"Uncle Master's injury can't be solved even by transforming into a god?"

Inside the bamboo house of the Lingzhi Department.

After Wang Hao was silent for a while, he couldn't help but speak.

"Become a god?"

The old farmer couldn't help but choked:

"For this skin, please transform into a god to take action?"

"Besides, I was just a golden elixir cultivator at that time with few merits. How could I invite the Transformation God! But your master was already at the height of his power at that time, and Yao Wudi's name was even resounding throughout the land of Wu and Chu. Hehe, even though I am of the same generation as him, in the In his eyes, I am just a late learner, and I am afraid he has never even looked at me!"

"Lao Ma, Senior Brother Yao is not like this..."

Cui Daqi on the side couldn't help but interjected.

But the old farmer shouted angrily:

"He was the master of a peak back then and owned the property of a peak. If he wanted to, he could easily spend his meritorious deeds to save me. How could I be despised by others!"

Hearing this, Wang Yan couldn't help but said:

"Uncle Master...I'm afraid it's not that the master doesn't want to treat him, but that he himself is short of money."

"Yes, Senior Brother Yao has always been poor. It's not like you don't know that."

Cui Daqi quickly echoed and comforted.

"Haha, Cui Daqi, stop making excuses for him!"

The old farmer sneered and was about to say something else.

Wang Hao hesitated for a moment and suddenly said: "What if I can ask the spiritual uncle to take action?"

The old farmer couldn't help but be stunned, and then he couldn't help laughing loudly:


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Don't say that I underestimate you. Even if your master comes forward, he may not be able to invite the Transformation God, let alone you little guy who hasn't even obtained a single golden elixir!"

Cui Daqi couldn't help but look at Wang Yan with a look of helplessness on his face.

Why haven't you noticed before that this kid is still a braggart?

But this is indeed a bit similar to my senior brother.

However, in the face of the old farmer's laughter, Wang Yan looked extremely calm:

"It won't be long before my master can step into the realm of divine transformation. When the time comes, I will ask my master to treat my uncle..."

"He? Transformed into a god?"

The old farmer's smile gradually faded, revealing a faint smile:

"If he could become a god, he would have become a god long ago!"

"Do you know how old he is now? Over two thousand two hundred years old!"

"My Dajin spirit energy is at its peak, but the normal lifespan of a Yuanying is only a thousand and a half. He lived more than seven hundred years longer than the ordinary Yuanying! But there is no sign of becoming a god at all... Nowadays, many life-extending treasures have no effect on He is no longer of much use, he can live for seventy or eighty years at most, haha, you actually believe that he can transform into a god."

Hearing the old farmer's words, Wang Hao was suddenly shocked:

"Master, do you only have seventy or eighty years left to live?"

Seventy or eighty years is already a lifetime for most people.

However, for a Nascent Soul cultivator, it is just a short stage.

Wang Hao had long known that Yao Wudi didn't have much longevity, but he never expected that he only had this little left.

The old farmer noticed the change in Wang Ba's expression and said clearly:

"It seems that you don't know either... Hehe, he is also a poor person. I am afraid that he was tricked by your master."

There was a hint of compassion in his tone.

After hearing this, Wang Hao finally recovered from his previous shock, shook his head slowly, and was about to speak.

Cui Daqi on the side quickly sent a message:

"Wang Ba, please stop talking. He is angry. If that doesn't work, let's go to other peaks and buy some spiritual grain bran or something."

Wang Hao also sent a message and replied: "Don't worry, Uncle Cui, I have a sense of discretion."

Cui Daqi nodded when he heard the words.

In the past few days since Wang Ba entered the Spiritual Food Department, he has also discovered that compared to Yao Wudi's flamboyant temperament, Wang Ba is indeed more stable and knowledgeable.

It made him very relieved.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard Wang Hao's unceremonious retort:

"What Master Uncle Ma said may be because he was accidentally injured by Master, so he is a bit extreme."

Cui Daqi on the side suddenly darkened his eyes when he heard this.

Is this what you said to reassure me?

You're just poking at someone's airbag tube!

As expected, the old farmer immediately said angrily: "Am I extreme?! It was your master who ruined me, and you say I am extreme?!"

Wang Ba's face was unexpectedly calm, and he said in a deep voice:

"Uncle, master, just ask yourself if you are extreme. I just want to say that the mistake has been made. Either make it right, or find a way to solve it. Uncle master must know more about these principles than the disciple. The disciple has only one idea, and that is to help Uncle Master should solve this problem and make up for the mistakes made by the Master. Whether the Master can achieve the goal of becoming a god is not important in this matter. If it can be achieved, please ask the Master to take action. If not...it should be the responsibility of the disciple."

Looking at Wang Ba's sincere look and hearing the sincerity in Wang Ba's tone.

Cui Daqi on the side was slightly moved.

The old farmer couldn't help but hesitated, but immediately couldn't help but mocked:

"Are you going to take the responsibility? Ha, I said it before, you are just a foundation builder..."

However, Wang Hao interrupted directly, looked directly at the old farmer, and said seriously:

"Didn't the ancestor of the God Transformation come from the foundation building?"

"My talent is ordinary, but since I can be accepted by the sect, even though I think I am dull, I am not unworthy of cultivation. If I cannot build the foundation, then I will use the golden elixir. If I cannot achieve the golden elixir, then I will use the Nascent Soul!"

"If Nascent Soul still fails... I am ashamed to say that the disciple has a little talent in beast control and spiritual cooking. It is not too difficult to accumulate merits. Even if the disciple spends all his savings, he still wants to invite the ancestor of the gods. Take action, Uncle Healer."

"There is always a way to solve Uncle Master's problem... It just depends on whether Uncle Master is willing."

These words did not sound so loud and clear.

However, there is a firm belief and a firm will in it. The monks present, whose cultivation is much higher than Wang Yan, can clearly feel it.

This is not just a nice word on the scene.

Everyone present could not help but be moved by it.

Even the old farmer couldn't help but feel speechless at this moment.

Cui Daqi couldn't help but look at the old farmer.

After a long time, the old farmer finally spoke, with a hint of ridicule in his tone:

"Waiting for your Nascent Soul...I'm afraid I'll be dead a long time ago."

But the tone of his voice was much lower than before.

And unconsciously, most of the anger in his tone had quietly disappeared.

Sensing the looseness in the old farmer's tone, Wang Hao's heart suddenly relaxed.

"It's done!"

It is not advisable to keep a low profile and hide from Master's old grudges.

It's not that it's wrong to keep a low profile, but it's just that you can only be a thief for a thousand days, and there is no reason to prevent a thief for a thousand days.

After all, no one can tell how many people are at odds with Master and where they are waiting for him.

Rather than being embarrassed when the time comes, it is better to stand up openly and be honest.

In a word, I will take the blame for Master, as long as you have the nerve to do so.

After all, they are all seniors. Even if they have some disagreements with their master, it would be a shame to embarrass him, a junior.

Within the sect, the circle of high-level monks is only that big.

If something happens, everyone in the sect will probably know about it.

So normally, not many people would do this.

If you love feathers, you might even take special care of Wang Ba to show your generosity.

This was what Wang Yan was thinking, and why he had to take the initiative to stand up.

He wanted to get rid of the troubles he might encounter in the future once and for all.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the old farmer looked at him and said mockingly:

"Return to the Nascent Soul...Why didn't you say you would help me after you transformed into a god?"

Wang Hao was slightly startled, then said calmly:

"That's what I think in my heart... I'm just afraid that my uncle will think that I'm deceiving you, so I don't boast."

Now the old farmer couldn't hold himself any longer and looked at Wang Yan with wide eyes:

"You really dare to think..."

Cui Daqi couldn't help but mutter.

With such a confident look, he looks more and more like Senior Brother Yao...

The old farmer paused for a moment, pondered slightly, and then seemed to have made some decision. He looked at Wang Yan again, but his tone was still extremely cold:

"The spiritual grain chaff you need... I will supply it to you as long as I am in the Spiritual Planting Department. But we have agreed that after you become a god, you will have to make up for the mistakes your master made. This, Do you dare to swear an oath?"

Hearing the old farmer's words, Wang Yan couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

He has actually given up on getting chicken feed here. The reason why he is still here is just to show an attitude.

But I didn't expect...

Without any hesitation, he immediately swore an oath to his inner demon:

"Disciple Wang Ba, if you can transform into a god, you will do your best to heal Uncle Ma's soul and body injuries!"

When the old farmer heard this, he nodded slightly.

Immediately, he passed Wang Ba directly and walked out of the bamboo house.

Cui Daqi gave Wang Ba a thumbs up, and immediately ran out: "Wait for me, old horse."

And all around, the monks from the Spiritual Planting Department looked at Wang Yan with wonderful expressions that opened their eyes.

Deacon surnamed Qiu couldn't help but walk up to Wang Yan with admiration on his face:

"Deacon Wang, you are the first person I have ever seen who dares to talk back to the minister..."

"Qiu Feng! Have you poured out the manure on the fallow spiritual fields?"

The old farmer's solemn voice came from outside the bamboo house.

Deacon surnamed Qiu: "Uh..."

He glanced at Wang Hao helplessly and left immediately.

The others originally wanted to get acquainted with Wang Ba, but seeing the situation, they immediately did not dare to speak anymore, politely handed over to Wang Ba, and left quickly.

Seeing this, Wang Ba no longer stayed, and immediately flew out of the Lingzhi Department. After bowing to Cui Daqi and the old farmer in the distance, he flew towards Wanfa Peak.

"Old Ma, aren't you making things difficult for me? How can it be so easy to become a god..."

Cui Daqi looked at Wang Ba's flying figure in the distance and couldn't help but blame him.

The old farmer glanced at him and said calmly: "What, you don't have confidence in him?"

"This is not a question of confidence or lack of confidence, Senior Brother Yao... The difficulty of practicing Wanfa Lineage is too high. It has scared away countless young people who have just joined the sect over the years. Even us, no one dared to go to Wanfa Lineage at that time. Feng, being able to achieve Nascent Soul is already extremely good."

Cui Daqi said helplessly.

When the old farmer heard this, he shook his head slightly and said nothing more. He just looked at Wang Hao's departing figure with a hint of appreciation in his eyes:

"This son is different from his bastard master."

At this moment, the two of them seemed to feel something and looked towards the sky in unison.

Immediately his expression changed:

"That is……"

Mission Hall.

Yao Wudi strode across the crowd in the mission hall square.

Although he has a majestic figure, no one can feel it when he walks among them.

He walked straight to the huge water curtain at the front of the square and stopped in front of the fourth water curtain.

He raised his head slightly and saw the golden light shining on the water curtain, and he immediately smiled with relief:

"Haha, I remember correctly! Only defeat, not kill..."

"Thirty thousand meritorious deeds are obtained."

He didn't hesitate and immediately threw out a pale gold identity tag.

Soon, a golden light dissipated above the water curtain.

The identity card also flew back to Yao Wudi's hands.

He immediately flew towards the small room where he submitted the task not far away.


Soon, the task settlement was assigned to him.

The Jindan monk in charge of the settlement saw Yao Wudi. Although he felt a little unfamiliar, the unfathomable aura on the other person's body could not be faked, and he quickly said politely:

"This uncle..."

When Xuan Ji saw the pale gold identity tag handed over by Yao Wudi, his expression changed slightly and he quickly changed his words: "Uncle, are you here to submit a task?"

"Nonsense, why don't I come to have tea with you?"

"The mission of the Original Demon Sect..."

Yao Wudi said impatiently in a hurry to go back.

But the other party didn't dare to say anything and was about to take the identity card from Yao Wudi's hand.


Yao Wudi suddenly seemed to feel something, and couldn't help but look towards the sky.

Looking over the mighty formations high in the sky that enveloped the entire Wanxiang Sect for tens of thousands of miles, he saw several figures that were menacing, raging with demonic energy, and without cover.

The auras of these figures are far-reaching, profound, and difficult to measure.

His expression suddenly froze slightly, and he subconsciously held the identity tag in his hand.

"Original Demon Sect!"

"Monk of Transformation!"

At this moment, the Jindan monk hesitated and said: "Uncle, I need your identity card to settle the task..."

Yao Wudi's mind was spinning, and he suddenly said: "Show me the details of defeating the first holy son of the original demon sect."


The Jindan monk in the window looked stunned: "Uncle, this is against the rules..."

"Hurry up and show me the rules of fart!"

Yao Wudi looked impatient and directly sucked a jade slip from the opponent's hand.

His spiritual consciousness swept over, and when he saw the handsome appearance of the First Holy Son in the jade slip, Yao Wudi was stunned.

Immediately he couldn't help but uttered a curse word:


"It's him!"

the fat is in the fire!

This thought immediately came to Yao Wudi's mind.

Because he clearly remembered...this bullshit First Holy Son was the first one he killed when he besieged those people from the Original Demon Sect.

It wasn't because he was weak, but because the other party was quite capable. At least 60% of the ten thousand magical patterns that were destroyed on his body were caused by the other party.

It was also because he had so much fun playing that it even made him realize something. He was so excited that he couldn't keep his hand...

Yao Wudi quickly retracted the hand holding the identity card.

"Uncle, that identity card..."

"Uncle...I've never been here before!"

Yao Wudi said hurriedly.

He was about to fly to Wanfa Peak.

In the entire Wanxiang Sect, a clear voice suddenly sounded in the ears of all Yuanying monks.

"All Yuanying monks, come to Chunyang Palace."


Yao Wudi's figure froze, and a trace of nervousness flashed in his eyes.


Even the sect leader was alarmed!

He couldn't help but glance at some teleportation arrays within the sect, feeling faintly moved.

But at this moment, a voice unexpectedly sounded.

"Senior Brother Yao?"

Hearing this voice, Yao Wudi's face suddenly fell.

But he still turned around helplessly.

"Junior Brother Qu."

In front of his eyes, a middle-aged monk with a harsh look in his eyebrows and wearing a black gold cloak flew out from the Tiger Head Palace in Shaoyin Mountain.

It is the master of Shaoyin Mountain, Qu Shen Tong.

At this moment, he looked at Yao Wudi with a hint of surprise and surprise in his eyes:

"Senior Brother Yao, didn't you go to Fengxiao Strait? Why did you come so soon..."

Yao Wudi opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

It can't be said that after accepting the mission, he followed his spiritual sense to Dayan and killed the first holy son of Dayan's original demon sect, right?

"Ahem, something happened."

Yao Wudi said a few words casually.

Although Qu Shentong was confused when he saw this, he didn't ask any more questions. He just said strangely:

"It's rare for the sect leader to ask us to go to Chunyang Palace together. I don't know what happened...Does Senior Brother Yao know?"

Yao Wudi coughed twice: "Well, I just came back, so I'm not sure."

With that said, he flew up.

Upon seeing this, Qu Shentong quickly reminded kindly:

"Senior Brother Yao, you are going to the wrong place. Chunyang Palace is over there."

Why do you have so much control?

Yao Wudi cursed secretly in his heart, but at this time, Nascent Soul cultivators also appeared one after another on some of the surrounding peaks.

I wanted to leave at this moment, but it was too eye-catching.

"That's all! The sect master won't risk my life at all!"

"Besides, there is no evidence that I did it..."

In a dilemma, Yao Wudi simply broke the jar and threw it away, then headed towards Chunyang Palace with Qu Shentong and some acquaintances.

At this moment, Chunyang Palace, one of the two palaces, rarely appeared from the void.

It was quiet inside the ancient, simple and seemingly ordinary palace.

Yao Wudi walked into the palace with everyone.

But what surprised him was that the sect master was not seen in the palace.

There is only one place that is placed, and there is no distinction between superior and inferior.

Yao Wudi moved his ears and heard the whispers of some Nascent Soul monks in the palace.

"I heard that the leader of Dayan's Original Demon Sect came here in person...the leader is negotiating with him outside..."

"...The leader of the Demon Sect is here...for what reason?"

"Who knows, but it doesn't look very friendly, so it's probably not a good thing."

Hearing this, Yao Wudi quickly tried to peek outside.

However, Chunyang Palace seemed ordinary, but inside it, not even Yao Wudi's spiritual consciousness could penetrate it at all.

It didn't take long.

Yao Wudi suddenly felt something in his heart and looked toward the high platform of the palace.

Then he saw a monk with a white face and no beard, a dignified appearance, but no emotion in his eyes, quietly appeared in the palace.

"Second Elder."

Yao Wudi's face darkened.

Immediately afterwards, figures of old or young monks with obscure auras that were difficult to detect appeared one after another.

"Fourth Elder...Seventh Elder...Elder Du...Senior Brother Pang..."

Fifteen people in total.

They are also the fifteen... transformed gods who are still in the sect!

Seeing these people, Yao Wudi's heart became heavier and heavier.

He vaguely felt that the impact of the trouble he had caused this time might be far greater than he had previously expected.

"It's just a Holy Son... Isn't this battle over?"

Yao Wudi whispered secretly in his heart.

And just then.

A middle-aged monk with a long beard and a gentle face, wearing the 'Vientiane Purple Ribbon Clothes' that represented the identity of the sect master, came quietly from outside the hall.

It seemed slow but was actually fast. In just a blink of an eye, he was already standing in front of everyone.

Seeing this person, including the fifteen god-transforming monks, all the monks saluted and said in unison:

"I've met the sect leader."

It was none other than the leader of the Wanxiang Sect, Shao Yangzi.

Shao Yangzi’s voice was clear and gentle:

"No need to be polite, please sit down first."

The gentle tone made Yao Wudi feel slightly relieved.

After everyone was seated, Shao Yangzi said directly without further involvement:

"I invite you to come here for two things."

"The first thing is the great flood disaster, which has been raging for more than a hundred years. The three continents of Xituozhou, Tupizhou and Daoshengzhou have been confirmed to be sinking..."

Yao Wudi breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn it, I was scared to death!

He thought it was coming for him.

But this was obviously no small matter, and he quickly pricked up his ears to listen.

"...I have received accurate news that all the monks from the Three Continents have now evacuated from the original Three Continents. In about sixty or seventy years, their main force will cross the West Sea and collide with our Feng Linzhou monks..."

Shao Yangzi said in a deep voice:

"This catastrophe is a great catastrophe. No one in Feng Linzhou can escape it. Therefore, just now, our three sects and one clan of Great Jin have joined forces with Dayan."

"Everyone has an idea in mind, and at the same time, you must practice well and be prepared to deal with disasters at any time."

"In addition, due to the addition of Monk King Xin in the Xihai Kingdom, the Ashna tribe in Tubizhou has become more and more arrogant. I have made an agreement with the Changsheng Sect that the Ashna side will be handed over to my sect. After that, let’s discuss together who will go to Xihai Kingdom.”

"Monk King Xin?"

Yao Wudi was stunned. Isn't this the person he chose to give him the chance to understand the Tao?

He couldn't help but look at Shao Yangzi, but was shocked to find that Shao Yangzi also gave him a meaningful smile.

Yao Wudi suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Shao Yangzi then said:

"We'll talk about this later. Let's talk about the second thing... The first and seventh holy sons of the original demon sect and the six Nascent Soul monks who were protecting the way were killed by the same monk in the south of the Great Yan border. Near Shaocheng... According to the description of the surviving Ninth Holy Son, someone from the Demon Sect believes that it was someone from my Wanxiang Sect who took action... Does anyone want to come out and claim it?"

In the originally quiet palace, there was a burst of surprised sounds and discussions.

One person killed eight Nascent Soul monks alone, and he was also the Holy Son and Protector of the Original Demon Sect. Such a record was really too exaggerated.

Even the deputy hall masters and ministers of each hall, if they ask themselves, they are definitely not that capable.

After all, the Original Demon Sect is no weaker than the Wanxiang Sect. No, strictly speaking, the Original Demon Sect is much stronger than the Wanxiang Sect.

After all, the ability of Great Yan to compete with Great Jin was inseparable from the contribution of the original Demon Sect.

But soon someone noticed that the sect leader Shao Yangzi's eyes had already fallen on someone.

When Yao Wudi saw this, he knew he couldn't hide, so he walked out with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Sect Master, I said I didn't mean it, do you believe it?"

Shao Yangzi smiled slightly:

"I believe it, but the leader of the original Demon Sect, Shangguan, doesn't really believe it."

"The first holy son of the Demon Sect has already stepped on the threshold of becoming a god, but you beat him to death... Not to mention the master of the Demon Sect, if it were me, I would also like to kill you with my own hands."

"You can't blame me... I didn't know what the First Holy Son looked like. I thought he was the one I let go..."

Yao Wudi grimaced.

The Nascent Soul monks around him suddenly became speechless when they heard Yao Wudi's words.

The co-author really did hold back.

Some people who are familiar with him have no doubt about this. This is indeed Yao Wudi's style.

Shao Yangzi shook his head gently: "I'm not blaming you... On the contrary, I want to praise you. If you hadn't taken action this time and hurt the original demon sect... they might not have joined forces with us so quickly, so, You have done a great job.”

When Yao Wudi heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then his face was full of disbelief.

Not only is this not a fault, but it is actually meritorious?

Big ups and downs, a little too fast, right?

"Since you have made meritorious service, you will naturally be rewarded... Well, I will send you to the Xihai Kingdom to fight against the Ashna tribe of Tupizhou. What do you think?"

Shao Yangzi said with a smile.

There are 200,000 words updated this month, which is 20,000 words less than last month. The update is really a stretch... Mainly because there are many things to do, and I write them all when I go home. I am working hard to adjust my schedule and the amount of updates this month, with a target of 240,000 words... Well, Make a vow to your inner demons

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