Seeing the several foundation-building monks in front of them walking out one after another with dark faces.

Wang Yan couldn't help but feel more and more nervous.

Although I believe in the vision of Master and Uncle Tang, when things come to a close, I will still be nervous when I should be nervous.

Fortunately, the smile on Wang Yan's face when he walked out of the formation gave him some encouragement.

The protector of Rende Hall immediately looked at Wang Ba.

Wang Hao didn't hesitate, he took a deep breath and strode in.

From behind, Mo Qi saw Wang Yan walking into the formation, and immediately cheered up and observed carefully.

Among the foundation-building monks present, the one he valued most was undoubtedly Wang Yan.

After all, the other party was the only monk at the scene who was personally accompanied by the master.

There must be something extraordinary about it.

Although Mo Qi is confident in himself, he will not underestimate the other party.

Especially not long ago, there was another Jiang Yi who directly subverted his understanding, making him even more afraid to look down on others.

On the side, Luo Yuzhong, the deputy master of Rende Hall, also cast his gaze on Wang Ba inside the formation.

There was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

As the True Lord of Nascent Soul, even if he had some disagreements with Yao Wudi, he would not do anything to a junior Foundation Builder.

On the contrary, he was more curious about whether Wang Yan could meet the sect's requirements.

Soon, the mirage began to spit out mist.

And at the moment when the fog rises.

Within the formation, a sense of drowsiness suddenly arose in Wang Ba's soul.

However, at the same moment, he only felt that the Yin God statue in his Lingtai temple shook slightly.

It seemed like something happened, but it seemed like nothing happened.

When Wang Hao opened his eyes again and saw the scene in front of him, he was suddenly stunned.

The strong smell of chicken manure, the noisy crow...

Bright, blazing sunlight shines overhead.

In the corner, an old man in his seventies or eighties was carrying a horse and drying it under the eaves.

"Sun, Mr. Sun?"

"This is... Dingbaqiuzhuang?"

In the high-altitude palace.

Elder Du Wei pointed to the spherical water curtain in the middle of the temple with a smile on his face:

"Junior brother, I am here just for this boy!"

The words fell.

Song Dongyang, Guan Ao, Tang Ji and others had different expressions.

The Master Fei of the Rende Hall couldn't help but look into the water curtain with surprise on his face.

A god-forming elder can come forward in person, at least a monk with Nascent Soul potential.

The Yuanying monk is already the mainstay of the sect, and he cannot completely ignore it.

Naturally, I became a little interested.

When Qi Yan saw the sleeping figure in the water curtain, he was suddenly stunned:

"How could it could it be him?"

In the formation, the sleeping monk was clearly the disciple of Yao Wudi who had established the Heavenly Dao Foundation.

At this moment, he closed his eyes and floated in the mist, his body rising and falling slightly.

His face was unremarkable, without the slightest spirituality. If it weren't for the faint aura of Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment on his body, there would be almost nothing worth paying attention to.

Qi Yan frowned slightly, feeling confused.

"Master, isn't it because he wants a position for Mo Qi?"

"But what does it have to do with him..."

But Yao Wudi, who was under Hall Master Fei, couldn't hold himself back. He stood up with an unkind look on his face and stared at Du Wei, his tone not polite at all:

"Uncle Du, what do you mean? This is my apprentice!"

Hall Master Fei was a little surprised when he heard that the monks in the formation were actually Yao Wudi's new disciples.

But then he frowned slightly and scolded:

"Wudi, why are you talking to the elder! Sit down!"

Qi Yan also came to his senses and looked at Yao Wudi with cold eyes.

Although he was far from Yao Wudi's opponent, the other party's attitude towards his master was not condescending in public. As a disciple, how could he just sit back and watch.

But even so, Qi Yan still felt a little guilty.

Master, what are you doing?

Why are you targeting Yao Wudi's disciples for no reason?

Not to mention Yao Wudi, he would be furious if it were him.

He quickly cast a questioning look at his master. However, what made Qi Yan feel confused and puzzled was that his inquiry only received an angry eye roll from his master.

After so many years of master-disciple relationship, he immediately understood the meaning from the white eyes of his master:

"I'll take care of you when I get back!"

Qi Yan was stunned for a moment.

What's going on?

Did I do anything wrong?

His eyes quickly glanced at Yao Wudi and Master Du Wei, and he felt vaguely that he seemed to have overlooked something.

When Song Dongyang, Guan Ao and other Nascent Soul cultivators saw such an accident at the assessment site, they couldn't help but straighten their ears and widen their eyes, not daring to miss a single thing.

It is rare to see the True Monarch of Nascent Soul and the Ancestor of Transformation God supporting the Ox.

Among all the members of the sect, Yao Wudi was probably the only one who dared to do this.

Several monks who had trouble dealing with Yao Wudi immediately sat up straight, waiting to see the joke.

Several bad friends who were close to Yao Wudi were also waiting to watch the fun.

This kind of thing would be fatal to other monks, but to Yao Wudi, it was not that serious.

However, Elder Du Wei, who was questioned by Yao Wudi, glared at his dissatisfied disciple, but responded calmly.

He slightly raised his hands to Hall Master Fei and said:

"Senior brother, you might as well take a look first before talking."

Hall Master Fei nodded slightly when he heard the words, and everyone's eyes also looked towards the water curtain.

Only Yao Wudi was still muttering vague curses in his mouth.

Palace Master Fei and Du Wei pretended not to have heard of this habitual offender.

Soon, in the water curtain.

Wang Hao was sleeping, bubbles rising from his eyebrows.

In the bubble, you can vaguely see many scenes of raising spiritual chickens.

"Huh? He was actually a handyman from a small sect..."

In the palace, some monks couldn't help but be surprised.

However, there was no contempt in his tone.

They are all people who have been cultivating for many years and are well-informed. It is not uncommon to see people who come from more humble backgrounds but achieve extraordinary things.

Naturally, there is no such mediocre concept.

Only Qi Yan frowned slightly.

Monks in the way of controlling beasts know the importance of bloodline and level, so they pay more attention to their foundation than ordinary monks.

In his opinion, the background of a handyman from a small sect like Wang Yan was not good at all.

In comparison, although the disciple he recruited, Mo Qi, is an orphan, he is the descendant of a local monk family with good foundation. Whether it is the knowledge or background from the family, he is undoubtedly much better than the handyman. .

The talent for cultivation itself is also extremely rare.

Not to mention his natural ability to control beasts that is extremely sensitive to the blood of spiritual beasts.

Thinking of this, he became even more confused.

What do you think, Master?

There’s nothing unusual about this kid!

Bubbles were still flying out from between Wang Yan's brows.

Most of them are about raising chickens, and occasionally there are some scenes that have nothing to do with spiritual practice.

But everyone became more and more confused as they watched.

"Why have you been watching for so long...still raising chickens?"

"Besides, he has no cultivation. Although he is quite interested in raising chickens and even keeps records...but he has indeed been doing ordinary people's work."

They couldn't help but look at Elder Du Wei, who was also a little confused.

Let us see, what are we looking at?

Even Tang Ji and Yao Wudi, who knew Wang Yan well, couldn't help but feel a little confused when they saw so many scenes of Wang Yan raising chickens.

Yao Wudi was outspoken and questioned:

"Uncle Fei, is there something wrong with the formation? The process of raising chickens is too detailed, isn't it? I've seen this too much, and I will raise it."

Hall Master Fei shook his head slightly, not angry at Yao Wudi's doubts, and explained:

"There should be no problem. This formation is called the 'Spiritual Mirage Questioning Heart Formation'. It can not only reveal the thoughts and general experiences of the person who enters the formation, but also torture the heart. Perhaps this experience is extremely important to him. , so we see more chicken raising scenes.”

When Yao Wudi heard this, he reluctantly stopped asking any more questions.

And soon, the bubbles flying out of Wang Yan's eyebrows finally changed.

"Finally practicing!"

Seeing the figure of Wang Hao sitting cross-legged and exhaling spiritual energy in the picture, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wait! The sect he was staying in was destroyed by a demonic sect? Was he also captured?"

"This kid's experience is a bit miserable... Oops! Are you starting to raise chickens again?"

Everyone couldn't help but look at Elder Du Wei again with strange eyes.

Elder Du Wei was also a little speechless.

How could he have imagined that a beast-controlling genius would not study beast-controlling matters, but would instead be raising chickens every day.

Fortunately, to his slight relief, this boy started raising turtles again.

And unknowingly, there were some spiritual chickens and turtles with different physical characteristics around Wang Yan.


"It seems that he has finally shown his talent in beast control!"

Elder Du Wei breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

This guy is finally on the right track.

When Qi Yan saw this, he couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Yao Wudi's come he seems to be good at cultivating spiritual beasts?"


He then saw a large number of books disappearing in the bubble.

The Yuanying monk's eyesight is so amazing. With just a quick glance, he discovered that most of these books were related to beast control.

"It really has something to do with beast control!"

Everything they saw was presented through spiritual mirage, and the content presented was something that the monks who entered the formation could remember.

The text in the book in the bubble is clearly visible, which shows that the other party did not just swallow it all, but studied it carefully.

Qi Yan frowned.

Looking at the monk in the water curtain, he felt vaguely that he seemed to have overlooked something.

His eyes couldn't help but sweep over Yao Wudi.

Didn't have time to think too much.

The scene in the bubble changed again.

"I built my foundation...I actually learned how to be a spiritual cook again."

"However, it is still mainly about controlling beasts... strange..."

In Qi Yan's heart, he felt more and more that the other person's experience seemed familiar to him, as if he had heard it somewhere.

But all of a sudden, I couldn't remember it.

However, as the bubbles continue to rise, more and more pictures related to spiritual animals appear in them, such as apes, loaches...

The level of spiritual beasts is also constantly improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the middle, there was a scene of the other party releasing more than a dozen Five Elements spells in one breath, and using his early foundation-building skills, he blasted away a monk who had completed the foundation-building process, which immediately attracted the exclamation of many people in the hall.

Guan Ao, the deputy palace master of Tianyuan Palace, suddenly said:

"Being able to control the Five Elements Spells so skillfully...his talent in spells is quite good. If there are no problems, you can come to work in my Tianyuan Palace."

Such comments immediately made many people present look surprised.

The master of Tianyuan Palace inherits and kills, and the deputy palace master Guan Ao also serves as the mountain master of the 'Sun Mountain'. Guan Ao is obviously very optimistic about being evaluated like this.

Hearing Guan Ao's words, Yao Wudi suddenly smiled:

"It's still Xiaoguan..."

Guan Ao's cold gaze swept over, and Yao Wudi immediately changed his words abruptly:

"Junior Brother Guan still has good eyesight!"


Only then did Guan Ao look away.

Others were afraid of Yao Wudi, but he was not.

Although he couldn't defeat him, as the owner of the 'Sun Mountain', he had the sect's most important treasures to protect him, and Yao Wudi couldn't do anything to him.

The scene of fighting the enemy is just a fleeting episode in these bubbles.

In most cases, Wang Ba in the bubble is either practicing or cultivating spiritual chickens, spiritual turtles, etc.

Occasionally there will be scenes of his Taoist companions and refining spiritual food.

Soon, Qi Yan saw a large number of second-order high-grade spiritual chickens, figures who had been studying hard at controlling beasts...

Even though he wasn't too fond of Wang Yan, at this moment, Qi Yan couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart.

"Although his talent is definitely not as good as Mo Qi's, it does have some merits. Unfortunately, it was a bit wasted in the hands of Yao Wudi."

Qi Yan also vaguely understood what the master meant.

The other party was good at controlling beasts, but he chose to be the disciple of Yao Wudi. It was really a secret act.

Master, who always valued talents, must have known about the other party's situation and couldn't bear to have his talents buried, so he came forward in person.

However, Qi Yan was not interested in this.

Yao Wudi's disciples may indeed have some talent in beast control, but that's it.

Because of this, he and Yao Wudi were unhappy.

After all, this man has always been disrespectful and has a generous temper, so he is too lazy to compete with him.

"I have to persuade Master later..."

And this time.

The scene in the bubble changed again.

"I finally escaped from this demonic sect...and actually went to the Yan Kingdom...Senior Brother Yao's disciples have experienced ups and downs!"

"However, to be able to reach this stage from a low-level handyman, I'm afraid this son's Taoist heart is not bad at all."

Some monks couldn't help but praise.

However, upon hearing this, Qi Yan was slightly startled, and then finally realized what he had overlooked before.

"Yan Kingdom?!"

"Tang Ji told me before that a boy who is good at cultivating spiritual beasts...couldn't it be him?"

"It should be! When I saw them before, Yao Wudi stayed with Tang Ji."

Qi Yan couldn't help but glance at Tang Ji and then at Yao Wudi.

Finally, his eyes fell on the monk in the water curtain.

There was a rare hint of strangeness in his eyes.

The figure in front of him almost became his disciple.

If I hadn't been more optimistic about Mo Qi, I wouldn't have liked Tang Ji's way of forcing people on him.

Maybe he will actually accept him as his disciple.

But even so, Qi Yan did not regret it.

Mo Qi is the person he most values ​​​​who can inherit his mantle. Now that he has completed the foundation building, he has already been able to cultivate a third-level spiritual beast.

What an amazing talent for controlling beasts.

No matter how diligent Yao Wudi's disciple is, his talent in beast control is still limited. It is not obvious now. When he reaches the level of Jindan and Nascent Soul, the gap between the two in beast control will become wider and wider.

Such a gap can no longer be bridged by hard work.

Just when Qi Yan was thinking about this.

Suddenly I heard several exclamations.

"Third level! What a guy! He was actually cultivated!"

What? !

Qi Yan was instantly excited!

He quickly looked into the water curtain.

I saw in a bubble that the little ape that had been following Yao Wudi's disciple suddenly swelled up in a thunderous light and roared to the sky!

He was originally the number one person in the Yuan Ying level of the Wanxiang Sect's way of controlling beasts, and he recognized it instantly:

"This is...the third level!"

"Magic Ape Transformation!"

"It's a little magical power!"

On his always indifferent face, the shock almost bulged out of his eyes.

The other party actually also cultivated a third-level spiritual beast? !

And it’s not just any ordinary spiritual beast, it’s a spiritual beast with some magical powers!

Such spiritual beasts are almost equivalent to genius monks in the human race.

In comparison, the third-level spiritual beast that Mo Qi cultivated was far inferior.

At this moment, Qi Yan's inherent knowledge was shaken.

"This, this shouldn't be!"

"He is a monk who was born as a handyman. He probably has not been exposed to any precious knowledge about beast control, and he does not have any guidance from high-level monks. How could he possibly cultivate a third-level spiritual beast..."

In the main hall, Hall Master Fei couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

The Hall of Rende is responsible for the scheduling of duties within the sect. Although it is not involved in beast control, it is not unfamiliar to it either.

Naturally, he knew how rare it was for a foundation-building monk to be able to cultivate a third-level spiritual beast.

In this case, even if you can't answer a single question in Baiwenlou, you can make an exception and be admitted into the sect.

If there is such a beast-control genius in the sect, maybe a few hundred years later, there will be another minister of the beast-control department.

At this time, he also understood the reason why Du Wei, as the elder of the Transformation God, came here in person.

His eyes glanced at Yao Wudi, who was happily and unaware of it, and Hall Master Fei suddenly felt a toothache.

Ordinarily, it would be most suitable for such a genius to be assigned to the beast-controlling lineage, that is, Qi Yan's sect.

But Yao Wudi's attitude just now was very clear. If it was not handled properly, Yao Wudi would definitely make a big fuss.

Now he is the only one in the Wanfa lineage, and he really has nothing to worry about now.

Once the temper rises, anything can happen.

Thinking of this, Hall Master Fei couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly.

Song Dongyang, the deputy head of the Diwu Palace, also showed surprise and said slightly:

"This boy is quite good. He can serve in the Beast Control Department of the Five Elements Division of His Highness, His Highness."

"Senior Brother Yao, what is this boy's name?"

"His name is Wang Yan! Haha, Xiao Song...Junior Brother Song, my disciple is extremely talented. You can give him a position with more merit, less work, and more benefits..."

Yao Wudi's face glowed red.

Song Dongyang chuckled and interrupted: "Senior Brother Yao, don't ask me about this. You have to ask Uncle Junior to nod."

Yao Wudi waved his hand nonchalantly and said, "Don't worry about that!"

But Elder Du Wei looked at Hall Master Fei:

"Senior Brother Fei, you have also seen that this boy's talent in beast control is really amazing. If he were given to Invincible, he would be buried!"

"If you don't leave it to me, Beast Peak, within five hundred years, I, Beast Peak, will definitely be able to train another Qi Yan for the sect!"

Yao Wudi was furious when he heard this, and his long black hair exploded with anger:

"Uncle Du! Are you just confused? This is my disciple!"

"Be bold!"

Although Qi Yan was a little distracted for a moment, he still stood up immediately when he heard that Yao Wu was rude to his master.

However, what shocked Qi Yan was that Du Wei glared at him fiercely:

"Back off!"


"Back off!"

When Qi Yan heard this, he was puzzled and reluctantly retreated.

He doesn't quite understand why Master seems to have a particularly bad attitude towards him today...

But when he glanced at Wang Ba, who was still sleeping soundly in the water curtain, there was a hint of complexity in his eyes.

"After accepting Mo Qi, maybe I should go to Yan State as soon as possible..."

Being able to cultivate third-level spiritual beasts with the foundation-building realm, this person's understanding of spiritual beasts has obviously reached an extremely high level.

From a certain perspective, such a genius is still not as good as the naturally gifted Mo Qi, but in the entire beast-controlling lineage, he is still a first-class genius.

No one can have too many good disciples.

The same is true for Qi Yan.

Du Wei shouted back at Qi Yan and ignored Yao Wudi, looking at Hall Master Fei.

When it comes to the matter of accepting disciples, the Hall of Human Virtue has the final say.

Otherwise, even if Yao Wudi accepts a disciple, the sect will not approve it.

Hall Master Fei frowned in embarrassment.

This situation is really difficult to handle.

After thinking for a while, he changed the topic and said:

"It's better to see how this person's Taoist heart is before making any judgment."

"What's the point of judging this? Is it because my ten thousand Dharma veins are withered?!"

Yao Wudi said angrily.

The reason why he could endure his temper until now was entirely because Uncle Fei was present, otherwise he would have been unable to bear it and rushed forward.

So what if he becomes a god? He has never been afraid!

But Elder Du Wei also knew that he was wrong and didn't say anything.

He knows it too.

Although this move was beneficial to the sect, it was indeed unfair to Yao Wudi.

But to think about it differently, if Wang Hao becomes a disciple of Yao Wudi, would it be fair to Wang Hao?

What a pity it is to waste such talent in vain, wasting your efforts on the road of Wan Dharma Lineage with no future!

Yao Wudi wanted to scold him again, but Hall Master Fei stopped him in a low voice:

"Okay! Let's see first!"

In the formation, the bubbles between Wang Yan's brows finally gradually stopped.

Above the water curtain, two words were vaguely and slowly condensed.


"Yi's not bad, just a little lower than expected."

"There is a 60-70% chance of being able to reach the Nascent Soul level, but if you worship the Ten Thousand Dharma Lineage, it's probably less than 10%."

The monks in the hall looked at Lingmirage's evaluation of Wang Bao's Taoist heart and nodded slightly.

Although something like the Taoist Heart is mysterious and has its ups and downs, with the cooperation of the spirit mirage, it can summarize a person's experience in the first half of his life, coupled with the precise calculation of the formation, the conclusions drawn can still reveal a lot of things. It has reference value.

According to experience, the higher the evaluation, the greater its potential in the future.

The reason is also very simple. Talent is very important, and resources are also very important. But only those with a firm mind can truly persevere in practice for a long time. No matter they encounter bottlenecks or various difficulties, they will not easily lose faith.

Only such people can reach a higher level.

Among those who had passed the level before, only Jiang Yi had reached level A, and he was still above it.

This means that if the opponent has no flaws in his talent and sufficient resources, he has a high chance of becoming a god, or even a higher level.

Although Wang Yan's Yishang is not bad, it pales in comparison to Jiang Yi's.

Seeing this, Qi Yan felt relieved for some reason.

He had roughly estimated Mo Qi before, and estimated that he could touch the threshold of Class A.

In this regard, Wang Yan is not as good as Mo Qi.

But at this moment.

Guan Ao, the deputy head of Tianyuan Hall, couldn't help but let out a light sigh.

"How come this spiritual mirage has not been recovered?"

After everyone heard this, they immediately looked into the water curtain.

But he was surprised to find that within the formation, instead of sucking away the mist, the spiritual mirage continued to spit out a lot of it.

"How is this going?"

Elder Du Wei couldn't help but look puzzled.

When Hall Master Fei saw this, he raised his eyebrows slightly:

"This child is actually able to resist the mist of the spirit mirage. The spirit mirage was aware of it, so it deliberately increased the dose..."

But at this time, bubbles flew out of Wang Yan's eyebrows again.

But there is only one bubble.

Everyone's eyes immediately fell into it, and they saw an astonishing scene:

Wang Hao held the long bow of Yin Hong, pointed it at the two fourth-level monks high in the sky, and immediately shot out!

Following the flash of Yin Hong's arrow light, the two fourth-level monks fell straight down, and Tang Ji's anxious face was immediately revealed.

"The sacred object of Incense Tao?"

"Is this child related to the Incense Road?"

Someone in the hall suddenly looked slightly surprised.

However, it was just a look of surprise and a slight frown.

"If you are a cultivator of Incense Tao, then you can't have it... Being infused with divine power by those false gods is no different from being useless."

The monk surnamed Ma couldn't help but speak.

Tang Ji, who had not spoken much, quickly defended:

"Senior Brother Ma, although Wang Hao used the sacred object of Incense Dao, it may not be related to Incense Dao, and the reason why he used it was because he wanted to save me..."

Yao Wudi looked at Palace Master Fei: "Palace Master, what do you think?"

He deliberately used an accent on the word 'Palace Master'.

Unexpectedly, Hall Master Fei glanced at the water curtain and wrote lightly:

"No problem, Spirit Mirage has already checked. This boy's mind is pure, and his soul and body have never been corroded by false gods."

"Besides, this mere false god doesn't dare to extend his claws here right now."

While talking.

On the water curtain, the two words "Yi Shang" quietly faded away.

Immediately, two words resurfaced.

The first word came out quickly.

It's the word "A".

But the second character changes back and forth between 'lower' and 'middle'.

Finally, the word "下" was finally fixed.

‘under the armor’.

Seeing these two words, both Hall Master Fei and the rest of the Nascent Souls nodded.

"The posture of becoming a god!"

"Although the possibility is somewhat low, there is a glimmer of hope."

"The possibility of achieving Nascent Soul is extremely high."

The evaluation of Tao Xin cannot determine a person's future, but a large number of facts also support the accuracy of this evaluation.

At least close to ten.

of course there are exceptions.

For example, Yao Wudi took a special test when he was young, and the test result was a hit.

There is a greater possibility of becoming a god.

They are some of the very best among the monks of their generation.

However, more than two thousand years have passed, and several of his peers have been promoted to the realm of gods, but he is still stuck in the Nascent Soul realm. Although his strength has always improved, his realm has not yet broken through.

However, even so, Yao Wudi couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw this evaluation.

Among the monks, only Qi Yan's eyes suddenly became complicated.

Look at the two words on the water curtain.

Qi Yan's heart was full of mixed feelings for a while.

He never allows himself to regret anything he does, and he has no regrets now, but he can't help but wonder, what if he had gone to Yanguo as soon as possible?

After seeing such comments, Hall Master Fei finally made a decision, looked at Du Wei and said:

"I have roughly learned about this son's situation through the spirit mirage. Since he has already worshiped Wudi as his teacher, so be it."

Du Wei was startled and said quickly: "But Senior Brother Fei, he has the possibility of transforming into a god, and he also has the talent to control beasts..."

"Although the sect is large, we cannot ignore individuals."

However, Hall Master Fei shook his head and said: "If it hurts one person to benefit the sect, I won't take it!"

"Junior brother, don't be too obsessed."

The sound is not loud, but it is deafening.

Du Wei's expression was shocked, and a trace of shame flashed across his face:

"Junior brother, learn from me."

Hall Master Fei nodded slightly, and then looked at Yao Wudi who was surprised and surprised: "Although you are my master, my talent in beast control is indeed extraordinary. If he himself is unwilling to give up beast control, you should not do it either." stop."

"Of course I won't stop you!"

Yao Wudi smiled happily.

He wished that Wang Yan had learned them all.

Only by learning these skills can you earn spiritual stones!

Otherwise, how could he come up with so many resources to supply Wang Yan?

After hesitating for a moment, Yao Wudi took the initiative to walk to Du Wei's side, bowed to Elder Du Wei and said:

"Uncle Du, it was my nephew who was wrong just now. He bumped into you. Let's do this. As an apology, I will let Wang Yan go to your beast peak more in the future. How about learning more about beast control with you and Junior Brother Qi?" ?”

Elder Du Wei was also caught off guard by Yao Wudi's move, but when he heard that his apology was to let Wang Yan go to the Beast Peak to study, he suddenly became angry and funny:

"You bastard, is this called apology? Isn't it easier for you, Wanfa Feng!"

"It's all for the sake of the sect, so uncle, that's the deal?"

Yao Wudi immediately climbed up the pole and said with a smile.

Elder Du Wei wanted to refuse, but in the end he couldn't bear to bury his conscience and nodded.

At this moment, Guan Ao of Tianyuan Palace suddenly said:

"Uncle Fei, why don't this Wang Ba take a temporary post at Taiyang Mountain?"

However, after hearing Guan Ao's words, Yao Wudi, who was still smiling, immediately stopped him with a dark face:

"Please say no, my disciple is very weak! He is not suitable for going to Sun Mountain."

There are four mountains in the sect, each with its own direction.

Among them, Taiyang Mountain focuses on killing.

After spending more than a year together, Yao Wudi knew that his disciple did not like fighting, and his talent in fighting was not very high.

Nowadays, the Great Jin Dynasty is fighting fiercely with the monks from other continents. If Wang Hao takes up a position in Taiyang Mountain, the danger will be extremely high.

It is not easy for Wan Dharma Vein to have a single seedling, and it must not be ruined.

And Hall Master Fei obviously realized this.

After thinking for a moment, he looked at Song Dongyang on the side.

"Dongyang, you are the deputy palace master of the Diwu Palace. Do you have any suggestions?"

Song Dongyang immediately spoke:

"The ones I recommend are nothing more than the Beast Control Department of the Tu Xing Division, or the Spiritual Food Department of the Mu Xing Division."

He didn't think much about it, he had obviously already thought about it.

Hall Master Fei tapped the armrest with his fingers.

I soon came up with an idea:


On the platform.

Wang Ba suddenly opened his eyes.

He seemed to have had a big dream, dreaming that he had returned to the Dongsheng Sect of the past, back to Dingbaqi Village...

But at this moment, a voice sounded in his ears:

"Congratulations, you successfully passed the entrance examination."

Wang Ba followed the sound and saw a monk outside the formation slightly nodding towards him.

It was none other than Luo Yuzhong, the deputy master of the Rende Palace who had been beaten up by his master!

He quickly stood up and bowed deeply to the other party.

Luo Yuzhong was quite amused when he saw Wang Ba's thorough etiquette.

"This son is different from his bastard master. He is much more polite than him."

At this moment, his expression moved slightly, as if he heard something, and he couldn't help but look at Wang Hao in surprise.

Wait for Wang Ba to walk out of the formation.

Luo Yuzhong sent a message to the guardian of Rende Palace next to him.

The protector immediately said loudly:

"Monk Wang Ba, after passing the assessment, he was favored by the Spiritual Food Department of the Mu Xing Department of the Diwu Palace and was ordered to serve as the deacon of the Spiritual Food Department."

Immediately, under the envious eyes of the foundation-building monks below, a monk from the Human Virtue Hall welcomed Wang Ba away.

In the crowd, Mo Qi looked at Wang Yan's leaving figure, with a hint of eagerness flashing in his eyes.

Being able to be appointed to the position of deacon while completing the examination for entering the sect is enough to show that the sect values ​​Wang Ba.

And if Wang Yan can do it, there is no reason why he can't do it.

An hour later.

After walking out of the formation, he looked expectantly at the protector of the Hall of Human Virtue.

The Protector of Nascent Soul looked dull:

"Go back and wait for the notification."

Mo Qi's face froze instantly.

Thanks to the second disease in love, fxkj’s 100, and the 100 point reward for 99% of the loading! 6000 points reward for Immortal Path

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