South Shaocheng.

A large city located on the southwest border of Dayan.

The city walls are brand new.

This place is one of the few places directly bordering Jin Dynasty.

About a few dozen miles to the southwest is the prestigious Jin Dynasty.

The relationship between the two dynasties was not harmonious because they adhered to completely different or even completely opposite ideals.

Even in such a general environment where monks from other continents invaded, although the two dynasties restrained the overt fighting, they still had constant disagreements with each other.

The monks headed by the Changsheng Sect of the Jin Dynasty often broke into the territory of Dayan and suppressed the demonic monks in Dayan.

And the top sects in Dayan, such as the Original Demon Sect, would often send their heroes to the Great Jin to burn, kill, and loot.

Relations between the two dynasties were tense.

Because of this, there are many high-level monks stationed in Nanshao City every day to prepare for raids by the Jin monks.

On this day, flags were erected on top of the city.

The flag was fluttering, with the words "Holy Zong Eternal" and "Welcome the Holy Son" faintly.

The auras of each one ranged from Foundation Establishment to Nascent Soul, and all the kind-hearted monks were, without exception, standing on the top of the city, heads tilted towards the north.

It didn't take long.

From the horizon, finally a large piece of auspicious cloud slowly flew over.

From a distance, you can see fairy sounds lingering and golden lotuses falling from the sky.

Above the auspicious clouds, there are goddesses, strong men, treasure couches, tents...

In the middle, there are three palaces with different styles, but all are generally gorgeous.

Seeing the arrival of Xiangyun and the three palaces, the monks on the city top, except for the Yuanying monk, all knelt down in great respect.

Shouting loudly and in unison:

"Welcome to the First Holy Son, the Seventh Holy Son, and the Ninth Holy Son of the Original Holy Sect!"

On the top of the city, the leader, a white-haired old man exuding the aura of the mid-stage Nascent Soul, bowed respectfully and said:

"The master of the Blood Shadow Sect in Nanshaocheng City, the late cultivator Diao Taiping, respectfully welcomes all the saints of the Holy Sect and has prepared the best blood sacrifices for all the saints."

Above the auspicious clouds, in the palace in the middle of the three palaces, a lazy and magnetic man's voice suddenly sounded:

"Yes, Master Diao is interested."

When the white-haired old man heard this, a trace of imperceptible joy flashed in his eyes, but his expression became more respectful:

"Where can I be, to be able to serve the Holy Sect and the Holy Sons, which is what I should do as a minor cultivator. The Holy Son can go into the city to have a rest, and allow Diao to present a blood sacrifice to you..."

Inside the palace, the voice interrupted leisurely:

"There is no need for blood sacrifices. Nanshaocheng is located on the border and is subject to turmoil every year. It takes time for the mortals kept in the city to grow. We are not here for the blood sacrifices."

"I just heard that Peng Dashou, the true disciple of the Changsheng Sect, came here a few days ago. It happened that I and a few junior brothers were patrolling around to control the unruly cultivators, so I decided to come here for a visit."

"If Peng Dashou doesn't come, that's fine. If he comes, teach him how to come and never come back."

There was still a trace of laziness in his voice, but when Diao Taiping heard this, his face was full of surprise:

"Peng Dashou District Changsheng Sect's true biography, how virtuous and capable, can actually get the saint sons to personally take action, it is simply a blessing in three lifetimes, even if you die immediately, you can rest in peace."

"Oh, it's just Peng Dashou. It doesn't require senior senior brother and seventh senior brother to personally take action. I can easily handle it by myself."

Among the three palaces, a chuckle came from the palace on the left.

When Diao Taiping heard this, he quickly agreed.

However, he still had the foresight to find three storage magic weapons.

Hold your hands above your head.


"Since the three holy sons do not want to enjoy the blood sacrifice... this is my humble intention, so please accept it."

There was a hint of relief in the tone of that lazy voice:

"Master Diao is really interested."



A voice came from each of the other two palaces.

Then the lazy voice ordered.

"Junior Brother Shenfu, I'll trouble you to go there."

Among the auspicious clouds, a cold voice suddenly sounded:


As soon as he finished speaking, a monk in black clothes with a fair and cold face flew over from above the auspicious clouds.

The aura on his body is not very powerful, and it only looks like that of the late stage of foundation building.

Diao Taiping did not dare to show any slightness.

Although the other party's name is quite unfamiliar, he can be affectionately called Junior Brother by the First Holy Son. I think that even if he is not the Holy Son now, he will probably be one of them in the future.

Seeing that the other party's face was cold and his temperament was extremely cold.

While Diao Taiping handed over the three storage instruments in his hand to the other party, he quickly took out another one from his sleeve and handed it to the young-looking monk without leaving any trace.

The Original Demon Sect is the unquestionable number one sect in Dayan. Handing over the true inheritance of its sect in advance is an instinct that every monk practicing in Dayan must have.

After all, most of these true disciples will be the top leaders of the original Demon Sect in the future.

What made Diao Taiping slightly relieved was that although the other party paused for a moment and looked surprised, he still put away the storage magic weapon without leaving a trace.

Soon, Shenfu, holding three storage instruments, flew back into the auspicious clouds. Then he walked to the palace one by one, and the storage instruments were immediately put away by the attendants next to him.

Feeling the strong sense of prying eyes coming from the palace in the middle, Shen Fu walked aside without changing his expression.

The eyes look at the nose, and the nose looks at the heart, seemingly without realizing it.

The mind was quietly stored in the spiritual platform.

Seeing the empty memorial platform, he couldn't help but said angrily:

"Mo Jiang, why did you let me accept that guy named Diao! This guy is not a good person at first glance!"

From the empty spiritual platform, a strange voice with an extremely leisurely tone came:

"Boy Shen, why are you so naive? In this world of Dayan, there is no distinction between good and bad. To put it bluntly, it's all for cultivation."

"What's more, if you don't take over, won't you let this First Holy Son stare at you even more?"

After hearing this, Shen Fu could not help but be slightly silent.

Feeling the disgusting and uneasy feeling of being spied on by a high-level monk again, Shen Fu couldn't help but frown and said:

"It's all your fault for making me join some primitive demon sect, causing me to be accepted as a disciple by the elders of the primitive demon sect, and letting this First Holy Son target me!"

Hearing the words, the strange voice couldn't help but said:

"Hey, hey, you kid, don't be so heartless! If I hadn't pointed you out, would you have been accepted as a disciple by the Transformation God? Or even have the chance to become the Holy Son of the Original Demon Sect? Just dream of your spring and autumn dream!"

"And can you blame me for being targeted? If you hadn't been ruthless enough to enjoy the blood sacrifice, which aroused people's suspicion, why would they be staring at you! Originally, they only wanted to take care of your master's face. I’m waiting for you to come out and practice.”

"Just be lucky! If I hadn't found a powerful master for you, people wouldn't even be keeping an eye on you. You would have been stripped of your skin and bones, and not even a scrap of your bones would be left!"

When Shen Fu heard this, his heart sank slightly:

"Then what should I do now? He's already been targeted, and it looks like he will attack me at any time..."

"What should I do? Salad!"

Yaoyi's voice sounded unconcerned: "Don't worry, you haven't done anything against the original demon sect. He won't gain anything if he stares at you for a while."

"Are we going to let him stare like this all the time?"

Shen Fu was unwilling to give in: "I also want to return to Yan Kingdom to find Senior Brother and Sister Chan as soon as possible after rescuing you. If he does this, wouldn't I..."

Hearing this, the demonic voice couldn't help but soften its tone:

"Haste makes waste. Besides, I can still persist now. After you reach Nascent Soul, we can take a trip to Beihai."

"Now, you should peacefully be your disciple of Transformation God and cultivate your master well."

When Shen Fu heard this, he nodded slightly in his heart.

The strange voice said again: "But..."

"But what?"

Shen Fu frowned slightly.

The demonic voice said: "However, I think that the First Holy Son is staring at you, and he may not be suspicious of you... According to the urine of the original demon sect, I think he may want to refine you into an incarnation... …”


Shen Fu was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but feel shocked.

"The original Devil Sect's "Red Devil Great Emperor's Taoism" is to select a person with extraordinary talents and refine him into the Red Devil Great Emperor's incarnation. Through this incarnation, he can inherit the true meaning of the Red Devil Great Emperor and transform it into an incarnation. The God-Transforming Dao Machine..."

The strange voice said slowly:

"This is your talent. If you practice the Five Elements Qi Refining Way, you are just mediocre. But if you practice the real magic technique, you will be like a fish in water."

Shen Fu was shocked: "This... isn't he afraid of my master..."

The strange voice suddenly sneered:

"Oh, we, the demon monks, have the most important interests. As long as the compensation is enough, you will be truly transformed into an incarnation, and your master will not do anything for you."

After hearing this, Shen Fu fell silent for a moment and whispered in the spiritual platform:

"Is there no other way?"

"Yes, now send a transmission note to your cheap master and see if he will come to save you..."

The strange voice said casually.

"Don't be kidding, I'm serious!"

Shen Fu couldn't help but said angrily.

"Who are you kidding me? If I were still alive, let alone a mere First Holy Son, even if your cheap master came in person, I could make him regret seeing me. But now you are just a Zhu. A late stage monk is being targeted by someone in the late stage of Nascent Soul, are you going to take the lead and run away?"

"Unless you are truly destined, have unparalleled luck, and encounter a rare opportunity..."

The strange voice clicked its tongue.

Shen Fu was immediately angry and helpless.

If he was truly unparalleled in luck, why would he be targeted by the First Holy Son?

There may even be danger of life at any time...

Wait, what is that? !

Shen Fu's eyes couldn't help but be attracted by the scene in the distance.

On the southwest horizon, the originally stretched clouds seemed to be affected by something, and they changed rapidly.

Not only him, he also noticed the rapid changes in the clouds in the distance. At the auspicious cloud where the three saints were, all the monks accompanying him couldn't help but look into the distance.

Even the monks on the top of Nanshaocheng City couldn't help but look nervously to the southwest.

Diao Taiping, who noticed the movement, could not help but change his face slightly:

"Could it be someone from the Changsheng Sect of the Jin Dynasty? Peng Dashou? Or Fu Wannian?"

After hearing Diao Taiping's muttering to himself, a proud voice came from the auspicious clouds above the city and from the palace on the left where he had just spoken:

"Whether it's Peng Dashou or Fu Wannian...if they come, they will die!"

While he was talking, a figure suddenly rushed out of the clouds on the horizon and flew straight towards this side!

There were monks here with sharp ears and eyes, and they immediately saw the general appearance of the figure:

A naked-chested man with explosive muscles.

"What a speed!"

Diao Taiping looked shocked and said quickly:

"It's not Peng Dashou, nor Fu Wannian."

He has been in the border area for a long time and is very familiar with the monks who often travel here.

"It doesn't matter!"

"Kill him with just one punch!"

Above the auspicious clouds, in the palace on the left, a man wearing a black gold robe, full of confidence and pride, suddenly stepped out and punched the charging man!

In an instant, there seemed to be countless demonic shadows surrounding this punch!

When Diao Taiping saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel frightened!

"The Phaseless Demonic Shadow even the Ninth Saint Son that powerful?!"

Above the auspicious clouds, Shen Fu looked at this scene with a cold expression, but sighed slightly in his heart.

Although he is not used to the behavior of these demon monks, he has been leading the Demon Sect for more than ten years, but he is deeply aware of the terrifying strength of these saints.

Every Saint Son can be called a momentary hero, one among tens of thousands.

This big man who seems to be from Dajin is probably not...

"There's something wrong with this guy!"

A strange voice suddenly said.

Shen Fu was stunned for a moment. Before he could think about the meaning of what the strange voice said, his eyes suddenly widened involuntarily!

"Demon Shadow..."

Facing the Ninth Holy Son's punch, the big man's speed actually increased instead of decreasing, and he rushed forward!

Not only that, he also punched.

It's just that compared to the Ninth Son, the demon shadow is heavy.

The big man's punch was ordinary, without any ripples.

However, this punch instantly turned the demonic figure in front of him into smoke without any hindrance!


not only that!

The air wave formed by this punch did not pause at all. The moment it destroyed the demonic shadow, it hit the unprepared Ninth Holy Son from a distance!


The body of the Ninth Holy Son was shot to the ground in an instant, and dust suddenly rose up from the ground.


"This is……"

"This is impossible!"

The scene in front of them completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

At this moment, the monks' disbelieving voices came from both Xiangyun and Nanshao City.

At the same time, the mysterious First Son and Seventh Holy Son who had been sitting in the palace finally couldn't sit still anymore and quickly flew out of the palace.

Both of them were dressed in black gold robes. They were luxurious and had a sense of superiority and mystery.

Among them, the first holy son is a young monk with drooping black hair and unparalleled beauty.

But at this moment, he was no longer as lazy as before, and his eyes were fixed on the big man in front of him.

The moment the opponent punched, in his spiritual sense, he felt a sense of danger that made his scalp numb and exploded instantly!

"Damn it! I want you to die!"

But at this moment, the Ninth Holy Son who was shot down had a look of rage on his face, soared into the sky, and charged towards the naked man again!

There was a penetrating hole in his chest.

However, around the entrance of the cave, flesh and blood squirmed, twisted, and reorganized rapidly like worms.

When the First Holy Son and the Seventh Holy Son saw this, they tacitly agreed not to stop them. They quietly stepped back and stared.

However, faced with the Ninth Holy Son's attack.

However, the big man looked around completely nonchalantly at the powerful Yuanying monks, and his eyes gradually brightened:

"I'm just wondering why my spiritual sense brought me turns out that this is the place where I gather my Taoist secrets!"

It’s a little short today, so I’ll adjust the status, and I’ll make sure to update it normally tomorrow.

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