.

"Don't even think about passing on your yin and yang to the deputy sect leader. It's meaningless. Doing so will only affect his practice and fail to achieve his goal of understanding nature."

Jiang Yi said suddenly.

When the other party explained his thoughts, Pang Xiu hesitated, and then he could only exhale a long breath and sighed:

"I understand. If he can't understand it, I will never give him any advice, but..."

Pang Xiu raised his head slightly and looked into Jiang Yi's eyes:

"What if he realizes it?"

Facing Pang Xiu's question, Jiang Yi smiled softly:

"Ten years... How long did it take you to realize the killing intent in the Yin and Yang Tao?"

"It will take at least 180 years, right?"

Pang Xiu slightly avoided Jiang Yi's gaze and whispered:

"It... took me nearly three hundred years."

Jiang Yi looks natural:

"This is the result of having no one to guide you and groping on your own."

Pang Xiu shook his head and said:

"He is different. He has already practiced Hehuan Peak's skills before. I have also given some guidance before. He still has a foundation. It shouldn't take that long."

Jiang Yi said simply:

"Even if he has the foundation, it will never be possible in ten years... Well, if he can really succeed, I will not break my promise. I will help him cultivate the two qi of yin and yang."

"But you and I both know very well that it is impossible to understand the Tao of Yin and Yang in ten years, even if you are just getting started."

Pang Xiu said no more, just lowered his body slightly towards Jiang Yi, and then disappeared in front of Jiang Yi.

The candlelight on the bookshelf flickered slightly.

Jiang Yi didn't know what he thought of, shook his head and sighed:

"Ten years... how can it be so easy."

Then he stopped thinking about it, lowered his head again, and read the ancient book in his hand.

"That Nascent Soul sword cultivator is quite interesting. Is he your junior brother?"

The stars are shining in the clear night sky.

Master Hualong, who has blond hair, a big nose and small, crooked eyes, stands in the clouds with a look of amazement on his face, staring at the towering stone steps in the distance.

There, it was already around the 1,700th level among the 3,000 stone steps.

Next to Master Hualong, Guan Ao frowned slightly and said:

"No... Dare I ask senior, is there anything wrong with my fellow student?"

"No problem, not only is it okay, it's actually great!"

Master Hualong couldn't hide the joy on his face, pointing to the figure paused slightly on the stone steps:

"He is the one with the fastest and greatest rise among these monks so far... The opponents in the stone step training are all arranged based on the practitioner's cultivation level. This shows that your fellow disciple is very good at swordsmanship. His understanding of martial arts and his talent in fighting have far exceeded his level of cultivation."

"This also proves that he has unlimited potential. He is my... ahem, my friend, and the focus of Hualongchi's cultivation."

When Guan Ao heard this, he was immediately overjoyed and asked quickly:

"Then what reward can my fellow disciple get?"

"Reward? Isn't he always getting rewards?"

Master Hualong stroked three long strands of his beard, and his green bean-like eyes revealed a bright light:

"Every time he goes up to a level, as long as he passes it, the stone steps will naturally give him a reward. After so many levels, the benefits are no less than the final reward. Didn't you see that after he passed the thousand levels, his cultivation level has obviously improved a lot than before. Well...hiss, I didn't notice just now that this swordsman gave up his physical body and integrated himself into the swordsmanship itself?"

Master Hualong looked surprised and bewildered:

"No wonder he is progressing so fast. He only lacks the resources to strengthen his body. Once he supplements it, his strength will increase by leaps and bounds!"

"It seems that I have to take back what I said before."

"So fast! Another level up!"

Guan Ao stood aside and looked with wide eyes, but he couldn't see any difference. He could only see Zhao Feng walking slowly on the steps, as if he was strolling in a garden.

But this is not important. Even Master Hualong praised him so much. Zhao Feng must have gained a lot. He only needs to know this and it is enough.

However, he immediately felt a slight movement in his heart and looked curious:

"Senior said that my fellow sect has made the fastest progress. Isn't that impossible? I see that there are quite a few monks who come here to ascend the ranks. Did Senior remember it wrong?"

"Remember wrong? I am Hualongchi... a friend of Hualongchi, how could I remember wrongly!"

Master Hualong's tone was slightly stagnant, and then he couldn't help but cheer:

"Good guy! Another level up!"

After admiring, he turned back and explained to Guan Ao:

"Don't think there are so many monks here. In fact, they are all selected by Ye Cangsheng and his descendants. Anyone with extraordinary talents has long been trapped by them, and the remaining monks, even if There are fish that slip through the net, but without a complete and profound inheritance and sufficient resources, these monks naturally have insufficient foundation, and even if they are originally talented, they will soon be forgotten by everyone."

"So they are all here to make up the numbers. Not to mention that the Void Refining inheritance has no hope, even the God Transformation inheritance can only be obtained by one in ten thousand. Of course, there is no guarantee that there will be any special people."

Guan Ao suddenly realized.

While he was talking, Zhao Feng actually climbed up a few more levels.

It attracted the admiration of Master Hualong.

However, Guan Ao also noticed that Zhao Feng's climbing speed had slowed down visibly.

"Master Nephew Zhao should be reaching his limit soon. He is only in the early stage of Yuanying, but he has already reached places that can only be reached in the late stage of Yuanying..."

Guan Ao's heart condensed slightly.

He glanced slightly, and soon saw the figures of other Wanxiang Sect members on the stone steps.

"This Ji Yuan is pretty good. Although he is not as amazing as Zhao Feng, he has already reached more than 1,200 floors."

"Xi Wushang... I am ashamed of the reputation of Master Xi Kui and Chunyuan Peak. He has only reached the thousandth level."

But after thinking about it, Guan Ao also reacted.

Xi Wushang is a Pure Yuan Peak cultivator. He is good at overpowering people with his powerful magic power. He is not as good as sword cultivators and sword cultivators at the same level. Moreover, his training in the Dragon Transformation Heavenly Way is targeted, so this result is normal.

He then saw the remaining Nascent Soul monks of the Wanxiang Sect between the 800th floor and the 1,000th floor.

Although the speed is slow, it is still steady and has not yet reached the limit.

His eyes moved down again, and then he saw a pretty girl in purple robe, climbing casually, and now she had reached a position close to the 800th floor.

That is already the limit of the Golden Core Realm.

"As expected of the successor of Wan Dharma Lineage."

Guan Ao nodded secretly.

This girl's cultivation level is only in the middle stage of Golden Core.

But judging from his relaxed appearance, it's obvious that he hasn't reached his limit yet.

After a few more glances, I saw a figure climbing up quickly.

"Eh? Isn't this the disciple of Master Nephew Zhao?"

Guan Aowei was a little surprised.

Although the opponent only climbed the steps around the 600th floor, his speed was extremely fast and he did not spend much time on each floor.

Obviously, the existing strength far exceeds the current level of experience.

After reading some more, I found that the overall performance of the disciples who came this time far exceeded that of most of the monks here.

"This is probably the most intuitive difference between casual cultivators and sect disciples."

Guan Ao thought secretly in his heart.

He was soon attracted by Master Hualong's exclamation.

Then he discovered that Zhao Feng's climbing speed, instead of slowing down, actually accelerated a lot.

"This little guy is training for battle, using the opponents he is experiencing to hone himself! Let his swordsmanship become more and more pure!"

"He is not following the traditional path of cultivating his magic power, but the way of proving the sword with his heart, and using the sword to clarify his heart. As long as the resources can keep up, the improvement speed is much faster than that of ordinary monks, but it is also much more dangerous. Once Having been defeated by others in the way of swordsmanship, I have lost my courage and determination to make progress, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to make any further progress..."

Master Hualong couldn't help but look in amazement, shook his head and sighed:

"This little guy is very courageous!"

"Among the former Daqian royal family, this boy's courage, talent, and courage were enough to rank among the top three!"

When Guan Ao heard this, he was proud of you.

"It's one thousand eight hundred floors!"

Master Hualong leaned forward slightly, his eyes fixed on the figure who never stopped on the steps.

It's not just him.

Outside the steps, the monks who had not stepped onto the steps also saw this scene.

A figure passed through the sparse crowd on the steps and walked calmly on the steps.

From time to time, starlight fell into the body of the monk below, which should have aroused the exclamation and envy of many people, but at this moment, no one cared at all.

"One thousand nine hundred floors!"

This time, this figure finally left everyone behind.

Master Hualong's hand stroking his beard froze in place, but he stared at the figure without realizing it.

Even Guan Ao couldn't help but become nervous at this moment.

"One thousand nine hundred and seventy floors!"

"One thousand nine hundred and ninety floors!"

"One thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight...ninety-nine..."

This time, Zhao Feng finally paused slightly.

Standing in front of two thousand floors.

Standing between the Nascent Soul and the Spiritual Transformation Experience.

A wave of fluctuation quietly came from his body.

"This fellow disciple of yours has gained quite a lot this time. He has actually been promoted."

Master Hualong seemed to see something and couldn't help but nod in admiration.

Guan Ao was surprised and happy when he heard this:

"It seems that the deputy sect master sent us here at the right time!"

Zhao Feng stood on the stone steps, paused for a while, and then finally took a step.

At this step, he stepped firmly on the two thousandth stone step.

"What's his name?"

Master Hualong couldn't help but ask aloud at this moment.

Although Guan Ao was overjoyed, he did not lose his vigilance. As soon as his thoughts came to his mind, he responded:

"Returning to Senior, his name has long been forgotten. We all call him 'Transparent Sword Immortal'."

"Transparent Sword Immortal?"

Master Hualong read this name, but his eyes were full of expectation as he stared at Zhao Feng.

The monks in front of the steps below also looked closely at Zhao Feng's figure.

In their eyes full of expectation but disbelief, Zhao Feng stepped towards the 2001st floor!

And the moment he stepped onto this level.

Zhao Feng's body couldn't stop trembling.

The footsteps even hung on the stone steps and never fell!

"It's still a bit forced... Although the difficulty of the stone steps has been appropriately lowered according to his cultivation level, and it is not a true experience of becoming a god, it is still too forced for him..."

Master Hualong stared at Zhao Feng closely. Although he spoke reluctantly, there was a rare trace of nervousness, excitement and expectation on his face.

And under such complicated gazes.

Zhao Feng's body suddenly split open inch by inch!

His face became chapped.

However, the strong sword intent in his body was like the lead being washed away, becoming purer and sharper.

And his feet fell down bit by bit firmly and at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, we landed on the stone steps!

The moment his feet landed on the stone steps.

One of the three brightest stars in the sky suddenly rose in starlight, and then turned into a stream of light and fell directly into Zhao Feng's arms.

The next moment, Zhao Feng's figure disappeared directly on the stone steps.

As Zhao Feng disappeared, the entire Hualong Pond fell silent!

A few breaths later, a piece of shocking news quickly spread from the Hualong Pond to the ears of many leaders of forces outside the Hualong Pond.

"The Heavenly Saint Treasure Mirror, one of the three major Void Refining inheritances, has been seized by overseas monks!"

"Arrest the overseas monks quickly!"

Wanxiang Sutra Library.

In front of Wang Yan, all kinds of jade slips, books, and inheritance items were piled up unknowingly.

He was completely unaware that the endless hours of study and study, combined with the consumption of life span, made him more and more enlightened, but also more and more confused.

"The harmony of yin and yang creates all things. All things are created out of nothing, and differences are created out of something. This is creation, heaven and earth, and the place of Tao..."

"But if it really comes out of nothing, then what is yin and yang?"

"Pros and cons, up and down, men and women, blessings and misfortunes... everything in the world has its opposites, which are the physical appearance and the nature of things."

"Then the beginning of Yin and Yang, could it be Hunyuan?"

"Yes, this is the so-called life of two, two of three, and three of all things. The way of Yin and Yang has another source, but the way of all living things originates from Yin and Yang. So that's it, that's it!"

Slowly, recalling the five elements he had learned, the wind and thunder he had learned, and the many skills and techniques he had learned, and they corroborated each other, he gradually gained a deeper understanding of yin and yang.

I gradually gained a clear understanding of the most obscure part of the "Return of the Universe".

On this day, he suddenly stood up.

He raised his eyes, looked around, and said:

"Please ask Elder Pang and Senior Jiang to show up."

The words just fell.

Pang Xiu's figure quietly emerged.

His eyes glanced at the classics and jade slips piled around Wang Hao.

"Have you given up already? It's only been a while, so it's good to avoid wasting time."

Thinking of this, Pang Xiu comforted softly:

"Even if you can't understand the way of yin and yang clearly, it won't have much impact on your way of all laws. After all, you are already a Nascent Soul. It is already impossible to integrate into the way of yin and yang. Just concentrate..."

But Wang Hao smiled and shook his head and said:

"Uncle Pang, please invite Senior Jiang to come. I have already brought the firewood she asked for."

Pang Xiu didn't react at first, but after understanding the meaning of Wang Ba's words, he was still a little confused:

"Have you realized it yet?" (End of Chapter)

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